November Running Challenge



  • tweekedgirl
    tweekedgirl Posts: 114 Member
    Quick one this morning to wake me up. Nearly half way!

    1/11 - 4.06
    2/11 - 7.80
    5/11 - 2.55
    8/11 - 7.46
    9/11 - 5.22
    11/11 - 4.00
    13/11 - 3.77

  • Abakan
    Abakan Posts: 361 Member
    Nice 4 mile trail run this morning with 754ft of climb, bit of a lung buster but feels good now i'v done it. Brings my total to 33.4 with 36.6 to do so nearly half way.
  • LoneWolfRunner
    LoneWolfRunner Posts: 1,160 Member
    edited November 2014
      11/2........8.75........15.75 (hit 1,600 mile mark)


    1. ddmom0811
      ddmom0811 Posts: 1,878 Member
      Nov 1 - Biking 24 miles
      Nov 2 - Biking 20 miles
      Nov 3 - 4 miles
      Nov 4 - 4.5 miles
      Nov 5 - strength/weights
      Nov 6 - 4.5 miles
      Nov 7 - rest, unplanned but trainer cancelled. :(
      Nov 8 - Biking 38 miles
      Nov 9 - 4 miles had to end early
      Nov 10 - rest day
      Nov 11- 3.4 miles
      Nov 12 - Strength/weights
      Nov 13 - 4.5 - felt really good. Last two runs had to quit early for various reasons. You don’t want to know -TMI.


    2. Minnygirl1
      Minnygirl1 Posts: 83 Member

      I got in 3.25 miles of walking. Sometimes it's nice to slow it down and just let your mind wander a bit.

      Have a great day everyone!!!
    3. harpere87
      harpere87 Posts: 142 Member
    4. skippygirlsmom
      skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
      11/1 - 6.2 first 10K completed!
      11/2 - rest day
      11/3 - 6.72 miles
      11/4 - 7.68 miles
      11/5 - 6.53 miles
      11/6 - rest day
      11/7 - 6.3 miles - okay I'm going to whine about the 25 mph wind out of the North. But will say it was cool to see the sun coming up in the East while the moon was going down in the West.
      11/8 - 9.53 miles
      11/9 - 4.42 miles
      11/10 - 8.13 miles
      11/11 - 4.42 miles
      11/12 - rest day
      11/13 - 8.62 miles - oh good night it's cold, I don't know how you folks in the North do it.

      Total: 68.55 miles out of 100

    5. LoneWolfRunner
      LoneWolfRunner Posts: 1,160 Member
      11/13 - 8.62 miles - oh good night it's cold, I don't know how you folks in the North do it.

      Total: 68.55 miles out of 100
      First, nice run this morning... second, looks like you are going to totally blow past your goal.... three, running in the cold grows on you. Today was the first day with a little bite to it (about 27 degrees with the wind) and it started getting me mentally excited about this winter. Don't get me wrong, I hate the cold and I hate winter. I would much rather be in Key West or further south, but when it comes to running, I love the challenge of frigid weather and harsh elements... it really toughens you up...

    6. jdhcm2006
      jdhcm2006 Posts: 2,254 Member
      edited November 2014
      12/30: 5.4 - 11/1/14; 2 - 11/11/14; 2.6 - 11/13/14. I did not run at all last week. I could not find the will to do anything last week, but I am back on track.

      On the 11th, I made it through the sprinkles of rain, and today I made it through the flurries of snow (and ice on the ground). My legs were numb, but I made it.
    7. skippygirlsmom
      skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
      11/13 - 8.62 miles - oh good night it's cold, I don't know how you folks in the North do it.

      Total: 68.55 miles out of 100
      First, nice run this morning... second, looks like you are going to totally blow past your goal.... three, running in the cold grows on you. Today was the first day with a little bite to it (about 27 degrees with the wind) and it started getting me mentally excited about this winter. Don't get me wrong, I hate the cold and I hate winter. I would much rather be in Key West or further south, but when it comes to running, I love the challenge of frigid weather and harsh elements... it really toughens you up...

      Thanks on one and two! It was I think 32 when I went out with a wind chill of 28. I listened to everyone's advice on what to wear and I was good by mile one, very comfortable except when I turned to the North or East where the 15 mph wind was coming from. Even then it was more the pain of the wind fighting against me than actually cold. But I didn't die so success is mine! LOL

    8. HealthyFocused715
      HealthyFocused715 Posts: 340 Member
      11/5, 3.5 miles, outside (after work in the dark!)
      11/6, 4.0 miles, outside (before work in the dark! - are we noticing a theme?)
      11/13, 4.33 miles, treadmill

      11.83 total; 60 goal

      I was away for a few days, but back now. Planning to run consistently and knock out my 60 miles. Good work to all of you! Many of you are near the half way mark, right on schedule! For those of you who are behind like me, consistent running, even just a mile or two can add up quickly!
    9. chesnity3
      chesnity3 Posts: 960 Member
      11/1 - 5k color run
      11/3 - 3.1
      11/4 - 2.12
      11/6 - 4.0
      11/8 - 3.1
      11/9 - 2.1
      11/11 - 3.6
      11/13 - 4.0


      First cold run ever, 37º with freezing winds making it feel even colder. At first I was having trouble, but then I stopped focusing on how cold I was and just ran and eventually warmed up.
    10. SonicDeathMonkey80
      SonicDeathMonkey80 Posts: 4,489 Member
      6.1 at the harder end of easy pace. Resuming speedwork soon, and 5mi race is in 2 weeks! Looking at doing it in 32min. We'll see how that goes.

      88.5mi done/126.5/17d remaining
    11. amyjoi16
      amyjoi16 Posts: 29 Member
      This is the best and longest I have stuck with a challenge so far! Thanks guys!
    12. amyjoi16
      amyjoi16 Posts: 29 Member
      let's try this again. should say 40!

    13. Remus42
      Remus42 Posts: 149 Member
      Nov 1- 8k
      Nov 2 - work 12 hours
      Nov 3 - strength training
      Nov 4 - rest day
      Nov 5 - work
      Nov 6 - work
      Nov 7 - work nights
      Nov 8 - rest day/ nights do a number on a body
      Nov 9 - 4k
      Nov 10- 1hour and 20 minutes of ice skating...yes I went
      Nov 11- 7k run
      Nov 12- 1 hour of swimming laps.... seem to be more into the cross training this month.
      Nov 13 - Didn't run today. Instead went for a hike with some girlfriends and my dog.
    14. ShortMrsN
      ShortMrsN Posts: 177 Member
      edited November 2014
      04/11 - 10.11km
      07/11 - 10.11km
      09/11 - 13.13km!! :D Longest run ever!!!
      12/11 - 8.78km
      14/11 - 10.11km


    15. corinne0805
      corinne0805 Posts: 158 Member
      Another 2+ mile this morning - possibly another 3 tonight.

    16. fabnine
      fabnine Posts: 379 Member
      _Date___ Miles
      Nov 1 ____16.3
      Nov 2 ____7.1
      Nov 3 ____6.2am + 8.1pm
      Nov 4 ____1 streak
      Nov 5 ____6.2am + 7.2pm
      Nov 6 ____1 streak
      Nov 7 ____5.1 1,400miles in 2014
      Nov 8 ____10.5
      Nov 9 ____3.1
      Nov 10 ___7.6am + 6.2pm
      Nov 11 ___1 streak
      Nov 12 ___6.4am + 4.9pm
      Nov 13 ___1 streak
      ____ Total ____ 98.9

    17. FancyPantsFran
      FancyPantsFran Posts: 3,687 Member
