everyone who needs to loose 50 or more pounds



  • BikeChick
    BikeChick Posts: 121
    I think you guys all sound very positive! That's certainly the attitude we need to have in order to achieve this.
    I think the wonderful thing about this site is the fact that so many people seem more than willing to help others and support strangers. We are all united for a common cause, and because of that, there is a certain kinship born!

    This is it! This can be done! :heart: :laugh:

    How is everyone's progress so far? I know one thing I have been curious about is what it feels like to lose a lot of weight. How hard do you have to work to change your mindset to see what is true in the mirror, instead of the "big girl" you've become so accustomed to?
  • abbychelle07
    abbychelle07 Posts: 656 Member
    I've lost 10, but need to lose another 50ish. Here we go! Good luck everyone! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • MontanaGirl
    MontanaGirl Posts: 1,251 Member
    I have 48 more lbs to lose. I'm in! Need all the help I can get - lol! I started out 10 years ago, in a messy divorce, almost 300 lbs. I've slowly lost weight - 5 to 10 lbs at a time. But this year I want to do the big finish. My goal is to get under 200 by summer - was June 6, but I have 13 lbs to go. We'll see! Was originally by end of April but the stress in April got me. Have lost 2 this month already! My total goal is to be at 165 by the end of this year.
  • FitJoani
    FitJoani Posts: 2,173 Member
    Okay I am not here to take your challenge but to give encouraging words to ANYONE who does...It is by no means easy to do but I did do it and I am here to say YOU CAN and WILL I remember the 50lbs gone moment I cried literally balled when I got on the scale and more so ten lbs later when I hit 60 gone and I am close to 70 gone, and have 15 more to go so I am kinda still in with you!!! GOOD LUCK YOU CAN DO IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • ToTheLove
    ToTheLove Posts: 357
    I'm in! I've got 50 - 55 lbs to go. I'm 185 right now and my goal is 135. I've lost 12 lbs since i started here and i've even fallen off the wagon SEVERAL times. I'm just returning from one of those time and am super excited to get involved in something like this!!

  • cheri822
    cheri822 Posts: 62 Member
    I should lose 100 pounds to be at my "recommended weight" but my goal is 60 pounds which would be 170 pounds. I am 5 foot 4 inches. My first goal is to be under 200!!! I've had that goal for awhile and can't seem to crack it. I am 50 years old for what it's worth. I can remember when I felt "heavy" at 170 and then all of a sudden I was over 200 and climbing. It seems to easy to put on weight and so DIFFICULT to take it off.
    Good luck to all!!!!!

    I'm with you on this one! I've been trying to get under 200 for a few months, I got to 202 and then the family came down and it was two weeks of vacation with people who ate like crap, and I give in easily.

    Anyways I want to loose 62lbs and get back to a healthy weight. Any tips will help!!
  • BlackBeltLJ
    BlackBeltLJ Posts: 190
    I started this at 243.5lbs and I am 5'9". My first goal is 193. (that's 50) I have already lost 11 (yeah!) since I started my life style change (April 1- no joke:huh: .) Of course a little help from the poor Fasting Blood Sugar results is making this easier :ohwell: I have not seen the "right" side of 200 in 10 plus years so this is my real challenge along with getting healthy again.:love:
  • Mairacrg
    Mairacrg Posts: 36 Member
    Hello you guys,

    Since I have seing allot of people want to join. Send me a message with your weight from sunday or monday. On Saturday or Sunday let me know your weight by message I will post everyone's weight. Thru out the week we can discuss our ups and down's.

    Good Luck
  • pmd14
    pmd14 Posts: 232 Member
    I started a new topic then realized this one was here so here's my great news for my "new friends"
    I have been struggling with the scale for the last 6 months. It keeps saying 230 despite my good excercise routine. I also was trying to "eat right" but to be honest I did make good choices most of the time but my portions were way over. I came to this site to get control over my calories and it paid off. I lost 4 pounds!!!!!! I didn't believe it. Every day this week I kept checking but it still says between 225 and 226!!!!! Yeah for me.
    What I have been doing if anyone is interested is basically preplanning my day. I go on at night or in the moring and "plan my meals". I am the cook so I usually know what I am eating for dinner and I work backwards to see what I should eat for lunch or dinner. I pay close attention to the portion sizes!!!!!! If I'm eating out this is especially important. I sort of plan where I can eliminate or cut down to keep within my calories. I usually try to keep about 200 calories below to allow for "accidents". When I go back to the computer I adjust yesterday's diary if need be. This has really helped me get control!!
    Hope everyone has a great day!!!
  • sharimarie
    sharimarie Posts: 60 Member
    I am so excited! I started MFP on Monday and I have already lost 3 lbs! In just a few days! This calorie counter thing is just too cool for words! :happy:
  • Mairacrg
    Mairacrg Posts: 36 Member
    Just a reminder to any who want to join. send me a message or an e-mail. The e-mail should include your nickname and last weeks weight.Good luck


  • Mairacrg
    Mairacrg Posts: 36 Member

    It was really close I almost had 700 calorie lunch. I am starting to pack my lunch for work. But today my boss wanted to order out. he was paying! Of course it was from an italian restaurant . I couldn't fin anything good and healthy. Salads I do not like. So my last thing would be a charbroil sandwich . The sandwich came with fries and coke. As I was looking at it. I went to my diary and I put in everything I was looking at, I am almost had a heart attack. over 700 calories. So I said this is not going to ruin my day. So I picked out anything that I though it was not good for me and that I didn't like. I ended up with a sandwich that had lettuce and ketchup. No fries I change the fries for my popcorn. Although it might not sound good it actually felt good and I was full. Lunch concord. Us 1 failer 0.

    Keep it up team. thank you to the person that left message about the vending machines. I have school tonight for 3 hours and the vending machine will be calling. But I won't be taking my change.(good recommendation from previous post). I will be taking my water and my popcorn.
  • BikeChick
    BikeChick Posts: 121
    I went over all of my calories all at once just this morning! Luckily I have been working out and I just went on an hour long walk, so I earned some back. :wink: This way I will be able to eat later in the day when I get hungry! Ugh, I don't know why I keep doing that in the first place! :ohwell:
    Does anyone know what the best work-outs are if you go over your carbs and fat for the day? I keep finding myself way over on my carbs.
  • sharimarie
    sharimarie Posts: 60 Member
    We are having my daughters birthday tomorrow night. I am a bit worried I LOVE cake. How do I find the strenghth? AHHH
  • gabi_ele
    gabi_ele Posts: 460 Member
    I guess I qualify almost 3 times here:laugh: but I'm motivated ( not shure how long it's going to last) but they say if at first you don't suceed try try .......again:smile: I'm terrible when it comes to exercise so I ordered the sweatin to the oldies dvd's ( my dog thinks I'm crazie) I know it's cheesy but I like the songs, I live far away from the city (and gym's) and I can do it at home( as long as my husband is away) :bigsmile: also it's cheap for those of us that have to save.:ohwell: Any ideas for fun exercises will be appreciated
  • Mairacrg
    Mairacrg Posts: 36 Member
    I am in the same situation we are doing a celebration for my mom. SO the meals are going to be half healthy and the other half junk food. The healthier food i have the better. About the cake. I am going to have the cake but I am going to exercise in the morning. I am going to have a light breakfast and lunch so that dinner won't be that hard on me. I hope this helped and post some pictures of the party. I hope we succed this. I am almost haf way on my class todya and that vending machine won't see me anytime soon.
  • Jendaya35
    Jendaya35 Posts: 79 Member
    I would love to be a part of this motivational thread. I started out about a month ago weighing a hefty 268 pounds. Lol all I could do was cry when I saw the scale. I have motivated myself to take daily walks rain or shine I try to keep moving at home (I am a stay at home mom). The hardest part is my body is so out of shape its hard to excercise, but I do as much as I can daily. I invested in a treadmill and that helps some. I have lost 24 pounds since April 4th. Yeah! but I still have way more to go. I am taking this one day at a time. I am thankful I have found you guys! :flowerforyou:
  • Mairacrg
    Mairacrg Posts: 36 Member
    Jendaya welcome,

    I am so glad we are here to motivate us
  • réalta
    réalta Posts: 895 Member
    i have lost about 19 lbs so far, lost some before my wedding in February, and now i am back to lose another 60lbs at least, i want to look good and feel really healthy! :flowerforyou:
  • pmd14
    pmd14 Posts: 232 Member
    Please send some strength my way!!!!!
    I am going out with my husband and a few friends tonight for dinner and drinks :drinker: . I am going to try a trick someone told me - order vodka and soda or wine (lower in calories) and ask for a glass of water. Have a drink of water in between the alcohol. Hope it works the last time I went out I drank most of my calories for the day. :embarassed: I'm going to allow myself 2 of the big order of appetizers we always get and focus on a salad with no dressing. For dinner I think they have a salmon dish with vegetables so I should be ok there.
    Sunday is mom's day and I know my kids are planning a "special "day. Unfortunately "special" days always involve food. (I taught them well :wink: ) So breakfast will be big with lots of eggs and potatoes and bread. Dinner will probably be a big barbecue if the weather is nice and big desserts. I will feel "bad" not to eat a lol.
    Then wednesday is my birthday more celebrating and more food!!!!!
    I'm going to try and exercise a little more but can see myself going over. I know it is OK to "cheat" but I have to learn to have a better relationship with food. It can't be "diet" it needs to be a new lifestyle but I LOVE FOOD AND I LOVE TO EAT!!!!