JUST FOR TODAY ....... One day at a time ..... Daily Commitment Thread for 2018



  • Creofan
    Creofan Posts: 11 Member
    JFT 3/13

    15000 steps - I'm over 8000 so far!
    Weigh in and record
    Follow up on job interview
    Vacuum the living room
    Move a desk to the garage and post for sale
    Take a sauna before supper
  • HGSmith0920
    HGSmith0920 Posts: 1,123 Member
    @Creofan I'm following up on a job interview as well. Prayers for both of us.
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,097 Member
    My partner signed us up for a gym membership today!

    I’m unsure on whether to go just yet..
    I would love to go for a swim but can’t for women’s reasons :sweat_smile: (obviously)

    But it means I can use the gym, but then I’m worried because since baby has been born I smell of milk, my tops always have milk on them and basically I’d hate for a milk incident to happen when I’m there. And I don’t like the thought of running up a sweat and I can’t even go in the steam room/sauna afterwards!

    However my partner says it will do me good.

    Also, the pump does work better!
    Only managed 2oz but more than before. Going to have to start doing it more to stockpile so I won’t worry about going to the gym because OH can feed her

    *sigh* I dunno
  • missheidi
    missheidi Posts: 465 Member
    @missheidi Oh no! That's sucky! I've been doing yoga for a few months now and I'm a bit hesitant to try an intermediate class/video. I hope you didn't hurt yourself.

    no, didn't hurt myself. i kept up ok, it was just challenging.
  • missheidi
    missheidi Posts: 465 Member
    @missheidi Yay for Kristian! That's awesome! I'm glad it is all working out for him and for you.

    we have to figure out how to get through the next 8 weeks. he has started pulling out his regular hair now, a big clump is gone.
  • missheidi
    missheidi Posts: 465 Member
    btw, did you know that if you are dehydrated, they can dig and dig in your arm, but no blood will come?
  • bcTRAI
    bcTRAI Posts: 414 Member
    bcTRAI wrote: »
    JFT Tuesday
    1. Water :)
    2. JFT :)
    3. Meditation :)
    4. Work :)
    5. Dessert recipe :)
    6. Brush and floss :)
    7. Bed by 10:30 :/ nope
    JFT Wednesday
    1. Water
    2. Meditation
    3. Scrappy Bags
    4. Groceries
    5. Travel insurance
    6. Test dessert
    7. Laundry
    8. Brush and floss
    9. Bed by 10:30
  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,513 Member
    missheidi wrote: »
    btw, did you know that if you are dehydrated, they can dig and dig in your arm, but no blood will come?

    When my employer holds annual Health Risk Assessments, we are always reminded to be hydrated for the blood draws.
  • Faebert
    Faebert Posts: 1,588 Member
    Good day today. Managed to hit most of my long list and still on track for a much-needed early night.

    - exercise before kids get up ✅
    - change worksheets! ✅
    - Stay within calorie goal✅
    - 15k+ steps ✅
    - 2ltr+ water ✅
    - Try to do enough steps during planning time :| managed 12/14 hours with 250+ steps so not too bad
    - Final data input ✅ 3 hours of fun :s
    - Parents eve appointment scheduling - check re sibs first thing ✅
    - Flipchart for maths lesson before kids arrive ✅
    - School council prep - room?? ✅
    - Science week prep - ✅
    - Money for daughter’s charity day ✅
    - Contact dance school re next week ✅
    - Research easter activity camps :/ don’t have anything left tonight! Tomorrow!!

    Goals/list for 15/3:
    - exercise before kids wake up
    - Leave early (remember taking assembly so bring books)
    - 15k + steps
    - Stay within calorie goal
    - 2ltr+ water
    - Parent talk at 1:45pm
    - Appraisal update at 4:15pm
    - email teachers re twinning School questions
    - Print for next week
    - Parent teacher meeting for younger daughter at 6pm

    Hope you are al crushing it! I want to say hooray spring is here but they are forecasting another snow storm here this weekend! :(

    Sleep well x
  • HGSmith0920
    HGSmith0920 Posts: 1,123 Member
    *sigh* well today was just blah. I spent 3 hours doing a research report for an online side job I was trying to get and it all came to nothing. Oh well. At least it was only 3 hours. It was a stupid topic I had to research and write a report about. How many beauty salons in the US offer hair coloring services? Seriously? I knew the answer but I had to find proof and statistics to back up my answer. It was annoying.

    I came back from the gym about 45 minutes ago. It is currently 5:45. I've eaten dinner already and have until 8 for the Pens game to start. I wish the DH opened this morning instead of closing. I get lonely when he isn't home. I get kind of tired of him when he is home for 4 days straight but I do really miss him when he's at work. It's easier to while away 9 hours in the morning then it is 9 hours in the afternoon/evening. By about 8 I run out of things to do. Lol. I know there are things I SHOULD be doing, but I just can't seem to make myself do them. At least I made it to the gym. I'm gonna try to psych myself up to get up and do a yoga video.

    Idk. I guess I'm just kind of bummed tonight. Anyway, sorry for the rambling.
  • HGSmith0920
    HGSmith0920 Posts: 1,123 Member
    I've never been much on an emotional eater, but tonight I was. There has been a dark chocolate cake with peanut butter icing sitting in my fridge since Sunday. Usually, I can withstand it. But it was screaming my name after I typed that last post. I think eating dinner at the table by myself made me sad. So I made the decision to have a piece. It was bigger then it looked when I cut it(not an excuse, I know.) And it ended up making me pretty sick for a while. I'm okay now, but it's not even 8 yet and I'm bored and lonely. The DH probably won't get home for at least another 2.5 hours. I read the next chapter in Becks Diet Solution and picked out my 2 plans and stuck response cards to most of the walls in my house. At least the walls I tend to stare at while doing things around the house(i.e. bathroom mirror, above the kitchen sink, next to coffee maker, fridge door, the cover of my laptop). I'm hoping that those work. I know the power of Cognitive Therapy. It is what has helped me get over two addictions and several destructive mindsets that come with my illness. I'm just feeling incredibly hopeless tonight. I did a gratitude meditation for about fifteen minutes too. That didn't seem to help either.
  • frenchfancy2014
    frenchfancy2014 Posts: 275 Member
    I echo that and say come to London!!
  • HGSmith0920
    HGSmith0920 Posts: 1,123 Member

    JFT, 3/14/18

    1. Log all food :)Even the cake I ate.
    2. At least 94oz of water :)Almost. Just about 12oz left
    3. Up @ 7 :DGot up at 7 then went back to sleep at 8 and slept until 9:30
    4. Normal morning stuff :)Yup
    5. Yoga/Bible/Meditate :)Bible and meditated but I just couldn't bring myself to the mat. I have a feeling that might be why I'm so down today
    6. Email Bank Manager :):'(No answer. This is becoming ridiculous. I'm going to email the man who interviewed me. He is the Vice President of the bank. Hopefully, I'll get an answer from him
    7. Read :)Did this while at the gym and after dinner
    8. Work on story :'(Going back to sleep and having the DH home all morning completely screwed me up
    9. DH up by 11 :)10 actually
    10. Lunch/walk :)Just a banana and a dip and carrot sticks. The DH joined me on my walk.
    11. Meal plan :/Did that stupid research project instead
    12. Gym :)Only stayed for about 45 minutes. But I got a nice/hard walk in on the treadmill. I'm starting to be able to increase my speed. That has been nice.
    13. Drop off book at library :DIt was literally a half mile away. But I would have had to battle downtown traffic at rush hour. So I nixed that. I'll do it tomorrow after my needle appt.
    14. Dinner(leftovers)/Dishes :)Had leftover shepherds pie. It was pretty yummy reheated. I still have to do the dishes. In fact, I'm going to get up and do them as soon as I'm done with this.
    15. Church meeting :/I realized that I had been to this particular meeting before and I just wasn't up to it
    16. Heat up food for DH for when he gets home :)I'll do this at about 10:15 depending on what time he leaves work.
    17. Bed by 12 am :|Probably earlier, but honestly, I have no idea.

    JFT, 3/15/18

    1. Up @ 7/DH up @ 7:20
    2. Normal morning stuff
    3. Yoga/Bible/Meditate
    4. M's for needles and coffee
    5. Walk/Quiet time
    6. Gym
    7. Read
    8. Prep dinner(sesame honey chix/broccoli/brown rice)
    9. DH time/Pens game
    10. Bed by 11:30
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,097 Member
    Hate having kids sometimes, not having them as such but the fact they always give me their damn colds!!
    I feel like I’m forever poorly with something, then when I’m over that I get ill with something else

    I’ve got a cough now, but it’s a dry non-productive cough so basically gives me a pounding headache. Which gets worse with every cough

    Baby wouldn’t stop feeding which weirdly makes the headache worse but OH fed her that 2oz I expressed before. Which she downed in about a minute! Hooray 1 mins rest for me!

    Need to sleep ASAP:(
  • HGSmith0920
    HGSmith0920 Posts: 1,123 Member
    @frenchfancy2014 I wish I could go to London! If only I had the money. I would love to go and visit all of my UK friends and spend a couple days in Scotland(where my relatives are from).
  • biche896
    biche896 Posts: 261 Member
    biche896 wrote: »
    biche896 wrote: »

    for todays goals:

    Apple cider vinegar - done
    Vitamin D - done
    C25k - done
    Eat within macros/calories
    Drink 2 litres of water
    10k steps

    I met everything but having Fibre.

    For today:
    Apple cider vinegar - done
    Vitamin D - done
    Eat within macros/calories
    Pray - done
    Drink 2 litres of water
    10k steps

    Did everything but lift yesterday. I was so tired!

    For today:
    Apple cider vinegar - done
    Vitamin D - done
    Eat within macros/calories
    Drink 2 litres of water
    10k steps
    C25k - done

  • frenchfancy2014
    frenchfancy2014 Posts: 275 Member
    Hey @hgsmith0920 hang in there. Like the idea of sticking up cards on walls. I’m looking at my three sizes smaller dress hanging up as I lie in bed and imagining the coming summer day I’m wearing it
  • toaljasa
    toaljasa Posts: 955 Member
    I've never been much on an emotional eater, but tonight I was. There has been a dark chocolate cake with peanut butter icing sitting in my fridge since Sunday. Usually, I can withstand it. But it was screaming my name after I typed that last post. I think eating dinner at the table by myself made me sad. So I made the decision to have a piece. It was bigger then it looked when I cut it(not an excuse, I know.) And it ended up making me pretty sick for a while. I'm okay now, but it's not even 8 yet and I'm bored and lonely. The DH probably won't get home for at least another 2.5 hours. I read the next chapter in Becks Diet Solution and picked out my 2 plans and stuck response cards to most of the walls in my house. At least the walls I tend to stare at while doing things around the house(i.e. bathroom mirror, above the kitchen sink, next to coffee maker, fridge door, the cover of my laptop). I'm hoping that those work. I know the power of Cognitive Therapy. It is what has helped me get over two addictions and several destructive mindsets that come with my illness. I'm just feeling incredibly hopeless tonight. I did a gratitude meditation for about fifteen minutes too. That didn't seem to help either.

    Boredom can be so destructive...at least it can be for me. Here are some things I do: write a note to someone---maybe your godmother???? and tell her all the things you appreciate about her! Write in a gratitude journal---free-write all the many blessings and things you are thankful for. I end up realizing how blessed I am over relatively small things that become pretty darn big ones (like an ink pen!). Get creative! Make a wordcloud. You can do this by hand if you are really creative or you can google one to make on the computer...I think I used wordart.com...not sure. So, I did my word for the year---actually it's two words: stand firm. So that was my large word. And then I added what will happen if I Stand Firm. I will be thinner, healthier, patient, stronger, victorious, etc. etc. So you could take your husband's name, for example and then come up with words that represent him: strong, handsome, overcomer, etc. It's a lot of fun and you can put them in all kinds of shapes. And the word generator I used, I could print it out (for freeee!). Anyway, sorry for the novel...just wanting to turn you a way from boredom and possible destruction :)
  • HGSmith0920
    HGSmith0920 Posts: 1,123 Member
    @toaljasa I took your advice and created a wordcloud for my word this year which is growth. It's pretty awesome looking! And thank you for your tip about gratitude lists. That is something that I am trying to add more of into my life. And I think when the DH closes his store on Friday I will write a few actual letters to my Mom and Godmom and mail them. I think that that will be much more heartfelt than an email. I'm actually really excited to do that! Thank you so much for the suggestions!
  • bookmeister86
    bookmeister86 Posts: 1,165 Member
    missheidi wrote: »
    btw, did you know that if you are dehydrated, they can dig and dig in your arm, but no blood will come?

    Yes. I had this when I had an operation in July... You're not allowed to drink beforehand so when they tried to take a blood sample nothing happened! They ended up taking it out of my hand, which was not nice...