July MOVE-IT 180 to 360+ minutes a week challenge!!



  • sarahjay1
    sarahjay1 Posts: 175 Member
    Week # 1 -- July 2nd -- Goal 500 minutes, ACHIEVED! (518 minutes total)
    Week #2 -- July 9th -- Goal 550 minutes, ACHIEVED! (584 minutes total)
    Week #3 - July 16 -- Goal 600 minutes

    Mon: 98 minutes (20 minute circuit, 33 minutes biking, 45 minutes of softball)
    Tue: 110 minutes (20 minute circuit, 30 minutes running, 60 minutes of softball)
    Wed: 95 minutes (20 minute circuit, 15 minute run/walk, 60 minutes softball)
    Thur: 185 minutes (20 minute circuit, 80 minutes biking, 85 minutes soccer - double header)
    Fri: 55 minutes (20 minute circuit, 35 minutes running)
    Sat: 51 minutes (20 minute circuit, 31 minutes biking)

    Total / min left: 594 / 6
  • KeriA
    KeriA Posts: 3,321 Member
    Week # 1 -- July 2nd -- 135 minutes, got a cold so didn't make my Goal of 250 minutes
    Week # 2 -- July 9th: -- 225 minutes so still didn't make my Goal of 240 minutes (still have a cold and a class on Saturday)
    Week # 3 -- July 16th: -- Goal of 240 minutes

    Mon: 30 minute walk
    Tue: 60 minutes of Aquafit(my class was cancelled so I just did it on my own)
    Wed: 40 minutes walk
    Thur: 65 minutes of Aquafit class
    Fri: 60 minute walk
    Sat: 60 minutes Aquafit

    Total / min left: 315/ 0 (75 minutes over)
  • firedancer8780
    firedancer8780 Posts: 338 Member
    I'm in!

    Week # 1 -- July 2nd -- Goal 180 minutes:

    Mon: 15 minutes on stationary bike
    Tue: 30 minutes on stationary bike
    Wed: 40 minute bike ride
    Thur: Rest
    Fri: 20 minute bike ride
    Sat: 35 minute bike ride
    Sun: 60 minute bike ride, 25 minutes on stationary bike

    Total / min goal: 225 / 180

    Week # 2 -- July 9th -- Goal 210 minutes

    Mon: 30 minutes on stationary bike
    Tue: Rest
    Wed: 35 minute walk
    Thur: 30 minute bike ride
    Fri: 30 minutes on stationary bike
    Sat: 80 minute bike ride
    Sun: 15 minute bike ride, 15 minutes on stationary bike

    Total / min goal: 235 / 210

    Week #1-Goal COMPLETE!
    Week # 2-Goal COMPLETE!

    Week # 3 -- July 16th -- Goal 240 minutes

    Mon: 30 minutes on stationary bike
    Tue: Rest
    Wed: 45 minutes on stationary bike
    Thur: 30 minutes on stationary bike
    Fri: 20 minutes on stationary bike
    Sat: 15 minute walk, 30 minutes on stationary bike

    Total / min goal: 170 / 240
  • waldenlev
    waldenlev Posts: 102 Member
    Week #1 - July 2 - 408 of 240 min
    Week #2 - July 9 - 289 of 300 min
    Week #3 - July 16 - ?? of 360 min

    Monday: 60 - Strength/Cardio
    Tuesday: 67 - Cardio - First "5K" (treadmill)
    Wednesday: 79 - Strength/Cardio
    Thursday: 91 - Cardio
    Friday: Rest Day
    Saturday: 118! Strength/Cardio

    Current: 415 out of 360
  • AliceLMS
    AliceLMS Posts: 2,425 Member
    Week#3 July 16 ;Goal 300 minutes

    Monday~ 42/Walk with Leslie
    Tuesday~ 48 brisk walk hill
    Wednesday ~ 38 weights & Latin dance
    Thursday ~42 very brisk walk hill
    Friday ~ 45 shoveling soil
    Saturday ~ 60 shoveling soil ( Had a dump truck load delivered for my flower beds. It will be my exercise all weekend :<)
    Sunday ~
  • GrandmaJackie
    GrandmaJackie Posts: 36,611 Member
    Week #3 - July 16 goal: 30 miles

    Monday: 5 miles / treadmill
    Tuesday: 5 miles / treadmill
    Wednesday: 5 miles / treadmill
    Thursday: rest
    Friday: 5 miles / treadmill
    Saturday: 5 miles/treadmill

    Total / miles left 25 /5 remaining
  • cndslee
    cndslee Posts: 256 Member
    Week # 1 -- July 2nd -- Goal 700 minutes:
    Total 650/ min left:50/700
    Had to change goal... was 450 upped it to 700 whew
    Missed my total with taking a day off... but that's ok...I did more than I thought... ready for week 2

    week 2 July 9 Goal 700
    Total/Minutes Left 785/0
    Woohoo Week 2 over.. did great! on to Week 3!

    Mon - 130 min - weight training/circuit/elliptical
    Tues - 152 min - Zumba/elliptical
    Wed - 100 min - circuit / Zumba
    Thurs - off
    Fri - 47 min - elliptical
    Sat - 147 min - elliptical/ weights/Zumba

    Total/Minutes Left 576/124
  • repubgurl
    repubgurl Posts: 105
    Week # 1 -- July 2nd -- Goal 420 Minutes: Actual 435 Minutes
    Week # 2 -- July 9th -- Goal 420 Minutes: Actual 490 Minutes

    Week # 3 -- July 16th -- Goal 420 Minutes:

    Tue: 75 Minutes
    Thur: 90 Minutes
    Fri: 35 Minutes
    Sat: 105 Minutes

    Total / min left: 305 / 115
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    Week # 1 - Goal 360 - Total / min left: 255 / 105 (burned 2435 cal) The heat threw me off my "A" game. :ohwell:
    Week # 2 - Goal 360 - Total / min left: 370 / 0 (burned 3707 cal) - Goal reached YAY!! :happy:
    Week # 3 - Goal 360 -
    Week # 4 - Goal 360 -________________________________________________________________________________________________

    Week # 3 -- July 16th -- Goal 360 minutes:

    Mon: 25 min Leslie Sansone 1.5 dvd (HR avg 123)
    Tue: Rest day
    Wed: 45 min LS 3 mile dvd (125 avg HR)
    Thur: 35 min LS 2 mile dvd (131 avg HR)
    Fri: 85 min @ gym (bike, walking and weight training)
    Sat: 65 min walking (105 avg HR)

    Total / min left: 255 / 105



  • ReinasWrath
    ReinasWrath Posts: 1,173 Member
    Week # 1 -- July 2nd -- 235/220 mins achieved
    Week # 2 -- July 9th: -- 60 D:
    Week # 3 -- July 16th: -- Goal of 250 mins

    Mon: killer buns/thighs (30) pilates(30) running/walking (20) weight lifting (20) [87mins]
    Tue: circuit training abs (15mins) jump rope (15) pilates (30) [60mins]
    Wed: walking (117mins) running (5mins?)
    Sat: c25k 30 mins total. killer buns and thighs level 2 = 39 mins. weight lifting=23 mins. (90mins)

    Total / min left: 362/ 250
  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,728 Member
    May and June were fun...I'm up for July!
    Made my 10 pound goal for July 13th!! Got into my skinny jeans!!
    Starting July 16th, my next goal is 7 pounds down by the end of August; 450 mins a week plus at least 10,000 steps a day.
    Seven weeks...seven pounds...490,000 total steps...what fun!

    Week #1 -- July 2 -- 8th -- Goal 450 -- Actual 600
    Week #2 -- July 9 -- 15 -- Goal 450-- Actual 550
    Week #3 -- July 16 -- 22 -- Goal 450 mins & 70,000 steps
    Week #4 -- July 23 -- 29
    Week #5 -- July 30 -- Aug 4

    Mon: 90 mins loading & unloading boxed & tools -- whining & complaining -- 14,800 steps!
    Tue: 70 mins walking; 120 mins loading, unloading, packing, cleaning -- oh, and whining! -- 19,700 steps
    Wed: 75 mins walking; 30 mins loading boxes; 60mins Curves -- 18,800 steps
    Thur: 30 mins loading boxes; 9,800 steps
    Fri: rest day; 8600 steps
    Sat: 60 mins walking; 60 mins moving; whining; 19,000 steps
    Total mins / Total steps: 595/82,100
  • onyxgirl17
    onyxgirl17 Posts: 1,722 Member
    Week 1: Goal 360 minutes... Actual 420 minutes
    Week 2: Goal 400 minutes... Actual 400 minutes
    Week 3: Goal 360 minutes...

    Tuesday: 15 minutes arc trainer
    Friday: 120 minutes (arc trainer, strength training, biking)

    So needless to say, not meeting the goal this week...
  • sunnie326
    sunnie326 Posts: 721 Member
    Week #1 Goal 300 min Actual 500 min Goal met and exceeded by 200 min
    Week # 2 Goal 500 min Actual 624 min Goal met and exceeded by 124 min.


    Week # 3 -- Goal 500 minutes:

    Mon: 27 min Jillian Michael circuits
    Tue: 0
    Wed: 98 min swimming/walking
    Thur: 55 min Biggest Loser Dvd
    Fri: 171 min Jillian Michaels circuits, walking, bicycling
    Sat: 100 min bicycling

    Total / min left: 451/ 500 49 min remain
  • firedancer8780
    firedancer8780 Posts: 338 Member
    I'm in!

    Week # 1 -- July 2nd -- Goal 180 minutes:

    Mon: 15 minutes on stationary bike
    Tue: 30 minutes on stationary bike
    Wed: 40 minute bike ride
    Thur: Rest
    Fri: 20 minute bike ride
    Sat: 35 minute bike ride
    Sun: 60 minute bike ride, 25 minutes on stationary bike

    Total / min goal: 225 / 180

    Week # 2 -- July 9th -- Goal 210 minutes

    Mon: 30 minutes on stationary bike
    Tue: Rest
    Wed: 35 minute walk
    Thur: 30 minute bike ride
    Fri: 30 minutes on stationary bike
    Sat: 80 minute bike ride
    Sun: 15 minute bike ride, 15 minutes on stationary bike

    Total / min goal: 235 / 210

    Week # 3 -- July 16th -- Goal 240 minutes

    Mon: 30 minutes on stationary bike
    Tue: Rest
    Wed: 45 minutes on stationary bike
    Thur: 30 minutes on stationary bike
    Fri: 20 minutes on stationary bike
    Sat: 15 minute walk, 30 minutes on stationary bike
    Sun: 87 minute bike ride

    Total / min goal: 257 / 240

    Week #1-Goal COMPLETE!
    Week # 2-Goal COMPLETE!
    Week #3-Goal COMPLETE!

    Week # 4 -- July 23rd -- Goal 270 minutes


    Total / min goal: 0 / 270
  • stickwithme
    stickwithme Posts: 46 Member
    Work has taken over my life this week and next week, so I'm dropping out of the challenge.
    My fault for not dealing with it sooner, and that's the real challenge for me, procrastinating and not getting things done on time.
    I did have 2 good weeks though, and August is just round the corner, ready for the next challenge!
  • Tam143
    Tam143 Posts: 131 Member
    Week # 1: Goal Met 443 / 270 *173 mins over*
    Week # 2: Goal Met 406 / 300 *106 mins over*

    Week # 3 Goal 300

    Mon: 63 mins (Zumba & Supreme 90)
    Tue: 30 mins (Zumba)
    Wed: 68 mins (Zumba and Supreme 90)
    Thur: 57 mins (Zumba and Supreme 90)
    Fri: 67 mins (Walking and Supreme 90)
    Sat: 56 mins (Zumba and Supreme 90)
    Sun: 53 mins (Zumba and Supreme 90)

    Actual / mins left: 394 / 0

  • waldenlev
    waldenlev Posts: 102 Member
    Week #1 - July 2 - 408 of 240 min
    Week #2 - July 9 - 289 of 300 min
    Week #3 - July 16 - 476 of 360 min

    Monday: 60 - Strength/Cardio
    Tuesday: 67 - Cardio - First "5K" (treadmill)
    Wednesday: 79 - Strength/Cardio
    Thursday: 91 - Cardio
    Friday: Rest Day
    Saturday: 118! Strength/Cardio
    Sunday: 61 - Cardio

    Current: 476 out of 360
  • CraigG75
    CraigG75 Posts: 177 Member
    Week # 2 -- July 9th -- Goal 250 minutes:

    Mon: 0 minutes
    Tue: 45 mins
    Wed: 0 mins
    Thur: 37 mins
    Fri: 35 mins
    Sat: 188 mins
    Sun: 45 mins

    Total / min left: 350 / 0

    Week # 3 -- July 16th -- Goal 250 minutes:

    Mon: 0 minutes
    Tue: 75 mins
    Wed: 0 mins
    Thur: 63 mins
    Fri: 0 mins
    Sat: 0 mins
    Sun: 50 mins

    Total / min left: 188 / 62

    Rough week this past week, time to go all out this week!
  • repubgurl
    repubgurl Posts: 105
    Week # 1 -- July 2nd -- Goal 420 Minutes: Actual 435 Minutes
    Week # 2 -- July 9th -- Goal 420 Minutes: Actual 490 Minutes

    Week # 3 -- July 16th -- Goal 420 Minutes:

    Tue: 75 Minutes
    Thur: 90 Minutes
    Fri: 35 Minutes
    Sat: 105 Minutes
    Sun: 125 Minutes <-- Goal Reached!! I can't believe I managed to hit my goal this week! :)

    Total / min left: 430 / 0
  • GrandmaJackie
    GrandmaJackie Posts: 36,611 Member
    Week #3 - July 16 goal: 30 miles

    Monday: 5 miles / treadmill
    Tuesday: 5 miles / treadmill
    Wednesday: 5 miles / treadmill
    Thursday: rest
    Friday: 5 miles / treadmill
    Saturday: 5 miles / treadmill
    Sunday: 6 miles / treadmill

    Total / miles left 31 / 0 remaining
