Gain 15lbs in like a month! I met my goals daily 99% time!



  • senyosmom
    senyosmom Posts: 613 Member
    Take a look at what you are eating and the nutrition values - maybe your calories are right but maybe you are going way over carbs or sodium. If you are constantly consuming lots of sodium you are retaining water. If you are lifting weights as exercise your muscles retain water while they "heal" or "build back up".

    Also, take measurements and not just hopping on a scale. Personally, I have lost several inches but only 1 pound in the last 7 weeks. So you may be getting smaller but the scale isnt reflecting it.

    Hang in there!!!
  • LisaLouisiana
    LisaLouisiana Posts: 145 Member
    Print out your diary for the last month and take it to your doctor. You need to see if there is a medical reason for this.

    Go to an independent web site and calculate how many calories you burn just by being alive... Personally, none are more credible than the Mayo Clinic's: My my age, sex, height and weight, (48, female, 5' 7" and 207....down from 330) I use 1,650 calories a day. At 1,700 a day, I would be gaining weight if I were inactive.

    Now, why do you have a sedentary lifestyle? If there's a physical reason for that? You need to add something.

    Let me tell you a little story. I once weighed 330 pounds and mobility was a big issue. I couldn't do much of anything because I was so big and terribly out of shape. I decided to change that. Fit people will laugh at this, but it is real to a lot of us.....I started by sitting at the edge of my bed and just slightly leaning back until my tummy muscles would tighten and shake. That's one. I did as many as I could, but 10 was completely out of the question. That was the beginning.

    Now, fast forward to just over a year ago.....I had lost a lot of weight and my activity level was greatly improved....and then I was in an accident and I messed up my hip. I instantly went to sedentary. A few months of that and things were out of control. I went to eBay and I bought a cheap set of resistance bands. Truly, three of them delivered to me for $8! I started using them with my upper body and it's amazing how far I've come. You can do this, too.

    Are you weighing and measuring your portions? Until I started doing that, I didn't have any real success at loosing weight. I was astounded by how much in error my estimates were. Now I have a cheap little digital scale and I serve with measuring cups. When I say 1/2 cup of rice and 1 cup of beans, you better believe that is accurate.

    At 1,700 calories a day, I doubt that you should be gaining that much weight. Get checked out as there are quite a few medical reasons for large weight gains. If you have one, that needs to be addressed. Either way, do not give up! There is a reason for this, so find the problem, fix it and get on with taking your life back!

    You can do this! It's a learning process for all of us! I certainly understand more now that I've lost 123 pounds than I did a couple of months into my weight loss journey. One day you'll look back to this as just a bump in the road.
  • Coray1017
    Coray1017 Posts: 4 Member
    One lesson I have learned since joining MFP is that while for some people, it doesn't seem to matter where their calories come from, for me, it matters. If I stay at or below my calories but all I ate was junk/processed/fried/fast food then I will not lose weight. But, when I try to eat better, I not only feel better but there is a loss on the scale. I think for some people it's more than just tracking calories, it's about what you are putting in your body as well. Good luck.

    I agree!
  • ChitownFoodie
    ChitownFoodie Posts: 1,562 Member
    To gain 15 pounds you had to have eaten 52,500 calories over maintenance in that period of time. Are you watching your sodium? Just looking at your diary I can see a lot of high sodium foods. Cut down on that because most of the 15 pounds is water weight.
  • HeatherDee92
    HeatherDee92 Posts: 218 Member
    1750, if you really are sedentary, is quite a lot. Where did you get this figure from?

    I am at 1750 and "sedentary" because I have a sit down job, and it works great for me.

    I am going to have to agree with everyone on here watch your macros! :)
  • LowcarbNY
    LowcarbNY Posts: 546 Member
    I have been religiously sticking to my 1750 daily calorie goals to lose 1lb a week.

    Really, this is not typically possible without consuming at least 1750 daily calories ABOVE your TDEE. (Total Daily Energy Expenditure).
    There may be something wrong with you medically, seriously. I would be seeing an MD pronto. Maybe you have kidney function issues that are leading to fluid retention. How is your Blood Pressure? Are you taking steroids for some medical condition?
  • vettle
    vettle Posts: 621 Member
    There is something else going on there - go see a doctor. Even though bodies aren't perfect and things throw us for a loop, this is not normal. There is no way you could gain 15 pounds in a month by eating that amount strictly unless you are 5 feet tall and lay in bed all day.

    I am 5'6", eat 1700 calories, and maintain my weight of 130 pounds. When I exercise, I eat my calories burned.
  • nolakris
    nolakris Posts: 98 Member
    Creating your own food list and entering all of the information from the package is a little time consuming, but worth it. Using the first thing "similar" on the current lists is kind of like trying to shove a square peg in a round hole. It's not going to get you where you want to be. No one is perfect, but it's going to be that much harder if your food diary isn't accurate.
    You've gotten a lot of good advice on here. If fruit upsets your stomach, I'd opt for more vegetables instead. Lower in acidity and very filling. Eat them coupled with a protein- eggs, low fat cheese, skim milk even works to coat the stomach and reduce acid while giving you a protein.
  • Poorgirls_Diet
    Poorgirls_Diet Posts: 528 Member
    It sounds like you are having too much bread which will leave you bloated and underestimating your actual calories. I know you said you eat allot of homemade stuff but all that I see is allot of processed foods. Also watch your sodium levels as well, cut back on the cafeine too. These are some of the things that I done over the past week when I couldn't shift my weight and this week I lost 8lbs. You can do this hun, just make better choices and log everything even if its a scrape of butter it all adds up. Good luck to you
  • Amryfal
    Amryfal Posts: 225
    Step away from the Latte !

    You're 110 kg, probably 50 - 55% fat at a guess. Katch-McArdle says your BMR is 1440 - 1560 calories/day.

    Add 20% for sedentary, take off a 500 deficit puts you at 1230 - 1370 cals per day. Take off a 20% deficit gives you 1380 - 1500.

    You're eating / drinking too much.

    YARWELL...went to that site...and at STARTING weight it says my BMR is a whopping 2,681 calories!!!!

    MFP and other BMR calculators list my BMR at ~1850. When I used a BMR calculator that included body fat % - - i got a BMR of ~1550. WTF I say? but when I was eating 1800 calories a day, I didn't lose. I dropped to 1650 and like magic, the weight started coming off.
  • dlambert11
    dlambert11 Posts: 33 Member
    Maybe a trip to see your doc is in order. Might be a thyroid issue. Make an appointment to have some tests run. I know gaining while limiting calories and moving is frustrating so there has to be something more. Good luck. please do not give up.

    I agree. Going to the doctor would probably be best. You are doing exactly what you should be doing to lose weight. Especially after gaining so much in a month! Don't get discouraged! You can get this all straightened out!
  • Sharyn913
    Sharyn913 Posts: 777 Member
    Maybe a trip to see your doc is in order. Might be a thyroid issue. Make an appointment to have some tests run. I know gaining while limiting calories and moving is frustrating so there has to be something more. Good luck. please do not give up.

    I agree with this!
  • jmbrown727
    jmbrown727 Posts: 3 Member
    I was eating my calorie goals given to me by MFP and did not lose any weight. I saw a nutritionist and it changed dramatically. Same calorie recommendations but instead of eating 1290 and adding more for days I exercised, he recommended I just level it out to 1400 / day. I was eating almost all of my carbs at night = not burning them off = no weight loss or weight gain. Leveled everything out and had proportions of 40 - 45g carbs, 25-35 protein, 25-30 fat. Made all of the difference in the world. It isn't just what you eat, it is making sure that each meal and snack are proportionate in carbs, protein and fat. Also, do not be afraid of good fats. I was and when I started adding them in, my weight loss began to pick up.
  • jpuderbaugh
    jpuderbaugh Posts: 318 Member
    One lesson I have learned since joining MFP is that while for some people, it doesn't seem to matter where their calories come from, for me, it matters. If I stay at or below my calories but all I ate was junk/processed/fried/fast food then I will not lose weight. But, when I try to eat better, I not only feel better but there is a loss on the scale. I think for some people it's more than just tracking calories, it's about what you are putting in your body as well. Good luck.

    This is how I am too. I might be under in calories, but if it's nothing but processed junk, I don't lose anyting. I cut out sweets last week, didn't snack on anything not healthy, and made excellent choices of fruit, whole grains, greek yogurt, and salad and lost about 3 1/2 pounds, that was without any exercise. When I am under in calories, and exercising, but eating junk food, I barely lose. makes me mad. It is so hard for me to resist certain foods, and when I do have them, it sends me spiraling for about a week until I pull myself back up on the wagon.
  • HalfFullMe
    HalfFullMe Posts: 6 Member
    I am beginning to see the same problem. I am doing 1200 (net) calories a day, burning between 300-600 calories a day yet I am slowly gaining weight. I've only been doing the 1200 calories a day for about 2 weeks so I'm giving my body some more time to adjust before I go making changes. I agree with the people above who say what you eat makes a difference. I notice a big difference in how I feel when I eat natural, healthy foods and avoid processed and convenience foods.

    Good luck to you!
  • kdiamond
    kdiamond Posts: 3,329 Member
    Here is my $.02 after looking at your diary.

    You do have a lot of processed foods, carbs, simple sugars, etc., but if you were eating less calories that stuff wouldn't matter in the weight loss department (except for water bloat).

    My immediate impression is that I do believe you are eating more than you think. When you say ".8 plate of spaghetti bolognese" how accurate do you think that is? I have been at my goal weight for years and I still measure 90% of my foods. You have to measure. Yes, it is obsessive, and yes, it is a pain in the butt but that is the ONLY way you can be sure you are consuming the calories you think you are. If you are serious about losing weight you have to make sacrifices, and unfortunately, convenience is definitely one of them.

    Weight loss is calories in vs. calories out. Exercise would be helpful too, but your diet is the most important thing. Get that in check and you will be in business.
  • Its all about sugar intake.. I have lost 10 lbs in 6 weeks, but I couldn't lose any weight till I started looking at everything I was eating.. Once I cut out almost all sugar, I started losing weight.. I like having drinks on the weekends and that was killing my diet also. So I started taking a sprite zero with me and drank that with crown instead of regular sprite and cosmo's and strawberry martinis'.. I walk or ride a bike maybe 3 times a week for 30 - 45 minutes. I switch off so I don't get burned out..
  • SocWkrBee
    SocWkrBee Posts: 374
    BUt I am looking for a LIEFSTYLE change that doesnt including keeping Weights and Measurements in my handbag!

    Sometimes, you just have to do that.
    At least at first, once you develop an eye for what an amount is, it becomes less important.

    I agree with this. OP human beings are very inaccurate when it comes to estimating calories and portion sizes. Take some time and learn what proper portion measurements are. It seems that you are easily offended and came here looking for and answer that deflected responsibilty from you.

    I definitely agree about cutting carbs. I have not changed much of what I do. However, when I was eat Subway and lo mein, etc I was not losing and I was bloated. I have lost visible inches and a few pounds since limiting my carbs to about 150g.

    I also agree with other posters who suggested that you talk to a doctor. Best of luck to you in your journey!
  • MsKeelah919
    MsKeelah919 Posts: 332 Member
    One lesson I have learned since joining MFP is that while for some people, it doesn't seem to matter where their calories come from, for me, it matters. If I stay at or below my calories but all I ate was junk/processed/fried/fast food then I will not lose weight. But, when I try to eat better, I not only feel better but there is a loss on the scale. I think for some people it's more than just tracking calories, it's about what you are putting in your body as well. Good luck.

    Agreed! I lost optimal weight, when my diet is clean (fruits, veggies, lean protein, water) I lose weight very regularly and quickly. I can consume less calories but of a less vital variety and the weight release just isn't the same.
  • kam5507
    kam5507 Posts: 40
    Are you exercising daily? I am also sedentary all day.. nice way to say sits on my butt in office all day lol. So I have to incorporate 60 minutes or more of exercise daily. I just started and it told me 1200 cals since I am sedentary