When I eat 1200 cals I put on weight



  • TweedAddict
    TweedAddict Posts: 53 Member
    Been too see doctor, managed to get an appointment today. She is going to thyroid tests as she thinks that this the most likely as well tackling depression as she feels that's also a huge factor. Brain cyst maybe have something to do with it as well so we will see when more tests come back.

    As for eating ham, it's 1-3 slices shared between me and 4 dogs. I put down I've eaten all of it when in fact it's been shared out doing some training or as titbits. It's not an everyday thing either.
  • melissa_tn
    Been too see doctor, managed to get an appointment today. She is going to thyroid tests as she thinks that this the most likely as well tackling depression as she feels that's also a huge factor. Brain cyst maybe have something to do with it as well so we will see when more tests come back.

    As for eating ham, it's 1-3 slices shared between me and 4 dogs. I put down I've eaten all of it when in fact it's been shared out doing some training or as titbits. It's not an everyday thing either.

    I hope you get some answers because it sounds like you have something health wise working against you. It's easy for people to say "it's not possible", but we are not all alike. When you have a health condition that not only hinders mobility, but also slows metabolism, weight loss is an uphill battle. Sure, your food diary could probably be more detailed, but only you know what your taking in. It is mind boggling that one can eat below 1200 cal and either not lose or gain because theoretically speaking if you are burning more than you're taking in, you should lose, but it happens... Good luck to you!
  • lizarddev
    lizarddev Posts: 100 Member
    Quasita wrote: »
    Starvation mode doesn't exist, so don't 'up' your calories to get out of it. I still suspect you are eating a LOT more than you think; if you're gaining on what you're eating, you're not going to lose on MORE.

    Seriously, you need to step back and take a good look at how you're logging things, and modify it.

    Good luck

    Starvation mode very much does indeed exist for the % of the population that eats in anorexic/disordered eating levels. People who suffer such illnesses HAVE to increase calories incrementally until they reach an appropriate level. I'm proof positive of how it can screw everything up. Blood tests will demonstrate it if it's occurring though, which is where people get misinformed. A few days doesn't do it, but a few weeks can, and many years will nearly cement your body into it. *sigh*

    ^^^Nope...you really need to do some research...

    Yes it seems like research is needing to be done for starvation mode. Starvation mode has been researched as far back as 1907- VAN NOORDEN. The only reason I post to forms is due to lacking information given to people that really need to see a doctor first and see what their bodies are telling them. I am not a medical doctor but I will try and find ample information which gives them a starting place to do their research for them and to understand before they go to a doctor and ask questions about them.
    http://archive.unu.edu/unupress/food2/UID07E/UID07E11.HTM#2. early total starvation

    Starvation mode is not a myth and it can happen, but however it happens to people differently and seeking advise from a persons doctor is a start of a good healthy progrcess. Then take the next steps. This is not a quick fix on weight loss and people did not get fat overnight and it will not come off over night. This will take work and doing it right for your body will ensure you stay healthy.

    For the OP, it is good you are taking the advise and getting the workup you need to start your progress. It will take determination and dedication which I think you have and you will succeed in this journey. Follow some of the advise here and look at keeping accurate logs of your food cause your doctor may want to see this also and you can print these out on MFP. Keep up the great work and keep asking the questions and always question advise to become informed.
  • thin2win777
    thin2win777 Posts: 38 Member
    even if you're miscalculating, I doubt it's by half. have thyroid checked ever? report tsh #s back here if so!
  • maddyk91
    maddyk91 Posts: 193 Member
    some people in this thread are so unnecessarily rude. good god.
  • EvelineUK
    even if you're miscalculating, I doubt it's by half. have thyroid checked ever? report tsh #s back here if so!

    I'm on thyroid meds and have mine checked at least once a year to see if I'm still on the right amount, but I see no point in posting your numbers here on an open forum where you don't know anyone? Seems rather personal. Just a 'my thyroid's fine' or 'turns out I need thyroid meds' would suffice.

  • doctorsookie
    doctorsookie Posts: 1,084 Member
    So....many...empty...calories. Choose more substantial food. More protein and for goodness sake eat some more.
  • jasonmh630
    jasonmh630 Posts: 2,850 Member
    maddyk91 wrote: »
    some people in this thread are so unnecessarily rude. good god.

    To an extent, I might agree... But people expect to be coddled these days. More times than not, a little blunt force truth is necessary.
  • gabrielleelliott90
    gabrielleelliott90 Posts: 854 Member
    Calm down firstly, take a deep breath. As you are female, a lot of things could be going on. I personally make sure I weigh on an empty stomach, empty bladder, no jewellery or clothes apart from my ear studs. When I am near that time of month, waterweight will creep up, even happens if you are ovulating. Maybe you can find out on the internet when you are due to ovulate, and when you are near your period, to not weigh at these times. The best time to weigh is the day after your period has gone. Also weighing at the same time, and not each day is the best. Are you eating exactly 1200 calories? If not, and you are eating less, you can gain weight from starvation mode, it does not happen straight away, but after awhile it will. Make sure to measure everything preferably with electronic scales; foods like cheese and nuts, cereal, milk. Make sure also to never weigh on carpet. With these tips, you should see a loss, otherwise, it could be something to do with your thyroid, or something else medical, in which it is best to see the doctor.
  • brillanta
    brillanta Posts: 56 Member
    Try not eating out for a week or 2. Only eat where you can measure EVRYTHING accurately. Absolutley no guessing for 2 weeks. Then see what happens.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    7aneena wrote: »
    Here's my suggestion, cook your own meals for at least a week and see if things change.
    You said you weigh things, so you do own a food scale. Great, use it.
    Weigh everything that goes into a meal and make a recipe out of it, don't eat at restaurants for this week to eliminate any guessing. Restaurant foods are notorious for being very high in fat, carbs, and sodium.
    At least this way, when you go to your doctor you will have a healthy food plan to present

    Thank you and everyone else.

    I'm going to aim for 1600 healthy cals this week and see if my body has gone into savatation mode. No eating out or packets.

    Should of come on here last week to ask but never mind. Hope doctors just don't turn me away, I've a fair few syptoms that are pointing in the direction of thyroid issues, I do have a brain cyst which I'm not 100% sure where that lies in relation the thyroid or part of that system so that's something to go armed with tomorrow.

    So thank you all for the help. May venture back on here when I'm brave enough to take it, but we will see
    Sweetie, you are not in starvation mode.

    As for the rest of your medical issues, please just make sure you get to the doctor. :smile:
  • LauraS523
    At the risk of prying, is there no way you can get any exercise? Even walking? Exercise doesn't just burn calories... it also kicks up your metabolism overall. And aside from the good advice about going to a doctor, only other thing I can suggest is to eat small meals and drink lots of water if you are hungry. But it doesn't seem to me you should have to be miserably hungry all the time either! :-(
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    Seriously, what is a packet?
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    dbmata wrote: »
    Seriously, what is a packet?

    I figured it was another version of the Hot Pocket-esque pocket.

  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    RGv2 wrote: »
    dbmata wrote: »
    Seriously, what is a packet?

    I figured it was another version of the Hot Pocket-esque pocket.
    ah, that makes sense. i was imagining something not compatible with eating.
  • kjarvo
    kjarvo Posts: 236 Member
    Be careful with your tea logging. I was logging my tea with those values (15 cals per mug) but when I weighed the amount of milk I put in it's more like 50 cals (100ml of semi skimmed). When someone else make a cup or it's in a small mug I might log it as 0.8 or 0.75 or a mug. It might not sound a lot, but I was having up to 6 cups a day when I worked, = 300cals compared to 90cals.