

  • dsckrc
    dsckrc Posts: 194 Member
    i WAS fat because i had a wicked sweet tooth and i was a lazy slob :grumble:
  • verptwerp
    verptwerp Posts: 3,659 Member
    Once upon a time, this gal USED to be fat because of all the above ....... now she knows better :drinker:
  • Diyah13
    Diyah13 Posts: 76 Member
    I love carbs and sugar just like you! With MFP, though, I can still enjoy that trip to McDonald's AND make my calorie goals. I just can't have as much as I'd like to. :(
  • dellashanks
    dellashanks Posts: 207 Member
    I am a busy single Mom who didn't bother to take the time to take care of herself and I love to eat.
  • jonelaw
    jonelaw Posts: 28
    I prefer bread and cookies to fruits and veggies, the bakery is more enticing than the farmers market and I hate to exercise! Add vodka and any fruit juice on top of that and there ya' go!
  • ysepulveda1989
    ysepulveda1989 Posts: 1 Member
    Im an emotional eater, and love all foods, fruits, veggies, sugar and carbs!
  • njkilmer28
    njkilmer28 Posts: 9 Member
    I am fat because I love to eat and not excerise. Its as simple as that.
  • escadachic
    escadachic Posts: 395 Member
    I'm going to re-word it to suit me.

    I have more fat then I am happy with because, I am an emotional eater, I'm a self sabotager(not on purpose), because I am full of excuses, because I use the fact that I can lose that weight again if I so choose as an excuse, because I eat out of boredom, because I don't really exercise and it is true that when you spend too much time around people who are larger or lacking control in their diet, that you kind of mirror that behaviour.

    And also sometimes, I just think it's not fair that I can't eat whatever I like anymore with no consequences(like back when I was a teenager and had awesome metabolism) and I just go, stuff it and eat uncontrollably.
  • BuzzyLizzy77
    BuzzyLizzy77 Posts: 42 Member
    I' dont feel worth anything other than being fat, sad and miserable
    babies =excuse
    divorce = excuse
    work = excuse

    NO MORE:ohwell:
  • happyfeetrebel1
    happyfeetrebel1 Posts: 1,005 Member
    I am fat because food is yummy. I'm not a food snob..all food is equally good.

    Chocolate makes my mouth happy :P

    I'm learning to deal with it, eat more protein, eat less crap.

  • TheRealParisLove
    TheRealParisLove Posts: 1,907 Member
    I'm not fat; I'm out of shape. I used to work in a very physically challenging job (home construction) and have been working a desk job and going to school for several years now. I'm now flabby although my weight is well within the healthy range for my height.

    Sitting all day versus hammering stuff all day makes a huge difference in a person's body and appearance. I got rid of my desk chair today and am sitting here on my swiss ball instead. :happy:
  • getfitsam2910
    I am fat because I drank to much alcohol and ate to much pizza over the summer and from late night emotional eating and I guess from being pure lazy and not working out like I do now.
  • squirrelgirl3
    I'm fat because I got a deadly disease called Cushing's Syndrome that caused me to gain 70 extra lbs. Now that I am recovering, I've lost 36 of those, but will always have the damage from the disease...ARRRGHHH!!!!
  • StoutGirl09
    StoutGirl09 Posts: 73 Member
    I spent my college years drinking and ordering pizza at 3am. God bless Dominos... I mean, god bless MFP [:
  • kero2012
    kero2012 Posts: 7
  • ajalunder
    ajalunder Posts: 2
    BECAUSE FOOD IS MY FRIEND!! And the lack of exercise.....
  • journalistjen
    journalistjen Posts: 265 Member
    out of spite against my Dad (who seem to only care about me playing basketball and "staying in shape" at the time), I ate poorly and quit exercising.

    Now, because of the hard work I've done for myself, I am less fat.
  • isisbryan
    isisbryan Posts: 105 Member
    I didn't eat regularly. Busy life kept me eating on the run. Eating on the run means eating fast food. I should have planned better. I had a personal trainer but I didn't have enough education about healthy eating on the run.
  • tonyspumas
    tonyspumas Posts: 31
    because I ate late night, was depressed and was my escape.
  • judsywudsy
    judsywudsy Posts: 44 Member
    I love cake!!!!!!!!! anything thing that was sweet and baked was my friend. I'm also an emotional eater, as long as i am sad or depressed the first thing i will do is eat.