

  • Check out She has LOTS of healthy, and delicious, crock pot recipes. I just made the Crock Pot Chicken Taco Chili this weekend and it's FABULOUS!!!
  • Thanks, everyone!! These are really helpful suggestions/ideas!
  • Great job again, ladies!! I'm really struggling this week. I killed it last week, then threw it all away over the weekend. Started out fine on Monday, started losing momentum Tuesday, and yesterday and so far today have been a complete and total waste. Aunt Flo arrived today, so I'm hoping to get control of the situation…
  • I'm in at 199 today!
  • I'm almost done with Day 4 of the 5 Day Inferno plan and I'm doing really well. I'm really proud of myself for sticking to it and not cheating. And I feel fantastic! I honestly do!! I wrote out my menu for the week, and have pretty faithfully stuck to it. Made some appropriate substitutions due to time/energy, but still…
  • Great job this week, ladies!! And as always, thank you Rach for all your work and dedication to us! Goals this week: 1. Stick to the 5 Day Inferno plan. (I'm on day 2 and not doing to bad. If it weren't for my coffee, I'd be staying in my calories) 2. Drink all my water 3. Don't go totally crazy this weekend to make up for…
  • I'm in at 200 even today. Starting TurboFire's 5 Day Inferno Plan. I'm a little intimidated, but I keep telling myself it's only 5 days, it's only 5 days. I just feel like I need to shock the **** out of my system so I can GET somewhere!! So, here's my plan: 1. 5 Day Inferno 2. 2 days off 3. 10 Day TurboSlim (that's in the…
  • 26 years and counting!! Been on the pump for the last 11. Welcome and good luck!!
  • Great job this week Ladies!! You're all such great inspirations! My goals this week: 1. Log it, log it, log it!! Everything!! 2. Exercise. No excuses. 3. Water, Water, Water!! 4. Stop getting take out! Cook more. Less coffee! 5. Log over the weekend! I'm not sure what's going on with me this week. I'm up 2 lbs, and I'm…
  • I'm in at 201.5 today. I think we need a new scale, though, because I weighed myself 3 different times this morning and got three different weights.
  • Just wanted to check in! We're almost done with this week already, and hope everyone is doing fantastic!! I'm in my first week of getting back into getting up to workout before work. Oy!! 4:45 comes fast!!! LOL!! But, I've gotten a really decent workout in the last two days, calories have been excellent, and I'm making…
  • Hey Ladies!! Great job last week!! I was at my parents all weekend, so didn't weigh-in yesterday. I'm very sorry to announce a gain. I'm up to 203.5. Oy!! I hate to have to even put it in print!!! :sad: So, I'm rededicating immediately!! Back on to my plan that's been working for me officially this AM - more protein, lots…
  • So, I finally motivated myself to workout for the first time in two weeks last night. Just did a quick 20 min express workout to ease back into it, but I rocked a beastly sweat and felt fantastic afterwards! Slept great last night, too. I had planned on getting up this morning and working out, but a low blood sugar…
  • I really need to get my rear in gear or Monday's weigh in is going to be BRUTAL!!! I've put on 2 lbs this week, and it's all in my boobs!! Oy!! TOM is miserable this month!!! I've barely been staying in my maintenance calories, let alone a deficit. I haven't worked out in 2 weeks. I need a kick in the *kitten*!! LOL!!!
  • Hey everyone, and welcome to all the new Pin-ups! My goal for the next 10 weeks is to FOCUS!! Faithfully log EVERYTHING!! Exercise CONSISTENTLY!! I'm going to aim for a 5 lb loss over the next 10 weeks. As this is my 3rd round with the Pin-ups, you all know how much of a challenge this will be for me!! 195 here I come!!!
  • I'm up from last week. In at 200.5 today. I'm pre-TOM, and I haven't worked out in over a week, so not really surprised, but still. It felt so good to be able to post in onederland last week! Anyways! I finally broke down and ordered dance sneakers to try for Zumba, so I'm psyched to get back to working out and try my new…
  • Tomorrow is my birthday, so I baked a cake last night and brought it into work today. All I have to say is . . . OH MY GOD!!!! Is that a damn fantastic cake!! Nom, nom, nom!!!
  • I had a really, really bad week last week health/personal wise, so I've fallen off the exercise wagon. I'm still trying to make my other two goals that I gave myself mid-week last week, which are "if I bite it, I write it" and "Water, water, water". I've got a sticky note on my computer monitor and everything! So, goals…
  • I am in at 199.5 this morning!!! Yay me!!!!! First time I've managed to make it through the weekend with that weight!! Good luck this week, everyone!!!!!
  • She posted earlier in the week that there was a problem when she uploaded the chart, that some of us got dropped off for some reason.
  • I am a recent Zumbaholic - I've been doing the 1st version for about 2 months, and love, love, love it, so I got the new one when I saw the banner ad on here. I agree with you on the Rush DVD. It's kinda corney, and I much preferred the Cardio Express from the first set of DVD's. I've done the Activate, which is about 40…
  • I'm in!!!! We can do this!!!
  • So, I realized yesterday, thanks to a very supportive fellow Pin-Up, that I am secretely sabotaging myself and whining and complaining because I'm "supposedly doing everything right" and getting no where. Well. If I'm honest with myself, I'm not getting anywhere for a reason. So, I lived it up yesterday after I decided to…
  • Great job ladies!! I'm sorry I missed weigh-in yesterday. Rach, if you want to add me, I'm still at 201. And I'm about ready to give up. :sad:
  • OK, sorry for the double post, but thought I'd better check in. I've FINALLY made it back under 200 today, after being stuck at 201-202 for the last two weeks. I'm hoping, hoping, hoping I can keep it down over the weekend and post a good loss for the charts!!! I have to admit, though, that I've been over 200 for so long…
  • Rach, can I have a copy of that spreadsheet!!!????? You must be an excel guru!! I have no idea how to do something like that!!! Do you have room to friend me and I'll give you my email? Thanks!! OH!!! And LOVING the new hair/pic!! You are gorgeous, girl!
  • Well, I'm finally free from my TOM hormone tornado. Down two pounds this morning, feeling human again, and have most of my energy back. I haven't worked out since Sunday, and I'm ready to get one in! I'll miss today again :grumble: but hopefully I can drag my butt out of bed tomorrow morning to get back on the wagon. If…
  • Great job this week, ladies!! As expected, my weekend at my sisters totally sabbotaged me. I'm in at 202 right now. TOM started yesterday afternoon, so some of it might be bloat. We'll see. My *kitten* is dragging and I'm totally wiped out! I HATE warm weather/summer periods! They seem so much worse than other times of the…
  • TOM is killing me this week. I'm craving chocolate like crazy! And craving to the cravings! I'm trying to make sure to drink all my water, so I don't retain too much, but my food is out of control! I feel like I should be in one of those old commercials from the 80's! "Calgon!! Take me away!!!" LOL!!!