Does your SO CARE how much you weigh?



  • Bobby_Clerici
    Bobby_Clerici Posts: 1,828 Member
    It was not so much the weight but the fat.
    My wife said I was unattractive fat..:noway:
    And I thought I was one of those lucky guys in a relationship so love drunk that it transcended physical beauty.
    Fat is UGLY to most people.
  • sdavis448
    sdavis448 Posts: 195 Member
    I didn't feel comfortable telling him what I weighed, until I had lost my first 20 lbs. And then I think I only told him, so he could hep hold me accountable. I tell him every time I step on the scale. Everytime I have a loss I get praise, and when I have no loss/gain, I'm way too hard on myself, so he reminds me that it's not a race, I've cmoe so far. And then a bad week isn't reason to give up.
  • igora_soma
    igora_soma Posts: 486
    He knows and he cares that I am healthy. He wants me to weigh the same or less than him so we can go get Ethiopian food (his fav but total sodium bomb!). I have 6 more pounds to go! He keeps saying I'm healthy as I am, which is nice to hear but I want to be healthier/leaner!
  • MalloryCurrent
    MalloryCurrent Posts: 62 Member
    He knows. It took until it got pregnant though for him to find out. I was ashamed at how big I had let myself get. He was worried but he said he would love me no batter what size I was, if I was bald, had three arms, and two toes. Haha. Yes im a very lucky lady. He has been very supportive of my mfp journey and has even taken it with me although he only needs to lose about 10 lbs haha. Military men know how to stay fit. He pushes me and motivates me to succeed every day. And im thankful for him =D
  • skininbonz
    skininbonz Posts: 17 Member
    my SO knows how much I weigh and doesnt care about the numbers. He swears he thinks I am less but it doesnt matter. he is more then I am so.... he wouldnt have room to talk if he did care. LOL but weight isnt what makes the person who they are inside. They shouldnt have a problem with it. If they do, maybe its time to re-think who they are. If they love you, it wont matter.
  • maroonmango211
    maroonmango211 Posts: 908 Member
    He actually think's I weigh a lot less than I tell him, like our scale is lying somehow. He couldn't care less how much then number is. He cares about how comfortable I am with myself, the confidence I've been gaining, the fact that I'm starting to get excited about wearing nicer/ sexier clothing. His problem was never my weight or size, it was how my weight and size effected me after our second child was born.
  • MSepp
    MSepp Posts: 228
    Following on from does your SO know how much you weigh, I was quite surprised how many people said "no secrets here". I wouldn't keep my weight a secret from my husband, but I can't imagine him caring for a millisecond what I weigh. I wouldn't interest him.

    So more importantly than does your SO KNOW what you weight? Does your SO CARE about that number?

    Yes he knows, no he doesn't care...he says I look beautiful no matter what :)
  • I_love_frogs
    I_love_frogs Posts: 340 Member
    My husband is honest to a fault. Blunt even. I know if I ask him the "do I look fat in this" questions... he will say yes if he thinks so!! However, he loves me no matter what I look like...he has even said he doesn't care about how much I weigh...he still finds me attractive :)

    Me however...I make a point to not say my weight to him, tho he has an idea I am sure. It's just embarrassing to me for him to know exactly how much I weighed at my heaviest. I do sing out and tell him when i dropped tho and he is happy for me!

    He knew from the beginning that I was not a barbie doll, but he swore up and down that didn't matter to him cos he liked women with a little meat. Well, I had the meat but a lot of fat lol He didn't care tho and thought I was beautiful. As long as I don't lose much of my butt < Which I won't thanks to big rumped women in my lineage> and manage to hold on to some of the boobage <again, thanks to both grandmas>, DON'T look anorexic or like Twiggy, and am healthy he doesn't care.
  • Kitten2629
    Kitten2629 Posts: 1,358 Member
    Yes he knows, and yes he cares.

    I feel my weight affects our relationship b/c he's never been into chunky/big girls.
  • JustJennie1
    JustJennie1 Posts: 3,843 Member
    He knows how much I weigh and he would care if I was gaining weight. I wasn't fat when we got together so why should it ever be acceptable if I get fat now?

    Sorry but I think the whole "he loves me no matter what I look like" is bull. I know for a fact that if I were to get fat my husband would most definitely not care for the way I look and vice versa. He's told me when I started to get a little chunk going on and I was happy that he did.
  • Carolyn_79
    Carolyn_79 Posts: 935 Member
    My husband knows the number. He doesn't care about the number as much as how I look. He wasn't attracted to me when I was heavier, but still loved me. He's much happier with how I look now as am I.
  • 2_young_2B_old
    2_young_2B_old Posts: 90 Member
    My husband met me when I weighed 220, loved and married me at 250, and still loved and wanted me at 278. He only cares about it because he knows I care about it. He wants me to he happy, healthy, and to feel good so he supports me in my efforts at losing weight and feeling better.

    I'm the luckiest girl in the fn world!
  • mama78loosinWeight
    mama78loosinWeight Posts: 130 Member
    My husband is a bit delusional when it comes to numbers. He has always thought I weigh less than I have. He has never really known my numbers. He just knew I was pretty and had plenty of what he liked T & A. lol. I looked good and that was good enough I guess ha ha. I met him when I was heavier, (size 16) we got married, had a baby, I developed a thyroid problem, and a serious back injury and became even heavier. He did date women much smaller than I was, in his bachelor life. Who couldn't compare in intellect, work ethic, drive, talent, or heart. Size isn't everything. My husband loves me no matter my size. He is interested in my diet because I am obsessed with getting healthy again. I want to be in shape and in less pain and because it matters so much to me it matters to him. In all honesty I do only share the #'s I loose, because he doesn't ask. He only encourages. I like it that way. :) yea! hubbie.
  • ReinasWrath
    ReinasWrath Posts: 1,173 Member
    He cares as much as he is happy for me when i lose weight or weeps with me when I don't lol. He has been with me every step if the way this whole time I have been trying to lose weight. :flowerforyou: He's been very supportive
  • jbosick80
    jbosick80 Posts: 47 Member
    my husband definitely knows how much I weigh, I actually weigh myself in front of him at times and am not embarrassed whatsoever. He has loved me skinny, chubby, and again on my return to skinny. Now having said that I have noticed a lot more attention since I really started showing a weight loss, but I have done the same for him when he started working out all the time.
  • anaboneana
    anaboneana Posts: 195 Member
    most of my SO's exes were heavier than i ever was. when he and i met, i was 145.. when i went away to school, i fell back into my disordered eating habits and flew down to 103 then 98. He showed more concern over my weight loss than my chubs. In fact, he'd always encourage me to eat whenever I was home for breaks/visits. At my weight of 115-118, he and i both are much happier. what's helping me stay healthy is him.. and his cute little playful comments of "gosh, i missed your hips and butt." lol. i know he'll love me at whatever weight i am, but he always makes sure to tell me i'm beautiful - which certainly has helped with the healing of my broken self-esteem
  • rhonniema
    rhonniema Posts: 522 Member
    Yes he knows.
    I doesn't care.
    He says that he loves me no matter what.
  • melinda200208
    melinda200208 Posts: 525 Member
    yes he cares.

    he's very superficial when it comes to what is "acceptable" for a woman to weigh
    You have posted before about what a jerk your fiance is. You need to deal with this problem.

  • JB5349
    JB5349 Posts: 135 Member
    Yes he knows and no he does not care whether I weigh 100 lbs or 500 lbs he loves me for me! The outside is just a package he loves me anyway.... besides I am finally lighter than he is!
  • RealWomenLovePitbulls
    RealWomenLovePitbulls Posts: 729 Member
    mine knows and i tell him, but he doesnt really care what i weigh......... i think he doesnt want to say anything either way in case i would take it offensively