wearing black nail polish in a corporate job inappropriate?



  • aj_31
    aj_31 Posts: 999 Member
    Unfair as it might be take the black off. I'd either go with no polish or do a very light neutral color. Nothing too flashy.

    I also don't like blue in the 'corporate' setting. I don't know why but I cringe when I see ladies walking around with blue nails or toes. To me that is the worst color you could wear even after you get the job.
  • brnsgrsbody
    brnsgrsbody Posts: 254 Member
    Take it off sweetie! We already have a hard time getting high profile jobs with just our education and certifications. They pick us apart looking for anything to say "No". Trust me sweetie I know and they hate me being on top of my game honey. :wink:

  • Kristen0526
    Kristen0526 Posts: 168 Member
    Unfair as it might be take the black off. I'd either go with no polish or do a very light neutral color. Nothing too flashy.

    I also don't like blue in the 'corporate' setting. I don't know why but I cringe when I see ladies walking around with blue nails or toes. To me that is the worst color you could wear even after you get the job.

    I agree! I don't know why, I like the color, and I like to mix up the polish on my toes every time I get a pedicure, but I can't bring myself to do blue! Maybe because I think of 90's Spice Girl era teeny boppers running around with blue nail polish that makes me cringe haha
  • linz1125
    linz1125 Posts: 441 Member
    Switch the black for a vampy shade of red or even navy blue for your interview.
    Good luck. :)

    I think that for interviews, a person shouldn't wear anything that will stand out. Every piece of advice that I have heard regarding females in interviews say that nails should be trimmed nicely, and a polish in a shade that does not stand out. A light shade is generally appropriate.

    Good luck with your interview!
  • rossi02
    rossi02 Posts: 549 Member
    I'm in HR and do interviews for a living - for the purposes of the interview, definitely drop the black. Stay neutral, same with your makeup. Less is more. Too much makeup, drastic nail colors, even large earrings are distractions for the inteviewer and can be seen as unprofessional. Remember, you don't get a second chance to make a first impression. Once you get the job you can rock the black but it's not appropriate for interviews.

    Good luck!

    I'm not in HR myself, but am very familiar with the onboarding of new associates... I completely agree with what is stated above. The person interviewing you may not notice either way, but I'd rather play it a little more toned down and not wonder if the details like that... ended up counting against me.

    Best of luck!!!
  • penrbrown
    penrbrown Posts: 2,685 Member
    I don't even work in corporate settings but I know my boss has refused to hire people because of their appearance!

    Appearance is a BIG PART of your first impression.

    Now, the black nail polish? I think it's kind of a silly thing BUT you want to improve your chances so it's best to remain clean, neat and subtle. Black doesn't look clean, neat or tidy.

    Just my two cents. :)
  • LeenaRuns
    LeenaRuns Posts: 1,309 Member
    For an interview, I agree, no nail polish (oh ANY kind unless that ugly light, light pink). Once you get the job, by all means paint them black, purple, or whatever you want.
  • sgtlittle
    sgtlittle Posts: 258 Member
    Get the job, then repaint nails.
  • FR89
    FR89 Posts: 186 Member
    I disagree, but they need to be professionally manicured. Not chipped, too long, and crappy looking. Black is fashionable and matches everything.

    ^^^ this... i wear it to work .. no one has ever said anything.. black is one of my favourite nail polish colour to wear.. (top three are silver, black and red) as long as you are dressed well for the interview and present yourself nicely the colour of your nails shoudnt matter!BUT now that your friend has said it.. i think you might aswell change it .. or not wear any colour at all .. just to be on the safe side! xx Good Luck xx
  • JanineHarrison
    JanineHarrison Posts: 164 Member
    It isn't that black polish will make or break you but you want them to remember YOU and what you have done or have to say, you don't want anything you are wearing to be a distraction, the same goes for perfumes and other things like that. Names are not the first thing that sticks in peoples heads, People instinctually pick something about you as an identifier, so it could be something as basic as in a post interview discusion the hiring team remembering you as the girl that worked at XYZ Compnay for 5yrs rather than the girl with the black nail polish.
  • lucky48
    lucky48 Posts: 65 Member
    As a person with a nose piercing and multiple visible tattoos...take it off. It is what it is in the job world and if you want the job you will do what it takes to get it.

    I disagree with this - The reason that I pierced my nose was because I was tired of people telling me who I was and who I was supposed to be. I continue to go to job interviews with a little stud in my nose. At one time, I would have changed it but they are so frequent now that it's no longer just a freak status symbol. If I have to change myself to be in a job then I'm not going to be happy there. And to makes things easier, I was an accountant and met with numerous corporate people every day. Unfortunately, things like piercings and dark nail polish have stigmas associated with them and they will always be something that will be a detriment to an interview. Instead of having to totally change yourself, think of the industry you're going into, if you have to compromise yourself too much for a job (and are you okay with doing so?), do you really want it in the first place?
  • xHelloQuincyx
    xHelloQuincyx Posts: 884 Member
    for an interview yes, i would take it off.

    after i got the job, no i would wear what ever i want. (as long as there isnt any dress code) thats just me. pay no attention to my pink hair :]
  • WhoTheHellIsBen
    WhoTheHellIsBen Posts: 1,238 Member
    So as a person who has done hiring before and helped people with interviews here's what I can offer

    1. Everything should be neutral, use neutral coloored or just clear coat polish, it shows you care about your appearance but you don't have to worry about peoples perceptions on different colors, This goes with clothes too, Shoes color matches belt color, Whites, Taupe, black, and Neutral colors are a yes. Bright colors, loud patterns, the latest fashion, are all no. If it looks like you can wear it to a club or a night out, do not wear it to an interview, end of discussion.

    2. Shoes, no high heels, flip flops, sneakers, sandals, or crocs (seriously, I refused to interview a guy who showed up in crocs once). Low heels, dress/conservative shoes, yes. Try to avoid open toe all together

    3. Wearing a dress? Wear leggings, no I don't care what your excuse is, wear the damn leggings, sheer panty hose or black work best, seriously resist the urge to finally get those fishnets out of the back of your drawer.

    4. Hair, conservative and neat, unless you are trying to be a nightclub manager whatever cool hairstyle you have doesn't matter so don't do it

    5. As a person with tattoo's sleeved on my arms I will tell you it your tattoo's are visible you just cut your chance to get hired in half so cover them up. If you have neck, hand, or other blatent tattoos and you don't have a degree in graphic design just go apply at warehouse's, 7-11's, and hot topic now, that's your future, congrats on your dumbass placed tattoo.

    6. Jewerly. Modest to none, Don't show up looking like Mr. T, period.

    7.Facial piercings, take them out, end of discussion

    8.perfume/calogne, little to none, different people get bothered by different smells, do not risk it! If you show up smelling like a *kitten* house or like you just dutch ovened yourself with a 12pack of axe body spray you can kiss that job goodbye.

    9. Real communication. Yeah, uh huh, sure, yup, and other short dumb sounding responses need to go all together. Wait to speak, never interrupt.

    There's a ton of other stuff but this will get you started
  • robinhardysmall
    robinhardysmall Posts: 246 Member
    I would take it off and either go very neutral or even a french manicure~ it is all about appearance. If you take the steps to look the part I believe you will have better success I work for a university and my husband sometimes complains about the costs of having to keep "the look up"- but I keep my hair colored, cut, my pedicures up and look the part~ and I have moved up over the years....just my opinion though.
  • Bobby_Clerici
    Bobby_Clerici Posts: 1,828 Member
    Do NOT wear that color.
    Seriously, learn how to dress and how a professional should comport herself.
    Here might be a good start

    And don't take the advice of losers going nowhere in life.
    These are the "you go girl" people who would tell you to "be yourself" and other such absurd advice.
    If you want to advance yourself, you must dress the part.
    Good Luck :drinker:
  • VitaBailey
    VitaBailey Posts: 271 Member
    wow, I am dis heartened to heat this. So the color of my nails determines how people will perceive me, WOW. It's just a color on my nails, why should that matter.

    Basically i can have all the qualifications in the world and a great personality, but because of the color of my nails i might not get hired..WHAT!!!!! ::jaw drops::

    Yes, the way you present yourself is how you are perceived. How come you are shocked by this? You knew enough to ask the questions so something about it seemed off to you, right?
  • Bobby_Clerici
    Bobby_Clerici Posts: 1,828 Member
    So as a person who has done hiring before and helped people with interviews here's what I can offer

    1. Everything should be neutral, use neutral coloored or just clear coat polish, it shows you care about your appearance but you don't have to worry about peoples perceptions on different colors, This goes with clothes too, Shoes color matches belt color, Whites, Taupe, black, and Neutral colors are a yes. Bright colors, loud patterns, the latest fashion, are all no. If it looks like you can wear it to a club or a night out, do not wear it to an interview, end of discussion.

    2. Shoes, no high heels, flip flops, sneakers, sandals, or crocs (seriously, I refused to interview a guy who showed up in crocs once). Low heels, dress/conservative shoes, yes. Try to avoid open toe all together

    3. Wearing a dress? Wear leggings, no I don't care what your excuse is, wear the damn leggings, sheer panty hose or black work best, seriously resist the urge to finally get those fishnets out of the back of your drawer.

    4. Hair, conservative and neat, unless you are trying to be a nightclub manager whatever cool hairstyle you have doesn't matter so don't do it

    5. As a person with tattoo's sleeved on my arms I will tell you it your tattoo's are visible you just cut your chance to get hired in half so cover them up. If you have neck, hand, or other blatent tattoos and you don't have a degree in graphic design just go apply at warehouse's, 7-11's, and hot topic now, that's your future, congrats on your dumbass placed tattoo.

    6. Jewerly. Modest to none, Don't show up looking like Mr. T, period.

    7.Facial piercings, take them out, end of discussion

    8.perfume/calogne, little to none, different people get bothered by different smells, do not risk it! If you show up smelling like a *kitten* house or like you just dutch ovened yourself with a 12pack of axe body spray you can kiss that job goodbye.

    9. Real communication. Yeah, uh huh, sure, yup, and other short dumb sounding responses need to go all together. Wait to speak, never interrupt.

    There's a ton of other stuff but this will get you started
  • Serenstar75
    Serenstar75 Posts: 258 Member
    I agree too..as a person who has hired a lot of folks in my life, black nail polish wont make my decision for me, but it would make me wonder if this person is a goth or emo.. and what kind of baggage is she bringing into my work invironment that I'm going to have to deal with later....

    Just because someone might be Goth doesn't make that person somehow a bad worker or mean she'll bring baggage into a job. I wear black, purple, blue, white, though I prefer French tips. I love goth clothing, but I don't wear it to work. I would vote for removing the polish just because it's the interview. It gives you a chance, too, to feel out the environment of your job once you're in to see what is acceptable at that workplace.
  • dmpizza
    dmpizza Posts: 3,321 Member
    Dress conservatively at your job. Especially for an interview.
  • sylvuz323
    sylvuz323 Posts: 468 Member
    I'm in HR and do interviews for a living - for the purposes of the interview, definitely drop the black. Stay neutral, same with your makeup. Less is more. Too much makeup, drastic nail colors, even large earrings are distractions for the inteviewer and can be seen as unprofessional. Remember, you don't get a second chance to make a first impression. Once you get the job you can rock the black but it's not appropriate for interviews.

    Good luck!

    I have to agree here, its more of a distraction. You want them focused on what you have to say not checking out your nails, jewelry, hair or tattoos.