dym123 Member


  • Not sure if there are other fans of This American Life, but this week's episode had a story where people were asked if they could have a super power, what would it be and what would they do with it. It seems invisability and flying were the most popular, most wanted to use their powers to steal or check out naked women or…
  • Since I was being snarky and in no way trying to answer seriously, I guess I'm off the hook.
  • So you've gone to every Mexican/Latin restaurant in NYC? Wow, I commend you on your devotion to a good bowl of salsa.
  • I lost over 100lbs doing strictly home workouts from Jillian Michaels, Fitness Blender, Beachbody, Be Fit videos. The only reason I joined a gym last year was to get into weightlifting, which transitioned into powerlifting. Home workouts work if you put in the effort.
  • Not sure how you're training, but when I first started, when I can do more than 10 reps easily, it meant it was time to up my weights. As the weights got heavier, the reps lowered to 5. Now that I'm focusing on powerlifting, I rarely go more than 5 reps unless I'm following a program that has me doing more reps.
  • I listen to mostly hip hop when I lift, I know, cliche, but I need something to get me moving during my long rest between sets since I don't like to sit (unless its bench day).
  • I fast 8 hours a day, its called sleeping. But in all seriousness, please do not do this, it is not sustainable and when you go back to eating "normal" you'll gain most, if not all the weight back. I lost over 100lbs eating more healthy stuff, less non-healthy, which is how I still eat and it has allowed me to keep the…
  • Just let it go. When someone says that to me, I just smile and nod and not give them any sharp objects.
  • I work full time, train 5x week for up to 2 hours, volunteer with dog rescue org, help take care of grandmother, try to get in some cardio once or twice a week. Also do yard work/cut grass, laundry, meal prep, walk dog, mobility work. I have maybe an hour a day to catch up on Hulu/YouTube videos while I eat dinner, before…
  • Lose the gloves and grab some chalk. If you go double over or hook grip, try straps.
  • I'm training for a competition, so right now, my life is Squat. Bench. Deadlift. But mostly Squat, because I also struggle with it for the same reason.
  • 10lb bag of chicken breasts, frozen organic broccoli, protein powder, grass fed beef, eggs, turkey burgers, almond butter, coffee, when they have my favorite in stock. I'm single with no kids, but do a monthly trip to Costco to stock up. Find great stuff for my dog also. Cheaper than Petco or Petsmart and USA made. Got my…
    in Costco Comment by dym123 July 2016
  • This, but in the appropriate order, Squat. Bench. Deadlift.
  • This. When I started seriously lifting, I noticed my waist started getting smaller. Coinsidence? I don't think so
  • Couldn't you just substitute Almond Butter for Peanut Butter? I never really liked peanut butter, but I do eat almond butter, mostly with sliced apple, or topped on a protein pancake.
  • mobility, mobility, mobility. Check out Kelly Starrett, he has a YouTube channel. I have arthritis in my knees and thought I would never be able to get parallel, instead of just doing basic stretching, I started focusing on specific movements working on my hips, calves and ankles. Not only have my depth improved greatly,…
  • I belong to a lifting/strongman gym, I also belong to PF for cardio, but that's beside the point. At my lifting gym no one has ever thrown weights around, there's no screaming or grunting. Though sometimes we do get a little exuberant when someone is going for max effort and we're cheering them on. Stop judging us.
  • Only started powerlifting about 8 months ago or so. Joined a lifting gym to get into bodybuilding, maybe some strongman, but the gym owner pulled me toward powerlifting. So far competed in one competition (SPF), came in 2nd in my weight class (to be fair there was only 2 of us). Training for my second (USPA) in August.…
  • There are no alternatives unless you're lactose intolerant. My kryptonite of choice is Ben & Jerry's. Thankfully, its expensive so I don't eat it often, but when it is on sale, I will treat myself to a pint. I eat it in one sitting and I'm good until next time. If you can't contain yourself, get the single serve…
  • My favorite way is to put them on the grill. The peel comes off easily, don't need butter or any kind of sweetner.
  • I belong to a strictly weight/powerlifting/strongman gym. Old school, small, everyone knows everyone... $200/year ($16.66/mo). Recently joined the PF near my home, for $10/mo for cardio. Not too bad 2 gyms for less than $30/months. Both open on holidays, though with limited hours.
  • It was a show on NBC, I hadn't heard of it either until a few weeks ago while listening to a podcast. Came on at the same time as Big Bang Theory, which is why most people probably didn't see it. :smile: @lorrpb, I train with people who have to cut weight for bodybuilding or lifting competitions, it can be done, it's not…
  • Hopefully you've joined a gym where the staffers actually know about lifting and can help you with form. More than anything, make sure you have good form, it will avoid injuries. A good beginner program is Stronglifts 5x5, you stick with the basic compound movements, also check out New Rules for Lifting for Women. I'm a…
  • I'm a powerlifter, lift 5x week. Not bulky, but extra curvy. This is a huge movement. Check out girlswhopowerlift on instagram or facebook.
  • Abs are made in the kitchen. You can do exercises to tighten your ab muscles, but to lose fat, you need to pay attention to your diet.
  • In all seriousness, what I do is buy one of those ready-to-bake pizzas (not frozen) Cut it into individual servings and freeze it. When I have a pizza crazing, I just put one or two servings in the oven. That way I'm not making a whole pizza. I buy cheese pizza, so that I can add my own toppings: sauteed onions, spinach,…
  • I belong to a small lifting/strongman gym. Everybody knows everybody, so no matter what's on my program for that day or how many people are there, I can plan on a good 2 hours.
    in Time Comment by dym123 May 2016
  • Yeah, this works for me too.
  • I use a compression sleeve for normal activities due to arthritis in my knees, but I wear neoprene knee sleeves for lifting. These tend to be thicker than compression sleeves, not to mention more expensive. I have noticed improvement in my mobility since I've been wearing the knee sleeves, even though I only wear them when…
  • This! Congratulations on trying deadlifts. Please have someone knowledgeable watch and walk you through proper technique. It is too easy to hurt yourself. I have a love/hate relationship with the deadlift even though it is my favorite lift.