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Protection from dogs.



  • yourenotmine
    yourenotmine Posts: 645 Member
    I'm glad you're ok. I'm really sorry the dog scared and hurt you. I agree that you should try carrying pepper spray or some sort of baton-like implement, as long as that's legal in your state. Wouldn't want you to get in trouble just for trying to protect yourself.
  • zonah
    zonah Posts: 216 Member
    When you come across a dog off leash, tuck your hands under your armpits & totally ignore the dog. I would also check out Cesar Milan's web site for tips. I'm so sorry that happened to you.
  • yourenotmine
    yourenotmine Posts: 645 Member
    It's been proven that if you leash up any dog, and then let it roam in the yard, an open gate/fence will mean it will take off for its freedom and attack anything in the way.

    This is just silly. Some dogs will always run off if they can, some never would unless another animal scared them. Most would just be curious and want to go see what's out there. After all, it's fun when to go for a walk, and they don't know what a leash law is. And MOST owned dogs (not talking about wild or feral dogs) are domesticated animals who would not consider attacking a human, sometimes not under any circumstances, but certainly not just because he/she was walking by. Dogs are all different, just as people are all different, and it's up to the individual owner to know his or her dog and take proper precautions. The dog referenced in the OP's post was clearly out of its owner's control, and that's not allowed in modern society.

    Sorry if I hijacked your thread. I just dislike inflammatory statements like that.
  • EggTamOut
    EggTamOut Posts: 16
    You carry a hand gun when you walk? Where the heck do you live????? WTF?
  • treetpflyer
    treetpflyer Posts: 184 Member
    I recommend a Ruger LCP. I had a pitbull chase my boxer and me down one day and luckily had my LCP on me...enough said...
  • davidr730
    davidr730 Posts: 126 Member
    Ask your mail carrier what he or she uses.
  • davidr730
    davidr730 Posts: 126 Member
    You carry a hand gun when you walk? Where the heck do you live????? WTF?
    Better to be judged by 12 than carried by six.
  • treetpflyer
    treetpflyer Posts: 184 Member
    You carry a hand gun when you walk? Where the heck do you live????? WTF?
    Better to be judged by 12 than carried by six.

  • rjt1000
    rjt1000 Posts: 700 Member
    I've been bitten by two dogs throughout my life. One dog was a German Shepherd and one was a Chihuahua.
    I'm not saying anything against or in defense of Pitbulls.... I just think that ANY dog can be dangerous...

    To OP, glad you are okay and reported this incident.

    yes, any dog can be dangerous. Problem with pits (my opinion) is they are so freaking strong for their size that they do much more damage than other breeds.

    And I agree (mostly) with the no bad dogs only bad owners comments. My neighbor is a bad owner. In 7 years we've lived next to him, he's had at least 9 dogs killed or "disappeared." He usually has between 6 and 10 dogs at his house and lets them run anywhere and everywhere. He has 4 pits, 3 jack russells and 3-5 chihuahuas right now. I think. Last time I counted but that was last week so he might only have 5 dogs now. Or 20.....
  • rjt1000
    rjt1000 Posts: 700 Member
    Ask your mail carrier what he or she uses.

    my mail carrier uses dog biscuits. Says he's never had any problems with dogs.
  • ladytinkerbell99
    ladytinkerbell99 Posts: 970 Member
    Everyone that owns a pitbull thinks that with the right love and training their dog would never attack a person, but reality sets and instinct takes over. This particular dog breed should be banned.

    You should consider speaking to an attorney.

    Running away from the animal doesn't help. Also, protect your neck. Given the chance animals will go for the jugular.

    The Breed is not all bad and should not be judged on a whole by some inbred bad apples!! I have a friend who raises Pits and they would lick you to death before the bite, unless you were to physically threaten or harm them or their family! I agree there are ones who were never abused that just have issues this is usually due to MAJOR in breeding, which again is not the fault of the animal, but of the breeders! There are bad apples in the human race too, that we just don't understand why they are the way they are, should we as humans be banned too??

    Sorry for the soap box, but it just gets my goat the way this breed is so often villianized and that half the time,a "Pit" is not even a pit bull. There are many breed mixes that look like pit that are not... OK... Off the box now!

    ^ I really hope that you are okay. I have been bite before. It was rather stressful. However, I agree 100% with this comment.
    Please do not lump all dogs of one breed together.
  • mycrazy8splus1
    mycrazy8splus1 Posts: 1,558 Member

    I love how every article in the news about a dog biting someone states the dog is a pit. I have owned a pit. he was the best behaved and nicest dog you could ever wish for. I currently have 2 boxer mixes which are constantly being called pit bulls.

    I also carry a gun when I go out. We have had some close encounters with bear and mountain lions in my neighborhood. In a more urban area I would try the doggie biscuits though.
  • EggTamOut
    EggTamOut Posts: 16
    I recommend a Ruger LCP. I had a pitbull chase my boxer and me down one day and luckily had my LCP on me...enough said...

    Wow, how sad. I would hate to live where I have to walk around in fear all the time like a schoolgirl. You might want to consider Canada or some other non-violent country.
  • EggTamOut
    EggTamOut Posts: 16
    You carry a hand gun when you walk? Where the heck do you live????? WTF?
    Better to be judged by 12 than carried by six.

    For real? SERIOUSLY, where in the world do you people live? You might want to consider Canada or some other non-violent country.
  • EggTamOut
    EggTamOut Posts: 16

    I love how every article in the news about a dog biting someone states the dog is a pit. I have owned a pit. he was the best behaved and nicest dog you could ever wish for. I currently have 2 boxer mixes which are constantly being called pit bulls.

    I also carry a gun when I go out. We have had some close encounters with bear and mountain lions in my neighborhood. In a more urban area I would try the doggie biscuits though.

    I hear you with the breed thing, very sad. Hitler state. But seriously, walking with a gun? I could never live in a country where I feared for my safety like that. I live in the country with bears and wolves and never once even considered the need for a weapon. If you respect the wild, it respects you. Although, I can't speak to mountain lions - perhaps you have cause there, I just think that with any wild animal, mutual respect is the key.
  • EggTamOut
    EggTamOut Posts: 16
    "my mail carrier uses dog biscuits. Says he's never had any problems with dogs"

    Have to agree here, I did a mail route for 1 1/5 yrs, not one issue. Cookies always do the trick - make them your buddy.
  • qbdeal1
    qbdeal1 Posts: 25 Member
    your wrong i have 2 pitbulls and they are trained to love everyone. I also have 2 cats and they all get along. My dogs are basically lap dogs. i let them out without a leash and they come back after they go to the bathroom, i have had 1 occasion where some guy tried pissing my dog off by throwing a stick at him so my dog would bite him and all she did was run back to me while i went up to the guy and punched him in the face for coming on my property and yelling at me for having my dog run on my property without a leash.

    All animals are innocent, they do not have a brain like a human. They do not know whats right and wrong, that's what a trainer is for. The dog that bit this woman was not trained and had nobody around that loved it and cared for it.

    I seen a teacup Pomeranian bite someone, should that breed be banned too?
  • your wrong i have 2 pitbulls and they are trained to love everyone. I also have 2 cats and they all get along. My dogs are basically lap dogs. i let them out without a leash and they come back after they go to the bathroom, i have had 1 occasion where some guy tried pissing my dog off by throwing a stick at him so my dog would bite him and all she did was run back to me while i went up to the guy and punched him in the face for coming on my property and yelling at me for having my dog run on my property without a leash.

    All animals are innocent, they do not have a brain like a human. They do not know whats right and wrong, that's what a trainer is for. The dog that bit this woman was not trained and had nobody around that loved it and cared for it.

    I seen a teacup Pomeranian bite someone, should that breed be banned too?

    Here, here! Couldn't have said it better myself!
  • ncates00
    ncates00 Posts: 51
    Everyone that owns a pitbull thinks that with the right love and training their dog would never attack a person, but reality sets and instinct takes over. This particular dog breed should be banned.

    That is probably one of the most ridiculous things I've ever heard.
  • goldfinger88
    goldfinger88 Posts: 686 Member
    Get some mace or whatever is legal where you live. I buy the type that goes on a band on my hand. It's easy to get to and fast. You should never walk anywhere without protection from many things. Also, you need to go get a tetanus shot from the bite and have it looked at.
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