Food Addicts Anonymous??



  • Eava57
    Eava57 Posts: 1,297 Member
    We had our Christmas potluck yesterday. I really didn't blow it too bad during the lunch. I blew it last night. I didn't really eat dinner because I had to go to a class. I ended up eating cookies at the class then had a snack (salami/cheese) when I got home.:sad: Oh well, I am back on track today!!! I have been reading everyone's comments and I have come to the conclusion...I like to eat! I am going to control my portions this weekend. Maintenance is good, right?
  • Sunsh1ne
    Sunsh1ne Posts: 879 Member
    You can do it! You're relearning food habits you've had your whole life, so there's gonna be a learning curve, but you are learning and that's the point! :flowerforyou:
  • Ashia1317
    Hi Everyone. Just saw this thread, and well, like the rest of you . . . I need to join.

    My name is Melanie. I'm a 26 year old "emotional" and "bored" eater. Most of all, I really need to find a Choco-holics Anonymous group if anything. I eat when I'm bored, I eat when I'm stressed, and I have no control to almost ANYTHING chocolate.

    I will say since joining, I'm really starting to read labels, count and watch HOW much more than WHAT I am eating. I have been doing better, but it's like food is my pacifier. I have to be chewing or have something in my mouth. So I've been resorting to sugar free mints and herbal tea. And if I absolutely HAVE to much, I keep a bag a celery sticks on my desk. It's hard. But it's nice to see I'm not the only one. Thank you!

    Happy Holidays everyone!
  • tdbear
    tdbear Posts: 13
    I am one of those people who is addicted to food who is married to someone who can and does eat everything and never gains an ounce. Food was my first and has remained my best friend. It has been there through thin and THICK!!! :laugh: Thin folks just can't understand our torture or battle in trying to lose or even maintain. So, I would like to join this group. I have to lose weight both for my physical being and for my emotional self. I have been diagnosed as a diet controlled diabetic. :sad: I also have arthritis and some breathing issues. :huh: Exercise is always interesting for me. I have managed to break my foot on a treadmill, have knee surgery following a skating accident, and pull my back while doing yoga.:laugh: It sounds like you all have good senses of humor and that will help us all get on with living a healthy life. Have a great weekend folks.:drinker:
  • Ashia1317
    Ugh! Doesn't that just s*ck, tdbear!! I'm the same way - I have to watch what I eat because I can put it on my waist in no time. My bf can eat anything he wants and never gain. In fact, he's trying to gain 20 lbs and can't! I scoff and tell him I could beat him easily but then never get it off! He gets McD's #7 Chicken meal with a double cheeseburger on the side while I'm munching on my dry grilled chicken salad.

    I'd like to think of it - in the end, he'll have heart failure and high cholesterol when we're older and hopefully I'll be healthier because of my choices. Even if a salad doesn't taste as good as fast food. :laugh:
  • erinm
    erinm Posts: 53 Member
    HI everyone. I am new to this site, but I think this is the perfect group for me. I am definitely a food addict. I rely on food when I am sad, angry, stressed, etc. I used to be at a very healthy weight, and was very physically fit four years ago. I have since gained 70 pounds. I went through some emotional and stressful times, and turned to food. I almost gave up on losing weight thinking the fight was too daunting. But I am finally in a place emotionally that I am ready to face it head on, and get back down to my previous weight. I think this group is just what I need to help me get there!
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    Welcome all newcomers! The first step is admitting you have a problem with food, and you've all done that! :flowerforyou:
    We're a friendly, sometimes silly group that encourages one another in our weight loss journeys. We try to stop and think before putting anything in our mouths. Some choose to ask themselves, "Is this going to make me healthy?" Some ask, "Is this worth the few seconds of enjoyment it will bring me?" and so on. Feel free to share your stop and think questions!

    Post your successes and your failures. We cheer you on and understand when it was a bad day. One day at a time, friends. :happy:

    I personally had a terrible day yesterday. I fell into a bad habit. When the scale did not read what I wanted it to read, I had a pity party and overate. This is a huge problem for me. So after the risotto binge (which literally made me sick) I came on MFP and reviewed my eating and exercise for the week. I learned a lot there! I was very stressed this week and did not eat all of my cals, plus I did three days less of exercising because I was busy. NEXT time I have a bad weigh-in, I'm going to LOOK at my past week BEFORE I eat!!! :tongue:
  • Sunsh1ne
    Sunsh1ne Posts: 879 Member
    It's great that you're noticing those patterns. :flowerforyou: Knowing what's wrong makes a problem a heck of a lot easier to fix.

    I've had a pretty bad week. Finals and "that time" came during the same week and I basically threw up my hands and said "screw dieting, I can only deal with two big problems at one time, and these two are unavoidable." I'm home now, and done for the semester, so I'm finally back on track. I'm really proud of myself because I baked Christmas cookies today, but didn't eat too many of them, and because of the looooooong time spent cooking I actually came out ahead on calories.
  • nat1908
    my name is natalie and i'm a food addict. wow! where do i begin with food?!?!? i just LOVE IT!! i would eat ALL DAY LONG!! me being a stay at home mom food is all around me. my house was always filled with cakes, dounuts, cookies, ice cream you name it i had all the junk food. I i'd eat til i was filled 2 the brim. But, then i'd feel like crap after. Now, i'm all about smarter choices and samller portions. we just have to reprogram our brains...........WE CAN DO IT!! :smooched:
  • Sunsh1ne
    Sunsh1ne Posts: 879 Member
    Hi, Natalie! You've definitely got it - we're all relearning healthy eating habits after a lifetime of bad ones. It's hard, but when you succeed, it's so liberating to finally feel in control. (or at least, I suppose it would be... I'll let you know when I get there :laugh: )
  • richardsrm
    richardsrm Posts: 1,144 Member
    Hi everyone, I am wondering if I can come back to your support site. I tried on my own and yup you guessed it have gained back 6 pounds. My knee and hips hurt again. I am so ashamed of my body. I think I get that I need to hear from like minded people
  • GinJo
    GinJo Posts: 1 Member
    Hi, my name is Kim and I'm addicted to food. If I'm feeling any emotion at all, I eat! Tired, bored, lonely, happy, sleepy, sad, mad, hurt, etc...etc...etc....I eat. I've always looked to food to make things better. I cut my finger today on lunch and I ate a piece of cake to make it feel better!!! I had a long day at work last night so I fried chicken!!! I have been doing better at making the right decisions, but it always catches up with me. I fall for it eventually. Especially if I get upset about something, which is at least every other day!! I'm a very emotional person. I'm giving it everything I got though. Starting today. I'm tired of dissapointing myself everyday. I'm so ready for a change.

    Hi Kim,

    This behavior is exactly what I do everyday. No matter what emotion I have, I eat. I just moved to a new town and my husband is very busy so I spend a lot of time alone. Spending all this time alone has made me very lonely and I have gained over 10 lbs since we moved her in August. I feel like I have no will power to change. I really want to get on track and lose some weight so that I feel good about myself. Right now I feel so crappy everyday yet all I think about is food all the time. Any advise from anyone would be great. Anyone overcome this kind of thing?

    Thanks in advance!
  • saraketner
    Ok. here I go... My name is Sara and I'm addicted to food. I'm 32 and have been known to eat an entire box of Little Debbies in one sitting and then chase the sugar with a bag of potato chips. I have been using MFP for a month now and am slowly making progress. I will be so glad when the holidays are over and everyone goes back to eating normal things. My mother, aunts and I spent the entire weekend making Christmas cookies and candies. Of course, I had to taste everything to make sure it was acceptable!
    I am so disappointed with myself! Friday I wore a pair of jeans that I hadn't been able to fit into for at least a year and a half. Today I am wearing jeans that were too big a week ago and am considering undoing the button.
    This is worse than Thanksgiving!
    I am so glad to know that I am not the only one who can't step away from the table even when my stomach tells me "No More!!"
  • Eava57
    Eava57 Posts: 1,297 Member
    Sara, start drinking the water. That's my goal for the rest of this week. I am struggling with maintaining my "overweight weight" through the holidays. My son just informed me that three of his college buddies will be coming the first week of Jan. for a visit...that means big meals and desserts!! My nature is to feed these "starving" college kids! I am going to try to focus on exercising and water. Easier said than done!:bigsmile:
  • mrsbeck
    mrsbeck Posts: 234 Member
    ... MFP has worked...when I log my food and exercise.

    I'd love to find out why a person who knows they're a food addict, would stop logging food and exercise on MFP after it has been proven to work in losing weight and getting fit?

    That is so me, right there! I know what I need to do to control my weight, but I consistently stop doing it. I have had great success with MFP, but I always decide at some point to stop logging. Before long, I've stopped exercising, then I stop thinking about what I'm eating, and round and round it goes.

    I also find myself wondering how other people eat a small amount of something and then stop...there's still more left, how can you stop? Whether it's a bag of chips or a pint of ice cream...I find it almost impossible not to finish the container.
  • richardsrm
    richardsrm Posts: 1,144 Member
    I know every one is so right I need to acknowledge what I put in my mouth. Two days and staying with the 1200 calories. Yea!
  • AHappyMe09
    Hi everyone,

    I would like to join your group.... I would definitely consider myself to be addicted to food. I also can't believe it when someone can take a small amount of something, and leave the rest behind. Especially when it is sooooooo good. And, on top of that, I use food for my emotions: stressed, happy, sad, bored, anxious, depressed, excited, celebratory... anything and everything, anytime, it's a great time to eat.

    I just joined about a week ago. I don't even know what sparked it, but I was thinking about what I wanted for Christmas. I thought, "hmm, maybe a weight watchers online subscription". So, I checked it out and realized, it's not cheap! So I started looking at other online options and came across this site. It's been a real eye opener, I'll tell you that!!!

    For the first time in my life, I am actually paying attention to what I put in my body. I've yo yo dieted in the past, but even then, I never counted calories or fat or anything. I have definitely become much more aware. And, I am finally excercising portion control and awareness.

    And, a small but neat victory for me today, that ties perfectly into this, is for the first time ever, I ate ONE serving of chips (baked lays, yum), and HALF a serving of flipz (4 of the best chocolate covered pretzels ever)! I'm learning that I can have some yummy things sometimes, just not all the time, and just not a whole lot of them. I am still thinking about them... I want more of course, but, I won't. I feel..... right with my decisions, but that I had some, and that I won't have more.

    So, anyways, I wanted to say hi to everyone and share a little about myself!

  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    Welcome, newcomers! We take it one day at a time here at the FAA corral. :wink:

    OK peeps, I am getting worried about Leshawn. She hasn't been on in weeks... :cry:

    Let's all make a commitment to each other to drink at least 64 oz. of water a day. You'd be amazed at how much faster you'll feel full! I challenge the group to a water drink-off! (I don't know what that is, I just made it up! LOL) Everyday we log in and let each other know if we made it to the 64 oz. goal. Sound good? We can do this!!!
  • AHappyMe09
    I made the 64oz goal today and yesterday!!!
  • Eava57
    Eava57 Posts: 1,297 Member
    Welcome AHappyme09! We can all relate to you.:happy: I stayed on track today (no cookies or candy at work)! 16 oz. to go!:drinker:
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