

  • you are my hero! :) I love your post every day and you are an amazing inspiring person... thank you for all the support and being My MFP!
  • rock on!!
  • personally I have used food to cope with things in the pass (Stress, anger, really any type of emotion) would that have anything to do with it? maybe you just need some time to adjust or find exercise to deal with stress or relax.. I don't know you so I have no clue if that would be the case... but that is what happend to…
  • bagle pizza's that sounds sooo yummy I might have to try that tonight!
  • personal durring the work day a 15min walk does wonders for mood/stress...ect... but for work out no I wouldn't exactly count it. Make sure you are doing at least 30 minutes of cardio at home.
    in 15 minutes? Comment by blm625 June 2011
  • There is a really good thread on here at: you don't need to spend money or go to a gym to be in great shape!! Also you can allways google work out idea's and plans there stuff on here for free. If you have a Netflix…
  • I have been depressed in the past, not as much so as you describe so I can not fully understand what you are going through. BUT I did want to tell you how much working out has improved my well being and has helped me with my mild depression. I wanted to maybe give you a bit of advice... commit to walking around the block?…
  • work out before you go, eat a healthy breakfast and snack high in fiber before you go. You can use your exercise calories for things like burgers or birthday cake..and than fill the rest of your plate with salad or veggies... you can fit in fun foods if you plan it out right!
  • tell your self "I have to work out for at least 10 minutes" Once your up and going you might as well keep going :) or you can allways break it up into three small 10 minute work outs! ALSO I think about how good it feels after I work out. Working out is the best mood lifter and gives you more engergy!
  • I am sooo glad I read this! so full of great information thank you! also you lost exactly the amount of weight I need to... it is motivating to see you did it and you did it the right way... I Like the one day at a time I use that too... losing a large amount of weight can seem like for ever but if I think of each day and…
  • Thanks for posting this!! I was just thinking today how I need to start making iced coffee at home to save on $$ and calories.. I am going to have to try this!
  • I think that is a really good Idea!! I have heard that drinking Soda makes you dehydrated and than you crave more thinking its going to quench that thirst but it doesn't so you drink more and more...ect! SO drinking water before you have a diet coke is smart cause you may find that your thirst gets quenched and than you…
  • I made this this morning, it has 27 grams of protein in it and is under 300 calories.. its a bit different but I thought it was pretty good. Tara Costa's Protein Oatmeal Pancakes....
  • Thanks for all the support really thanks every one!
    in struggling Comment by blm625 June 2011
  • bump! Wow I am hungry now!
  • I love this, you two look hott!!
  • bump bumpity bump bump! Thank your for your service and for the great info!
  • Don't be hard on your self about your measurements, you have to know were you are starting to know/get to were you are going. You are using this website so that is a postive you want to change and your doing somthing good for your self!
  • I used to do weight watchers and they had this I think last year I only did it one week but it was nice having everything ready to throw together!
  • Keep going! I know how stressful getting married is, I was trying to lose weight for my wedding and ended up going up a dress size from being soo stressed out about loseing weight and eve rything else! (luckly they had the size in stock and it fit perfect no alterations!) The best advice I can give you is to track your…
  • its more to do with losing muscle and life style than age... I like Dr. OZ artical about Metabolism hope this helps
  • way to go! You look amazing!
  • no way! I am allways learking here looking at peoples pic's I love it! Gives me inspuration, If these amazing people can do it soo can we!
  • I will take this Pledge with you!! I am just starting out and I did good my 1st week end. But this last weekend I had people over and than went to my partens and lost all control! I need to plan better next time!
  • bump
  • Amazing results way to go! Now I want to go out and by 30ds!
  • Happy Birthday what a awesome gift to give your self the gift of health!
  • I have done weight watchers on and off for years. In-fact a few years back I had lost 90lbs and kept it off for about 2-3 years. I love the program. The support is great you just have to find the right meeting of course not all meetings and not all leaders are the same. The only reason I am not doing it is because I needed…
  • way to goo! :happy: :happy:
  • you look great way to go!