Ladies: Best Way To Approach You In The Gym?



  • Alma_Sana
    Alma_Sana Posts: 453 Member
    Smile and say hi works for me :)
  • painauxraisin
    painauxraisin Posts: 299 Member
    I'd say the same thing. Smile and say hello! It would draw me into a conversation ( but then I'm a chatterbox).
  • cmpollard01
    cmpollard01 Posts: 246
    Guess I am the weird girl in the room because I don't mind at all if a guy comes up to talk to me at the gym. I like when they come to the machine next to me and just strike up conversation. To me it shows they are fearless. Sure you could wait till I leave the gym but to me that's creepy and I think you were too wussy to talk to me earlier.
    To prevent being rude just say "Hey, I don't mean to interrupt your workout, but I saw you from across the room and you caught my eye. You look like you are going strong in your workout, but I would love to hear from you." Slip me your number and tada! Not only have you energized my workout by making me feel all good on the inside, but I will call/text you haha.

    First, ^you are not the weird girl in the room! There's several people in my gym that have been kind enough to approach me-both during and after my workouts (both men & women)-to comment/compliment me on my workouts. I've had a couple males approach me-I see it as a compliment (granted, my boyfriend doesn't agree, but that's probably a different post somewhere on here). If you, as a man, think I'm attractive when I have sweat pouring from every place on my body, then maybe (depending on your approach & our vibe) you deserve to see me when I look a bit less disgusting. Besides, even if she isn't interested, you either have a new friend or a bigger...confidence level. Yeah, THAT'S what I'm referring to... :smile:
  • mznisaelaine
    mznisaelaine Posts: 2,262 Member
    Make eye contact, smile, and simply just talk to me.

    I'm very friendly.

    Now... If only that would really happen... Because it never does :grumble: :laugh:
  • cmpollard01
    cmpollard01 Posts: 246
    For the record...OP no longer cares.

    I defied you all and walked right up to the girl I was curious about...while she was all sweaty and in the middle of her workout...and you know what? She was pleasant and receptive...She even gave me her number, without me asking for it.

    Lesson learned.

    You are all free to continue bantering about how much you hate social interaction at the gym, in fear that it may disrupt your precious workout.

    Rock on! Glad you went for it!
  • ummlovelovesyou
    ummlovelovesyou Posts: 1,024 Member
    Best way to approach me at the gym:

    Just smile and say, "Nice biceps."

    Date. Done.
  • gauchogirl
    gauchogirl Posts: 467 Member
    Honestly, "Hi" or "Hey" works best. Repeat over several visits, smile at her, won't be long before she gets you're interested!
  • nokittyno
    nokittyno Posts: 293 Member
    Okay ways to approach a woman:

    When she's walking to the treadmill say - to get Cardio in, discreetly follow her, and if she looks back - duck behind something convenient, or tie your shoe laces (if you are wearing Vibrams, simply just wipe them down). and approach her when she's least aware with a, "HI CAN I RUN WITH YOU" and hope on th eback of her treadmill.

    If she's doing weights infront of a large mirror, make sure to catch her eye and just glare at her - y'know, the "Burt & Ernie" kind of glare, the uni-brow isn't necessary though, but could be a nice touch. Guarantee she'll notice you, don't believe her coyness if she disperses quickly from the area, it's all in the game. Just like Sega told me at the beginning of every video play..

    Finally - the pool. As a MFP once mentioned before - from experience, go into a hot tub/pool with goggles, make eye-contact and go under water.


    I'm bored.. finished a workout.. and I work -out at home, so I approach no-one, BUT, in all that you know NOT how to approach or go about approaching a woman. SO, reverse psychology can be a great learning experience, No?

    ..Okay.. going back to my corner now to be crazy with myself.. :)
  • ImKindOfABigDeal40
    ImKindOfABigDeal40 Posts: 807 Member
    Unless you look like Ryan Gosling, forget about it.
  • cutchro
    cutchro Posts: 396 Member
    I don't mind being approached in the gym. But would recommend not rambling on about nothing. Maybe something like I notice you work hard when you come in here.... would you be interested in going to the juice bar or just a bar after our workouts?? Just saying...
  • cldwyer150
    cldwyer150 Posts: 20
    You should probably avoid approaching a woman at the gym and hope to bump into her somewhere else. Working out is often a very personal thing that allows a person to tune out the rest of the world and concentrate on themselves. I personally wouldn't like the intrusion. If you saw me outside of the gym and then approached me and mentioned that you recognized me from the gym that would be cool.
  • nursenessa1
    nursenessa1 Posts: 182 Member
    If you see her often walk staight up to her on your way out and say. "Hi I am (full name so she can stalk you on facebook) I like to see you in here. It brightens my work out." Smile, turn head to side, wish her a nice day and walk out. That way she feels safe because you left, no awkwardness. It puts a smile on her face. If she is repulsed by you, she will just ignore you tomorrow. If she is into you she will smile and blush. Play for a week in gym with stolen glances and casual gentleness and then when she is warm and ready ask her out.
  • journalistjen
    journalistjen Posts: 265 Member
    I would welcome conversation from anyone at my gym. Unless it's someone I know, people at my gym tend to be socially isolated--which is fine, but awkward sometimes. I'd would welcome advice from any guy in the weight room on different exercises.
  • Moratu
    Moratu Posts: 22 Member
    I'm going to guess that 'while wearing a ski mask' would be a bad idea.

    A ski mask is always a great idea!
  • chickky311
    chickky311 Posts: 17
    I have to agree with most of the other women here. When I'm working out I really don't want to be approached. By anyone.
  • kaybeau
    kaybeau Posts: 198 Member
    if any guy would like to give me the feeling of the century and say they have the hots for me I would gently tell them I am happily married but they have made my day , week , month, hell year... A long time ago a man stopped his car at the bus stop I waited at got out and gave me his card asking for a date. I was with a boyfriend so didn't call but its now 15 years later and I still remember that feeling...
  • skinnyfithealthyme
    I'm going to be honest with you...just don't. When I go to the gym I am furious lol and I am sweaty and gross and just am there to do one thing. If you MUST you could try catching her before she goes in or on her way out but I'm warning If a guy tried to talk to me during one of my workouts (provided I weren't taken) I would ignore him and I'm a really friendly person but yeah...
    You could try making eye contact with her first to kind of test the waters and if she looks like she might be interested then you could try talking to her in between sets, ask her about her routine or something :)

    Actually even THAT sounded a bit harsh for me. I just don't think of the workout room as a good place to talk, if you caught me while I was walking or getting a drink that be much better
  • krisiepoo
    krisiepoo Posts: 710 Member
    So this is a question I've long since wondered about. From time to time you cross a pretty girl in the gym and you assume she has similar interests and are curious to learn more about her...So how do you initiate a conversation without sending the wrong message/signals?

    Pretend this is a person who you've made continual eye contact a few-several times with. They appear friendly...but you both constantly have your music in and move with purpose...presumably because you've both just gotten out of work and want to finish up your duties as soon as possible. He comes up to you and leads off with....?

    Hey, whats up?
    Come here often?
    Nice Nike's?

    I don't think so...What would the ideal guy say?

    Send her a smile, if she reciprocates she's open to saying hi. Personally I feel *gross* in the gym cuz I"m sweaty, red and smell so I would be highly self conscious if a guy came up and started talking but if we exchange smiles then I'd be more open to it :)
  • jcstanton
    jcstanton Posts: 1,849 Member
    That is one thing I have no plans to ever do...every girl in the gym looks downright angry and ready to bite every guy's face off if we so much as glance their way.

    If they're working out like I do, they're likely not angry at all. They're just "feelin' the burn" in a big way and that junk HURTS!!! That's why I frequently make this face :mad: when I'm at the gym. However, if a guy were to approach me between sets and say, "Hi! How are you?" I'd probably respond with a smile and, "I'm great. How about yourself?" I can't use photobucket here at work, so if you're up for a few extra clicks of the mouse, use the links below to see an illustration.

    This is what I feel like when I'm working out:

    This is what I'm pretty sure I actually look like when I'm working out:
  • kaybeau
    kaybeau Posts: 198 Member
    just read some more and you got her number ace.. now blog about your date it's so ridiculously romantic that you have so many people 'talking' about her and she doesn't know ... I love a romantic story