Join US! FAB FOURS (4 week challenge group) NEW!



  • slightingscale
    slightingscale Posts: 1,209 Member
    I am a single mom of a 2 year old and want to lose the weight before my son realizes that I am over weight. I love all of the support that we receive here and since I have joined MFP I have exercised more than I think I have in my whole life!


    That is funny that you say you wanna lose before your son realizes your overweight. My 4 year just told me about a month ago that my belly was big. I was in a sports bra around the house, cleaning and whatever, I bent down to pick up a laudry basket and he said that. I was alittle sad cause my belly is big from my kids, Im 5'9 and before them I was a mere 121 and couldnt gain an ounce. Then I got pregnant and it was all over with. I have lost some weight since my last son was born so now I have more a stretched skin problem there, dont get me wrong, there is still some fat I can lose there, but it was the saggy skin that he was talking about when I bent over. My goal after all this is to get a tummy tuck. I've wanted one for a few years now I just refuse to pay the money if I dont make the first effort to get rid of the excess fat first. I know they have lipo, but I want to feel like I made the first step towards a thinner me. Good luck to you with your weight loss! We are all behind you for support.
    Kate Gosselin's in a bikini after her tummy tuck!
  • Hi guys! Just checking in really quickly... I have two finals tomorrow and have am going crazy studying. Looks like it's gonna be a late night for me. Did well on my calories again today which is kind of a miracle considering the finals thing. I'm even drinking yerba mate and green tea as my caffeine supplements to avoid the cream and sugar with which I usually load up my coffee. (I don't drink it often, so when I do I like to make it tasty as possible! My favorite is iced coffee with almond flavoring and cream. Yum!) I've also been snacking on things like cucumbers with hummus and fruit instead of chips or sweets which hasn't been easy!

    I hope everyone is having a great day and is significantly less stressed out than I am right now!

    I am totally with you on the finals thing! I had to take a nap to get up again to study for my finals tomorrow. I also have 2 tomorrow, then 1 next Tuesday and another on Wednesday. It is rough around here trying to study. I have a 4 yr old and 5 yr old. My 5 yr old is in kindergarten all day but my 4 yr old missed the cut off for preschool because of his birthday so I do preschool with him at home. Then I also take care of the house, dinner, laundry, the list goes on forever.... and in the wee hours of the morning, I do my schoolwork. That is what my plan is here in a few min. What I do to make sure I get enough exercise in during school, I will work on only one subject at a time then when Im done, Ill do a small exercise routine to energize me for the next subject. It helps me keep focused better. Good luck on your finals tomorrow!
  • I'm in, but I am worried about not losing weight. I have been struggling with more than just food cravings. I have hypothyroidism, and it seems to have manifested itself into some pretty strange behavior that I am trying to get under control. I have been binge eating which I have never done in my life before being diagnosed. I don't know how to stop sometimes. I will weigh in, and I will be honest. THis past Tuesday I weighed 230lbs, and have gained 25 pounds since being diagnosed. I hope I can get this in control before I am a blimp.

    jseward, your story sounds almost exactly like mine. I just recently found out I have hypothyroidism and am not yet on medication for it. The hunger and binge eating is completely new to me- never, ever been an issue in my life. This week, I have been doing SO good-- so proud of myself! Hoping I can keep it up! :bigsmile: I too, however, fear that it is out of control and that I'm going to end up huge :ohwell:

    I also have a thyroid issue, but mine is hyper-thyroidism. I went to the doctor today for a follow up, I thought I was pregnant because of my symptoms; super sleepy, hungry all the time, gaining weight.... But Im not pregnant, I actually have endometriosis which is a much better diagnosis than pregnancy! Im not saying anything bad about kids, I have 2 boys and love them to death, they are just at the self-maintaining age and Im very dedicated to my schoolwork (Im in the honor society) and I was not looking forward to starting from scratch again with a baby. But anyways, back to the thyroid issue, I still have an over active thyroid, my dr said its not to the point where I need medicine to control it, but maybe in the future. She also said it can contribute to the weight gain cause I guess your thyroid can fluctuate from day to day and if it too hyper or hypo, it can cause some weight gain. Right now I just dont understand why Im gaining weight because I've been excerising my butt off and keep adding to the scale...
  • I am a single mom of a 2 year old and want to lose the weight before my son realizes that I am over weight. I love all of the support that we receive here and since I have joined MFP I have exercised more than I think I have in my whole life!


    That is funny that you say you wanna lose before your son realizes your overweight. My 4 year just told me about a month ago that my belly was big. I was in a sports bra around the house, cleaning and whatever, I bent down to pick up a laudry basket and he said that. I was alittle sad cause my belly is big from my kids, Im 5'9 and before them I was a mere 121 and couldnt gain an ounce. Then I got pregnant and it was all over with. I have lost some weight since my last son was born so now I have more a stretched skin problem there, dont get me wrong, there is still some fat I can lose there, but it was the saggy skin that he was talking about when I bent over. My goal after all this is to get a tummy tuck. I've wanted one for a few years now I just refuse to pay the money if I dont make the first effort to get rid of the excess fat first. I know they have lipo, but I want to feel like I made the first step towards a thinner me. Good luck to you with your weight loss! We are all behind you for support.
    Kate Gosselin's in a bikini after her tummy tuck!

    And I want to get back into a bikini! I cant wait, I feel bad for my husband, when he met me I was only 99 lbs and was embarassed so I lied and said I was 103 to get past the 3 digits. Then by time we got married, I was up to 121. I dont think he would love me anymore if I was skinny again, I just feel bad cause he hates that I let myself go as far as I am now. He has also put on some weight and we together are in a race to see who can lose 40 lbs faster. He's into more sports so Im sure he'd win, I just think Im more motivated right now to actually get down to business. lol
  • slightingscale
    slightingscale Posts: 1,209 Member
    Updated chart for 12/8/09. Again, let me know if there are any mistakes. Thanks.
  • skrumm
    skrumm Posts: 169 Member
    Just checking in. I didn't exercise yesterday and probably won't today either, not feeling to good. :ohwell: I will have no problem with todays challenge, i am so thirsty i cant get enough water. Hope all is well with everyone.
  • ebh1024
    ebh1024 Posts: 186
    I too agree that the "Water Challenge" sounds good! I have been feeling really great these last couple of days. I have not had any "bad" cravings. I missed logging yesterday (I did the food) just did not post anything else. As for the No Sugar, I did great. It was more of a "junk" type food I did avoid. Because the "sugar" is in just about everything. So I was very limited on that day. I know that when I don't eat bad I don't feel as "cranky" as I do when I eat the extra bad "Carbs".:smile:

    My thinking now is when I look at the food on the kids plate or the candy etc. I think to myself "IS IT REALLY WORTH THE 30 SECONDS THAT IT IS IN MY MOUTH"?:frown: If the answer is yes, than okay. But so far the answer has been "NO". Because that is what we have to tell ourselves, is it worth it? I am the only one that can change myself and you are the ones that can change yourself too. With courage and will happen. That is my thought of the day...IS IT WORTH IT!! :smile:

    I am feeling good today. Already exercised this am "Biggest Loser Last Workout" DVD. Great workout. Jullian will totally kick your butt!! :smile:
  • Susan from the looks of it maybe we have to change our title to the FAB FORTY-FOURS, with our new group size! ;-)

    It was a tough Thursday. The holidaze (my friend calls them the hellidays) can be a bit rough for us singletons and every now and then it's a real challenge. It was "one of those days" yesterday. After a couple of blah days, however, TGIF and al that! I'm taking the afternoon off to decorate -- my two college-age nieces are coming over to help. That will surely force me into the holiday spirit whether I like it or not today! Then it's a long walk with the dog to get in some quality exercise.

    Water is usually not a problem for me ... I actually prefer it to anything else (except coffee ... LOVE coffee!). Here's to successfully getting in your water today: Cheers!

  • Good Morning Everyone!! I'm just checking in for today. The early morning is usually the only time I have to do anything because my son is normally napping. I took a day off from working out yesterday, but am jumping back in this afternoon. The weather just makes it a lot tougher. I live in Kansas and we recently got a lot of snow and ice, but it's slowly melting away now. Thank goodness!!! I hope everyone is doing well and talk to you soon.
  • Essence320
    Essence320 Posts: 154 Member
    I love the water idea. I find its easier to get it in during the colder seasons if I drink unsweetened herbal tea also. (raspberry zinger, yum:drinker: ) That was a suggestion from my doctor. :flowerforyou:
  • Jitteryspork
    Jitteryspork Posts: 550 Member
    Good morning Good Morning! Its 15 till noon here, and I am just now having a chance to jump on!

    Let me tell you, I have the headache from hell. I feel like I musta done something VERY wrong to deserve this. It feels like its an acid migrane- thats what I call them-

    I have acid reflux. Not overreactive, just normal acid activity, my problem is - there is no flap valve. It just never developed, so I have been suffering this since I was born.

    Tried to see a dr regarding surgury to have a valve created, and was promptly told I was fat.

    I walked out of the Dr. Office thinking "I just paid $35.00 to be called fat?" He wouldnt listen to the fact that I was born with this problem and I wasnt born "fat". He told me to lose 20lbs then come see him. So that is where this goal ultimately began. I am going to lose the 20lbs then when I am still having my acid migranes, or acid reflux, I am going to walk in and say "Whats your excuse now?"

    :) I am in for 23.7 oz of water so far!!!

    How's everyone else doing?
  • skrumm
    skrumm Posts: 169 Member
    I love the water idea. I find its easier to get it in during the colder seasons if I drink unsweetened herbal tea also. (raspberry zinger, yum:drinker: ) That was a suggestion from my doctor. :flowerforyou:
    I think im gonna have to try that raspberry zinger tea... sounds good. Ive been drinking mango greentea its not bad but i need something different.:drinker:
  • iRun4wine
    iRun4wine Posts: 5,126
    I love tea. My favorite is Harney and Sons Hot Cinnamon Spice, and my favorite decaf tea is Twingings decaf Green tea :love:

    Remember, caffeine dehydrates the body. So if you're going to have tea, decaf is a better choice in terms of hydration :wink:
  • I am a single mom of a 2 year old and want to lose the weight before my son realizes that I am over weight. I love all of the support that we receive here and since I have joined MFP I have exercised more than I think I have in my whole life!


    That is funny that you say you wanna lose before your son realizes your overweight. My 4 year just told me about a month ago that my belly was big. I was in a sports bra around the house, cleaning and whatever, I bent down to pick up a laudry basket and he said that. I was alittle sad cause my belly is big from my kids, Im 5'9 and before them I was a mere 121 and couldnt gain an ounce. Then I got pregnant and it was all over with. I have lost some weight since my last son was born so now I have more a stretched skin problem there, dont get me wrong, there is still some fat I can lose there, but it was the saggy skin that he was talking about when I bent over. My goal after all this is to get a tummy tuck. I've wanted one for a few years now I just refuse to pay the money if I dont make the first effort to get rid of the excess fat first. I know they have lipo, but I want to feel like I made the first step towards a thinner me. Good luck to you with your weight loss! We are all behind you for support.
    Kate Gosselin's in a bikini after her tummy tuck!

    And I want to get back into a bikini! I cant wait, I feel bad for my husband, when he met me I was only 99 lbs and was embarassed so I lied and said I was 103 to get past the 3 digits. Then by time we got married, I was up to 121. I dont think he would love me anymore if I was skinny again, I just feel bad cause he hates that I let myself go as far as I am now. He has also put on some weight and we together are in a race to see who can lose 40 lbs faster. He's into more sports so Im sure he'd win, I just think Im more motivated right now to actually get down to business. lol

    I read this and its like my life's story!!! :tongue: I have always planned on getting a tummy tuck to. I wanted to after my son but my mom talked me out of it. She said " Now your going to meet a nice boy and he is probably going to want a kid of his own." See up here in Spokane non of the doctors will do them unless you have had your tubes tied. I am only 24 and I would love to have ONE more! So I figured If I can get the weight down myself and keep it down for a while that it will help me have another healthy pregnancy when the time comes. Also Lipo is a quick lose but you can still gain it back, expectually if you don't have the right eating habits or aren't exercising regularly.
  • akgrant
    akgrant Posts: 293 Member
    WOW!:flowerforyou: I can't believe the size of this group!! It's going to be hard to keep up since it takes alot of time to read the older post to keep up!:laugh: and I'm only typing with one hand!

    Well, I have to be honest here...I've fallen of the wagon with keeping up with my calories! I had shoulder surgery last Thurs and since I've been drugged with painkillers I didn't bother logging them (I wasn't eating that much anyway). Now that I'm alittle better, I think about the calories and I kinda do the numbers in my head, but I haven't really been logging them. Can I get a grace period since I did just have surgery? :laugh: I'm going to give myself this weekend to get it together and start fresh on Monday...Acceptable?? :laugh: :laugh: :wink:
  • Good morning ya'll! Just doing my check in. I am a little lost though. I thought today was the exercise challenge but now I am reading about water. Is the exercise challeng still on for today and water is tomorrow? And how much water are we trying to get? I have missed something somewhere! Well it is still early here. Feeling tired but better than I have in awhile. I can't remember who mentioned the 6 week push up challenge but I want to thank you! I am going to start that today as my workout challenge! I hope every has a good day!
  • slightingscale
    slightingscale Posts: 1,209 Member
    WOW!:flowerforyou: I can't believe the size of this group!! It's going to be hard to keep up since it takes alot of time to read the older post to keep up!:laugh: and I'm only typing with one hand!

    Well, I have to be honest here...I've fallen of the wagon with keeping up with my calories! I had shoulder surgery last Thurs and since I've been drugged with painkillers I didn't bother logging them (I wasn't eating that much anyway). Now that I'm alittle better, I think about the calories and I kinda do the numbers in my head, but I haven't really been logging them. Can I get a grace period since I did just have surgery? :laugh: I'm going to give myself this weekend to get it together and start fresh on Monday...Acceptable?? :laugh: :laugh: :wink:
    AK, we're in this journey for the long run. There will be times when things beyond our control, such as injury or illness, hijack our nutrition and/or fitness goals. I guess we just try to do as much damage control as possible during that time. The most important thing is to get back on the bandwagon as soon as you see fit. I've read that being persistent is the key to weight loss. I hope that your shoulder is feeling better soon!:flowerforyou:
  • Jitteryspork
    Jitteryspork Posts: 550 Member
    Good morning ya'll! Just doing my check in. I am a little lost though. I thought today was the exercise challenge but now I am reading about water. Is the exercise challeng still on for today and water is tomorrow? And how much water are we trying to get? I have missed something somewhere! Well it is still early here. Feeling tired but better than I have in awhile. I can't remember who mentioned the 6 week push up challenge but I want to thank you! I am going to start that today as my workout challenge! I hope every has a good day!

    I got a little confused too, but I think the consensus was that we are doing the water today. We are all to drink 8- 8oz glasses today.

    The way the workout thing was I think the challenge was just to post your fav, etc.. we are supposed to try someone elses as soon as we can, but that ended up not being part of the challenge..

    Just water today!!! What is this 6 week pushup thing??
  • Hey guys,

    I did not do so good today. Someone brought in munchkins, and I ate about eight of them....I guess I felt I had to rhyme...Oh how to avoid the food.
  • familygirl37167
    familygirl37167 Posts: 2,088 Member
    Hey everyone I have been working alot and dont have internet access outside of the house....thats gonna change one day or another. I am doing very good weight wise, few struggles here and there but nothing to awful bad. I have to tell ya'll what happened at work today...

    Ya'll know I am a waitress at cracker barrel in Tennesee, well my guests had there tip laying on the table which was a 5 dollar bill which is good at breakfast time for 2 people. The guy said to me, every year we do this he handed me something in my hand and said Merry Christmas. I put it in my pocket and walked to the back to see what it was 100 dollar bill. HE said every year they chose someone who they think needs it...needless to say I cried when I got to the back!!! I am was so excited made my day the rest of the day,,,,that is the true holiday spirit!!!

    Just wanted to share fixin to eat dinner and head to the gym, hope everyone has a great week, I work long day this weekend so I will be mia again.
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