

  • I have the same problem... I need help too!!!!
  • try standing at your desk... my co worker does it all day, he had his computer moved up and everything. He says it is better for your posture and you burn an extra 60-100 calories or so... I never tried it so I don't know I also go up one floor to the bathroom.... My co worker leaves hand weights at her desk to do when she…
  • Also did you drink any alcohol?
  • Maybe too much cereal? I love cheerios, plain cheerios, but I've noticed that I lose much more weight when i don't eat them everyday. It looks like you were eating rice krispies (with no milk?) sometimes 3 times a day. I think for me it might be too many carbs in cereal... Just a thought :)
  • funny, I just signed in after taking about a year off! Best wishes to you! You can do it!
  • It might be weird, but I always bring a baggy of cheerios to the movies!
  • I love Zumba! I wish I could do it everyday. I get bored at the gym just doing the treadmill or elliptical... I can only do those for 30 min max... Zumba I feel like I could do allll day.... I would also try a different instructor. From talking to people some instructors are very different. My instructor is VERY hip-hop…
  • I drink one bottle as soon as I wake up, while I'm getting ready. At work, I have a bottle sitting on my desk at all times, and I keep refilling it from the water fountain. One bottle down during any workout. And one bottle before dinner and another if I feel hungry after dinner... I do think it helps curve my hunger. If…
  • I've had a gym membership through my work for years... it is pretty cheap (around $10)... but last year I DIDNT GO ONCE... it was horrible. It automatically came out of my checking account and i never went. But I kept the membership. Now I joined some of their free classes, ZUMBA is my favorite and kickboxing. I also think…
  • I have to be at work pretty early. So I cook a egg white spinach omlet for myself the night before. I also cook up turkey sausage/turkey bacon on the weekends and just heat it up for breakfast on the weekdays. In the end, I've found it much more beneficial to just wake up a half hour earlier. I now fit in the gym at 0530…
  • I slipped up today too. My office had a ice cream party. i first got one scoop with chocolate sauce, caramel and nuts... but it was so good... . i went in for a second scoop. I felt horrible about it... but i must admit, it was REALLY good. Tomorrow is a new day!
  • around 300. Egg white omlette, handful of spinach, two slices of turkey bacon, one turkey breakfast sausage link. yummm. I used to try to only eat 100 calories for breakfast, but I am finding it helpful to eat more at breakfast now.
  • Wow, I never thought about putting a laughin cow cheese wedge in it. That sounds great! Thanks for the tip!
  • My hubby continues to eat chips and cookies and NEVER works out... somehow he has lost the same amount as me! and I work out 3-4 times a week and don't eat any junk! It's not fair! I could never fit my big bum into my mans shorts he wears, he is sooo narrow. UGH! I too only weigh about 10 pounds less then him... but I am…
  • LOL, I did the whole phentermine too , under my doctors recommendations. I lost 40 pounds. I WAS SOOOOO happy. I had the time of my life… 3 yrs later here I am 50 pounds heavier. Stupid pills. I think my mom is addicted to them, she lost 80 pounds on them, currently weighs 140 pounds (which is skinny for her build), but…
  • I love how my tummy is small (however it has a little layer of flab over it right now) I HATE my thighs.
  • I could never give up pizza. And chocolate chip cookie dough ..... mmmmmm!
  • I put lemon in my water if I am bored with it. But I know some people who put frozen berries in their water too, I haven't tried that yet.
  • I love water, I know most people don’t. But I actually prefer water over ANY other beverage. I thank my parents for that because they NEVER had any other beverage in the house but water. So I learned it from the start. My sister is the same way. I have found that it helps with my weight loss, but it also helps my skin. I…
  • I wouldn’t, but see how you feel. I ALWAYS faint after giving blood, but it is usually right afterwards… But I know two people in my office, who after giving blood fainted 2-4 hours later. And they NEVER faint from giving blood. They said they felt fine, then we heard a crash and one of them fell completely out of their…
  • I checked out their website. Just watch your portions.... Maybe get a kids meal? But it depends on what you want. Maybe a slice of veggie pizza?
  • My salads are pretty simple, however I just realized how much onion gives it flavor! I now use red onion and little bit of green onions, cucumber, green pepper and romaine lettuce. Now for dressing I prefer the yummy creamy dressings, and I recently tried Marie's Yogurt Ranch dressing. It is delicious! And much lower in…
  • I weigh myself everyday, but it does make me crazy sometimes, so I would recommend once a week. Also be sure to take your measurements! I haven't lost ANY weight in ONE month!!!!! but I've lost 3 inches in my waist...
  • i love ANY type of kickboxing classes. I used to take a kickboxing class at 5am every Sunday, it REALLY get's you ready to battle the day. It makes you feel energized!
  • On the show biggest loser, Migdalia (that may be spelled wrong) had surgery, and the next day she walked like 13 miles. Which is CRAZY. It totally motivated me. If I ever "feel bad" or have surgery, or anything and I am just layed up on the couch, I will think about her and the fact that she got her butt up and did…
  • When I started doing the shred, I actually got bored with level 1 after about a week and half so I went on to level 2, and I am still working on feeling comfortable at level 2. I don’t think it matters what time of day you do the shred. You don’t need much room for level 1 really, level 2 you spread out a little more.…
  • i am still not very good at doing them. But i used this site : and i do only girl pushups and i can easily do about 30 of them... for me it also helps to do them after a work out because my body is all pumped up and ready to go...
  • I too live in MD and am just returning to work. I feel horrible and lazy. Probably a depressed state too. However I did horribly last week with eating and no working out what so ever, The scale this morning was not good to me. Plus our schools are still closed and therefore all my aerobics classes are cancelled and getting…
  • I substitute vanilla ice cream with fat-free frozen coolwhip. I top it with a small amount of chocolate sauce and it is pretty good!
  • my sister and I went on a road trip and she totally was prepared. She made us several baggies of raw green pepper slices and we also had the 100 calorie packs and made tuna fish sandwhich's on wheat bread. It was all actually really yummy and satisfying. I always like to eat raw veggies because they take a while to chew.…