November Running Challenge



  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    Date Miles today. Miles for October

    11/1 14 miles - 14
    11/2 Much needed REST DAY
    11/3 6.2 miles - 20.2
    11/4 5 miles - 25.2
    11/5 6.2 miles - 31.4
    11/6 5 miles - 36.4
    11/7 TAPER DAY
    11/8 13.1 miles 49.5 <<< PR'ed The Huntsville Half (1:40:51)
    11/9 REST DAY
    11/10 10 miles - 59.5
    11/10 3.1 miles - 62.6 << slow 5K run tonight with my wife.
    11/11 7 miles - 69.6
    11/12 6.2 miles - 75.8
    11/13 7 miles - 82.8


  • gabbo34
    gabbo34 Posts: 289 Member
    11/13 - 8.62 miles - oh good night it's cold, I don't know how you folks in the North do it.

    Total: 68.55 miles out of 100
    First, nice run this morning... second, looks like you are going to totally blow past your goal.... three, running in the cold grows on you. Today was the first day with a little bite to it (about 27 degrees with the wind) and it started getting me mentally excited about this winter. Don't get me wrong, I hate the cold and I hate winter. I would much rather be in Key West or further south, but when it comes to running, I love the challenge of frigid weather and harsh elements... it really toughens you up...

    Thanks on one and two! It was I think 32 when I went out with a wind chill of 28. I listened to everyone's advice on what to wear and I was good by mile one, very comfortable except when I turned to the North or East where the 15 mph wind was coming from. Even then it was more the pain of the wind fighting against me than actually cold. But I didn't die so success is mine! LOL

    The polar vortex is no joke. I also took everyone's advice and layered up yesterday for a 5.5 mile run. My body was fine....but my fingers were absolutely freezing. I was wearing some Nike gloves that were barely better than not wearing anything.

    I've got a 5k at my kid's school Saturday and race time temps will be about 29*. I need to find something that's a little warmer. Fortunately it's just a 5k, so I can suck it up..but I'm really hoping to find something warm to run in the rest of winter.

  • username301
    username301 Posts: 247 Member
    1. Run 100km in total
    2. Increase distance to 8km........ :)
    3. Run/walk Interval of 35/1min
    4. Run for 1hr................................ :)
    5. Run 7km in 54min.................... :)
    6. Take part in a fun run
    7. New PB for 5km (37.56)
    8. Establish PB for, 1km, 1mile.

    1. 2/11 8km 62.59min. 20.30/1
    2. 4/11. 8km. 72.43min. 22/1
    3. 6/11. 8km. 63.20min 23.30/1
    4. 9/11 8km. 65.19min. 25/1
    5. 11/11. 8km. 64.10min. 26.30/1
    6. 13/11. 5km. 39.16min 28/1

  • Runningmischka
    Runningmischka Posts: 386 Member
    11/13/2014 - 5 miles, indoors
    38/100 for the month. Visiting Nashville for a conference, so no long runs for me this weekend. Will update my ticker when I get back home. Great job, everyone!!! Keep calm and keep on running :)
  • RunnerElizabeth
    RunnerElizabeth Posts: 1,091 Member
    Easy 5k on lunch. This week has been torture since it's post marathon easy week number 2. I'm looking forward to changing gears and starting my fast 5k plan next week.

    11/02/2014 26.2 miles
    11/07/2014 3.2 miles
    11/08/2014 5.3 miles
    11/10/2014. 3.1 miles
    11/11/2014. 5.5 miles (with stroller)
    11/13/2014 3.1 miles
    Total 46.4 miles

  • BChanFit
    BChanFit Posts: 209 Member
    11/1: 8.32 miles
    11/4: 4.01 miles
    11/6: 5.34 miles
    11/7: 3.03 miles
    11/8: 5.90 miles
    11/12: 3.12 miles
    11/13: 2.50 miles

  • madube84
    madube84 Posts: 135 Member
    11/1 -
    11/2 -
    11/3 – 2 miles
    11/4 -
    11/5 -
    11/6 -
    11/7 -
    11/8 –
    11/9 -3.1 miles
    11/10 – 2.25 miles
    11/11 – 2 miles
    11/12 –
    11/13/ - 2.2 miles

  • caz30uk
    caz30uk Posts: 25 Member
    Beautiful Scottish autumn morning. Longest run and fastest 10K (only done 2)
    Have added in tomorrow's rest day.

    1/11 ill (manflu)
    2/11 ill (2nd day - obviously a serious dose of manflu)
    3/11 REST
    4/11 4.35
    5/11 4.25 (8.6)
    6/11 6.23 (14.83)
    7/11 REST
    8/11 3.15 (17.98)
    9/11 6.66 (24.64)
    10/11 REST


  • caz30uk
    caz30uk Posts: 25 Member
    hansea47 wrote: »
    I ran my first half in September and haven't run at all since then. I need some accountability/motivation to get me back in my running shoes. Setting a low goal...I just need to get back off the couch!

    It's easy to fall back into couch mode especially when it's dark and cold well is here in Scotland, I'm starting again and going to gym tonight, goodluck
  • EmilyStopFlying
    EmilyStopFlying Posts: 124 Member

    I'm cold just thinking about all of you running in the snow. Personally I'm worried about the heat here. The last time I tried running was in 2011, and I finished my C25K program in late November and then just never ran again when I finished because it was too hot. This time I finished the program in early October, and I'm liking running way more than I did then but I am worried I won't motivate myself to do it when it's above 30 (which it is most of the time)/
  • HealthyFocused715
    HealthyFocused715 Posts: 340 Member
    11/5, 3.5 miles, outside (after work in the dark!)
    11/6, 4.0 miles, outside (before work in the dark! - are we noticing a theme?)
    11/13, 4.33 miles, treadmill
    11/14, 4.33 miles, treadmill - it's snowing here today. I hope to get outside this weekend and run.

    16.15 total; 60 goal
  • Daisy471
    Daisy471 Posts: 409 Member
    11/2 - 10 miles
    11/5 - 3 miles
    11/7 - 12 miles
    11/11 - 3 miles
    11/12 - 3 miles

  • bkbenda
    bkbenda Posts: 265 Member
    I'm back! Missed October goal by about 10 miles. (Unexpected busy work schedule.) November’s goal will be lower than usual for me as I couldn't run during the first week and have my 2nd half on Thanksgiving Day so I will be tapering. Focusing on speed for a sub 2:15 half in December.

    11/1 - No excuse...
    11/2 – 6.01 miles (easy)
    11/3-8 - Busy Work Schedule
    11/9 – 10.01 miles (long)
    11/10 - Rest Day
    11/11 – 6.17 miles (8x800)
    11/12 – 3.01 miles (easy)
    11/13 – 7.48 miles (5x1)
    11/14 - Rest Day

  • XX_Miss_RoseMary_XX
    2 miles yesterday using C25K
    11.33 total ran for the month

    The ticker below shows my miles both walked and jogged!

  • kadibo
    kadibo Posts: 15
    Well, I went to the gym and ran on the treadmill....I much prefer to run outside, BUT it is so cold. I need to invest in some good cold weather running clothes. :)

  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    11/1 - 6.2 first 10K completed!
    11/2 - rest day
    11/3 - 6.72 miles
    11/4 - 7.68 miles
    11/5 - 6.53 miles
    11/6 - rest day
    11/7 - 6.3 miles - okay I'm going to whine about the 25 mph wind out of the North. But will say it was cool to see the sun coming up in the East while the moon was going down in the West.
    11/8 - 9.53 miles
    11/9 - 4.42 miles
    11/10 - 8.13 miles
    11/11 - 4.42 miles
    11/12 - rest day
    11/13 - 8.62 miles - oh good night it's cold, I don't know how you folks in the North do it.
    11/14 - 2.84 quick out and back running a 5K tomorrow 22 degrees this morning

    Total: 71.39 miles out of 100


  • gabbo34
    gabbo34 Posts: 289 Member
    edited November 2014
    I gotta figure out how to dole out mileage for this weekend. Normally I do a 5-6 mile run on Friday and was scheduled to do my a long run 8-10 on Sunday. But I'm running a 5k at my son's school tomorrow morning. (I really want to go hard for a PB.)

    I'm thinking an easy 3 today, run the race tomorrow and just do 5-6 on Sunday. Is that a reasonable approach?
  • chesnity3
    chesnity3 Posts: 960 Member
    Normally don't run on Fridays, but got 2 miles in for some energy.

  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    gabbo34 wrote: »
    I gotta figure out how to dole out mileage for this weekend. Normally I do a 5-6 mile run on Friday and was scheduled to do my a long run 8-10 on Sunday. But I'm running a 5k at my son's school tomorrow morning. (I really want to go hard for a PB.)

    I'm thinking an easy 3 today, run the race tomorrow and just do 5-6 on Sunday. Is that a reasonable approach?

    My daughter and I are running a 5K tomorrow so I did a quick 2.8 miles this morning just to get my legs moving. I would either take off today or do the easy 3 miles and see how I felt Sunday. If I was feeling good I'd do my 8 - 10 otherwise if I was sore from the race (or my legs were tired) I'd do the 5 - 6 miles. Enjoy the 5K

  • yossale3
    yossale3 Posts: 224 Member
    1/11- 12km
    4/11- 5km

    79.5km to go.