
  • kathyszoo
    kathyszoo Posts: 311 Member
    Hi All,

    Very excited about going to see Kris Kristofferson and Merle Haggard in concert tonight! Saw them in concert together a few years back and even though they're getting up there (aren't we all :ohwell: ) they've still got it!

    Wiggywig-That's great about your dogs wheels-hope it helps!

    To all the other dog people on here, I too talk to my dogs all the time! After my boot comes off after my foot surgery (which I'm getting nervous abt), going to volunteer at my local animal shelter to help with cat socialization and adoption days. Should be fun!

    Congrats to everyone for all the moving and shaking :happy:

    Drink up:drinker:

  • LaurelFisher
    LaurelFisher Posts: 407 Member
    :drinker: Thank you everyone for your thoughts and prayers, they are very much appreciated. :smile: The hospital had an emergency admission to the ICU and there weren't any beds available so because Matthew was doing so well they moved him to the step down unit this morning.:smile: He still has a drainage tube in his chest, a catheter and an IV hooked up. :huh: He did have an appetite this afternoon and ate a little scrambled eggs and toast.:smile: I am going down to the exercise room and do some time on the treadmill. Everyone have a great evening, Rose :heart: Love ((((HUGS)))) and Prayers
    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • cjspensley
    cjspensley Posts: 21
    Welcome, Linda! This is a great encouraging, supportive group! I'm glad you've joined. Having done the "yo-yo" routine several times, I can tell you DO NOT slack off on watching what you eat and exercising! Five years ago I lost 60 pounds. Looked great!!! But I got sloppy and put 95% of it back on...and here I am, five years older and starting all over again! So my caution would be "do not let yourself get sloppy about what you eat and do." Keep chatting...we are here and ready to help!

    Just got back from a bike ride that was, well, "perspective altering." Yeah, I rode with my 23-year-old son who is home on leave from the Air force and rarin' to get out on the bikes and ride! Yikes! He definitely dumbed his ride down for me, but it was fun to get out together. We rode 45 minutes, about 10 miles with a couple quick water breaks. Would have gone longer but it was getting dark and his light needs new batteries.

    This time last week I was pretty upset...We'd traveled for a week, I'd been oh-so-careful about tracking everything I ate and staying within my calorie limit, swam and/or rode a stationery bike all but one night of our trip...came home and found I'd GAINED half a pound! Not fair! Happy to report that I've dropped about 5 pounds since. I think the problem was lack of activity...we drove over 2000 miles...a lot of sitting in the car and knitting, which, while fun and interesting, is not exactly gonna melt the pounds off!
  • BettyLucille
    BettyLucille Posts: 6 Member
    Its nice to hear from women my age that have the same struggles. I sometimes feel like the scale hates me and won't go down at all. But it's not moving up, so I guess that's good.
  • Rough day today. My husband woke me to let me know that he was numb on his left side and arm. Doctor has ordered an MRI for the brain tomorrow. It could be the cancer has made into his brain now. The new drug that he is taking could be the cause as well. Neither are good options.:brokenheart:
    So we travel in the morning to the hospital where this will be done which is almost 3 hours from here. Not really had a problem with food today, just getting enough down is the problem today.
    We both are so scared and could use all the prayers we can get.
    My prayers to all who are facing adversity as well.
    All the animal lovers, keep em close.
    Take care you all are amazing!!
  • cdkohns
    cdkohns Posts: 1
    Hello. I'm new to MFP and am looking forward to the accountability this will provide (I need the peer pressure)! I'm also looking forward to getting to know some of you.

    To give you a little background, I'm not quite 50 (just a few months shy) but hope you won't hold that against me, I'm married to a wonderful man who is joining me on this journey (so nice to have that support) and we live in California.

    Like I said, I'm looking forward to joining you all on this trek!
  • mimi7grands
    mimi7grands Posts: 616
    Just a quick hello...

    It's been a busy time for me lately...Mom in hospital for 4 days (an infection - she's doing fine now), then a wedding, then a friend visiting. Tomorrow, I'm heading up to Reno for a baby shower for one of my nieces.

    I made one of the pics from last weekend's wedding my profile pic so you can see my beeyutiful kids! The wedding was great. The bride's mother was not...at the rehearsal dinner, told the pastor not to say anything religious in the ceremony because her friend was an atheist. Ohmigoodness. Fortunately, he ignored her but I'm sure it was disconcerting. She only got worse from there. But the wedding was beautiful!

    Our family is growing by leaps and bounds. We have a couple of new babies and 2 on the way. We're up to 56 (counting from my folks on down to the littlest ones). Family get-togethers are harder but I count my blessings having such a big extended family - and we all get along!

    I hope you are all doing well. Kackie, I was thinking about you at the wedding. I hope your son's wedding went well.

    I don't think I'll be able to go back to catch up on all the news so will just try to keep up from here on out.

    BTW, I visited the organic produce stand down the road today. Kale, Swiss chard, just-dug potatoes, squash and fresh raspberries. It helps me stay on track.


    Mimi SVQ (Sister Veggie Queen!)
  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member
    Hello Everyone, Today was very hot and I am very tired. Today the group went to the county fair lots and lots of walking at least an hour more but only claim like 40 minutes for workout it was at slow pace. Was able to fiind something sort of healthy. So it was good. Feet and ankles swollen a lot but overall good.

    @LaurelFisher glad to hear that Matthew is doing better.
    @megblair1 I am excited about the Olympics starting too. We are going to miss the opening ceremony ;( though taking my daughter to the fair to see Sara Evans. She been very excited since the lineup was announce.

    Take care stay cool!

  • Awesome Amanda..super job!
  • Happy to support you Linda!
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good evening ladies:flowerforyou:

    Welcome to the newbies:flowerforyou: , this is a great group of women full of inspiration and motivation. Share your stories and your goals, we are all cheerleaders for each other.:happy:

    Last night my dinner out was so good:love: , I did have 2 glasses of wine, and since I had a light lunch, well the second glass had me feeling really good:blushing: . I did not have a headache this morning though!!!!

    It has been really hot here the past several days, we at least have had some rain with it, my yard is now green again, and the flowers that I thought were dead, well....they have started blooming again, I find that very odd because I had been watering them everyday when it was so hot and dry, and they dried up:huh: I went out to pull them out of my pots and to my surprise I see green leaves and little white flowers. Maybe I just overwatered them.:laugh:

    It has been a long day and I'm tired:yawn: . I hope everyone has wonderful dreams!!!:smile:

    DeeDee:yawn: :yawn: :yawn:
  • walker54
    walker54 Posts: 64 Member
    Hi Gillian, and All,
    I've been looking for a group like this since joining MFP in April. I'll be 55 in a few weeks, and decided during the Spring after a partial hysterectomy that I needed to finally do something about my weight and overall health. I'm a teacher, and couldn't really muster the energy or willpower until after the end of the school year. Since July 1st I joined a gym and signed up for some sessions with a trainer. (He looks like Superman -- no kidding! Square jaw, massive upper body. I have a hard time concentrating, honestly.) I've been swimming too, since that's something I used to enjoy when I was younger.

    I also am trying a gluten-free diet and am feeling much better, but it takes more planning and re-thinking everything I do in the kitchen. I'm using the summer to try to establish new kitchen and exercise habits so that when school starts again I might be able to maintain them.

    I'm married to a naturally thin guy who tries to be encouraging, but then will suggest we go out for ice cream (something I've always loved to do) without thinking that's probably not a good idea when I'm working so hard to loose weight. I have a 16-year-old son, also naturally thin, and loves junk food of all kinds. He turns up his nose at anything that sounds healthy, so when I serve dinner I have to change the names of the recipes and neglect to mention some of the ingredients that he would find objectionable. :wink:

    Would love to add some friends to MFP, and definitely need a group to help me stay focused on my goal to lose 50 lbs. So glad I found you!

  • owndbycatz
    owndbycatz Posts: 90 Member
    The day got away from me and am just now sitting down to catch up with emails. How can I have so little time when I have no one to take care of but me and don't even work!?!

    Nothing much to share today - time to make another big salad; my last one is just about gone. Will say, this heat is getting the best of me.

    Have enjoyed reading all the posts and slowly becoming familiar with everyone. And thank you for the welcome greetings.

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,474 Member
    Rose - so happy to read about Matthew. Any surgery is concerning, but at his age.... Just so happy things worked out so well. AIDupont IS a great hospital.

    Linda-Sundance - isn't it just maddening when you've gone for a long time with no period and then suddely get it? I know that I get upset

    Linda - welcome! Good for you nipping the weight gain in the bud. I tell you, I can't believe how fast the weight comes on and how long it takes to get it off!

    Kathleen - tell me about how youngsters don't face the same issues we face with weight loss! Actually, with other things, too. Welcome! I'm assuming you have cats. How many? We have four

    Viv - there was a dog at the humane society who couldn't use his back legs so they bought him one of the "wheels" things. To tell you the truth, he wasn't crazy about it. I guess he'd spent so much time on only his front paws that it bothered him to have the wheely-thing

    Amanda - good luck on the extraction. No extraction is fun. The good thing, tho, is that you don't want to eat....lol

    Did an hour of Jari Love's extremely ripped DVD today. Tomorrow I'll go to water aerobics. After doing the DVD, had breakfast, went to Verizon because the part that covers the screen on my phone broke and it was driving me CRAZY. Seems my phone is too old (it's 1-1/2 yrs old) and they don't carry them in the store. However, Vince looked on Amazon and they sell them for $2. Then bowled 5 games. Then did a bit of grocery shopping. Tomorrow after water aerobics I'll go to another store

    You know, playing Wii bowling the other night with our friends somehow really brought to light the fact that so many of the Newcomers want to just play board games or card games, then I hear the "I'm trying to lose weight" mantra. Well...duh. To lose weight ya gotta do more than sit and play cards or games.

    I have the opening ceremonies for the Olympics set to record.

    Say, when you buy a cantaloupe, does it continue to ripen, in other words, after you buy it should you store it on the counter or in the refrigerator? I bought one at the faarmers market last Sat., left it on the counter, and cut it up yesterday. There was one tiny spot on it that was soft.

    Kathy - Vince and I volunteer at the Humane Society for the exact same reason - to help with the socialization (and thus adoptability) of the cats. My daughter got me this magnet for my car that says "one cat away from being the crazy cat lady". A friend of mine said "honey, that ship has already sailed"....lol

    Jessica is supposed to be here. Seems she's been talking to Ken and Lynette and said "oh, mom will be able to have something, why don't you come over for dinner? Then Sat we're supposed to go to Boone (about an hour away) to meet for lunch a woman Vince used to work with. Jessica is going to go with us. I think I know the name of the restaurant so I'll check out their menu beforehand

    BettyLucille - welcome! Don't we all feel like the scale sometimes just isn't our friend at all?

    petalsandpaws - oh, I'm so so sorry to hear about your hubby. Will be sending lots and lots of prayers

    cdkohns - welcome! tell us more and more about yourself.

    mimi - what lovely kids you have. You have a lot to be proud of, that's for sure. Sounds like they made the best out of the wedding, that's wonderful! Where do you hold such large family reunions? Is everyone in basically the same area? Have you ever had purple potatoes? One man at our farmer's market has them. I honestly didn't see much difference between the purple potatoes and white ones. Have you had red okra? I really like it, it's not as slimy as the green okra

    Polly - welcome to the absolute besttest group on MFP! Say, are you SURE your son doesn't have any long lost sisters??? sounds exactly like my daughter -- loves her junk food. Glad to hear that I'm not the only one who "accidentally on purpose" forgets to mention things in a recipe. One time I made a zucchini chocolate bread. It really was quite good but this time I'd left the zucchini in the food processor too long. It was SOO small. So I asked Vince to try the chocolate bread (I just didn't mention that there was zucchini in it). He ate the whole thing! Now if he'd known that there was zucchini in it, he wouldn't have touched it, so I didn't tell him

    Jessica will be here soon. Hope everyone has a great evening.

  • owndbycatz
    owndbycatz Posts: 90 Member
    Michele, we only have one cat these days. Weird, I know!! We've had as many as 5 in the past and I could easily wind up with more. I started using the 'owndbycatz' name on the web/ebay, etc., during the time we had four, including one who took daily heart medication (and had his own cat cardiologist) and another who was an old lady with diabetes and required twice daily injections. It was a major event for my partner and I to both leave town at the same time.

    The one remaining cat member of the family is 11 y.o. and is getting a bit senile. She gets 'lost' in the house sometimes and I have to go find her where she's crying because she can't find anyone. We're going back east to visit the kids in a couple weeks and we haven't found anyone who will house sit and she gets so stressed when left alone, so we're going to have to board her. I'm a bit nervous about it.

    We're most definitely cat people in this house.

  • LindaS175
    LindaS175 Posts: 186 Member
    Hi Ladies,
    Just checking in for the day. HA is gone today. Thank Goodness! This evening we went and shot trap on a trap league as a family. My oldest daughter, Sam wants to go to the 2016 Olympics as a team USA female trap shooter. Her idol is Kim Rhodes.
    Kim is at the Olympics in London Now. She will be shooting Skeet this year. She is really a wonderful role model for young women.

    Doing well today , other than these PMS bodily complaints.:explode: :angry: :mad: :ohwell: :ohwell:

    Don't have time to chat tonight and this keyboard is driving me crazy.It keeps back-spacing.

    Welcome to all the new fab 50's ladies. Just check in EVERY DAY, this has worked the best for me to stay on track!! I will be off this weekend, so I will chat with you all then. Prays for those healing from surgery's and those having trials right now.

    Blessings, Linda SundanceB ( I think we have 3 Linda's Now) :drinker: :drinker:
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Good morning ladies from a grey and slightly muggy London.

    Petalsandpaws – I will keep your husband and yourself in my prayers.

    Laura – are you still on bay watch ... I mean baby watch?

    Mimi – glad to see you! What gorgeous children you have.

    Laurel – it’s a good sign once your little patient starts to get an appetite back. Bless him.

    Polly – I’ve spent over 20 years trying to fatten my DH up and he can still fit into the clothes he wore when he was 16. It’s so unfair – however, he still looks good and as sexy as anything, so I don’t mind at all.

    Michelle – you are right about the not eating after an extraction –I’ll put that down as a positive!

    Robin – after all those stairs you will have thighs of iron!

    Rachel – DH and I love backgammon and have a few really nice sets that are mainly for show but every once in a while we get one of the good sets out and play with it as a special treat. We also play mahjongg but have, unfortunately lost the couple who we used to play with – how inconsiderate of them to get divorced!

    Wizzywig – there is a little sausage dog in my avenue who has his back legs on wheels, he's had them for about a year. He is such a happy little dog and it obviously makes it a lot easier for him to get around. Hope you are feeling better too.

    Meg – it’s funny, I didn’t even think of niggled not being a global term. I would put it on a par with ‘mild irritation’. DH had a very competitive brother and also went to a highly competitive boarding school so he’s not a good loser!

    To all the newbies – welcome. To all the oldies (and I say that with affection!) hello sisters.

    I too talk to the dogs, but with the added insanity of talking with a dog accent (think Scoobydoo). People look at me as if I’m some type of nutter when they hear me, but I think it’s always polite to try to talk in appropriate dialect!

    Today is a ’not going to work day, but lot’s of work at home instead day’. I have already been out this morning and want to get as much done as possible so that I can get another good walk in this afternoon. So it’s time to get my derrière out of the chair.

    Have a great day if you possibly can. Try to do at least one thing that makes you smile!

    Love to all.
    Amanda x
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Hi Ladies,
    Just checking in for the day. HA is gone today. Thank Goodness! This evening we went and shot trap on a trap league as a family. My oldest daughter, Sam wants to go to the 2016 Olympics as a team USA female trap shooter. Her idol is Kim Rhodes.
    Kim is at the Olympics in London Now. She will be shooting Skeet this year. She is really a wonderful role model for young women.

    I have always hated guns, as they are associated with death for me........BUT if my ex had suggested trap shooting I would have jumped at the chance! We have a nice range right down the way from where I live now and I like ot sit and watch the families together.

    They did pink ones for breast cancer one weekend, which was really neat. I guess the proceeds from paying to shoot went to research or something IDK.

    Anyway, cool thing!
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,971 Member
    Good morning, everyone! I so admire those of you who try to respond to all who post. That is overwhelming for me. I'm going to try with three:

    Laurel and Petalsandpaws: I am so sorry you are having to deal with health issues with your loved ones. I said a prayer for you.

    Kathy: I love Kris Kristofferson. My first date with my DH back in 1974 was a Kris Kristofferson and Rita Coolidge concert (back when they were married to each other) at the Fox Theater in Atlanta. We came out of the theater to a huge snowstorm (unheard of in November in Georgia, but it happened). It was too unsafe to drive 75 miles back home so we ended up spending the night in Atlanta at my college roommate's parents' house.
  • bigpal
    bigpal Posts: 19 Member
    good morning ladies to all my new friends here last day of work for me this week and then off to see my grandkids tomorrow yay i miss them so much and every time one of my granddaurghter gets mad at her mom she tells her im telling nana on u and nana will get u lol she wants to live with me i finnally got my husband in on eating healthy now thru the week but weekends are another story but thats a start hope all has a great day