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Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • cblue315
    cblue315 Posts: 3,836 Member
    edited November 2014
    Wednesday Wish - That all the people in my life were in the same place. Complicated lives we all lead.
    Food 4/4, Fitness 4/4 Weigh in tomorrow.
    @mountmary - Lovely to have lunch yesterday. Yes, you have this resolve - now you have to figure out how to make the most of it.
    @Lois_1989 - Bonfire night sounds fun. Keep coming back you know what to do.
    @Robin - Yea for the healing! Now back to work.
    @Soosun - This is the perfect place to rant, you have witnessed many of mine.
    @bapcarrier - I do all my cooking on Sunday, make a batch of soup for lunches all week, make 8 vegetable trays to grab and go when needed. I do take the time to plan my meals for the week so I don't get side tracked. I learned this from Weigh Watchers "If you fail to plan, you plan to fail". So true for so many parts of my life. I know it is not fun but I look at is as planing ahead for my success.
    Love to all,
    Lori <3
  • Hello everyone!

    Overall this week has been pretty positive for me. I started MFP in August @ 222 lbs. I check in every Wednesday and today's weight was 205.8. I see my hard work paying off--slowly but surely.

    This process is not hard at all, contrary to what I believed it would be like. I only have rough patches in the evening before bed because my body is CRAVING CHOCOLATE OF ANY FORM!! I would appreciate some feedback on this issue. I've tried Special K chocolate, light jello, popcorn and a variety of other low cal items but the chocolate "protest" continues. :)

    Glad to be a part of this group and after work will try to read everything and find out about this "all in" challenge.

  • NewCaddy
    NewCaddy Posts: 845 Member
    Wednesday Wish: That I do a better job of drinking water earlier in the day. With the exception of about 1-2 weeks of pregnancy, I NEVER get up in the middle of the night no matter how much I drink. However, the last two nights, I’ve had to chug the last bit of water and then get up at night. And yes, I’m sticking to the story that it’s because I’m drinking a lot of water late in the evening and not that I’m getting older. HA!

    @cblue…a date??!! Good for you. Right now, Michael is home only one evening a week and that is dedicated to time with the kids...hopefully a new shift is in our near future so we can induldge in a date night without feeling guilty about taking limited time away from the kids.
    @Lois…I know that you are having to work hard, but you put a smile on my face regarding the audit. My dad (a farmer) was audited by the IRS one year. When did they come? Spring planting! Talk about bad timing!!! I remember having loads and loads of paper on the dining room table and my dad pacing because he had to be there and couldn’t be in the field when the time was slipping away. He was annoyed the whole time but then really annoyed when there wasn’t anything they found. He got that they needed to audit their fair share of farmers, but felt they could do a bit better with when they did it.
    @Kelley…I couldn’t drink that mixture (HATE LEMON) but I absolutely agree with the protein part. I need to get back to having a protein shake to get my protein percentages up. It’s amazing how quickly I fell out of practice of that. I bought some fresh blackberries yesterday – might need to run downstairs and make a shake! Glad your session is giving you some hope.
    @Teresa…that’s a good way at looking at your busy day today. Hope the sales are good and you get to enjoy Saturday.
    @bap…yes, I fall into that pitfall of fast food too. I just need to get back in the habit of my crock pot. If I have the meal ready, it’s so much easier to stay the course. I might have to look at the Good Housekeeping diet. I too don’t like a lot of foods and have had the same problem in the past.
    @Laurie…certainly sounds like your trainer knows his stuff!
    @Karen…Maybe it’s the volume of people, but we use the schools here for polls and still have school. In fact, Jacob was hoping we would come between classes so we didn’t “accidently” run into him while voting. HA!
    @Robin…I totally tell them that I’m going to love the peace and quiet while they are gone. However, I might have jeopardized it yesterday. Emma has been especially naughty the last two weeks – I’ve tried talking to her about why – I’ve tried grounding – I’ve tried special time with me so she feels loved – still naughty. Last night, I threatened that if she didn’t shape up that she will not get to go with her dad and brother. That seemed to have gotten to her – hope so, I’d hate to lose my nice weekend! Hope your stepmom can turn it around – love that you gave her your slippers!

    AFM: Got my voting done yesterday and then it was actually a pretty lazy evening at home. We delivered some pizzas (Jacob’s fundraiser for his DC trip in June) and then got some laundry done. Got to the gym at 8:30 and didn’t have to wait for the squat rack – yippee! I thought my calories yesterday were awful, but they were still a bit under maintenance so while it was one of my days for the ALL IN challenge, it wasn’t such a big setback for my overall process. The good news is my sunflower seeds are gone from the house at this point as is the Mello Yello!

    ALL IN:
    Calories – 3/4
    Working out – 3 times this week
    Water – 2/4

    Final note...I can't use the smiley faces on here. No matter what I do, it only shows up at the very beginning of the post.
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    edited November 2014
    Rain started yesterday morning, pretty much steady all day—woke up to more rain today, supposed to taper off and then start heavier rain in the afternoon. We need it!

    @bapcarrier~I love cooking and experimenting with different recipes, but hate cleaning the kitchen. I also don’t want to spend hours in the kitchen every night, so I do the bulk of my cooking on the weekends—I usually make two things and freeze half of each. I find by doing this, every few weeks I don’t have to cook at all except for side dishes and veggies. Meals prepared at home are always healthier than eating out—not just lower in calories, but lower in sodium, etc. too. But if you do find yourself in the fast food drive thru aim for grilled chicken sandwiches or salads—choosing vinaigrette based dressings. It is possible to be healthy while eating out, we just have to be conscientious about our choices.

    @Niki~Thanks for sharing about the LiFE program, my trainer incorporates a lot of functional/balance exercises into our sessions—he has a physical therapy background so often thinks about functional exercises to go along with the weight training.

    @Robin~Yes, it’s covered by insurance—it falls under chiropractic care. I just have to pay my copay—since its chiropractic there are limited sessions per calendar year though, but this should just take 3-6 sessions (fingers crossed). Are you picky about your ice cream flavors? I was thinking maybe instead of having a half-gallon of ice cream in the freezer taunting you (I know it would taunt me :wink:), maybe keep those little single serve containers around—maybe it will help limit you to one? The grocery stores around here have them on sale fairly often for $1/ea.

    @Karen~Sounds like you’ve got another really busy week at school, plus all of the grading—I hope you can get caught up soon.

    @Helen~I think a lot of men, in general, don’t like veggies. A friend of mine claims he can’t eat them because of the all the nutrients in them. What?! Just say you don’t like them and move on. LOL Maybe you can find a way to hide them, so he’s eating them without knowing. :wink:

    @Lois~Hooray for the loss this week, great job! Slow and steady wins the race—remember all those pounds add up in the end! :smiley:

    AFM~Good session with my trainer last night, time flew by as always. Afterwards, I attended a short seminar at my gym that was put on by the dietician—it was the first of a four-part series. It was nice to meet a few people going through some of the same frustration I do from time to time. One of things she discussed was making a grid (or spreadsheet) outlining specific goals from day to day (i.e. water intake, exercise, fruits/veggies) and marking off those goals each day—helps to keep us accountable and see first-hand where we may be lacking. It reminded me of Niki and her checkpoints, similar concept.

    November “ALL-IN” Goals:

    At or Under Calories: 3/30
    Exercise Goals: So far meeting my scheduled goals

    Exercise Goals 11/2-11/8:

    Sunday~Trainer DONE!
    Monday~Rest Day (Chiro) DONE!
    Tuesday~Trainer DONE!
    Friday~Rest Day (Chiro and HH)
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Good morning everybody.

    Happy World Teacher Day
    When : Always October 5th
    Teachers deserve a little recognition, and some thanks and appreciation. Aside from parents and direct family, who else has as much influence on the hearts and minds of a child... your child? Teachers not only educate, but they help to shape and frame your child's beliefs, values, and behaviors.
    Parents and students are encouraged to offer thanks and recognition today. A simple "thanks", or an ecard is sufficient.
    BTW: An apple a day may keep the doctor away. But, teachers love to get apples.
    If you are a teacher, Happy World Teacher Day!

    “Don’t compromise yourself. You are all you’ve got.” ~Janis Joplin

  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    edited November 2014
    @Tracy~Whatever you need to tell yourself! LOL I protested when my bladder woke me up last night, laid there awake contemplating whether or not it could wait until my sleep app woke me--eventually I had to give in (esp. when Zoe decided she needed to lay on me). Try drinking two glasses as soon as your feet hit the floor, that's what I do--gets you off to a good start.

    @sonjabowler~Dark chocolate contains antioxidants so is actually good for you. I keep really good chocolate around (i.e. Godiva, Ghirardelli, etc.)--I buy the big bars that are 75-80% cacao. I'm really good about rationing it and one piece (not the 3 in a serving) is actually really good for nipping that chocolate craving in the bud. Now if the salted caramel bar jumps into my cart--that's another story entirely! :flushed:
  • soosun
    soosun Posts: 129 Member
    Thank you all for the positive feedback. The evening was much better than the day and the munchies eventually went away, finally. So today is anew day and I am on spot for legal breakfast. The nice thing about the breakfast is that it oddly enough is something that I have never even considred for breakfast, so maybe getting out of my food rut for breakfast. Thanks again. 15 lbs to go! As someone on this post said, I think it was Allison, Staying the same is better than going up. How correct she was in saying that.
    A question? How do you get the persons call sign in blue when you are responding to a post. I think it must help you remember the posts you have read and the person you are responding to, but I have no idea how to do it. Computer inept! Any points would be much appreciated.
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Good Morning, Yesterday was frustrating. I did manage to come in under calories, barely. It was raining all day so I didn't get to walk until after dinner. Fortunately, Nicole was able to go with me. Its hard to be motivated to go out alone after dark. I'm happy to say we have sunshine today, and in the foreseeable future, so the walking should be good.
    I love the ALL IN challenge, but hate days like yesterday, when I don't quite feel ALL IN.
    My Wednesday wish is for my daughter Cathy and her family. They only have one foster boy right now, and his placement was to be made permanent on Thursday. They are looking at adopting him. Yesterday morning at school he and a friend each took about 5 oxicodone pills that she had brought from home. He admitted to feeling very depressed about a number of things in his life. He uses a very positive jovial attitude as a coping mechanism, so they didn't see it coming. She has admitted him to a treatment center that specializes in teen depression and addictions. My wish and Prayer is for them to be able help him quickly and get him back on track. I don't how much this will delay their plans for the future.
    Have a great day. It is really quite amazing how much we all have in common, given how different all of our backgrounds and life experiences are. We can take strength from one another and just keep putting one foot in the front of the other.
    Onward and downward. Kaye
  • GrammyWhammy
    GrammyWhammy Posts: 484 Member
    Wednesday Wish (& I think it may come true for the near future): No more political ads for a while!

    November Challenge Up-date:
    5/30 days under 1350 calories (well, it is only 11 a.m., but I predict a great day)
    5/30 days cardio, 2/30 days weight training
    4/30 days 10,000 steps (counting today as I'm at 6,000 and have a busy afternoon)

    And, tadaaaaa! A 2.7 lb. weight loss, marking the end of yet another tedious plateau.
    Take that, you Halloween KitKat bars! :D Thank you, prunes! (Don't judge. Nasty foods do nasty things to me.) :o

    Hubby's PIC line is blocked, both ports, so I don't have time to respond to all the previous posts as I have to take him to 2 Dr. appointments, but I'll check in later.

    Push on, everyone. We will be victorious!

  • NewCaddy
    NewCaddy Posts: 845 Member
    @Kaye...prayers are coming hard and fast. About 1 1/2 years ago, Jacob talked about how to tie a noose with another kid at school because he wanted to hang himself. Luckily, that boy told a girl and that girl told the teacher. We met with teh counselor that same day and he went to counselling right away. After some counselling sessions, it was determined that Jacob was having a delayed reaction to Michael's alcoholism, our split and the move to Bismarck. All those things were over a year old but he was still struggling to deal with them, plus some new bullying that had happened that he didn't tell anyone about. He, too, did lots of laughing so it was like we were blindsided. It sounds like your daughter is doing exactly what he needs. My prayers are that he will be open to the help he is receiving and be able to see the blessings he has in his life. I'm so glad the outcome is this instead of a funeral...this can be worked on. Love to all.
  • bapcarrier
    bapcarrier Posts: 211 Member
    Thanks everyone for all the helpful and positive feedback. Have a great afternoon and I'll check back in later - on a break from work right now and need to get back.
  • ddhgw
    ddhgw Posts: 1
    Hello to everyone. I am very new and this is my first post, "reply" orwhatever it's called, lol. I started Myfitnesspal almost 2 weeks ago and so far, so good. I was doing low carbs as suggested by my PCP but I was REALLY missing many of the foods that I just love. After 34 years of nursing I cannot count the times that newly diagnosed diabetics are put on 1800 calorie or less diets. So why could I not just count my calories? As I mentioned earlier, I have been counting the calories, using My fitness Pal and have been more successful with this. I am very obese with well over 100 lbs to lose and my journey is just beginning. I am in hopes that I can find others here that I can share stories with, hopes, despairs, good news and maybe even some good recipies with. I will be the first to tell you that what makes my struggle so hard is the fact that there are very few vegetable I eat. Being raised in the south with summer vegetable gardens by my parents and grandparents, you would not think that I would have this problem. To attend functions where numerous vegetable and fruit trays are offered and to find nothing to eat with the exception of a few grapes, well, it's almost embarrasing. All the vegetable I enjoy are the starchy, butterbeans, peas, corn, potatos, etc. The healthiest "green" vegetable I can stand is string beans and lettuce withsalad dressing, of course. I will eat cooked or stewed tomatos but cannot stand to eat them "raw". I do not mind the onion flavoring and using onion salt but cannot stand to eat onions. That's about it. I have tried numerous times in hopes my taste buds were changing to eat things like celery, brocchli, asparagus, carrots, cauliflower, etc but cannot learn to tolerate these vegetables. It's not a matter of not liking, but I find them simply nauseating. So, on a better note, I am trying to find other things I do like and am not afraid to try something new. I think I can figure out how to come back to this same spot and I will just go to the last page seen and read other's stories and posts. Please feel free to reply to this post if you have any suggestions to help down this new path in life. Thank you in advance and thank you so the person starting this thread. It does help knowing that there are others out there with more than 5 or 10 lbs to lose, lol. Good luck to all !
  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    Good morning everyone. Well a nasty cold derailed me just as I was getting back on track and then I just kinda let it all slide for a week or so. Oh well no living in the past. So far this week has been going very well. As most of you know I go to my brothers house four days a week adn get his kids off to school. I am now using part of that time where I cant get anything done at home anyway to do some working out. Then when I get home the doggies and I are starting to get in some walking again. Food wise it is harder and I dont know why but now every time I want to eat something junky I am trying to remind myself of all the hard work I put in to lose what I have so far and then ask myself if I want to just give all that up. It has been successful so far this week. I am planning a big family dinner this weekend but I am planning a menu that should be yummy and still fairly healthy. The kittens have settled in nicely and the animals are all getting used to each other. I love watching them roll around the house playing with each other. The cutest moments though are when our bigger dog lays down and the kittens attack him sure he is hiding nipples somewhere for them :D My wish for this Wednesday is that my oldest daughter is able to make it to dinner on Saturday. She says she will try so we will see.

    Lori I loved your before and after pics. You look beautiful and should be so proud. I also hope your dad is starting to do better in the nursing home.
    Robin t is good to hear you are feeling better. I hope your step mom is doing well. I dread the day my parents reach that age and I have to try to get them to do whats best for them.
    Skinny I hope the grading is going well and you are able to find a little time for yourself.
    Kah those are some great pics from your cruise. I am happy to hear you had a good time.

    Well as usual I had more to say but my brain is shutting down. Know I am thinking of you all and hoping you all have the best day <3
  • Teresa_3266
    Teresa_3266 Posts: 298 Member
    Hi everyone!! :) It's been a good day with work and walking. I still have about 500 more steps to take before going to bed, which is doable since I'm still at work! :p

    Wednesday wish: I wish I would stop procrastinating my walking and either get it done earlier in the day or at least not wait until the end of the day and try to hurt myself walking around on these hard floors. :s

    @babcarrier, good for you for finding a meal plan that works for you. Eating lots of fast food is so bad for your diet and your health. I work a job where I usually bring my lunch and dinner to work. I eat things like Quest bars, Greek yogurt, nuts, fruit, peanut butter in those to-go cups, etc. I however love cooking and really look forward to it on my days off. I do applaud you for calling a friend when the fast food temptation struck. That is exactly the right thing to do!!! :D

    @soosun, I appreciate your honesty. I struggle with the same issues. It's so frustrating to want something so badly and then NOT do it!! We just have to keep on struggling and NEVER give up. :)

    @sonjabowler, chocolate is my LOVE <3 . My husband keeps a bag of Dove dark squares and if my calories permit I get one or two at the end of the day. This helps me to try my best to eat right so I can have my yummy treat. Can you do something like that?

    @Tracy, I have the same water issues.....and getting up in throughout the night. Hubby actually woke up the other night and suggested I see a doctor. No, I just need to drink more water earlier in the day. Maybe when I'm walking earlier I can carry my water bottle! :p

    @kah68, I know that I need to find a better method for sticking to my goals. I do like to make spreadsheets, I just struggle with adhering to them. :\

    OK, that is all I have time for. Got to get those steps in and close down the shop. B)
  • soosun
    soosun Posts: 129 Member
    So how do you get a reply to be in the post and have the person's name in blue. I clicked on the name but and made a response but that just went as a PM. Anyone?
  • mountmary84
    mountmary84 Posts: 259 Member

    @ddhdw Welcome. I too am rather new here, but have really enjoyed these people; they are genuine and all so very helpful. It truly helps keep me on the straight and narrow (well sort of) to read that we all have challenges and we all work to over come them. As for veggies; the best way I know to eat them (I have to admit I love them though) is roasted. Toss with a tiny bit of olive oil and put on a sheet pan and roast in a hot 400º oven until the are tender and a little toasty. Cauliflower, carrots, asparagus, onions, squash, etc....they all respond well to this treatment. The roasting intensifies their flavor and they become almost sweet.
    Good luck in your journey.
    Barbara / mountmary84
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    edited November 2014
    soosun wrote: »
    So how do you get a reply to be in the post and have the person's name in blue. I clicked on the name but and made a response but that just went as a PM. Anyone?

    @Soosun~just use the "@" sign in front of the persons name or screen name, once you post it the name should show up in blue. Actually, I think they may have removed that function temporarily, as it appears to not be working right now. :confused:

  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    tlh- I am surprised that your kids had school on election day since they use the schools to vote. The reasoning behind it is the safety of the children since they can't keep predators out of the buildings to vote or those who might do harm to others.

    Goals- I have managed to eat under calories however, I have been eating more sweets than necessary. I did get to the gym tonight and walked for 30 minutes. I had thought about going to the pool but ended up at the gym with a friend.

    Wish- A friend who is going through a rough time can get over it in time.

    Hope everyone had a great hump day.

  • mountmary84
    mountmary84 Posts: 259 Member
    Wish - I wish there was a "like" button here...LOL
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    edited November 2014
    LoisGlad you got that pound off! <3 BIG WOOT <3
    Your book about the origins of saying sounds so interesting and fun - is it quite old? What's the name? And I had to look up your reference to the Bonfires and found this poem - quite fun!:
    - Don't you Remember,
    The Fifth of November,
    'Twas Gunpowder Treason Day,
    I let off my gun,
    And made'em all run.
    And Stole all their Bonfire away

    whoops gonna be a double post - my bad!