

  • Couch to 5k is a good program to follow and they do have an app that will prompt you when to walk/run.
  • I'm right outside of Buffalo.
  • Hi. I'm in WNY. Where are you?
  • Pretty much any protein with a vegetable or side salad will give you a "no sugar" diet. For your salads you can use vinegar and oil as a dressing. It really is quite simple to do it just requires a little planning.
  • Go Buffalo! I can dream can't I?
  • That is great news! I also noticed that when I went to a low carb diet that my chronic tendon problem in my foot started going away, I started having less flare ups from my rosacea, my stomach very rarely gets bloated unless I eat something that has too much sugar in it, my pms symptoms have all but disappeared, my…
  • I have used cauliflower in place of pasta with alfredo sauce. So good and amazingly filling. Instead of potatoes in potato salad I have used cauliflower. I also have used cauliflower in place of the potatoes for German Potato Salad. Take some cooked cauliflower and top with sour cream, cheddar cheese & green onion. It is…
  • Eggs have really gotten a bad rap as being a high cholesterol food. I found this information to explain because I knew I would not be able to be able to get it across clearly in written form: Number One: The cholesterol in eggs has virtually no effect on the cholesterol in your blood. Number Two: The fat in the egg yolk is…
  • I'm curious as to how strength training factors in too.
  • How I did it was to detox my body of them. I started by eating only protein, vegetables, some fruits (strawberries, blueberries, raspberries) & healthy fats for two weeks. By the end of the two weeks (actually before) the cravings were gone. I cut everything white unless it was a vegetable like cauliflower. Everyone thinks…
  • Are you wearing good sneakers while doing this video? Are you making sure to do the exercises correctly?
  • Currently I eat a low carb diet. I have been eating this way for almost 1 1/2 years and wouldn't change it. I am at the last 10-12 pounds of my weight loss and am pretty much in maintenance. If I don't lose anymore I will be content if I can tone up some. I have done Weight Watchers a few times and lost weight those times…
  • I eat low carb (a lot lower than 100g) and a higher fat diet. I am a super slow loser but I have never gained any weight when I have increased my fat intake.
  • You may be just retaining some water in your muscles from the increased exercising and eating. Stay diligent and you will drop.
  • The only thing that ever helped me with those bars was drinking A LOT of water. I would get a horrible stomach ache from them. I stopped eating them due to that.
  • I think that we all felt like that after the first day but once you get moving in the warm up your muscles loosen up some and it becomes much easier.
  • I thought I was the only one and that I was doing something wrong.
  • That is awesome! I hope to be able to get to that number soon too!
    in my NSV Comment by Dawn111567 April 2011
  • I am the opposite I lose in my upper body first and then it takes forever to lose the bottom half.
  • Actually I did follow Atkins and never had "brain fog". I think that people get confused and think that Atkins is all meat and fat and forget that the carbs that are eaten come from vegetables, fruits, dairy & nuts and for a lot of people they eat whole grain foods & legumes. Following the Atkins approach I ate healthier…
  • I think that you are referring to Ketosis vs Ketoacidosis which are two different things. Ketosis, in most cases, is a diet-induced condition that results in the body breaking down fat and fatty acid to create energy because of inadequate glucose supply in the diet, normally from a low-carbohydrate diet, a prolonged fast…
  • Great job! I have plateaued since the beginning of January at 152. It is not uncommon for me to do this for months and months at a time. I had plateaued from July to the beginning of January at 157 and then lost the weight when I was sick. I am trying to make myself eat more and see what happens. I thought that…
  • I agree. You may want to look at the book "Why We Get Fat" because it is a lot shorter than his original book "Good Calories, Bad Calories".
  • Hugs to you! I went through a divorce/separation 13 years ago. It was a horrible time but it got better. If you have a program called Divorce Care at any church near you I highly suggest going. Best.thing.I.ever.did was go to that program. Add me as a friend if you would like. :flowerforyou:
  • Hi from a former lover of bread and pasta! Breaking the habit of bad carbs is no where as hard as people say that it is For most the first two weeks are the hardest and once your body is rid of the bad carbs it becomes easier. It was not uncommon for us to have pasta & bread a couple times a week for dinner but I stopped…
  • I buy roasted salted almonds in bulk. Throw them in a food processor (just make sure you don't add all that extra salt on the bottom of the bag), turn the food processor on for at least 5 minutes. I also add some liquid splenda to it. Very rarely do I add oil because if you let these process long enough the natural oil in…
  • I love almond butter and I just make my own. It is so simple and takes about 5-10 minutes.
  • If you need to take a day off, do so but I would suggest to not go more than one day off in between because it gets hard to get back into the swing of things. My endurance in the cardio section increased and jumping jacks became easier for me to do after sticking with them.