I am eating ALL my exercise calories, 7/7/12



  • purdieang
    purdieang Posts: 43
  • ElizaRoche
    ElizaRoche Posts: 2,005 Member
    this has never worked for me, personal experience the ´eat more weight less´ saying is BS.
    When I eat back some of my exercise calories the scale either stop moving or (the worst scenario) goes up again!.. As soon as I eat my 1200 the scale keeps moving down.
    To each their own!.. glad it works for some ppl!, for me , it doesnt.
  • jedibunny
    jedibunny Posts: 321
    this has never worked for me, personal experience the ´eat more weight less´ saying is BS.
    When I eat back some of my exercise calories the scale either stop moving or (the worst scenario) goes up again!.. As soon as I eat my 1200 the scale keeps moving down.
    To each their own!.. glad it works for some ppl!, for me , it doesnt.

    First to OP: good for you for trying something new and healthier! :D

    Now to the quote above: I realize you've lost more than I have, but also don't know where you started from - and while I'm not claiming to be an expert in anything nutrition/fitness related, I DO research what I'm doing before trying it and do want to share that EMWL is very worthwhile, for your health as well as weight loss goals. I'm sorry that the method didn't work for you when you tried it, but that's no reason to call BS. How long did you try it for? I do it, as do many others on this site. It works. Eating 1200 also works--for a longer time than others for some people who have more to lose i.e., a larger deficit--because you ARE at a deficit, but sooner or later your body and its metabolism is going to adjust itself down to trying to *maintain* you at 1200 instead of dropping pounds. Your body wants to be comfortable, and if you routinely tell it it can only have so much food it'll get used to eating that much food. That's why when you start changing to a routine where you actually start netting your BMR (do the math please, it's readily available on many sites and forums) after eating so little for so long, you may gain a pound or two. Big deal - your body is readjusting! You're giving it more food, and until it realizes that you're going to ROUTINELY give it what it needs it's going to store some calories, thinking that you'll be back at 1200 soon enough. Given time to allow your body to realize it's getting what it needs, EMWL really does work. I don't tout this as a religion, but I'm very happy to discuss particulars with anyone who's interested; I'd rather people actually understand what's going on with their own bodies and not discredit a proven method because they personally gave up on it.
  • janemem
    janemem Posts: 575 Member
    I'm definitely going to follow this thread as I have recently (the last 2 days!) started to eat most of my exercise calories back.
    Before I was hardly ever reaching my 1200 goal and usually netting around 700/800 cals), I was losing weight but I was also feeling like crap all the time. I barely had the energy to bath and dress some days. Other days though I would force myself out to walk and then I'd keep going for as long and fast as I could but not eat back those calories.
    Day 1 of eating back I stayed the same weight. Day 2 I lost 1lb, I have not weighed myself yet today but I feel like it'll either have stayed the same or gone down, maybe 0.5lb as my ribs and hip bones are still just as sharp, although I do feel like my hips are much rounder but tbh that's gotta be all in the mind. I'll find out later when I measure myself.
    Also I'm coming up to my period so that sometimes makes me 'softer' around the hips and tummy.
    Good luck and please continue to keep us all updated with your progress. Could you possibly add me so I can see what you're eating and burning please?
    By the way, your photo's are lovely, I really like that bikini too! :smile: :flowerforyou:
  • NWCountryGal
    NWCountryGal Posts: 1,992 Member
    ty Debi, and to you as well! denise:drinker: :drinker:
    Great post.. Definitely be following..Good luck
  • NWCountryGal
    NWCountryGal Posts: 1,992 Member
    Sounds you've had some hard times with it all but you figured out what was right for you and that's what counts:) denise:drinker: :drinker:
    this has never worked for me, personal experience the ´eat more weight less´ saying is BS.
    When I eat back some of my exercise calories the scale either stop moving or (the worst scenario) goes up again!.. As soon as I eat my 1200 the scale keeps moving down.
    To each their own!.. glad it works for some ppl!, for me , it doesnt.
  • NWCountryGal
    NWCountryGal Posts: 1,992 Member
    Hi Jedi,

    I appreciate the info you shared because I don't know enough about emtlw to talk about it. It is something I am interested in. I can say I have met gals here that are using the TDEE method and I am so impressed. Many of them go for long amounts of time without losing a lb. Sometimes I think those tickers are as bad as a scale. Mind you, and anyone reading this, I am not sold on the whole idea of eating all my calories, but I suspect it is going to work well, very well. I could be wrong though.

    I wanted to share my journey because there are so many of us scared to death to eat a piece of pie, or have an egg or a tbsp of olive oil, some bacon. So many diaries I see with upwards to 1000 calories extra but not one bite out of those. I am not talking about people working with Doctors and have been prescribed a diet to follow as well as calorie amount. Just people like me that decide what is best, so we try it. I know that when I used to see 4 or 500 extra calories in my diary, what I saw in my head was that scale going down a pound or two! I would get excited about leaving those calories un-eatin. Then I started reading and decided to find out firsthand if I was under-eating.

    What I can share so far is that I have lost 3 lbs, but the bigger difference is in the inches as well as the muscle(increase in firmness and strength). I have a huge increase in energy and my attitude is all pumped up and truly excited!

    denise:drinker: :drinker:
    this has never worked for me, personal experience the ´eat more weight less´ saying is BS.
    When I eat back some of my exercise calories the scale either stop moving or (the worst scenario) goes up again!.. As soon as I eat my 1200 the scale keeps moving down.
    To each their own!.. glad it works for some ppl!, for me , it doesnt.

    First to OP: good for you for trying something new and healthier! :D

    Now to the quote above: I realize you've lost more than I have, but also don't know where you started from - and while I'm not claiming to be an expert in anything nutrition/fitness related, I DO research what I'm doing before trying it and do want to share that EMWL is very worthwhile, for your health as well as weight loss goals. I'm sorry that the method didn't work for you when you tried it, but that's no reason to call BS. How long did you try it for? I do it, as do many others on this site. It works. Eating 1200 also works--for a longer time than others for some people who have more to lose i.e., a larger deficit--because you ARE at a deficit, but sooner or later your body and its metabolism is going to adjust itself down to trying to *maintain* you at 1200 instead of dropping pounds. Your body wants to be comfortable, and if you routinely tell it it can only have so much food it'll get used to eating that much food. That's why when you start changing to a routine where you actually start netting your BMR (do the math please, it's readily available on many sites and forums) after eating so little for so long, you may gain a pound or two. Big deal - your body is readjusting! You're giving it more food, and until it realizes that you're going to ROUTINELY give it what it needs it's going to store some calories, thinking that you'll be back at 1200 soon enough. Given time to allow your body to realize it's getting what it needs, EMWL really does work. I don't tout this as a religion, but I'm very happy to discuss particulars with anyone who's interested; I'd rather people actually understand what's going on with their own bodies and not discredit a proven method because they personally gave up on it.
  • NWCountryGal
    NWCountryGal Posts: 1,992 Member
    I am glad you shared this, it is about how we feel physically and mentally as well. I noticed I was just way burned out. It was drudgery to get out and exercise. I believe now, totally, my body was begging for nutrition and rest.

    I hope you will keep in touch here so other's can see how your "experiment" works out. I would encourage you to look more at how you feel and use the measuring tape rather than the scale(at least not every day). It fluctuates so much and we can't know if that is water, fat or lean muscle weight;)

    denise:drinker: :drinker:
    I'm definitely going to follow this thread as I have recently (the last 2 days!) started to eat most of my exercise calories back.
    Before I was hardly ever reaching my 1200 goal and usually netting around 700/800 cals), I was losing weight but I was also feeling like crap all the time. I barely had the energy to bath and dress some days. Other days though I would force myself out to walk and then I'd keep going for as long and fast as I could but not eat back those calories.
    Day 1 of eating back I stayed the same weight. Day 2 I lost 1lb, I have not weighed myself yet today but I feel like it'll either have stayed the same or gone down, maybe 0.5lb as my ribs and hip bones are still just as sharp, although I do feel like my hips are much rounder but tbh that's gotta be all in the mind. I'll find out later when I measure myself.
    Also I'm coming up to my period so that sometimes makes me 'softer' around the hips and tummy.
    Good luck and please continue to keep us all updated with your progress. Could you possibly add me so I can see what you're eating and burning please?
    By the way, your photo's are lovely, I really like that bikini too! :smile: :flowerforyou:
  • NWCountryGal
    NWCountryGal Posts: 1,992 Member
    I am hoping it helps others as well as myself:) denise:drinker: :drinker:
  • Eupho
    Eupho Posts: 201 Member
    Great thread Denise!
  • Meikmeika
    Meikmeika Posts: 108 Member
    bump....very interesting!
  • Traye84
    Traye84 Posts: 2
  • peasgarden
    peasgarden Posts: 148 Member
  • swfba
    swfba Posts: 12
    I'm really glad I found this thread. I'm only a few weeks into this and i'm already refusing to eat extra calories when I work out. I think I could get obsessed with eating as little as possible so I need threads like this to show me I have to eat the correct amounts of food to stay healthy.
  • NWCountryGal
    NWCountryGal Posts: 1,992 Member
    Glad you are here and as I've said before, I will keep posting how it's going so you that are following will know. Please feel welcome to view my diaries anytime. I am not saying I am eating the best but I am trying to eat well-rounded meals so I won't be well-rounded :laugh: That is my hope and I am trusting the winners that have gone before me;) Actually, I am trusting much more in the way I feel and the "shape" of my bod rather than the "weight" so I am learning to stay off the scale:laugh:

    denise:drinker: :drinker: :flowerforyou:
    I'm really glad I found this thread. I'm only a few weeks into this and i'm already refusing to eat extra calories when I work out. I think I could get obsessed with eating as little as possible so I need threads like this to show me I have to eat the correct amounts of food to stay healthy.
  • NWCountryGal
    NWCountryGal Posts: 1,992 Member
    Still stickin to it gals! I didn't lose a lb this week, well, it's been about a week since I lost that 2 lbs. But I haven't gained either. So I am not sure what is happening but I do feel great and full of energy. My food hasn't been the best for 2 days now and I've gone over I think twice. But not under. So I will just keep doing what I'm doing and see if some inches melt away at least. I did find my "good" measuring tape, the cloth one. The other was way hard to use, metal you know.

    Anyhow, just wanted to update to let peeps know I am still eating all my cals;)

  • emily_can
    emily_can Posts: 24 Member
    I am very interested in how this works. I want to eat as much as I can and maintain my loss and reach my goal one day. More than that, I really want to be healthy and fit. I think this just might be the way to do it.
  • antonette15
    antonette15 Posts: 19 Member
    I just started eating back calories I exercised and also upped my intake to 1300, instead of 1200. I did this because I started getting dizzy EVERYTIME I got up. It doesn't matter if I was sitting, kneeling, squatting or laying down. It got scary and had to get some blood work done. Thankfully, they came back ok. I started doing research and found out that my eating 1200, and some days I didn't even meet that goal, I was wrecking my metabolism and some. I have hit a plateau these last month, it's frustrating, but I keep going. I am actually seeing a nutritionist tomorrow to help me out. I have been eating more this week and haven't lost weight, but haven't gained any either, which is good. I wish you luck with your endeavor!! Can't wait to hear about it.
  • moss11
    moss11 Posts: 236 Member
    Your enthusiasm is infectious Denise! Thanks for sharing. I have been eating this way for around 6 months. Wouldn't have called it EM2WL initially it's just something I discovered worked and prevented the inevitable binges I had when restricting calories! I am losing about 1 1/2 lbs per month. For me this really is the only way to go, and I gracefully accept non movement of the scales as long as it doesn't go up! I introduced lifting dumbbells about 8 weeks ago and that is slowly tightening up my body along with my cycling which I have been doing for some time. I noticed when I changed jobs last autumn and didn't have time for my morning cycle, that I put on weight. I hadn't realised that 20 mins cycle was helping me maintain, I hope this has given you some encouragement to keep going and please continue updating us with your progress!
  • NWCountryGal
    NWCountryGal Posts: 1,992 Member
    I really, really appreciate this right now. I have a gal studying to be an LPN living with me and she didn't like the way MFP calculates and how they put "you have "earned" 400 extra calories" etc. She said that the only way to lose weight is to eat less then you burn. Now I am all mixed up about "deficit" and what it means and wonder if I have been doing the wrong thing. I want someone to look at my food diary and tell me if they think I am crazy to eat that way or not.


    Your enthusiasm is infectious Denise! Thanks for sharing. I have been eating this way for around 6 months. Wouldn't have called it EM2WL initially it's just something I discovered worked and prevented the inevitable binges I had when restricting calories! I am losing about 1 1/2 lbs per month. For me this really is the only way to go, and I gracefully accept non movement of the scales as long as it doesn't go up! I introduced lifting dumbbells about 8 weeks ago and that is slowly tightening up my body along with my cycling which I have been doing for some time. I noticed when I changed jobs last autumn and didn't have time for my morning cycle, that I put on weight. I hadn't realised that 20 mins cycle was helping me maintain, I hope this has given you some encouragement to keep going and please continue updating us with your progress!