Paleo Diet!



  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    Why "Paleo Diet!" and not "Paleo Diet"? Just wondering.

    I get excited.

    Yet another common benefit of the paleo/primal/JERF diet.
  • JayByrd107
    JayByrd107 Posts: 282 Member
    Has anyone here tried eating the way our caveman ancestors did? How did it go for you? Did you lose weight? Did you drink milk?

    Here's an article for it:

    Let me know what you guys think!:flowerforyou:

    I've been living Paleo for about 4-5 months now and I love it! I've become more physically fit than I have been in my entire life and it is amazing. It was rough for the first couple of weeks, but honestly I don't even crave the foods I used to eat anymore. I have had things like pizza a couple of times since I started eating Paleo as "cheats" but anymore it is just not satisfying. I do not do dairy and I do not miss it. I have lost 42lbs so far, most of which were in about a 3 month time period, and have gone from roughly 25-27% body fat down to 14.7-14.9%. I highly recommend Paleo to anyone who can try it and is able minded enough to realize we don't have to eat McDonalds or TacoBell everyday. I isn't impossible to eat Paleo, unless you legitimately mean eat like they did because yes... it might be difficult to find mastodon and saber-toothed tiger meat and the local grocer...

    I highly recommend being a Paleo who is able minded enough to realize that not eating Paleo does not mean eating at McDonalds or TacoBell everyday. It isn't either/or here. You can not eat Paleo and not eat junk food as well. These are the annoying/dumb absolutes that people throw out to justify their choices in the face of criticsm that get these topics all locked up and stuff.
  • PhilyPhresh
    PhilyPhresh Posts: 600 Member
    Has anyone here tried eating the way our caveman ancestors did? How did it go for you? Did you lose weight? Did you drink milk?

    Here's an article for it:

    Let me know what you guys think!:flowerforyou:

    I've been living Paleo for about 4-5 months now and I love it! I've become more physically fit than I have been in my entire life and it is amazing. It was rough for the first couple of weeks, but honestly I don't even crave the foods I used to eat anymore. I have had things like pizza a couple of times since I started eating Paleo as "cheats" but anymore it is just not satisfying. I do not do dairy and I do not miss it. I have lost 42lbs so far, most of which were in about a 3 month time period, and have gone from roughly 25-27% body fat down to 14.7-14.9%. I highly recommend Paleo to anyone who can try it and is able minded enough to realize we don't have to eat McDonalds or TacoBell everyday. I isn't impossible to eat Paleo, unless you legitimately mean eat like they did because yes... it might be difficult to find mastodon and saber-toothed tiger meat and the local grocer...

    I highly recommend being a Paleo who is able minded enough to realize that not eating Paleo does not mean eating at McDonalds or TacoBell everyday. It isn't either/or here. You can not eat Paleo and not eat junk food as well. These are the annoying/dumb absolutes that people throw out to justify their choices in the face of criticsm that get these topics all locked up and stuff.

    Sorry, next time I will just write a book instead of a short post on a discussion board to be much more thorough in my explanations and answers. I was just making a generalized statement and there is no need to start calling names like a child. I completely believe that people can "make Paleo their own" and incorporate it into their life style, but in this case I was trying to make a quick generalized statement to get the point across. I apologize that you feel the need to take everything you read so literally and will be sure to be much more thorough in my answers from now on...
  • woogy1956
    woogy1956 Posts: 19 Member
    Can someone who is paleo/primal open up their diary so we can get an idea of how to go about doing this?
  • CRody44
    CRody44 Posts: 776 Member
    Primal works for me. After 3 months, my blood work inproved:

    A1C: Acceptable Range 4.6-6.0; Last 6.7; Now 6.1
    Glucose Fasting: Acceptable 60-99; Last 174; Now 108, down 66
    Estimated Average Glucose: Acceptable 85-126; Last 146; Now 128, down 18
    Total Cholesterol: Acceptable <200; Last 163; Now 154, down 9
    HDL: Acceptable >40, Last 38; Now 48, up 10
    LDL: Acceptable <100; Last 70; Now 86, up 16
    Triglycerides: Acceptable <150; Last 275; now 101, down 174

    Check out these websites:
  • PhilyPhresh
    PhilyPhresh Posts: 600 Member
    Can someone who is paleo/primal open up their diary so we can get an idea of how to go about doing this?

    While I hope I don't offend anyone... My typical day I eat 3 eggs in the morning with vegetables like onion, zucchini, green bells, spinach and almonds. I will once in a while make a small fruit salad, but not too often. Lunch I enjoy onion burgers (wrapped in lettuce) with avocado, tomato, pickle and mustard. Might do steamed brocolie or zucchini fries on the side. Snack would be fruit, nuts, and/or beef jerky. Dinner suggestion would be chicken dipped in egg, then flax meal and almond flower then fried in coconut oil (fried chicken) with veggies on the side. There's TONs of other things you could make, but that's an idea...
  • PhilyPhresh
    PhilyPhresh Posts: 600 Member

    Thanks for the sites! I've been to 4 of them but will definitely be checking out the others!
  • CRody44
    CRody44 Posts: 776 Member
    Breakfast was a mushroom and goat cheese egg white omelet.
    Morning snack – after workout, large plumb
    Lunch was 1 cup romaine, 6 cherry tomatoes, half an avocado, 3 sliced mushrooms, 60 g walnuts, 2 tbsp olive oil, 1 tbsp balsamic vinegar.
    Dinner was an In n Out burger, no extra salt, Animal/Protein style.

    112 oz water.
  • pattyproulx
    pattyproulx Posts: 603 Member
    Can someone who is paleo/primal open up their diary so we can get an idea of how to go about doing this?

    My diary is open. I do Primal basically, so I eat more fat and take some dairy.
    During the week, i'm almost 100%, but i do cheat once in a while on weekends.
  • woogy1956
    woogy1956 Posts: 19 Member
    Thanks all for the meal ideas!
  • woogy1956
    woogy1956 Posts: 19 Member
    fufonzo, your meals look delicious... love those ribeyes.:smile:
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    My diary is open...

    ...but I'm probably not an ideal paleo poster child.

    But that's the beauty of it. Even getting just the basics right can have benefits to your health. And whatever you do, don't try to just imitate what works for others. Read the basics, evaluate your situation, and start your own n=1 experience. As you tweak and modify, *then* look to what others are doing.

    (^my two cents)
  • TheVimFuego
    TheVimFuego Posts: 2,412 Member
    I avoid processed food, sugar, grains, legumes and I'm not currently drinking milk.

    I don't know if this is 'Paleo' but it's working for me.
  • TheVimFuego
    TheVimFuego Posts: 2,412 Member
    My diary is open...

    ...but I'm probably not an ideal paleo poster child.

    But that's the beauty of it. Even getting just the basics right can have benefits to your health. And whatever you do, don't try to just imitate what works for others. Read the basics, evaluate your situation, and start your own n=1 experience. As you tweak and modify, *then* look to what others are doing.

    (^my two cents)

    Spot on, one size doesn't not fit all for nutrition.
  • nursevee
    nursevee Posts: 344 Member
    Before I did any research on it I thought it was restrictive too but that's where knowledge becomes power. Once I started reading a primal/paleo blog and saw that so much can be substituted I really didn't find it difficult at all.What's to fall off (as one poster put) or cheat? It's a lifestyle not a do or die, hard and fast diet. You either do it or you don't (or some do it hardcore and others folow it and enjoy the occassional treat!).

    I don't eat grains, refined sugars or dairy milk (but I allow myself the odd splash of heavy cream in some recipes, butter (minimal and infrequently) and cheese but I drink either coconut of almond milk and enjoy them as much, if not more than cow's milk. I feel a million bucks. My kids eat what we eat.
  • Preacher224
    Preacher224 Posts: 44 Member
    Just checked out the paleo diet online. I don't believe in evolution, I believe in creation by an intelligent creator. I eat real close to the paleo diet though. I have dairy occasionally but other than that I am pretty close. I eat what I believe is referred to as the Mediterranean diet. Or at least very close to it. I refer to the bible as to whether a food is good for you or not. All foods are not in there but it gives you a good basic guideline of healthy foods. I figure if Jesus, who was the perfect specimen of a human being got that way eating a biblical diet I can too. These are my own beliefs. Of course I think I am right just like my atheist brother thinks he is right. We don't argue about it we just get along by accepting each others beliefs and not majoring on them but just loving each other as we are. If anyone would like to add me as a friend I would be happy to accept. I am a preacher but I am not preachy. I do live my beliefs and vocalize them but I am not pushy with them. I wish everyone well on their journey of health and fitness. Different people, different goals, different paths. Be blessed!!!
  • PhilyPhresh
    PhilyPhresh Posts: 600 Member
    Before I did any research on it I thought it was restrictive too but that's where knowledge becomes power. Once I started reading a primal/paleo blog and saw that so much can be substituted I really didn't find it difficult at all.What's to fall off (as one poster put) or cheat? It's a lifestyle not a do or die, hard and fast diet. You either do it or you don't (or some do it hardcore and others folow it and enjoy the occassional treat!).

    I don't eat grains, refined sugars or dairy milk (but I allow myself the odd splash of heavy cream in some recipes, butter (minimal and infrequently) and cheese but I drink either coconut of almond milk and enjoy them as much, if not more than cow's milk. I feel a million bucks. My kids eat what we eat.

    Win! :drinker:
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Peanuts are a legume and are full of anti nutrients...

    First part true (they are a legume), second part utter nonsense. Peanuts contain good fats, protein, iron, potassium, and many other nutrients our bodies need.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Just checked out the paleo diet online. .... I eat real close to the paleo diet though. I have dairy occasionally but other than that I am pretty close. I eat what I believe is referred to as the Mediterranean diet. Or at least very close to it.

    The Mediterranean diet, which includes whole grains and a lot of legumes, is pretty far from the Paleo Diet which considers these things bad for us.
  • PhilyPhresh
    PhilyPhresh Posts: 600 Member
    Peanuts are a legume and are full of anti nutrients...

    First part true (they are a legume), second part utter nonsense. Peanuts contain good fats, protein, iron, potassium, and many other nutrients our bodies need.

    Peanuts contain lectins- these are toxic proteins. They do act as a natural pesticides and in that they are found to be toxic... I never said they don't contain fat, protein, and other minerals, but this is WHY they are not eaten in the Paleo diet.