Join US! FAB FOURS (4 week challenge group) NEW!



  • rose_parker9784

    I read this and its like my life's story!!! :tongue: I have always planned on getting a tummy tuck to. I wanted to after my son but my mom talked me out of it. She said " Now your going to meet a nice boy and he is probably going to want a kid of his own." See up here in Spokane non of the doctors will do them unless you have had your tubes tied. I am only 24 and I would love to have ONE more! So I figured If I can get the weight down myself and keep it down for a while that it will help me have another healthy pregnancy when the time comes. Also Lipo is a quick lose but you can still gain it back, expectually if you don't have the right eating habits or aren't exercising regularly.

    I would really like to get the brazilian butt lift, where they lipo your stomach and put it into your butt. lol. But that's not what I'm really wanting right now. Just a tummy tuck. I would like to get rid of the extra fat myself. My husband even joined in and challenged me to lift some weights with him, which I hate to do, but I really am motivated to lose this weight and get toned. Im 25 and I have 2 boys now. I don't want anymore and I just found out I have endometriosis so I may have to have a hyterectomy anyways so hopefully there wont be anymore anyways. But good luck to you on your weight loss.

    Wow I have to confess and I apologize I have never heard of the brazilian butt lift! When I read it I started giggling!:laugh:
    I am sorry to hear that you might be getting a hysterectomy that's no fun. On the bright side I guess you don't ever have to worry about having an unplanned pregnancy. I love and appreciate when the husbands jump in and challenge you! But in my experience either me or friends it always ends badly. Men can lose weight just from lifting weights, they can burn more calories that way. Woman on the other had have to find there happy medium between cardio and strength training. For most women lifting weights will only bulk you up leaving you look stocky. On the plus side you can't burn calories with out muscle. There for leaving the man to usually win the challenge and the woman to feel no hope in losing weight.:sad: Not much of a pick me up but you can modify the challenge so it fits your needs as well! Thus a happy marriage!!!!!:heart: Just so everyone knows I am stating facts from a professional boot camp instructor and a panel of nine doctors. :wink:

    I had never heard of the brazilian butt life either until one day I saw an episode of Dr. 90210. But I do completely believe you that men can lose weight way faster than women. My husband is into lifting weights and has tried to get me to lift with him, but I really dont want to bulk up like you said. I like doing cardio more anyways cause I can do the dance dance revolution and just go at it forever.
  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member

    I read this and its like my life's story!!! :tongue: I have always planned on getting a tummy tuck to. I wanted to after my son but my mom talked me out of it. She said " Now your going to meet a nice boy and he is probably going to want a kid of his own." See up here in Spokane non of the doctors will do them unless you have had your tubes tied. I am only 24 and I would love to have ONE more! So I figured If I can get the weight down myself and keep it down for a while that it will help me have another healthy pregnancy when the time comes. Also Lipo is a quick lose but you can still gain it back, expectually if you don't have the right eating habits or aren't exercising regularly.

    I would really like to get the brazilian butt lift, where they lipo your stomach and put it into your butt. lol. But that's not what I'm really wanting right now. Just a tummy tuck. I would like to get rid of the extra fat myself. My husband even joined in and challenged me to lift some weights with him, which I hate to do, but I really am motivated to lose this weight and get toned. Im 25 and I have 2 boys now. I don't want anymore and I just found out I have endometriosis so I may have to have a hyterectomy anyways so hopefully there wont be anymore anyways. But good luck to you on your weight loss.

    Wow I have to confess and I apologize I have never heard of the brazilian butt lift! When I read it I started giggling!:laugh:
    I am sorry to hear that you might be getting a hysterectomy that's no fun. On the bright side I guess you don't ever have to worry about having an unplanned pregnancy. I love and appreciate when the husbands jump in and challenge you! But in my experience either me or friends it always ends badly. Men can lose weight just from lifting weights, they can burn more calories that way. Woman on the other had have to find there happy medium between cardio and strength training. For most women lifting weights will only bulk you up leaving you look stocky. On the plus side you can't burn calories with out muscle. There for leaving the man to usually win the challenge and the woman to feel no hope in losing weight.:sad: Not much of a pick me up but you can modify the challenge so it fits your needs as well! Thus a happy marriage!!!!!:heart: Just so everyone knows I am stating facts from a professional boot camp instructor and a panel of nine doctors. :wink:

    I had never heard of the brazilian butt life either until one day I saw an episode of Dr. 90210. But I do completely believe you that men can lose weight way faster than women. My husband is into lifting weights and has tried to get me to lift with him, but I really dont want to bulk up like you said. I like doing cardio more anyways cause I can do the dance dance revolution and just go at it forever.

    I LOVE fitness, anything I will try at least once and hang on to the ones that burn the most calories! BUT I know for me I need the weight lifting!!! I try to do cardio 5 to 6 days a week and I lift as heavy and to failure two times for each muscle group (the weaker areas I do more) three days a week! I do NOT feel I am bulky, let me know if you think I am I won't be offended! I am fifty (omg almost 51) and I know we as females start losing muscle mass around 28 yrs old so we need some weight lifting to keep some tone there! Have you heard of the saying "skinny fat chick"? That means the are thin with NO muscle tone. I myself think women look MUCH better with some definition to thier bodies! I lifted sporadically for three yrs due to thinking that I was lifting enough with my job (a fed ex deliverer) but I was soooo wrong. I lost muscle mass but not weight and it showed in the looseness of skin , but this past year and a half I am have it back from being back in the routine. If you do not lift you will still have jiggly arms, legs, tummy, butt, boobs, etc;; you know where I mean! You will lose weight with cardio but you will keep the burn with muscles! I weigh 148 and I am ok with my weight, I wear 6/8 pants and usually a medium top because bra is a 36 C! I have NEVER wanted to be skinny, just fit and toned! The ladies you may see with the big muscles? They lift for ?? hours at least fives per week and most are getting paid to do it!!! I wish you progress!
  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    Sorry something happened and the post above did NOT split up the quotes !!
  • Essence320
    Essence320 Posts: 154 Member

    I LOVE fitness, anything I will try at least once and hang on to the ones that burn the most calories! BUT I know for me I need the weight lifting!!! I try to do cardio 5 to 6 days a week and I lift as heavy and to failure two times for each muscle group (the weaker areas I do more) three days a week! I do NOT feel I am bulky, let me know if you think I am I won't be offended! I am fifty (omg almost 51) and I know we as females start losing muscle mass around 28 yrs old so we need some weight lifting to keep some tone there! Have you heard of the saying "skinny fat chick"? That means the are thin with NO muscle tone. I myself think women look MUCH better with some definition to thier bodies! I lifted sporadically for three yrs due to thinking that I was lifting enough with my job (a fed ex deliverer) but I was soooo wrong. I lost muscle mass but not weight and it showed in the looseness of skin , but this past year and a half I am have it back from being back in the routine. If you do not lift you will still have jiggly arms, legs, tummy, butt, boobs, etc;; you know where I mean! You will lose weight with cardio but you will keep the burn with muscles! I weigh 148 and I am ok with my weight, I wear 6/8 pants and usually a medium top because bra is a 36 C! I have NEVER wanted to be skinny, just fit and toned! The ladies you may see with the big muscles? They lift for ?? hours at least fives per week and most are getting paid to do it!!! I wish you progress!

    Verda you are NOT bulky! You look great! :flowerforyou: That's the type of tone and definition I hope to have one day.And ummm...almost 51? I wouldn't have guessed! You're a true inspiration!

    *Edit: Don't know what's up with the quotes...:huh:
  • slightingscale
    slightingscale Posts: 1,209 Member
    I thought that women couldn't bulk up with moderate weight lifting due to our hormones. I thought we needed steroids and/or amazingly heavy and frequent lifting to bulk up. Weight lifting helps our bones as well as our muscles, and allows us to burn calories at a higher rate.

    Verda, you don't look bulky. You look great. I agree with you that skinny is not attractive (nor is weight lifting bulk attractive). Fit and healthy is attractive to me.
    You decide:
  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    I thought that women couldn't bulk up with moderate weight lifting due to our hormones. I thought we needed steroids and/or amazingly heavy and frequent lifting to bulk up. Weight lifting helps our bones as well as our muscles, and allows us to burn calories at a higher rate.

    Verda, you don't look bulky. You look great. I agree with you that skinny is not attractive (nor is weight lifting bulk attractive). Fit and healthy is attractive to me.
    You decide:

    Oh Susan you made me laugh!! How and where do find and apply these photos?? I choose door number three!!! LOL When I say women "bulk up" due to lifting ?? hours, well chick number 2 either lives in a gym, does roids, or is truly a shemale! Who knows maybe all three. She must scare the hell out of the males!!!! Yuck, gross, "FREAK" !!!! There truly is a happy medium, I choose the medium!!!
  • mrsrobinson
    Hell, I'm happy when I LIFT my fat butt out of the chair! :laugh:
  • rose_parker9784
    I agree that #3 is the best. When I first met my husband, I looked worse than #1 though. I was so thin that people thought I was anorexic but I ate like a pig and was VERY active. I even drank ensure between meals to try to gain some weight, but nothing worked.... except pregnancy! And that took me way over board.
  • mrsrobinson
    What's the challenge for Monday?

    I suggest we all email slightingscale and make a suggestion for a challenge NOW, and then she can post one each day. What does everyone think of that? That way we are looking for her post and not backtracking through others' posts to find our challenge. ??? Just a suggestion!

    What do YOU think, slightingscale?
  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    What's the challenge for Monday?

    I suggest we all email slightingscale and make a suggestion for a challenge NOW, and then she can post one each day. What does everyone think of that? That way we are looking for her post and not backtracking through others' posts to find our challenge. ??? Just a suggestion!

    What do YOU think, slightingscale?

    I'm not Susan (slightingscale) but I think this is a great idea, it could even tbe the challenge for tomorrow!!! By the way the cat in your profile is beautiful!!!!!
  • mrsrobinson
    Thanks! That's one of my three cats, Captain Jenks of the Horse Marines. :tongue: He's a Maine Coon and a sweetie!
  • slightingscale
    slightingscale Posts: 1,209 Member
    Oh Susan you made me laugh!! How and where do find and apply these photos?? I choose door number three!!! LOL When I say women "bulk up" due to lifting ?? hours, well chick number 2 either lives in a gym, does roids, or is truly a shemale! Who knows maybe all three. She must scare the hell out of the males!!!! Yuck, gross, "FREAK" !!!! There truly is a happy medium, I choose the medium!!!
    Me, too! :laugh: :laugh:
  • slightingscale
    slightingscale Posts: 1,209 Member
    Hell, I'm happy when I LIFT my fat butt out of the chair! :laugh:
    Bluenote, you're too cute!:laugh:

    I'd be happy to post our challenge suggestions. I could do a week at a time, so we could plan ahead, and then we'd know the challenge the first thing every the morning. It's been a little hard that way with the current format.

    I have an idea. On Tuesdays, when we post our weights, we could also each suggest a challenge (or those of us that haven't suggested a challenge yet). I can compile all of them and post the challenges for the week. What do you think?

  • mrsrobinson
    Sue, your idea ia MAAHVELOUS! Simply MAAHVELOUS!!! :bigsmile:
  • slightingscale
    slightingscale Posts: 1,209 Member
    I agree that #3 is the best. When I first met my husband, I looked worse than #1 though. I was so thin that people thought I was anorexic but I ate like a pig and was VERY active. I even drank ensure between meals to try to gain some weight, but nothing worked.... except pregnancy! And that took me way over board.

    Rose, I'm so glad you're healthier now, and on track to fitness. That must have been so frustrating for you at your thinnest, not gaining any weight. Did you every find out what was wrong?
  • niky1215

    I'd be happy to post our challenge suggestions. I could do a week at a time, so we could plan ahead, and then we'd know the challenge the first thing every the morning. It's been a little hard that way with the current format.

    I have an idea. On Tuesdays, when we post our weights, we could also each suggest a challenge (or those of us that haven't suggested a challenge yet). I can compile all of them and post the challenges for the week. What do you think?

  • niky1215
    LOL! My first time trying to quote and I messed it up! I was trying to say that I think that is a great idea! :bigsmile:
  • skrumm
    skrumm Posts: 178 Member
    LOL! My first time trying to quote and I messed it up! I was trying to say that I think that is a great idea!
    Don't feel bad i just learned how to do the quotes last week with the help of one of our FAB FOURS! lol! I like the idea for the daily challenges, I have no idea for one though...:smile: I had a good weekend, stayed on track with my calories. I was sick the last couple of days so i didn't exercise at all. Its going to be hard for me to get back into working out, i feel really lazy now. I will have to pray for energy today.
  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    Good Morning F'rs !!! May your day be blessed and if yours isn;t make sure you bless someones elses!!!
    Log your calories=== drink youe water===and get in your exercise!
    p.s. I had MINUS 21 degrees for a low last night!!! Burrrrrrrrrr
  • skrumm
    skrumm Posts: 178 Member
    A few ladies were talking about a tummy tuck, I used to want a tummy tuck too.... until i watched "Dr. G, medical examiner" and one of the ladies that they had on there died due to a blood clot or something after her tummy tuck. :ohwell: That was the day i decided i would rather do sit ups! ahhhhh.:noway: