This is ridiculous!



  • ElizabethRoad
    ElizabethRoad Posts: 5,138 Member
    I've been peeing for three years straight.
    You should probably see a doctor about that.
  • Telugammayi87
    Telugammayi87 Posts: 170 Member
    I drink nearly 1.5-2 gallons per day... I pee A LOT.
  • Crochetluvr
    Crochetluvr Posts: 3,177 Member
    One of the symptoms of my diabetes was always being thirsty and running to the bathroom every half hour. After a year of THAT, I am happy to NOT drink so much and NOT have to run to the bathroom all the time. I drink when I am thirsty now...which isn't nearly as often, thank goodness. :)
  • sun33082
    sun33082 Posts: 416 Member
    Your body (or at least you) eventually gets used to it. You need to pee. It's a good thing. Be happy your body isn't holding onto those toxins and storing the excess fluid :)
  • when you first up your water intake I feel like you lose a. the water that you are drinking and b. the water weight that your body has been holding on to for fear there is a drought.

    This happens to me when I go from dehydrated to rehydrated and it evens out. and not all people fit into the 64 oz of water a day category. so if it keeps up you might find you don't even need as much water as you are drinking. Especially if you eat a lot of veggies and fruits.

    my friend went to the dr complaining of dizziness etc and her dr told her she needed to cut her water intake to 40 oz of day.
  • Lissa947
    Lissa947 Posts: 12
    I have a big cup that I drink out of all day long. I just keep re-filling it with water. But just like clock work, once the last sip is gone, I have to pee. I can't tell you how many times I have to go a day! LOL :laugh:
  • erinlea75
    erinlea75 Posts: 47 Member
    Ramped up my water intake today. Was at work 1 hour and I had to pee twice.

    Haven't peed this much since I was pregnant.
  • ElizabethRoad
    ElizabethRoad Posts: 5,138 Member
    One of the symptoms of my diabetes was always being thirsty and running to the bathroom every half hour. After a year of THAT, I am happy to NOT drink so much and NOT have to run to the bathroom all the time. I drink when I am thirsty now...which isn't nearly as often, thank goodness. :)
    Question that I'm too lazy to research for myself: is frequent urination actually a symptom of diabetes, or is it just the result of frequent thirst?
  • big_cowboy74
    big_cowboy74 Posts: 27 Member
    I have never met a bathroom that I didn't like. I drink about 24 - 30 cups of water a day so I feel you pain so to speak. I actually wrote a blog about this the first week I joined MFP. So just enjoy the extra exercise.
  • _Mimi_
    _Mimi_ Posts: 233
    lol @ the pee exercise...I think MFP should allow us to log that! :tongue:

    Woody, please work REALLY hard on getting over that all or nothing thinking. That is the one thing I am working on harder than anything...and it is REALLY paying off! This is FOREVER! NOT a diet. If you have a little slip, or better yet a planned treat, make it just that...a small bump, or a small treat. Seriously. If there were ONE piece of advice I would give to anyone who has battled weight for years and years, that would be it. Well, that and try to cut as much added sugars and artificial sweeteners...oh, and sodium - lol...from your diet as possible. But seriously, the #1 thing would be to think lifestyle, not diet....and to NOT try to be 100%,100% of the time. Nobody can live their entire life "perfect". :flowerforyou:
  • fatty_to_fitty
    fatty_to_fitty Posts: 544 Member
    All that lovely water flushing you out!!!
  • Brandontidd
    Brandontidd Posts: 8 Member

    So all the people saying that your body will get used to it, and you will pee less......

    What exactly is the body doing with the water when it "gets used to it"????

    If you are not peeing while drinking more, that's called retaining water. Your body is using the water to flush your system and hydrate itself, but the only way you will pee less, is to excersize more and sweat it out!
  • hlp423
    hlp423 Posts: 41 Member
    oh haha, when I said you will get used to it, I meant get used to peeing more D:
  • chezileigh
    chezileigh Posts: 255
    I think gulping it down makes it worse, if you put too much in at one time your body can't benefit and just pees it straight out, whereas if you sip it, I think it might spend longer inside lol!

    I don't have any evidence but somebody at uni told me this, she got it off her OH, we're physio students and he's presently doing a personal trainer course, so there will be some basis for it.
  • SaundraU
    SaundraU Posts: 77
    Yes your body will adjust. I drink between 3-16 glasses a day and when I slack off I pay for it in walks to the bathroom. I try to average at least 9 glasses a dy.
  • Long_and_Lean
    Long_and_Lean Posts: 175 Member
    it still blows my mind that there are people who don't normally drink water. It's water! The most life-giving, basic thing that we are biologically designed to consume, have done so for centuries and consume all over the world. It's the best thirst quencher there is, I know I don't reach for a big glass of juice or whatnot when I'm thirsty. I want water. So yeah, it blows my mind how some people don't usually drink water, even saying that sounds weird. Sorry, I know it's a little O/T, but it just had to be said.
  • SaundraU
    SaundraU Posts: 77
    Eventually your body learns to use it in other and better ways in the absorption process.
  • mtaylor33557
    mtaylor33557 Posts: 542 Member

    So all the people saying that your body will get used to it, and you will pee less......

    What exactly is the body doing with the water when it "gets used to it"????

    If you are not peeing while drinking more, that's called retaining water. Your body is using the water to flush your system and hydrate itself, but the only way you will pee less, is to excersize more and sweat it out!

    Well, someone else has mentioned it, I think.. but during those first few days, once you get hydrated, you start losing water weight that your body has stored up.. so there will be more than normal trips to the restroom.. after that, it should level off.
  • I had the same problem, it was really bugging me cause I had to get up 2 or 3 times a night lol
    but now after 3 weeks its way better I don't have to stay up at night and even when I work I don't need extra breaks.
    Head up :)
  • CyberEd312
    CyberEd312 Posts: 3,536 Member
    I drink between 125-175 oz. a day so yep plenty of trips to the restroom and nope it doesn't get any less.. Although I am getting better at holding it longer.... LOL..... Best of Luck.....