Just for Today ..... Daily Commitment Thread- Start of a new year!



  • audreyanderson4
    audreyanderson4 Posts: 245 Member
    Just for today I plan to eat less rubbish and walk more
    My goals for February are:
    1. Drink at least 8 glasses of water a day
    2. lose at least 2 pounds a week
    3.Best Audrey x
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,097 Member
    @slittlemeister free food! Sounds amazing! Howeverrr it's got to fit into your calories!!
    Try your best, you'll only be affecting your progress, if you make good choices your gonna feel even more better because you accomplished something which is difficult to do!

    Good luck! I'm holding you accountable ;)

    Prove to yourself you can resist!

    As for healthy drawer snacks, I get Alpen bars, Go Ahead bars etc and they're both under 70cal!
    I also have ryvitas but I like them lol I get the sesame ones!
  • shenna333
    shenna333 Posts: 100 Member

    Just for today: Tuesday

    Drink water when I'm stressed
    Drink water when I'm hungry
    Drink water when I'm tired
    Just drink those measly 8 glasses- Getting closer!!!!

    Just for today: Wednesday

    I WILL drink my 8 glasses. My body will thank me.
    Compliment a co-worker
    Stay focused and productive

    New day, new month. Time to get serious and squash some goals! Have a great day y'all
    LINIA Posts: 1,108 Member
    Just for today - Happy February- Goal for today:

    Drink at least 6 glasses of plain water

    Good Luck everyone/ OP great thread :);):)
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,351 Member
    edited February 2017
    Oh man! I thought I did my goals yesterday. looks like I must not have finished them or something!

    Start over today.

    J4T - Wednesday
    1. Stick to meal plan
    3. Add 100+ steps to yesterday's count
    4. Put my earbuds on to tune out those around me at work and focus on what I need to get done. Politely ask colleagues to not disturb unless necessary today.
    5. Every hour when my fitbit buzzes, walk down the hall to the water dispenser and get both steps and water in.
    6. Try not to let myself be "in the grip" at work today. Breathe. Soothing music. One task at a time. Don't let it all overwhelm you. Nobody is going to die if I don't get it all done in time.
    7. Activity tonight. February 1st marks a new month. This month I will begin to exercise and slowly increase.
    8. Take time for "me" tonight. I'm exhausted. I need to take some down time tonight and not think about work.
    9. Bed at least one hour early.
    10. Make someone smile today with at least one random act of kindness.

    Have a great day!
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,351 Member
    @slittlemeister I think it's great you realize it will be difficult to stick to good choices at dinner tonight, and that even if you are not perfect, you are determined to be better than last time. "Better than last time" is an improvement and moving you in the right direction! Good luck!
  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,514 Member
    Yesterday T 1/31/17:
    1) Drink 8 - 10 glasses of water - YES 10 :smile:
    2) Walk at least 10,000 steps with lunchtime snowshoe hike & maybe treadmill this evening - YES no need for the treadmill: had >8,400 steps and 30 flights of stairs at end of snowshoe hike, those hills really added up! Finished with >12,000 and 38 stairs by end of day :smiley:
    3) Meditate (really focus this time!) in afternoon - YES really have to focus on breathes to keep my mind from wondering :smile:
    4) Floss - No, felt a little down, so just skipped :neutral:
    5) Bedtime by 10:30 with TV off - YES 10:15 :smile:

    Just for W 2/1/17:
    1) Drink 8 - 10 glasses of water
    2) Walk at least 25 flights of stairs
    3) Meditate / focus on breathes in afternoon
    4) Laundry in evening
    5) Floss no matter what happens
    6) Bedtime by 10:30 with TV off - is this becoming habit?
  • Sally123422
    Sally123422 Posts: 6 Member
    Im going to try to keep track of water today and drink more water throughout the day! I drink most if my water after dinner now! I ran out of cashew milk today i had to use rice milk. 2 cups is 240cal vs 50 for cashew milk. Really sucks i have to give up something to make up for calories. Im really fealling the affects of not being prepared!
  • TechNerd42
    TechNerd42 Posts: 225 Member
    linnea4 wrote: »


    Log all food :)
    Paint <3
    Focus better at work :)
    Stay within 100 calories of my goal (either side) :(

    So, was under by 177, so not too bad, but was trying to figure out what to eat last night...

    Log all food
    Focus at work
    Stay within 100 calories of my goal (either side)
    Take one moment at a time.
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,221 Member
    I am going to set monthly goals in addition to daily goals. Here is what I had for my goal the month of January. I almost made that goal - down 6.4 lbs.

    January 1st, 2017, here are my goals:
    Starting weight Jan 1: 217.4
    Goal weight for Feb 1: 210
    Actual weight Feb 1: 211.0
    Goal weight for March 1: 206
    Ultimate goal weight: 175

    1. log all food :) But ended up eating pizza and ice cream last nite. But the plus side was I was on the treadmill for 60 minutes in the morning, so I was still OK with that.
    2. concentrate on water :)
    3. clean my sewing room - its a mess! :/
    4. get work done :)
    5. read success stories :/
    6. get back on here tomorrow - be accountable :)

    Wednesday, FEB 1st:
    Starting weight 211.0
    Goal weight for the month of Feb: 206

    1. log all food
    2. didnt get to the gym this morning, so try and go tonite
    3. clean up sewing room
    4. finish baby quilt
    5. read success stories - know that anything is possible, and I can be at goal weight by next December
    6. get back on here tomorrow - be accountable

  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,221 Member
    shenna333 wrote: »
    Just for today: Tuesday

    Drink water when I'm stressed
    Drink water when I'm hungry
    Drink water when I'm tired
    Just drink those measly 8 glasses- Getting closer!!!!

    I love this! I think I may borrow your goals - fits me perfectly
  • anne1k
    anne1k Posts: 6 Member
    Achieved most of my goals today but no walk again!!!

    Had a nasty experience but didn't eat on it. Under cal allowance.... so feeling a little proud of myself, 3 days in not been able to get through 3 hours of late.

    Just For Today 2nd Feb
    •stick to planned meals
    • log all food
    • drink 6 glasses of water
    • WALK lunchtime
    • exercise class PM
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,097 Member
    Goals for 1st Feb

    - Drink 4 glasses of water, set reminders? :) drank 3 without reminders and more spaced out through the day
    - Stay under calorie allowance :) yup! Got 4 to spare
    - Do Day 2 and 3 of Squat Challenge :) only did Day 3 as I squeezed in day 2 yesterday
    - Do 1hr of exercise. :/ 30 mins, couldn't physically do more

    **MENTAL NOTE** Do Squat Challenge AFTER workout!

    Goals for 2nd Feb

    - Drink 5 glasses of water
    - Squat challenge day 4!!
    - Stay under calorie allowance again!
    - 30m to 1hr of injury
    - Look for new workouts to do.

    General Goals for Feb
    - Remain consistent with water intake
    - Try to workout between 18-21 days out of 28
    - Lose 4-6lb
    - Word for Feb: Unstoppable.
  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member

    1. Plan and pre-track exercise for the week :)
    2. Track all food :)
    3. More box moving! :) holy heck that was a lot of work!
    4. One hour intense Zumba :( had to skip due to too much box moving
    5. 60 situps :(
    6. 12+ cups water :)

    Was dealing with major pain issues on Tuesday, so I sort of took the day off.

    1. Track all food
    2. Go for an outdoor walk
    3. Swim at least half a mile (still in pain, but swimming should be OK)
    4. 10+ cups water
  • shenna333
    shenna333 Posts: 100 Member

    Just for today: Wednesday

    I WILL drink my 8 glasses. My body will thank me.
    Compliment a co-worker
    Stay focused and productive

    I did it!!! Rocked them all. Have deadlines at work I'm attempting to meet. Going to keep it simple.

    Just for today: Thursday

    Drink water again today lol
    Keep my space stress-free
    Stay focused and productive so I can be a bum this weekend

    Good luck with your goals for today!
  • kwfitgal
    kwfitgal Posts: 228 Member
    Hi! I was active here a year or so ago. I have gained 15 back in the last couple months with stress junk. So, since I liked this thread so much, I am going to try jumping back in here to try to regain control of my health.

    Just for today, 2 Feb 2017:
    1. Drink 2 pints water
    2. Eat a grapefruit
    3. Take my vitamins
    4. Have good thought time/remain prayerful throughout day
  • TechNerd42
    TechNerd42 Posts: 225 Member
    linnea4 wrote: »

    Log all food :) (mostly - there was one thing that was a weird cucumber sushi like thing. I had one piece and moved on.)
    Focus at work :neutral: eh... mostly. I guess.
    Stay within 100 calories of my goal (either side) :neutral: I'm guessing the cucumber thingy I ate helped with this, so not calling it a total loss. (Was off by 169, guessing the cucumber thingy might have covered a decent portion of it though)
    Take one moment at a time. :) today wasn't bad.

    Second verse, same as the first:

    Stay within 100 calories
    Take one moment at a time

  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,514 Member
    edited February 2017
    Yesterday W 2/1/17:
    1) Drink 8 - 10 glasses of water - YES 10 :smile:
    2) Walk at least 25 flights of stairs - YES 28 plus 10,000 steps (evening, I packed up stuff sitting around from the holidays and put away / in storage, either basement or attic) :smiley:
    3) Meditate / focus on breathes in afternoon - YES helps to concentrate on each breath in and out :smile:
    4) Laundry in evening - YES 3 loads instead of the expected 2 due to hubby adding stuff :smile:
    5) Floss no matter what happens - YES really tired but I did it! :smiley:
    6) Bedtime by 10:30 with TV off - is this becoming habit? No, apparently not. In bed 10:33, no TV, 30 minutes reading for pleasure (helped to shut my mind off) :neutral:

    Just for today R 2/2/17:
    1) Drink 8 - 10 glasses of water
    2) Walk at least 25 flights of stairs
    3) Meditate / breathe
    4) Errands after work before choir, have to fit in supper - make wise choices and no matter what, log all food
    5) Floss!
    6) Bedtime by 10:30 w/o TV
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,221 Member
    1. log all food :)
    2. didnt get to the gym this morning, so try and go tonite :/
    3. clean up sewing room :/
    4. finish baby quilt :/
    5. read success stories - know that anything is possible, and I can be at goal weight by next December :/
    6. get back on here tomorrow - be accountable :)

    JFT, Thursday 2/2
    1. log all food
    2. drink water - 2 glasses w/ each meal
    3. drink water in the evening - have a glass next to me to sip
    4. if we make popcorn, make blow popcorn - no more oil popped!
    5. 30 min exercise.
    6. get back on here tomorrow - be accountable.

  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,221 Member
    edited February 2017

    Was dealing with major pain issues on Tuesday, so I sort of took the day off.

    Hope you are doing better today!