Sugar Problems



  • Charlottesometimes23
    Charlottesometimes23 Posts: 687 Member
    edited November 2014
    MrM27 wrote: »
    I could do this all night! But I'm pretty sure I'm about to get scolded for spamming the thread and anyway, the tornado watch is coming to a close. That was a bad storm but no tornados here! I'm tired, and I'm tired of rubbing your noses in your own poop. I'm sure, just like with my dog, it's not going to do any good, and you'll be back on the forums, cracking down on people with your absolute and unshakable belief that anyone with a bad reaction to sugar is a fear-mongering liar troll hysteric.

    (On a more serious note, I do want to thank you for giving me something to think about instead of the storm. It really helped me and I had fun instead of being curled up in terror on the bathroom floor.)

    This was my favorite line or all the ones she posted. Especially after reading all the links and realized they didn't support her stance. So much emotion in her posts.

    It's a little obvious she didn't read them but instead cherry picked them. Then the time frame in which she posted all of them especially considering how long the first posted study is.

    Oh, the poop comment was great wasn't it.

    Who's wearing the poop now?

  • DeWoSa
    DeWoSa Posts: 496 Member
    edited November 2014
  • tennisdude2004
    tennisdude2004 Posts: 5,609 Member
    MrM27 wrote: »
    I read somewhere carbs should only be eaten with protein but I find cutting carbs helps since it is the carbs that we eat become stored as fat.

    Netting over maintenance causes fat storage. It's not just the carbs that get stored as fat.

    Over half of protein can get converted to glucose and stored as fat by the body we know but I expect most all of my body fat came from mainly CARBS.

    Cutting carbs is the only way most serious weight loss occurs and will stay off. That is why the high carb/low fat diets are killing so many today vs a low carb/high fat diet. Until the last 100 years refined carbs were not an issue because they were not around plus we burnt more of the carbs we ate so there were fewer to store.

    Its very possible most of your fat storage came from excessive carbs, but only very possible if you were eating in a calorie surplus and a majority of your calorie intake from carbs - lol.

    Also half of protein can get converted to glucose - I suppose but that is dependent on how much protein you are eating and the body only has the ability to produce approx 150g of glycogen a day. Can that glycogen be stored as body fat - yes. Will it increase your overall body fat stores - if you are eating in a calorie deficit - no. If you are eating in a surplus - then very possibly.

    Also people eating a a high carb, low fat diet in a calorie deficit WILL lose weight. A high carb diet in a calorie deficit does not make you put on weight or get you fat. There are other health markers to take into consideration with a high carb diet, but in a calorie deficit weight gain is not one of them.

    Carbs are how I packed on the pounds for sure. :(

    Now that I am just flipped around high fat medium protein (100 grams daily) I can stuff my face all day and not gain weight.

    I doubt that's the case.

    What is likely happening, as it does with a lot of people eating low carb / high fat is you can eat as much as you WANT and not add weight.

    The key word is WANT. By eating foods which will satisfy your hunger you are likely feeling fuller quicker and are naturally eating in a calorie deficit.

    Low carb is a fantastic tool for controlling you appetite and IMO a healthier way to eat, less inflammatory foods being consumed, but that's just my experience of the types of food I like to eat - different courses for different horses!
  • DeWoSa
    DeWoSa Posts: 496 Member
    We are all wearing the poop! We are all rubbing each other's noses in it. My point is that I can post all the links and you can post all the links and we are no closer to understanding each other because I am intractable in my position that sugar in certain forms is really bad for me, and you are intractable in your position that what is true for you must be true for everyone.

    So what's the point of you even commenting on posts when people ask for help with sugar? They need help with their struggle with sugar, not snark about what they are going through isn't science.

    I will agree wholeheartedly that a great deal of the purported science tossed around on these threads is total bunk. But something is going on with many foods available to us today. There's overeating, which I totally agree with you can be resolved with a bit of will power. But binging isn't a lack of willpower; it's a powerful response to stimulus, and all antecdotal evidence points to sugar as the culprit. If people are having trouble binging on steak and green beans, I haven't seen those posts.
  • Wheelhouse15
    Wheelhouse15 Posts: 5,575 Member
    We are all wearing the poop! We are all rubbing each other's noses in it. My point is that I can post all the links and you can post all the links and we are no closer to understanding each other because I am intractable in my position that sugar in certain forms is really bad for me, and you are intractable in your position that what is true for you must be true for everyone.

    So what's the point of you even commenting on posts when people ask for help with sugar? They need help with their struggle with sugar, not snark about what they are going through isn't science.

    I will agree wholeheartedly that a great deal of the purported science tossed around on these threads is total bunk. But something is going on with many foods available to us today. There's overeating, which I totally agree with you can be resolved with a bit of will power. But binging isn't a lack of willpower; it's a powerful response to stimulus, and all antecdotal evidence points to sugar as the culprit. If people are having trouble binging on steak and green beans, I haven't seen those posts.

    People may not binge on steak but they will binge on cheese burgers and fries. What people tend to binge on is food that is high fat, salt and carbs and those are the ones that all fad diets zone in on in their own way. The high carb/low fat diets tend to say stop eating fat and thus elimnate chips, cookies, cakes, fries, etc while the low carb/high fat tend to say stop eating carbs and eliminate chips, cookies, cakes, fries etc. Hmm, seems that they both tend to arrive at the biggest binge foods in different ways.

    Also, notice that no one ever seems to binge on pure sugar or even plain bread or plain pasta -- wonder why that would be if sugar is the only problem rather than say high calorie foods that contain fat, salt and sugar in one big dense caloric ball.
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    We are all wearing the poop! We are all rubbing each other's noses in it. My point is that I can post all the links and you can post all the links and we are no closer to understanding each other because I am intractable in my position that sugar in certain forms is really bad for me, and you are intractable in your position that what is true for you must be true for everyone.

    So what's the point of you even commenting on posts when people ask for help with sugar? They need help with their struggle with sugar, not snark about what they are going through isn't science.

    I will agree wholeheartedly that a great deal of the purported science tossed around on these threads is total bunk. But something is going on with many foods available to us today. There's overeating, which I totally agree with you can be resolved with a bit of will power. But binging isn't a lack of willpower; it's a powerful response to stimulus, and all antecdotal evidence points to sugar as the culprit. If people are having trouble binging on steak and green beans, I haven't seen those posts.

    Even if it is a powerful response to stimulus. How do you suppose people get past that? I'm going to go with...will power.
  • JeffseekingV
    JeffseekingV Posts: 3,165 Member
    We are all wearing the poop! We are all rubbing each other's noses in it. My point is that I can post all the links and you can post all the links and we are no closer to understanding each other because I am intractable in my position that sugar in certain forms is really bad for me, and you are intractable in your position that what is true for you must be true for everyone.

    So what's the point of you even commenting on posts when people ask for help with sugar? They need help with their struggle with sugar, not snark about what they are going through isn't science.

    I will agree wholeheartedly that a great deal of the purported science tossed around on these threads is total bunk. But something is going on with many foods available to us today. There's overeating, which I totally agree with you can be resolved with a bit of will power. But binging isn't a lack of willpower; it's a powerful response to stimulus, and all antecdotal evidence points to sugar as the culprit. If people are having trouble binging on steak and green beans, I haven't seen those posts.

    People may not binge on steak but they will binge on cheese burgers and fries. What people tend to binge on is food that is high fat, salt and carbs and those are the ones that all fad diets zone in on in their own way. The high carb/low fat diets tend to say stop eating fat and thus elimnate chips, cookies, cakes, fries, etc while the low carb/high fat tend to say stop eating carbs and eliminate chips, cookies, cakes, fries etc. Hmm, seems that they both tend to arrive at the biggest binge foods in different ways.

    Also, notice that no one ever seems to binge on pure sugar or even plain bread or plain pasta -- wonder why that would be if sugar is the only problem rather than say high calorie foods that contain fat, salt and sugar in one big dense caloric ball.

    I have to agree with this. Explains my addiction to potato chips but they aren't high in sugar though.
  • sofaking6
    sofaking6 Posts: 4,589 Member
    psulemon from your above post you seemed to not be aware ketosis was being considered as a form of possible treatment for other medical conditions. This recent article on the subject may be of interest to you.,-2014/the-ketogenic-diet-in-cancer-control.aspx

    "More recently, research provided preliminary evidence for the ketogenic diet’s therapeutic potential against diverse illnesses such as diabetes, heart disease, polycystic ovary disease, and cancer."

    It almost sounds like you're making a claim that eating vegetables makes people fat, and avoiding them cures cancer. Is that responsible advice to give to a healthy young person?
  • sofaking6
    sofaking6 Posts: 4,589 Member
    I could do this all night! But I'm pretty sure I'm about to get scolded for spamming the thread and anyway, the tornado watch is coming to a close. That was a bad storm but no tornados here! I'm tired, and I'm tired of rubbing your noses in your own poop. I'm sure, just like with my dog, it's not going to do any good, and you'll be back on the forums, cracking down on people with your absolute and unshakable belief that anyone with a bad reaction to sugar is a fear-mongering liar troll hysteric.

    (On a more serious note, I do want to thank you for giving me something to think about instead of the storm. It really helped me and I had fun instead of being curled up in terror on the bathroom floor.)

    No, what you would get scolded for is cherry picking data and then jumping to unsupportable, overgeneralized, and ridiculous conclusions. May I suggest a basic course in science before you go back on such silly tirades?

    Or, just Google a phrase, "correlation vs causation" and read all of the links that come up.

  • Sugarbeat
    Sugarbeat Posts: 824 Member
    As a diabetic who must control sugar I would suggest keeping your overall carb limit to veggies and dairy (or soy, or whatever you consume for calcium) and some fruit. Personally I can't eat fruit everyday, unless its berries. If you don't have diabetes, though, I would recommend just focusing on the overall calorie intake.
  • in_the_stars
    in_the_stars Posts: 1,395 Member
    edited November 2014
    I have 1 name for you as far as Lustig goes............Alan Aragon.

    Ohh... Alan does his own research, do you?

    He also loves to learn from others, and form his own opinions. :)

    *he also listens quite well.
  • GaleHawkins
    GaleHawkins Posts: 8,159 Member
  • Mitzimum
    Mitzimum Posts: 163 Member
    While fruit and refined sugar have the same two components (glucose and fructose = sucrose) whole fruit has a lot of fiber, which actually slows down your body's digestion of glucose, so you don't get the crazy insulin spike (and subsequent crash) that candy causes. That also means your body has more time to use up glucose as fuel before storing it as fat.
  • lorib642
    lorib642 Posts: 1,942 Member
    We are all wearing the poop! We are all rubbing each other's noses in it. My point is that I can post all the links and you can post all the links and we are no closer to understanding each other because I am intractable in my position that sugar in certain forms is really bad for me, and you are intractable in your position that what is true for you must be true for everyone.

    So what's the point of you even commenting on posts when people ask for help with sugar? They need help with their struggle with sugar, not snark about what they are going through isn't science.

    I will agree wholeheartedly that a great deal of the purported science tossed around on these threads is total bunk. But something is going on with many foods available to us today. There's overeating, which I totally agree with you can be resolved with a bit of will power. But binging isn't a lack of willpower; it's a powerful response to stimulus, and all antecdotal evidence points to sugar as the culprit. If people are having trouble binging on steak and green beans, I haven't seen those posts.

    People may not binge on steak but they will binge on cheese burgers and fries. What people tend to binge on is food that is high fat, salt and carbs and those are the ones that all fad diets zone in on in their own way. The high carb/low fat diets tend to say stop eating fat and thus elimnate chips, cookies, cakes, fries, etc while the low carb/high fat tend to say stop eating carbs and eliminate chips, cookies, cakes, fries etc. Hmm, seems that they both tend to arrive at the biggest binge foods in different ways.

    Also, notice that no one ever seems to binge on pure sugar or even plain bread or plain pasta -- wonder why that would be if sugar is the only problem rather than say high calorie foods that contain fat, salt and sugar in one big dense caloric ball.

    I binge on foods that are soft, don't require a lot of chewing, that I can swallow easily. It mainly is pasta. I can't imagine binging on steak or raw foods. But I only have done it a few times. It isn't a sweet/sugar thing.
  • GaleHawkins
    GaleHawkins Posts: 8,159 Member

    What if we do not have a sugar problem but a gene problem? I know sugar was a factor in getting fat in my case.
  • lorib642
    lorib642 Posts: 1,942 Member

    What if we do not have a sugar problem but a gene problem? I know sugar was a factor in getting fat in my case.

    Someone is going to make a fortune if people run to those tests like other diet aids.