Expressions you hate..



  • darrensurrey
    darrensurrey Posts: 3,942 Member
    think outside the box! all business double speak is BS

    and "with all due respect" ... you say this at the start of a sentence when there is NONE!

    Well, with all due respect... oh, hang on.
  • Kara_xxx
    Kara_xxx Posts: 635 Member
    People who like say "like" at least four times like in every f*cking sentence like so like... It's like drives me insane. it's like aaarrggghhh!!! :huh: :explode:
    IAMDDAY Posts: 771
    People who like say "like" at least four times like in every f*cking sentence like so like... It's like drives me insane. it's like aaarrggghhh!!! :huh: :explode:

    this and yeah yeah ah yeah.. AHHHHHH
  • yksdoris
    yksdoris Posts: 327 Member
    anything that starts with

    "don't take this personally, but..." or "I'm not racist, but..." or "I'm not blaming anyone but..."

    not fooling anyone, it IS meant personally, it IS racist and you ARE blaming someone.

    I hate it - especially on Facebook - when people post a passive-aggressive complaint, followed by ",lol". For example "I guess defecating all over people's lives is a property I'm supposed to appreciate in my bf/gf, lol" I mean, what is that? You're complaining at someone being an *kitten* and you're wording it super-crankily but you're afraid that you might be taken seriously so you end it with a whiny little laugh? I suppose then you'll complain about nobody taking you seriously, huh?

    any American business-talk. They don't say what they mean and they don't mean what they say. And then they're shocked (and I mean Shocked to their cores) when a European partner has to leave at the end of the day and says "ok, so we accomplished nothing today as you refuse to acknowledge any problems on any part of our discussion. But maybe for the next meeting you'll get us the numers and will actually read the files we sent you, yes?" or "For next time, can we please get someone from the Technical team at the table so that we can talk about the content?" For all their affectations of equality, the American business culture is surprisingly rigid and hierarchical, though not as bad as South-East Asia.
  • MFPBrandy
    MFPBrandy Posts: 564 Member
    I know it's not an expression, but when someone uses 'gay' as an insult or as a word to describe something that they don't like or that they find bad. I literally call them out on it. I just want to reach over and slap them in the face.

    I once almost used it to insult a gay guy..after realizing he would not find it insulting since it was an accurate description I yelled "YOU F*CKING HETERO" at him. Since then I've realized how stupid gay actually sounds when using it as an insult.
    ^^^This is AWESOME.
  • Treesy72
    Treesy72 Posts: 230
    *kitten* I actually kind of enjoy that one.....
  • InnerFatGirl
    InnerFatGirl Posts: 2,687 Member
    "It was/wasn't meant to be"

    "Everything happens for a reason"

    "Don't worry about it"

    "Don't be sad, be happy"

    F off :grumble:
  • love2cycle
    love2cycle Posts: 448 Member
    I think this is funny, because I heard an expression the other day that I absolutely hate, and thought about posting on here! I hate the expression "blown away." This commercial here "My wife and I were just "blown away" by the low prices." UGH!
  • stumpycow
    stumpycow Posts: 94 Member
    Also heard in (rural) GA: How to offer someone a ride home: "May I carry you home"? hmmmmm. I'm kinda heavy. You can try.


    While in NC, someone asked if I needed help putting my groceries in my "boot". I usually just put them in my trunk lol
  • Melanie_RS
    Melanie_RS Posts: 417 Member
    "how are you"

    quit with this inane greeting everyone...nobody really wants to know. :D
    I usually ignore it in real life conversation and just get to what needs to be talked about.

    "how are you?"
    "fine, how are you?"
    "fine...ok, now blahblahblah"

    why the extra verbage, WHY???? so pointless.
  • Jenlwb
    Jenlwb Posts: 682 Member
    Agreed on "it is what it is"- meaningless.

    Also "Can you say [insert any word here]" What does that even MEAN? Is it an american thing?
  • newve
    newve Posts: 82 Member
    I got you but it is said I got chu.
    My Boo!

    The last two are one worders but that aggravate me so much...
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    I don't like it when people end every sentence with 'you know' or 'like you know' - I know its a mostly 'Irish' a habit/saying but it does my head in (and sometimes I'm guilty of it too but I'm really trying to phase it out lol)
  • lisag2007
    lisag2007 Posts: 130
    Dude. I am a not call me Dude when you are speaking to me. I hate that!!!
  • lauren3382
    lauren3382 Posts: 372 Member

    "Twelve, one half-dozen or the other"

    Well that is classic ignorance; getting the cliche wrong! "Six of one, half dozen of the other".

    Have you ever made a mistake or typed the wrong word by accident? Everyone else who commented on it knew what I meant to on the other hand just felt the need to make someone feel stupid.
  • albrown44
    albrown44 Posts: 12
    You know what I mean? So, so Annoying !!!!!:devil:
  • Dunkirk
    Dunkirk Posts: 465 Member
    The expression "i'll give 110%". I wonder if, in a job interview, a candidate promised to give 87%, would the candidate get the job?
  • sheila569
    sheila569 Posts: 269 Member
    Everything will be ok "JUST PRAY ON IT". ERKS me everytime.
  • skinnyinnotime
    skinnyinnotime Posts: 4,141 Member
    "Everything happens for a reason" cannot stand it and what a load of tosh anyway.
  • Treesy72
    Treesy72 Posts: 230
    ” Told you so”