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What are your unpopular opinions about health / fitness?



  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Ahhh yes page40 and we are now on the gender wars....
  • wesley58
    wesley58 Posts: 129 Member
    What was it that we first started talking about???
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    mjlfit83 wrote: »
    Mansplaining isn't a thing. Just because a man can't experience something personally, doesn't mean he doesn't know anything about it.

    ... And before you say 'I' am mansplaining, if you are still deludedly adament that I am, the same can in turn be applied to women. You don't know what men are experiencing, so don't 'womansplain'... Oh wait, does that sound ridiculous?

    Mansplaining is very much a thing. It's specifically when a man condescendingly explains to a woman why her experience is invalid.

    No condescension? Not mansplaining.

    Male OB talking about his specialty? Not mansplaining.

    The fact that all 3 unpopular opinions relating to pregnancy in this thread come from dudes? Mansplaining.

    Or just people being dumb
  • firef1y72
    firef1y72 Posts: 1,579 Member
    brittyn3 wrote: »
    Also, apparently getting pregnant immediately after going off the pill is very common. Don't listen to the old wives tales. Although I think I could probably get pregnant if my husband just gives me a devilish glance.

    Same here. Pregnant within a few months both times.

    My friend was taking the pill and got pregnant. She's also now pregnant with her 2nd 7/8 months after her first. Outliers always exist. haha

    I've got pregnant on the pill not once but twice. First time I was 18, second time was baby number 4, after having been told if I didn't take the week break then I wouldn't get preggers again, needless to say I did less than 3months after giving birth
  • ForecasterJason
    ForecasterJason Posts: 2,577 Member
    I realize that my last few comments in this thread were highly controversial, but I wasn't trying to make it seem as though I think only they have problems and no one else does. I know obesity is a problem that affects everyone, including a lot of kids and adult men. I personally know a lot of people (including guys I work with) who IMO make a lot of poor choices with regards to their health.
  • Strawblackcat
    Strawblackcat Posts: 944 Member
    Here's one of mine:

    While cleanses and detoxes don't help with losing weight, I still think that many people can benefit from one of good quality. I can speak from personal experience how taking a few days to focus on a minimalistic, basic diet along with cleansing herbs and tons of fiber and water can make your digestive system feel like it's been "reset" in a good way. In regards to weight loss, I think that some of the longer ones can help in breaking people of bad habits, although they don't help people actually lose fat.
  • WinoGelato
    WinoGelato Posts: 13,454 Member
    Here's one of mine:

    While cleanses and detoxes don't help with losing weight, I still think that many people can benefit from one of good quality. I can speak from personal experience how taking a few days to focus on a minimalistic, basic diet along with cleansing herbs and tons of fiber and water can make your digestive system feel like it's been "reset" in a good way. In regards to weight loss, I think that some of the longer ones can help in breaking people of bad habits, although they don't help people actually lose fat.

    I'm always curious when people post things like this about "resetting" your digestive system. What does this really mean? You poop more? More regularly? Different consistency?
  • Strawblackcat
    Strawblackcat Posts: 944 Member
    WinoGelato wrote: »
    Here's one of mine:

    While cleanses and detoxes don't help with losing weight, I still think that many people can benefit from one of good quality. I can speak from personal experience how taking a few days to focus on a minimalistic, basic diet along with cleansing herbs and tons of fiber and water can make your digestive system feel like it's been "reset" in a good way. In regards to weight loss, I think that some of the longer ones can help in breaking people of bad habits, although they don't help people actually lose fat.

    I'm always curious when people post things like this about "resetting" your digestive system. What does this really mean? You poop more? More regularly? Different consistency?

    I have issues with bloating/constipation/food intolerances, and doing a cleanse once or twice a year seems to regulate everything for a couple of months. I prefer them to laxatives like dulcolax, because they're much more gentle, at least for me. (No cramping, no rushing to the bathroom, and I can continue normal life, more or less).
  • CynthiasChoice
    CynthiasChoice Posts: 1,047 Member
    Enjcg5 wrote: »
    I am a Splenda user...you would literally have to pry it out of my cold, dead hands. I had a coworker tell me how bad it is for me and even send me an article about how it causes cancer...I still use it, and love it.

    I wonder how many times said co-worker drinks booze *eyeroll* So annoying lol

    In all fairness you would also have to pry wine out of my cold, dead hands...and honestly even then I would probably still fight you somehow...sooooooo lol

    I'm not even complaining but I have a co-worker that does the same to me about the TWO Splendas I use in my morning coffee and *kitten* I've seen your IG, I know you were puking Satruday and probably got Herpes too lol
    I am a Splenda user...you would literally have to pry it out of my cold, dead hands. I had a coworker tell me how bad it is for me and even send me an article about how it causes cancer...I still use it, and love it.

    I wonder how many times said co-worker drinks booze *eyeroll* So annoying lol

    In all fairness you would also have to pry wine out of my cold, dead hands...and honestly even then I would probably still fight you somehow...sooooooo lol

    I'm not even complaining but I have a co-worker that does the same to me about the TWO Splendas I use in my morning coffee and *kitten* I've seen your IG, I know you were puking Satruday and probably got Herpes too lol

    My ex friend always told me how bad my diet Pepsi was for me and how it is linked to cancer. She is a pack a day smoker.....

    The irony. Humans are insane. Let me have my splenda and my occasional glass of wine.

    People need to use more tact. I personally avoid splenda because the reports about it increasing the chance of dementia scare me. Cancer can be treated sometimes, but not dementia. But I'm not going to go up to a co-worker and tell them they should stop using Splenda or they'll lose their mind! If an opportunity arose, I might ask if they've heard the report about the splenda-dementia connection and ask their opinion.
  • finny11122
    finny11122 Posts: 8,436 Member
    That glyphosate on crops are not 100% safe
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