The crazy things people say when you are losing weight...



  • Alex_is_Hawks
    Alex_is_Hawks Posts: 3,499 Member
    I think the worst thing said to me during my progress was about three months ago...when my relationship imploded...

    as my now ex was walking out the door he said

    "you know if you hadn't lost that weight we would still be together"


    excuse me? I better not have heard you right.

  • jeri30
    jeri30 Posts: 70 Member
    Well, since people seem to want to know so badly. :)

    Hmpff is when a someone makes a noise of disappointment and the "hmpff" noise is usually made while crossing arms, frowning, and poking out the lower lip, which makes a sad or mad face. Hmpff is the "word" given to this noise like "pow" when Batman punches the Joker in the campy, cartoonish 60's Batman.

    A teen and her mom are having a conversation about a date:

    Teen:mommy, I want to go out w/him.
    Mom: Not until your 16, honey.
    Teen: but mooo-oommm.
    Mom:No "buts". No means no. Not until your 16.
    Teen: Hmpff
  • cheryl5115
    cheryl5115 Posts: 154 Member
    MIne too has been people asking me what pill I was on. For some reason they had a hard time accepting that I dropped 90 pounds by simple diet and exercise. I try to tell them all the time that I didn't start a diet I changed my life, but they still want to know what the magic pill was. Now I say water, veggies and lots of sunshine :smile:

    The cutest for me was my grandma when she saw me last year she was impressed with my weight loss and then expressed concern over how skinny I looked. She gently tapped my leg and said Honey you look too thin, come with me I'm gonna make you a sandwich. LOL I laugh because I know that she is just being who she is and she is grandma and tends to worry a lot. So even though I would have declined that from someone else I allowed that to be my cheat for the week and let her 'tend' to her granddaughter LOL

    That was very nice of you to let your Grandma take care of you.
  • allisonmrn
    allisonmrn Posts: 721 Member
    "Wow, how skinny are you trying to get??" I'm not trying to get skinny, I'm trying to get fit. Idiots.

    "You need to go eat a burrito..No, go eat TWO burritos." Seriously? How about you STOP eating burritos? :grumble:

    ^ What she said....
  • happyfeetrebel1
    happyfeetrebel1 Posts: 1,005 Member
    I did plan to have surgery, and I'm on a pre-op diet that's going so well that I may not qualify by the time my surgery date rolls around. I'm usually a super open person who doesn't mind answering questions honestly, as long as the person asking doesn't make me feel like a freak show.

    I'll tell you the ones that get to me, though:

    (Not a question, but a comment) "I don't see why you think you need to lose so much. You're not fat." Bless your heart...I DO own a mirror. I'm just fat, not blind or stupid.

    "How much weight do you want to lose?" and when I tell them "oh...are you sure? That's going to be way too much. I think you should aim for (insert arbitrary number here)." Yeah, I don't remember your occupying a seat in the surgeon's office when we set my weight goals. Trust me, I've done my research. I know what a healthy weight is for me.

    "Oh, that surgery will never work. My hamster's cousin's uncle's best friend's neighbor had that, and now she weighs 8 million pounds and needs a crane to use the bathroom. Have you tried (insert fad diet of the moment here)?" Why yes...yes I have. A few times. And guess what? It didn't work for me.

    "Aren't you afraid you're going to die?" Well yes, as a matter of fact I am. That's why I'm doing something about my weight. I'd rather die knowing I made an attempt than die even more quickly from a preventable illness. P.S. We all die from SOMETHING...I just prefer that my weight not be that something.

    And my favorite:

    "Isn't it haaaaaaard (they always draw it out like that) switching your diet all up like that?" Yup, you bet it is. It's even harder lugging my extra-wide butt around, and watching my loved ones enjoy things I know I can't do. I promise you, I'm not likely to expire from the effort of eating better. Maybe you should try it, too.

    Oh more...

    "Don't you miss chocolate cake/ice cream/double cheeseburgers with extra lard and mayo?" Well, not until you said THAT! (except the double cheeseburger...I hate cheeseburgers and always have) But I'd rather experience a full, active life than repeat the feel of biting into a chocolate cake. I KNOW what that's like...I want new experiences!

    This was just awesome. I applaud you :)

    My surgeon's office submits your weight info from your first weigh in, not currently, because they expect you to lose weight first. BUT, my insurance knew I was losing because they required a 6 week phone consult program.

    Good luck :)
  • happyfeetrebel1
    happyfeetrebel1 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Oh, and people at my job ask my hubby (who also works there) if I'm ok..or if I'm really sick. It kinda bugs me. I mean, it's good to know that they worry because they care, but they COULD just ask me.

    Ah well..I think they have good intentions :)
  • marie_cressman
    marie_cressman Posts: 980 Member
    Eh. I haven't viewed anything anyone has said to me as crazy really, but I do get some silly comments.

    I've gotten the "I thought you had surgery! You didn't?" Um. No. I didn't. Not that there's anything "wrong" with it, but I didn't do it.

    My mom (who is very critical of me and likes to tell me when I look fat or bad) tells me to stop losing weight because I'm getting too thin (mind you I'm in the 180s and a size 10/12 and my goal weight is 160lbs). She is a size 18/20 and I have always (even as a teenager) been bigger than her.

    I have had someone tell me I should aim for a lower weight than what my goal weight is. She told me I should aim for 120-130. Thanks but no thanks. I know what my goals are. If i feel like when I get to 160lbs it isn't healthy, I will decide to lose more. For now, I am happy with 160lbs being my goal and so is my doctor and the nutritionist I just started seeing.
  • elle18287
    elle18287 Posts: 267 Member
    My mother in law told me that when she had seen me a few months back I was so skinny, I was surly under weight, but now that I had gained a few pounds she wasn't worried anymore.


    Also, I still have 30 lb to lose and hadn't gain any back.
  • angelizeu
    angelizeu Posts: 1
    I just wanted to say Hello! I am new to Myfitnesspal and have just recently changed my diet. I want you all to know how inspiring your stories are. THANK YOU!
  • propskat
    propskat Posts: 191 Member
    Eh. I haven't viewed anything anyone has said to me as crazy really, but I do get some silly comments.

    I've gotten the "I thought you had surgery! You didn't?" Um. No. I didn't. Not that there's anything "wrong" with it, but I didn't do it.

    My mom (who is very critical of me and likes to tell me when I look fat or bad) tells me to stop losing weight because I'm getting too thin (mind you I'm in the 180s and a size 10/12 and my goal weight is 160lbs). She is a size 18/20 and I have always (even as a teenager) been bigger than her.

    I have had someone tell me I should aim for a lower weight than what my goal weight is. She told me I should aim for 120-130. Thanks but no thanks. I know what my goals are. If i feel like when I get to 160lbs it isn't healthy, I will decide to lose more. For now, I am happy with 160lbs being my goal and so is my doctor and the nutritionist I just started seeing.

    WOW congratulations on your success so far! You're almost there! 160 is my goal too, but i'm a lot further away from it than you are! :smile:

    I only see my dad once a year or so, and he told me I'm 'wasting away'... LOL
  • michellelhartwig
    michellelhartwig Posts: 486 Member
    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: I have a coworker that whenever she sees me shouts, " It's the incredible shrinking woman!". I just lol....really....19 pounds in 4 months....she's just too funny!!!!
  • dalgal26
    dalgal26 Posts: 781 Member
    The oddest thing said to me was today- ' What do you have on under those jeans that is making your legs look so skinny?' :smile:
  • Dlibo1013
    Dlibo1013 Posts: 883 Member
    wish i knew :(
  • Storey621
    Storey621 Posts: 82 Member
    I've had several people tell me I didnt need to lose weight in the first place. I absolutely hate hearing that. If I didn't need to lose it in the first place I wouldn't have been able to drop almost 17 pounds and still be losing. People almost get offended that I would even think about having a goal weight of 145 and be 5'9" tall.
  • TheBaker7
    TheBaker7 Posts: 2
    Before going on a Mission trip to Honduras I was very active but I hadn't been at my goal weight. When I got to Honduras I got very sick... for the whole 2 weeks I was there I was unable to keep my food down. When I came home a lady I knew said to me "WOW you look good! THANK GOD YOU GOT SO SICK"
  • realia
    realia Posts: 169 Member
    They aren't crazy, but they are sort of annoying.

    "Are you on some diet?"
    "Are you sick?"
    "Keep going. You're going to look so good!" < And plenty more backhanded compliments.
    When I say no to offered food, "Oh, look at you trying to be sexy," or "Don't be shy! Eat!"

    "What are you doing to lose weight?" To which I'd answer: "Portion control. I eat everything in moderation. I log my food as consistently as I can. I exercise and I drink more water." This wouldn't be annoying if they were satisfied with my answer, since that's all I do to lose weight. But they're never satisfied with that. Either they try to pry some special diet out of me or they talk about crazy diet plans that they've tried.

    "How much weight have you lost?" I'm starting to give vague answers to this one only because when I give a specific number, I sometimes get, "Oh, that's it?" :grumble:
  • i just started working out and I hate and despise vegetables. Did you gradually incorporate veggies in your routine? I need help! Lol
  • Jules2Be
    Jules2Be Posts: 2,238 Member
    Well, since people seem to want to know so badly. :)

    Hmpff is when a someone makes a noise of disappointment and the "hmpff" noise is usually made while crossing arms, frowning, and poking out the lower lip, which makes a sad or mad face. Hmpff is the "word" given to this noise like "pow" when Batman punches the Joker in the campy, cartoonish 60's Batman.

    A teen and her mom are having a conversation about a date:

    Teen:mommy, I want to go out w/him.
    Mom: Not until your 16, honey.
    Teen: but mooo-oommm.
    Mom:No "buts". No means no. Not until your 16.
    Teen: Hmpff


    HMPFf!!!!!!!!!!!:angry: <stomps foot, and or pouts>
  • jeka91
    jeka91 Posts: 4 Member
    I haven't lost a lot yet but the ones I get from my family, who are all over weight (and who I wish would take up healthier habits) are,
    "Why don't you just eat whatever you want? You only live once, you may as well enjoy it" -My response: I want to enjoy it longer. And I do enjoy it without gorging.
    "Don't you think it's unhealthy to count calories like that?" This one ticks me off. I just don't get how it can be considered unhealthy to know what goes in to your own body.
    "You should stop exercising so much". None of my family members exercise. I exercise 5-6 days a week for 45 min. Not even close to extreme. I wish other people could understand that I'm trying to live a healthier lifestyle but it's hard when you constantly hear that your healthy lifestyle, which you know is right, is criticized for being wrong. Sorry if I vented a bit. lol.
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  • jeri30
    jeri30 Posts: 70 Member
    Oh, my weird, unintentionally creeptastic family....the first time I lwas losing a lot weight, my Mom tells me that, "You're butt is looking really good! That stair master is really making your butt look good!" Uuuuuuuuhhhhh, thanks, Mom. OMG, my Mom is looking at my butt?!?! WHY????? DMW, Mom, DNW. Keep it to yourself, please, must shower now.

    Also, my aunt convinced herself that I'd had a boob job since, "You don't lose weight and get bigger boobs!" I did! It's a miracle! Well, no. I lost weight so they "stood" out better (they didn't just "blend in" to my fat as well after the weight loss) and bought better bras that weren't worn out and fit me better. I did not have a boob job. I could never convince her of that though.

    I found both comments so very creepy and DNW such comments from my relatives. I know they weren't meant in a creepy, DNW way, but still. Ewwwwwwwwww.

    Also, the first time I went from 175 to 140 (hit a plateau was still gonna lose it though; my thighs still rubbed together), I had a coworker tell me I should stop losing weight, that's it too much weight! Uh, no. It's not. That's just barely inside the BMI range for my height of 5 ft 3 in. My goal weight is to lose weight until I'm fit and my legs don't rub together (so that's between 125 to probably 135). I told her I was going to keep losing until I hit my goal. She said some people's legs just rub together. Yeah, no, not for me. I remember weight 125. I looked very good and my legs didn't rub together and I'm inside my healthy BMI range).

    And, oh, DNW = Do Not Want