I want to ___________ with the person above me.
Fill in the blank I want too ______ with the person above me.
How many countries have you been to?
Rules: Your home country is included. No minimum time limit for your stay. You only have to have set foot in the country. Airport transfers are not counted if you didn't leave the secure part of the airport You can count England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland as separate countries! My score is 19. Of the 19, I've…
Myfitnesspal guy or gal
Would you consider "dating" anyone strictly on here? Like a myfitness relasionship type thing.
Distract me with memes!
I am wanting to snack out of boredom not hunger and that is what got me here in the first place. Distract me with your funniest memes on this snowy Monday!
What would you say to the above to open a conversation?
Come on, throw down your best lines and openers!
Books, ebook reader, CPAP machine, Tranquil room spray
Sorry babe, I'm a deal breaker
I break deals all the time
Hi my name is laressa im new to premium . i did my body mesurments and found out i have a spoon body shape does anyone else have. This type.
Great Time to Buy WoW Items & WoW Gold With Fast Delivery & Cheap Price / 100% Safe
Raiditem is the most professional WoW items selling store online. With more than 10 years' experience in providing you with the largest stock of WoW gold and WoW mounts. -Instant purchase. To buy WoW Gold fast, only need to write your email address in contact blank, then click to buy, other information is optional. - Low…
If the poster above created a "poster above" thread, would you post on it?
all singles lets start chatting
all singles lets start mingling and chatting
Person Above You
I keep seeing people asking questions about the "person above you." Who is this person? Above you on what? Right now, the person above me is my German Shepherd because he's on my lap.
💀Celebrate Halloween With Horror Movies A-Z
Newbie Here So I’ll Start An American Werewolf In London🐺
What Tattoo would you give the above?
If you could put a tattoo on the above person, what would it be, and where would you put it?
Could you beat the person above you in thumb wrestling (war)?
I need some funny/sarcastic people...
I need some funny/sarcastic friends to give me hell and help me stay motivated...send friend requests if you wanna help!
I need some friends on here
Hey peeps add me looking for support
Anyone play Pokémon Go?
I love playing and motivates me to move! Winter is coming though, hoping I can convince myself to bundle up and head out!
Integrating with Garmin Connect
Anyone having issues connecting with Garmin Connect? I’m not pulling in my Garmin calorie count - only my iPhone step count :-(
What should the person above you be for Halloween?
It's almost that time of year! Give the person above you some ideas for the holiday! Starting with me :)
Adding game - meet new people
Hi, guys since im new here and trying to make new friends thought this might be handy. Everyone is welcome to add whoever or on what ever you want. So im from UK so any one from Uk here feel free to add up and well any one can add their own comment etc
Mistaken or misheard lyrics.
So here's the deal. How many of you have ever been singing or heard someone singing a song and had the lyrical wrong? Share with use your goof. Here's my first. My daughter when she was a wee little one thought the lyrics to Bon Jovi's You give love a bad name was, "Shot to the heart and your to blame, you give love a band…
Polar Beat connectivity
Is it possible to connect or sync my polar bear with the app to log kcal burned?
GOTTA CATCH EM ALL ADD ME :) 087173475367
Does the person above have big hands?
Mine are big for my size
Weirdest thing you've seen in someone else’s home?
What is the weirdest thing you have seen in someone else’s home? ;)
Grant a wish to the user above you.
But you have to corrupt it. Example: Person 1: I wish I could fly Person 2: Granted, but each time you fly, it takes 1 year off your life. I'll go first. I wish I had tickets to every concert of a band I love in the future for free.
Does the person above eat GMO food?