Called fat by a stranger.



  • Katahna
    Katahna Posts: 326 Member
    You know, people say these things, because they think it's ok.

    Seriously injure them, and they won't say it again.
  • jessica3197
    jessica3197 Posts: 6 Member
    I can't even imagine kids saying that. I can't. But, obviously there are people out there who have no respect for others. I look up to anyone who is trying to accomplish their goals, and are trying their hardest to get there. If those kids don't understand that concept then one day they will have a rude awakening themselves once they have to work for something. Don't let anyone stop you from reaching your goal(:
  • twinmom430
    twinmom430 Posts: 457 Member
    Ugh, stories like this make me so mad. I'm so sorry you went through this! I know how horrible this made you feel. Keep chugging along, you are doing great with a 23 lb weight loss!!!
  • MassObserver
    MassObserver Posts: 21 Member
    The same thing happened to me when I was 14. My sister and I were walking to the store and two very cute boys in a nice car yelled out to me "hey dont even look at me you fat pig!" It is still something that stings. I wish I would of stood up for myself like you did. I still get nervous everytime I see teenaged boys and Im 26! Im proud of you!
  • shorty35565
    shorty35565 Posts: 1,425 Member
    I dont think I've ever been called fat by a stranger. When I was in high school a girl I knew asked me if I was pregnant, cuz I carry my weight in my belly,. That hurt.
    But it really makes me mad to kno that they're kids callin u tht. I'd b ashamed if my kids spoke like tht (well when I have kids). But mine WONT. I'll raise them better. Their parents prob aren't that great either. I can't STAND ppl like tht! Just ignore them. One day they'll say tht to the wrong person who doesn't have the self control and sum1 will haul off and hit them and they'll deserve it.
  • da1128
    da1128 Posts: 212 Member
    Well, this happened many moons ago when I was in my early 20's. I had fallen down some stairs and shattered my kneecap. My mum took me to the hospital ER and after being examined and x-rayed, I was waiting for a doctor to come in to cast my leg. When he finally made it, he had several interns in tow and as I lay there helpless, he said the following words to his assembled crew:

    "I am going to show you how to apply a cast to a cone shaped leg."

    A CONE SHAPED LEG????? :embarassed:

    My mum actually snorted and the doctor had the decency to turn a bit red in the face. I made up my mind then and there that no one would ever again say I had a cone shaped leg.

    (When the cast came off, I took a good look at it....and sure enough, it was a cone! I took it home, painted it a bright orange, and made a traffic cone out of it. Someone eventually stole it.)
  • thebzax
    thebzax Posts: 55 Member
    that is really horrible, but i don't think it's just kids. for instance, i used to work in a club - a guy there once called me a "big fat stupid c***" - so i cried. another time while walking to work a guy leaning out his window playing guitar stopped and went "that song was for you, it's called 'you're chubby'". i've also had complete strangers (men at least 10 years older than me) walk behind me on a night out, talking about how hideous and fat i am and eventually pushing me into a wall. not to mention what my own mother has said to me... like, i know i'm fat! do you really need to constantly point it out to me? i don't comment on anyone else's weight, ESPECIALLY not strangers. it's like when you're fat you're no longer seen as a human, and people feel they have the right to treat you unbelievably disrespectfully.
  • likearadiowave
    likearadiowave Posts: 445 Member
    So, today while I was getting my walk in in the park, these 2 young kids (about 12yrs) were messing around with their bike in the middle of the sidewalk...I didn't think anything of it until I passed them and the one said "fat *****!" Now, I wasn't sure If I heard him right so I ignored him and kept walking. So he yelled it louder. I turned around and said "excuse me, what did you say?" Of course, He couldn't call me a fat ***** to my face because all he could say was "I didn't say nothin' homie" So i kept asking him (using vulgar language) "go on, tell me what the **** you said!" "oh i didn't say nothin homie"...his friend was just kinda standing there not saying anything...If he was not 12 I would have slapped him! I know I shouldn't be using cuss words around children but If he can call me a fat ***** then obviously he can handle the f word and plus i was so pissed words were just coming out of my mouth. I just ended up telling him to **** off...

    Seriously...I can't stand how kids are these days! That really hurts. And obviously I'm walking in the park for a reason...not sitting on my *kitten* eating cake. This is the reason why I don't want to have kids...they're so evil now a days...I never even got called fat in middle/high school (in ear shot at least) things have changed and it's really messed up. I wish his mamma woulda heard that! lol....have any of you ever been called fat to your face by a complete stranger?
    Typical dumb**** pissant trolls. Ignore those, their brains have not fully developed yet.
  • konerusp
    konerusp Posts: 247 Member
    "Ignore" youll be happy than anythin :) I frankly care the least about what people think about how i look,i just go by the satisfaction i get when i look at the mirror.
  • teacup8285
    teacup8285 Posts: 26
    I think people only do this to make themselves feel better. I know it hurts, but in the end we are improving ourselves. And they are still left with the hole inside that makes them incomplete. And it's not just children, I have had family feel free to share with me this shortcoming of mine. It really is just to build themselves up and in the end they lose. =)
  • kmm7309
    kmm7309 Posts: 802 Member
    Yes, I've been called fat by many strangers. I think fast food is the worst place to work when you are fat. I've heard...

    "You must eat here a lot"
    "I would ask if you were pregnant, but you're fat all over"
    "I see what my friend means when she says McDonald's makes you fat"
    "Go eat a salad, fat a**" (a disgruntled customer)
    "You must work a lot. Like, enough to never see a treadmill"

    And it goes on...
  • KittieLea
    KittieLea Posts: 1,156 Member
    Aww that's sad, I really do feel bad for you. When I first started my weight loss journey, I did Weight Watchers. I lost 40 pounds and met my goal. The problem is that I went to the "at work" meetings so everyone in my office knew I was attending and even though I met goal, some people still referred to me as "having a weight problem". This hurt my feelings! I worked my @$$ off reaching goal, yet I still had a "weight problem"? You really can't fix stupid!
  • Erisad
    Erisad Posts: 1,580
    Welcome to my life. I've been fat since puberty, guys used to ask me out as a joke and then laugh, "yeah, like we'd want a fat **** like you!" Or in middle school they'd refer to me as a monster and taunt me until I cried at my desk. Eventually I'd snap and hit them, then I'M the one in trouble. Although, now they are fatter than I ever was so I guess karma took care of them eh?

    My grandma used to say, "I wish you'd lose weight so you can get a good boyfriend." well, after getting halfway to my goal to lose 100 pounds, I got a good boyfriend. So I guess I didn't even need to finish first to accomplish that. :laugh:
  • lkplibra
    lkplibra Posts: 147 Member
    Elf Princess said:
    ," really? Is that the best insult you can come up with?! Your parents were brother and sister, weren't they?"

    I think you are my new hero! :laugh:
  • ajball90
    ajball90 Posts: 211 Member
    I had the same thing happen to me, one day while walking a group of guys drove past and yelled out something about me being fat and i should get back on the treadmill cause they dont want to see that s*** (i dont remember exactly now as it was about 2 years ago) after that, i stopped walking. Don't do what I did and let it get to you, use it as motivation to keep going and reach your goal. Only recently have I just started walking again, but now I walk in a secluded bush area, where no cars go past and the only other people you see are other walkers/runners.
  • NewChristina
    NewChristina Posts: 250 Member
    Maybe you scared the heck out of the brat and he'll think twice before saying something like that to a stranger.

    My Significant Other was driving through our neighborhood when he got flipped off by a little boy. My SO pulled over and told the little guy's dad who was standing nearby. The dad laughed. Disgusting! :noway:
  • Zombriana
    Zombriana Posts: 764 Member
    I am so sorry that happened to you!

    A lot of kids are little ****s not a days...

    Nothing weight related, but I was walking my dog around the park track and these little kids were around the play ground, the youngest of them, no older than 11, was telling, "You got a nice ***** there!"

    Really? REALLY? ARE YOU THAT FRIKKEN COOL? How clever that you know a female dog is called a '*****.' :explode:
  • cheekyleonie
    cheekyleonie Posts: 140 Member
    No BUT, when I was at school a class mate sat next to me and said "I like a girl with a bit of beef"

    Oh actually I kind of did get called fat once while I was in line for a bar. Conversation went:

    Stranger: Do you have ID on you?
    Me: Yes, what's it to you?
    Stranger: You look 12.
    Me: Would a 12 year old have tits like this?
    Stranger: Well you are a big girl!

    I never wore that top in public again!!!
  • saragato
    saragato Posts: 1,154
    Reminds me a bit of when a friend's little sister thought I was pregnant for 6 years.

    That aside, I've been called a variety of names by strangers due to my weight. The weirdest was when I got out of the car in a parking lot, this guy was parked next to me and the minute he saw me he started calling me all sorts of names. From inside his truck. Wasn't even man enough to be outside his protection zone.

    Kids like that, though, they mouth off to just mouth off. I went to high school with guys like that, who think they can run their mouths and you're supposed to take it because of whatever reason. I remember once a guy was trying to get my attention in the hall by saying, "say, girl" as though I was the only female in the hall at the moment. When I kept ignoring him he got louder until he caught up with me and started cursing me out for not hearing him. I told him, "oh I heard you, but guess what? I have a name. If you want my attention, you'll use it. If you don't know my name, then address me as "miss" not "girl" because while I may be under 18, I certainly didn't come out of my momma yesterday." He got ticked, but whatever. You can think you're slick, bad-***, or gangsta all you want but it doesn't mean you are. Same way that just because your license says you're an adult doesn't mean you really are one.

    Shallow passers-by are things to shrug off. It's when they get in your face and won't leave you alone that it becomes a problem. You can hate that I'm fat, you can find me ugly, but the minute you decide to get on a soapbox is when you just showed me yeah I may be bigger than you but I have more manners than you as well.
  • gracesbeauty
    I agree that those kids were incredibly horrible, but I think that if you raise your kids right with morals and have a happy family then you can have well mannered children.

    Don't listen to them, you know that you are working hard and seeing progress, don't let a dumb 12 year old boy judge you. I for one and impressed that you lost 23 lbs, that is a real milestone. Keep up the good work and stay positive! :)