
  • stormystrickland
    stormystrickland Posts: 187 Member
    I am fat because..... I drink too much damn beer.
  • saraast
    saraast Posts: 62 Member
    Because I stayed up late to study and do homework, got late night cravings, and drove to the McDonald's/Taco Bell/Wendy's down the street :P
  • Lack of exercise, hardly ever, large servings of fatty foods and snacks and drinking wine too often ,which ,lol! leads to mindless eating afterwards.
  • mishimouse101
    mishimouse101 Posts: 47 Member
    I wasn't true to myself, didn't behave or eat true to myself and ended up here, chubby but wiser!
  • I have PCOS
    I have a thyroid disorder
    I still have 30 lbs to lose because I am lazy
    I use food as an emotional pep me up
  • gibsonshm
    gibsonshm Posts: 8 Member
    I am fat because.....I am a bit overwhelmed with life and I am really mad at myself with the choices I made right out of high school...I have issues with being happy...I find myself asking "What is happiness?" Silly I know...I guess you could say that I am depressed with myself of the choices I have made in my life!!! I find comfort in food and I have no desire to exercise...its kind of like I am lazy when it comes to being healthy.....I do hope and pray to change!!! SOON!!!!
  • mhoward685
    mhoward685 Posts: 129 Member
    I didn't care enough about myself to take the time I needed to do what was good for me. Lack of exercise!!!! I generally always have been a pretty healthy eater.
    that pretty well says it though I also used food to cope but that falls into not caring about myself
  • Ditto!!
  • cheryl5115
    cheryl5115 Posts: 154 Member
  • i am fat because I'm addicted to food. a smoker can never smoke again, gambler never needs to gamble again.... but a food addict, how can you not eat ?

    I am fat because I've spent too much time saying i couldn't find the time to exercise

    i am fat because my husbands thinks french fries are a veggie, biscuits with sausage gravy is a rounded meal, and begs for burger king.

    I am fat because its easier to be fat than work to be thin.

    It's hard to be fat. It's hard to change your diet. It's hard to be skinny. Choose your ''hardness'' because what ever you choose there will always be barriers and obstacles you must overcome. Being fat is the hardest! Ecspecially if you've been obese most of your life.. personal experience.
  • hanniejong
    hanniejong Posts: 556 Member
    Although I mostly ate healthy I had to big a portion sizes and before joining MFP no where near enough exercise. I also have according to my DR. an extremely slow metabolic rate and that does not help.
  • laurensmami83
    laurensmami83 Posts: 2 Member
    I am fat because I eat away my problems.
  • Lack of exercise, hardly ever, large servings of fatty foods and snacks and drinking wine too often ,which ,lol! leads to mindless eating afterwards.
  • BlackPup
    BlackPup Posts: 242 Member
    I LOVE sweets!!!!!!
  • itsraeday
    itsraeday Posts: 24
    .....i let others control my eating habits.
  • SandysNewLife
    SandysNewLife Posts: 87 Member
    same reasons as Ive read on here. Plus I kept looking for the "perfect " diet. One that I could stick to 100% and when I messed up I gave up and looked for another... for years
  • ashjdavis88
    ashjdavis88 Posts: 31 Member
    I WAS fat because I ate as large of portions as my fiance!!
  • deucesarewild1
    deucesarewild1 Posts: 36 Member
    ...i'm a stoner.
  • sweetfit40
    sweetfit40 Posts: 1 Member
    I hear ya! I just sat down and ate 3 pieces of french bread. AAAAAHHHHH Why did I do that !
  • deucesarewild1
    deucesarewild1 Posts: 36 Member
    Cause it's goooooood....

    It's why I'll eat like 3 quest bars in one sitting. That's around 17g fibre each? Whoa. I'll have some pepperoni to balance it out after though. Oink.