Authenticity3 Member


  • Happy birthday, Dennis!!!! I'm singing to you ... can you hear me? I wonder what the reprimand was all about, Skip? So weird. A little clarification would probably help people know what to/not to do. We've had a nice, quiet weekend. No grandkids, which is super unusual for us. Jim is happy because Michigan won last night…
  • Hello, everyone! I'm glad you got that flight figured out, Steph. How frustrating! I've never watched a WS. Just sayin'. I realized when my kids were teens that it wasn't so much that I didn't like sports ... I figured this out when I was riveted to their games and cheered on their teams while they played. I guess it's…
  • Goooooooooooooooo, Cecilia! How frustrating, Steph! I'm sending you a big hug, Dennis ... I'm so sorry about your friend. What a beautiful thing to do in his honor. We've had Anabelle all week while her mama was in the hospital. She's doing much better now. My youngest and her new dh took the 2 toddlers for the week. It's…
  • Here's a little pop of color from our WW Holland Walk on Saturday morning, too. It was so pretty! Chilly, but pretty.
  • Happy Sunday everyone! It's been a whirlwind of a weekend. My friend who was supposed to come had a plumbing emergency and ended up tearing out a couple walls in her house. I was sad, but God had another plan. My daughter who'd had the gastric sleeve surgery about a month and a half ago has not been doing well. For the…
  • I'm glggling at that, Lee! Does that count? That's a lot of acronyms, Dennis. I just start making up stuff after a bit. :wink: Skip, I'm still sad I didn't get to hug you. I transitioned one of my meetings to hybrid last night, and the first one went really well! I was worried that no one would show (especially since a…
  • I'm praying for Raine and Tom, too. They're tough and they've got skills - I feel confident for them. Steph, you constantly impress me. Kelly, that sucks! I'm glad you're feeling better. Mary, do you have much color there yet? We don't. A teensy bit, but it's sparse. I'm happy to hear that Sassy is doing well! Lou, as…
  • Good morning BBB! We stayed over in Cleveland last night at our friend’s house. She’s away on vacation, too. It felt a little weird being here without her! But she made it very homey for us with baskets of snacks and little notes everywhere. I love her. And now I can’t wait to see everyone in VA! I am especially excited to…
  • 2 days until we leave for VA! Yay! We're going to stay over in Cleveland at our friend's house on the way. She'll be out of town, but she's leaving a key for us. I'm hoping some others might be able to meet us for dinner that night. I found out yesterday that a coach friend of mine from Texas is in her last days. She's one…
  • That sounds great, Sam! Will you be doing the whole meal, or should we pick up sides to go with? What are you BBQing? Skip, we'll save your spot! And we'll wait to have fun until you get there, too. Maybe you can come Friday night after you get out? It's been a great week! I've been so productive, workshops were amazing,…
  • Goooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood morning, BBB! It's 0500 hours! What does the O stand for? OMG, it's early! Today is my long day, so I'm up and at 'em. What do you all have up today? We are 1 week and 2 days out from our Virginia get-together, and I'm so excited! Honestly, I'm SUPER excited to meet your wives, guys. I…
  • Sorry about the covid stuff. I hope it's mild and short for you. Mary, that's so cool that your son calls when he's in traffic. He loves you! It means so much to me when my grown children want to connect. Traffic is awful around here lately, too, Skip. I attribute it to the fact that most of the roads are closed for…
  • Happy Labor Day! My day today will be pretty typical for a Monday ... nothing out of the ordinary, at least that I have planned at this point. I've been a bit busy this weekend, so today will also be food prep day (I usually do that on Sundays). Exciting, right? :D
  • I'm adding a plug for the gathering, too. The place we're staying at is on a beautiful lake and has 2 kayaks, 2 paddleboards, a paddle boat, walking trails, a full game room with foosball and pool and a nice fire pit and a bunch of other stuff. We'll be taking turns cooking most of the meals for each other, so food costs…
  • I hope it all goes smoothly for you, Skip. I've been a bit crazy-busy again here. We had our big coach's gathering last weekend from Thurs-Sun, and it was AMAZING. We haven't had one since 2019 because of the pandemic. We MISSED each other so much! It felt like coming home to each other. We spent the majority of the time…
  • Lou, check's in the mail.
  • Check out the sign ... I just finished it. The lettering is just okay, but I love the bubbles!
  • You're right, Dave ... it's 1962. Oops!
  • Happy Sunday! Hot and humid here, too, Lee. This is pretty much the first few days all summer that I've felt uncomfortable weather-wise, though ... that's pretty good. We have our big WW Coaches gathering coming up this next week from Thursday - Sunday, which means I've been doing so many things to get ready. This year…
  • I hope he feels better today! That's disconcerting. And you, too, Skip. Rest up. I have absolutely no energy this morning, too. Kinda weird. Jim got home last night after being gone all week on business. We're going for a date day after church.
  • WOW, Kelly! That is so expensive!!! Sheesh! A friend of mine bought 1.7# flank steak the other day for under $10 at Costco (in NC), which I thought was a steal. Mary, have fun with the grands! Don't hurt yourself ... my back is finally not hurting so much after 9 days with ours. It's pretty much perfect weather here, too.…
  • So cool!!!
  • That's a lot of "not feeling well", Skip. I hope everyone's better today. I hope your grandkid trip is good, Dave! We had 3 of ours for 9 days last week (2yr, 3yr, and 9 yr) on our trip. It was good, but I was beyond exhausted at the end of it. Their parents were on a separate trip. Dinner and live music with a friend…
  • Dennis, that sounds frustrating. I've been there, and I get it. As the worship leader, when that happened to us, I did a last minute music change and we only sang super-familiar songs so that the congregation, for the most part, knew the words. Think Amazing Grace. Blessed Be Your Name. Forever. And songs where they repeat…
  • Happy 4th weekend, everyone! Lou, that sucks. I hope you feel better soon! I had my shot last winter for that, and I hope that means I won't get it. I used to think that vaccines prevents you from getting things, but COVID has taught us that that isn't always the case. Skip, I'm going to take a guess and suggest that…
  • Good morning, all! It's a lovely morning in Michigan right now. Cool ... I had to grab a sweatshirt to drink my coffee. The sun is shining and the birds are singing. I think I'm finally caught up on rest and household details and back into my usual routine. Today starts my work week, and I'm ready. It's gonna be a great…
  • Larry and Raine are AH-MAAAAAAAAAAAZ-ING!!! So cool! I would pay $$ to see Lou do karaoke! And, of course, I'd record it. Looks like a nice day, Skip! Yours sounds pretty awesome, too, Dave! I'm glad you're healthy, Dennis! Poor Lily seems to have some sort of skin allergy. She's scratching like crazy! No fleas or ticks…
  • Good morning, BBB! Wow! Fancy car, Skip! I'll bet it goes FAST! Yep, the wedding was a hit! Honestly, it was as close to perfect as I could have dreamed. We had SUCH a great time! This venue was amazing because we had it ALL weekend, so I could do most of the work on Friday, which meant I got to be in the moment and…
  • Hello everyone! 3 days!!! My friends start arriving in the morning, while I'm doing my last workshop of the week. As usual, little things keep popping up ... extra ironing, extra alteration that I have to do (and I'm not a tailor!), things we remembered that we'd forgotten ... but we're staying on top of it, I think. We…