Looking for kindred spirits with similar goals
Hi, MFP family! I would love to be buddies. Trying to manage some mobility issues and the regaining of some weight as a result. From the beginning of my journey, I’ve lost 175 pounds, only for some those pounds to move back in. Quarantine and loss of health insurance has been a doozy to my efforts. Trying my best to manage…
And we've left the starting line!
Hiya fellow CSD pals! I'm excited to be on this journey with you. I take this trip a little more wiser after having been through the CSD 21 day cleanse and then went on to live a 100% raw diet for another 4 months. I used my experience to dive deeper into the culture and incorporated the way of eating into my offerings as…
Join us! Crazy Sexy Diet cleanse - Starting June 1st
Beginning June 1st, a group of motivated and super supportive pals will be embarking on the 21 day "Adventure Cleanse" described in Kris Carr‘s book, Crazy Sexy Diet. Are you ready for a revved up, renewed, and re-energized you?! Then join us! Already more than a 100 pounds lighter, I realized I’m still not feeling like…
Sexy Summer Bods!! Here we come! Anyone up for round 2?
Knock, knock. Anyone for round 2? As a chef for yoga centers and now a gym club manager for the past year, with a personal trainer cert, I'm ready to go back to practicing what I preach. Super excited with new info under my belt, all I need is a little extra push from some friends to stay the course. Shoot me a mail if…
Wow! I can't believe I just typed Day 21. This is it my friends. Our last full day together on the cleanse. Oh how I will miss you all. :( Remember today is our juice fasting day, and tomorrow morning is our sea salt flush to get rid of any of those pesky little toxins hanging around. So where do we go after that? After…
DAY 22 - WE DID IT!!! WOO HOO!!!
YEAHHHH!!!! YOU DID IT!!!!! I'm giving you a standing ovation. Seriously. I'm jumping up and down to boot. I am SOOOOOO proud of you for going the long haul. 21 days is not easy, but you hung in there. You ARE awesome!!! We've come a long way in a pretty short time. Bigger news - you've just changed your life, even if…
Wow!! You are awesome!! It's day 20 and you're still hanging in tough. Go you!!! So how do you feel as the end approaches? Are you excited? Nervous? Inspired? Write about it. Take stock of how far you've come. Notice the lines in your script that you've successfully rewritten. Perhaps a few still need editing. You're near…
Happy happy Thursday Wellness Warriors. Since we're in the home stretch, we're gonna do something a little different today. Sure, I want you to eat well, affirm, tell yourself positive things, and move. But this assignment - an awesome writing exercise - takes enormous focus. Write a letter to yourself, but from the…
Can you see it Wellness Warriors? Can you see the YOU you want to be? S/he can be real. You're the one with the power to make it so. First step... Making sure what you see is clear and defined. It's harder to draw a map to a destination if your endpoint is 'somewhere in the area.' Be clear and commit. A Vision Board can…
Hi Wellness Warriors. Happy Tuesday. As we all travel through our own health journeys, we might have discovered that we are our own best friends. When you start to clean the God Pod temple and treat it right, you create a closer relationship with your body, becoming very intimate with how your body works, the signals, and…
Hiya Wellness Warriors. Happy Monday! So we're rounding the corner. Welcome to Day 16 and to another opportunity to broaden your horizons. Part of what you might need to shake your groove thing and live like you mean it is to travel. No fear. You can go all over tarnation with the crazy sexy cleanse. FOCUS Adventure?…
Wow! Look at us Wellness Warriors! We're officially in the homestretch of our last week. Woo hoo!! But before we do the official "i'm almost done" dance, we still have some housecleaning to do. So back to our God Pod cleanses. If you juice fasted yesterday, then today begins with your sea salt flush. Remember to do it…
Good morning Wellness Warriors! Happy happy Saturday! Guess what? It's fasting day again. Hope you remembered. If you're up for it, fantastic! If not, just eat light and bright today. Try to stick to uncooked foods as much as possible. Salads, whole fruits, raw or lightly steamed veggies... One of the benefits of fasting…
Hiya Wellness Warriors! Making meals for yourself and other is a profound way to share love. As you get more comfortable with your ability to make tasty cuisine, invite folks over to break (gluten-free) bread. Just because you're cleansing doesn't mean you have to isolate. Share your knowledge. The world needs you! Teach…
Hiya wellness warriors. :) Gratitude is the Attitude! Now that you've identified what you love, it's a delicious time to welcome gratitude into your life. Gratitude puts you in a position of having instead of wanting. When I take stock of my blessings, I get more blessings. I throw bottomless "wanting" out into the…
Hi Wellness Warriors! Yesterday you set about acknowledging your frustrations and anger. Today, start paying attention to those moments when you feel --- out of the blue --- fabulous! Many people experience a sense of well-being and even euphoria in the middle of a cleanse. You're eating a lot of mood foods -- stuff that's…
Yeahhh!!! You've made it to double digits! Hip hip hooray!! So how are you feeling Wellness Warrior? We're powering our bodies with nature's electricity in order to shoot to the beautiful stars. But that doesn't mean we always feel good while on the trip. No doubt you felt some emotional and physical roller coasters last…
Happy happy Monday Wellness Warriors! My apologies on the delay of this post. My internet service was down for just a lil bit. I did attempt to manage it through my phone, only to discover that you can't access "groups" via their mobile software. But no worries...There isn't much new for today. First off is checking in…
You did it!! Week 1 is under your belt and no matter how it went, the hardest part is behind you. There will be more icy patches ahead (detox symptoms can pop up at any time), but you've taken some heroic steps. I wish you could see me giving you a standing ovation. FOCUS Everything you need to learn in life, you can learn…
It's here! The day we've been waiting for in anticipation - either because we fear it or we're excited. Think I fall somewhere in between. lol. IT'S FASTING DAY!!! Today is about pressing the fast forward button on your cleanse. You may choose to fast for part of the day today or for all of it. Do what feels right for you…
Crazy Sexy Cleanse Recipe Swaps
Hiya Wellness Warriors! Here's our discussion thread to help each other with some creative and yummy recipes that honor the sugar, gluten, and dairy free mantra of the crazy sexy cleanse. Happy Healthy Eating!
TGIF Wellness Warriors! So we're almost near the end of our first week. You should be experiencing emotional detox symptoms and that is very, very normal. Irritability and feeling a little depressed and teary is part of the process (especially if you happen to have Aunt Flow visiting or for that matter, any other…
Hiya my dear friends! So we made it to day 5. Awesome!!! Let's take that positivity and focus it on preparing for the weekend and avoiding the TGIF terrors. Fridays can be scary for those of us that have traditionally designated it as the start of two days of indulgence, drinking, and sleeping in. Some strategic planning…
Hiya Wellness Warriors! Remember when we were kids and we imagined we'd have our very own amusement park, along with two pet dinosaurs and a rocket for getting to school? Not only did we think it, we believed it to our core. Then one day a ninny of a classmate pierced the dream with really dumb words: "Jen, you can't own a…
Hiya Wellness Warriors! Even though it's technically Tuesday, it may be our emotional hump day. You may hit your first real wall today. Brava! Hit it and climb it champ. It's really just a speed bump. You may feel some physical detox symptoms, such as fatigue, headaches, a foggy brain, skin rashes, and muscle weakness.…
Hi Wellness Warriors! We did it! Day 1 is over and we are one step closer to liberation. What we leave out of our diet is as important as what we include. The healthiest diets have one thing in common: They toss crappy food. This diet and lifestyle is the Rolls-Royce, and you deserve an elegant ride. FOCUS Embrace yourself…
DAY 1 - Crazy Sexy Cleanse
Hey Wellness Warriors!!! This is it. T minus 2 days. Here's the majority of what you need as it's transcribed from the book. The night before, I'll post the daily physical challenge and the other goodies and tidbits. This post will be the longest of the 21 days since it gives loads of new information. Thereafter, as we get…
Hello Wellness Warriors, The day is finally here!! In addition to the God Pod routines and the beginning of incorporating your new eating behaviors, here are our mantras for today's positive self talk and the daily physical challenge. Good luck everyone! We can do this! POSITIVE TALK: "Please help me open my mind, ignite…
Crazy Sexy Diet (CSD): The God Pod Glow Routine
Hey Wellness Warriors! T minus 5 days. Woo hoo!! Self-care (including cleansing and detoxing) extends beyond the food in our fridges. A crazy sexy life includes reflection, booty shake, natural beauty products, rest, and relaxation. But we knew that, right? ;) And yet it's so easy to over-commit or mismanage our time. Like…