Adult movies vs Adult novels.



  • Bondgirlforever
    Bondgirlforever Posts: 64 Member
    I have no idea why women are against their S.O. watching porn.
    I really don't care as long as I don't get REPLACED with porn

    Boom. Exactly.

    Heck, I watch it with him time to time!
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    Can I just have both, please? As long as the movies have good looking men. A lot of them don't, and those are a major turnoff.
  • ChrisWag
    ChrisWag Posts: 169
    To me they are about the same, however to me the books are better, as they come with a story, and not some cheezy guy deliveing pizza getting molested by the girl who answers the door. There is a differnce between PORN and EROTICA.....

    but the books leave more to the imagination too.... :)
  • gsager
    gsager Posts: 977 Member
    For me actually watching it was just gross. I can't get into watching others have sex. It was not a pretty picture to me. Eww. Was always to critical of our own.

    As for the books, I dunno. I can get into them!! I actually JUST finished reading a REALLY good one yesterday! "Broken" by Megan Hart. I didn't find it dirty at all (even though the content was very much so), exciting actually.

    I feel like actually watching it and just picturing it in your head are two different things.
    ^^^^This.....I'll have to check out "Broken". Thank you.
  • gibsy
    gibsy Posts: 112
    Even the trashiest romance novels usually have better storylines than most porn movies. Porn cuts to the chase as quickly as possible, while a novel will usually build a plot and some characters first.

    Plus as someone else mentioned, the men in porn movies are usually just ugly or disgusting in some way. With a book you have descriptions, but that leaves room to picture characters you actually find attractive!
  • taunto
    taunto Posts: 6,420 Member
    For me actually watching it was just gross. I can't get into watching others have sex. It was not a pretty picture to me. Eww. Was always to critical of our own.

    As for the books, I dunno. I can get into them!! I actually JUST finished reading a REALLY good one yesterday! "Broken" by Megan Hart. I didn't find it dirty at all (even though the content was very much so), exciting actually.

    I feel like actually watching it and just picturing it in your head are two different things.
    Even the trashiest romance novels usually have better storylines than most porn movies. Porn cuts to the chase as quickly as possible, while a novel will usually build a plot and some characters first.

    Plus as someone else mentioned, the men in porn movies are usually just ugly or disgusting in some way. With a book you have descriptions, but that leaves room to picture characters you actually find attractive!

    You're entitled to your opinion. Nobody is asking you to like porn against your will...

    However its hipocracy that you get to enjoy reading dirty books but your SO can't watch porn. You can call your dirty book non-dirty or even holy bible for all I care, at the end of the day, its a dirty book
  • calvert6183
    calvert6183 Posts: 539 Member
    To me they are about the same, however to me the books are better, as they come with a story, and not some cheezy guy deliveing pizza getting molested by the girl who answers the door. There is a differnce between PORN and EROTICA.....

    but the books leave more to the imagination too.... :)

    I think both movies and book are different but it has the same outcome, its creating something that is the same. They both are addictive and create adult fantasies and desires and they both can create unrealistic expectations for their partner and can be disappointed and then cheating or neglect can happen. Neither is worse than the other, movies, yeah may have cheesy dudes who think they are cool but so is the vampires who takes you hard as he is draining your blood in the books. Who cares which build up plots or not, they both are used to stimulate us in a adult way. Its stupid to say its ok cause books has a plot and the movies dont. They both are forms of adult themes. If its your thing, its your thing and it should be respected. All the matters is respect, responsible, moderation, and and never lossing touch of reality.
  • BaileyKat52
    BaileyKat52 Posts: 461 Member
    I personally don't see a problem with porn either. We also watch it together occasionally.

    I do enjoy an erotic book better though as it does leave more to the imagination, but in saying that I enjoy books more than TV or movies in any genre.

    Both are different forms of the same basic idea so I don't think it would be fair to condemn one and not the other.
  • strongnotskinny121
    strongnotskinny121 Posts: 329 Member
    There are women who say they won't date men if they watch porn? That's stupid. Sex is such a basic part of our nature. I prefer to read my erotic fantasies, but I don't see a difference between watching porn or read dirty navels.
  • quixoteQ
    quixoteQ Posts: 484
    Just for the sake of conversation: one could make an argument that porn videos literally objectify women, and promote the practice of the objectification of women; meanwhile, the objects of the imagination become subjects--a different mental process. All of which is to say that watching porn teaches people to literally look at women as objects while by definition books cannot teach you in this way.
  • taunto
    taunto Posts: 6,420 Member
    There are women who say they won't date men if they watch porn? That's stupid. Sex is such a basic part of our nature. I prefer to read my erotic fantasies, but I don't see a difference between watching porn or read dirty navels.

    So basically they don't want to date
  • calvert6183
    calvert6183 Posts: 539 Member
    Just for the sake of conversation: one could make an argument that porn videos literally objectify women, and promote the practice of the objectification of women; meanwhile, the objects of the imagination become subjects--a different mental process. All of which is to say that watching porn teaches people to literally look at women as objects while by definition books cannot teach you in this way.

    And women watching Magic Mike, the Twlight movies with that guy who is contracted to have his shirt off during the whole movie, and the a story about the pool boy cleaning the pool with his shirt off doesnt objectify us? We live in a sexual society now, the women are as bad as us now. There is nothing wrong with that, its just how things are now.
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    Just for the sake of conversation: one could make an argument that porn videos literally objectify women, and promote the practice of the objectification of women; meanwhile, the objects of the imagination become subjects--a different mental process. All of which is to say that watching porn teaches people to literally look at women as objects while by definition books cannot teach you in this way.

    And women watching Magic Mike, the Twlight movies with that guy who is contracted to have his shirt off during the whole movie, and the a story about the pool boy cleaning the pool with his shirt off doesnt objectify us?

    Good point.

    Anyway, I think there are two reasons a lot of women won't watch porn. 1. Most have been conditioned to say ew gross at the mere thought.

    Even though a documentary on the big O industry for women mentioned a pill that turned out to be no better than a placebo, coupled with porn, helped women get off. So the interviewer, one sharp cookie, asked, so women should just watch porn, then?

    Two, the porn industry in the US tends to pick men for one reason and one reason only, and it isn't looks. If they want more women to watch, they really need to change that. From interviews I've seen of Ron Jeremy, he sounds like a cool, funny guy and someone I'd want to hang out with, but I no more want to see his fat naked *kitten* on camera than most men would want to see mine.
  • murphyfitfreak
    Puts it into a whole new perspective. I've never thought of it like that. Very good question tho
  • mariaelenaismean
    I honestly see no problem with my S.O watching adult movies.. as long as he's having fun by himself in his free time than going out to find someone else to have fun with, why care?
    Besides that, doors open for new stuff to try.
  • quixoteQ
    quixoteQ Posts: 484
    Just for the sake of conversation: one could make an argument that porn videos literally objectify women, and promote the practice of the objectification of women; meanwhile, the objects of the imagination become subjects--a different mental process. All of which is to say that watching porn teaches people to literally look at women as objects while by definition books cannot teach you in this way.

    And women watching Magic Mike, the Twlight movies with that guy who is contracted to have his shirt off during the whole movie, and the a story about the pool boy cleaning the pool with his shirt off doesnt objectify us? We live in a sexual society now, the women are as bad as us now. There is nothing wrong with that, its just how things are now.

    Again, I'm just talking out of both sides of my mouth for the sake of conversation. However: many (though certainly not all) cultural theorists would argue that by way of centuries of social practice and contract, "pleasure in looking" is the male gaze, the activity, while that which is idealized and objectified, passive, without agency, is the female object. In movies where W. Smith takes off his shirt in the shower and we (both men and women) are watching, there is a visual/social conflict taking place. Smith becomes female/object (again, by social practice and contract, not by reality or truth), and whoever is watching is watching from the perspective of the male gaze.

    EDIT - I wanted to refer this back to the original post, regarding the difference between watching and reading porn. The visual process, while not a complete, direct relationship between eye and object, is still a relationship between two different entities.
  • calvert6183
    calvert6183 Posts: 539 Member
    Now I think about it, its just not movies, I remember when women had a problem with Maxum Magazine and Playboy magazine. With many women I wasnt allowed to read it and they think it was ok for them to read their sex books.
  • gibsy
    gibsy Posts: 112

    You're entitled to your opinion. Nobody is asking you to like porn against your will...

    However its hipocracy that you get to enjoy reading dirty books but your SO can't watch porn. You can call your dirty book non-dirty or even holy bible for all I care, at the end of the day, its a dirty book

    lol there guy, I never said anything about it being wrong to watch porn. I really do not care if my boyfriend watches it. I watch it occasionally too. I'm just sayin, it's nice to have an actual plot is all, and to not have to look at ugly skeezy old men. Why are the men always so much less attractive than the women? It's a damn shame, and a wasted opportunity to appeal to a broader market. Porn just isn't made with women's preferences or interests in mind. It's made almost exclusively for a male audience.
  • SparkleShine
    SparkleShine Posts: 2,001 Member
    To me there is no difference. I too do not get why women are so against porn either. Shoot I will even watch it with my man. As stated, as long as I do not get replaced by it then I am cool.

    If I am reading a dirty novel - shoot let him reap the benefits from it! Works both ways!

  • gibsy
    gibsy Posts: 112
    Now I think about it, its just not movies, I remember when women had a problem with Maxum Magazine and Playboy magazine. With many women I wasnt allowed to read it and they think it was ok for them to read their sex books.

    I said before I'm not against anyone watching porn. I am completely fine with it. However, your logic here just isn't on, so I guess I'm going to take the bait.... There is no one to one comparison between porn and romance novels. They have a similar goal in that they are supposed to turn you on, but the content is qualitatively different. By this I don't mean that romance novels are better quality, but that the qualities each of these forms have are different. Apples and oranges. They don't function in the same way. They don't use the same strategies or draw on the same concepts.

    Maxim and Playboy and porn movies specifically objectify the actual human beings portrayed in them. Romance novels are trashy too, but the narrative is different. There is no object for consumption, there is no actual person being exploited, they weave a fantasy narrative that isn't about objects, but about two subjects meeting, finding each other irresistabie and forming some kind of relationship. It doesn't objectify men to be a fully developed character in a story, a character with agency and power.

    When women criticize porn but choose to read romance novels (and lets be honest, a lot of women who are opposed to porn DON'T read the novels either) it isn't necessarily just straight up hypocrisy. They aren't saying they should be allowed to have something that men shouldn't be allowed to have. They are criticizing the specific form and content of the movies.