How long does it take to lose 20lbs?
Just wondering because I barely work out but have been trying to fast.
Song Titles With NAMES
Name a song and artist that has a name in the title. Isabelle - Greg Johnson .... Sweet Caroline - Neil Diamond Have fun.
Christian Names - Your name starts with end of previous name
This is the same as place names but instead of places it is first names . John - Nigel - Louise - Elizabeth and so forth. Been playing this game for weeks in my head. Come join in .... First name Kevin Next name begins with an N Your turn .
I Dated The Above and Ended Up...
Take it from there... Be Kind, Caring, Curteous, and Clever...
Drop a word - add a word
Christmas baking
The person above you is a superhero...what is their superhero name and/or superpower?
What do you want at this very moment?
As the title says! I want pizza and this set....
This or that - food edition!
Pizza or tacos?
Would you kick the poster above out of bed?
For farting
Scattergories gone wild
Pick a topic and a letter for the next person to play .. Example : Snack item starts with P Pretzels Get creative and GO ..
Cit Chat & Fun & Games
Is this forum still open for chit chat?
Do you put sweetener in your coffee?
Favorite gym music
What’s your favorite gym music to workout too? Looking to add some new music to my playlist. I listen to metal, rock, or rap mainly but open to other songs to get a good pump too! Type the band and the song title in the comments and I’ll check it out. Thanks
Give ONE Piece of Advice To Your Younger Self.
Stop going through the damn motions. Life may be a large body of water, but stop treating yourself like a bouy, and start treating yourself like a mermaid. If anyone else doesn't see you're a mermaid...SCREW 'EM !
Your rap name is the last thing you ate with 'lil' in front of it. What is your rap name?
Post a lie about the person above
The only rule is: It better not be true. GO!
Would you kiss the person above you?
Let's go! Yes :blush:
Would you, Kiss!😘 Hug!🤗 or Handshake!🤝
Would you, Kiss!😘 Hug!🤗 or Handshake!🤝 The person above you?
The Last Letter Game
Simple enough; just type up a word starting with the last letter of the previously given word. Example: Billy Bob: Orange. Joe: Empty. Stevenson: Yellow. Friend
Describe the Person Above You Alphabetically-Be Kind :)
OK to Creep :bigsmile: I'll start with 'A' I am- ACTIVE
Would you date the person above you. (yes or no) TRUTH!
Would you date the person above you. (yes or no) TRUTH!
How cold is it?
I can't get out of my house. My front door-north facing-is frozen shut.
Story - three words at a time
The game is simple. We write a story together. The rule is, you can only add THREE words. To begin: There once was
Replace a Letter - Celebrity Edition
Simple...just take a celebrity, performer, music act....and replace 1 letter in their name... Ex. Alice in Chairs, Alice Pooper...etc
What would be the most nutritious Plants vs Zombies plant to eat?
im hungry
If the person avobe send you a FR, what would you do?
If the person avobe send you a FR, what would you do?
What's YOUR personalized license plate?
I don't know if it's the same in other countries, but here in the USA when you register your vehicle you have a choice of license plates: the state can issue you a random collection of numbers and letters for the base registration price, or you can elect to pay extra and choose what your plate will say (within reason...the…
Where are you from? :)
Hello friends, I’m from Texas 😁
Can you beat the person above in Arm Wrestling??
An oldie.......but a goodie. Any takers??
Chicks with...
Chicks with Beards... Hot or Not? @FabulousFantasticFifty and I both decided we're a HOT.. You decide vote on the pic above you and like or love the others.