Looking for people who are trying out Contrave? Thoughts? Is it working?



  • Chenyne1
    Chenyne1 Posts: 1 Member
    I have just started taking this medicine on this past Sunday. I'm in the 1 pill a day stage. In just 5 days I've noticed a difference in my way of thinking when it comes to food and exercise. Cravings and appetite is down and energy levels are up. I've been to the gym more times this month than I think I have in the whole last year. I don't know what my starting weight was on Sunday but I can say that I'm down 6 lbs. from when I visited the doctor on 1/13/16, so we'll see.
    Question, does anyone know how this med interacts with coffee consumption? I can't seem to find any info on that. I drank some coffee this morning and I'm not crazy about how I'm feeling now. Just want to know if anyone else has experienced adverse affects when consuming certain foods.
  • Cruizerider
    Cruizerider Posts: 2 Member
    Started 12/18. I've been on full pills for about 4 weeks. I am NOT sleeping ... Anybody else?? I'm thinking of getting off. I'm only getting 4-5 hrs and up a lot during night. Help! I even changed 2nd dose to 5pm...
  • mchristianjr
    mchristianjr Posts: 1 Member
    edited February 2016
    I just started yesterday, so far my side effects are:
    • Fatigue
    • Constantly feeling like I need to stretch(!)
    • Foggy-headed (but speech articulation is fine - no groping for words)
    • Some minor dizziness

    So far the benefits have been
    • No cravings at all
    • Slept like a baby last night

    Will update after a week or so.

    Edit - should add that I'm taking the singular meds, not Contrave proper.
  • JenGBlack
    JenGBlack Posts: 1 Member
    I have been on Contrave since Nov. 9, and have lost 20 pounds. I'd lost 10 lbs in the three months before this, so I definitely feel Contrave has been a successful tool for me. I have been logging food, watching calories, and light exercise the entire time, so I feel like I have a good comparison of weight loss with and without Contrave.

    I have had some constipation - OTC meds help with that - and sleep issues. I'll wake up in the middle of the night, and have more vivid dreams that interrupt my sleep. I've tried making sure I take my second dose earlier in the day, which helps somewhat. Anyone else have any tips on the sleep issue?

    For me, Contrave has given me "breathing room" to concentrate on changing eating habits and exercise, by removing the urge to eat. It's really that simple - food is just not important to me while on the drug. It's not a long term solution, but it is allowing me to work on changing the underlying habits that I need to change.
  • 82lose82
    82lose82 Posts: 1 Member
    I started taking Contrave first of this year. Some dizziness when I started the two pills a day. I haven't weighed since I started taking it. Waiting for my next doctor visit. It does help take the edge off from bingeing. Thanks to everyone who has shared their personal experiences. Helps us newcomers!
  • enne665
    enne665 Posts: 10 Member
    I started on Contrave 10/1/15, and it has been life changing for me. I have yo yo dieted my whole life, take off 50lb and put more back on....you all may know what that feels like. I am a mother of 7 yo twin boys and my 50 yo husband, a marathon runner, had a massive stroke earlier this year. When the stroke occurred my weight was up, but I pretty much ate my way through all of the stress, fear, anxiety and any other emotion that came my way while he was recovering and my weight topped out at an all time high. Once he finished rehabilitation and returned home, I decided it was time to begin taking care of me and I scheduled all of my yearly MD exams. When I visited my GYN who I have known for many years I just broke down, I came to the realization that if I did not take care of myself, our boys could be left without a mother. We talked and she recommended Contrave because of my emotional eating issues. Pretty much immediately it impacted the way I manage emotions and food. I definately still have stressful, difficult days but I no longer have the urge to pacify it with food. I like to eat, and enjoy good meals and MFP has helped me find a way to enjoy good food within the right calorie range to lose weight. As a result I am down 40lb and I am so close to onederland I can taste it (pun intended :). I don't think Contrave is for everyone, I have heard of folks having significant side effects, but I have not experienced any. My biggest fear is once I get to my goal and stop taking the Contrave, how will I manage to keep the weight off. I am hopeful that the lifestyle and habits I am creating for myself through this journey will sustain me through maintenance.

    Keep up the good work all...it feels good for me to know I am not alone.
  • shawnaisaacs
    shawnaisaacs Posts: 2 Member
    Midway through the second week. I am taking one pill twice a day. so far side effects have been slight feeling of lightheaded, vivid dreams- waking me up in the night. I have noticed that it is WAY easier to fight the cravings. Going to the grocery store today for the second time since I started the medication I noted that I was able to concentrate more on making the healthy choices and less on the junk ( this was even going on an empty stomach). I have had a 14 lb weight loss since starting this medication! yippee! Hope I can continue making good progress and the side effects don't become worse.
  • newmansk
    newmansk Posts: 6 Member
    At what times are you taking your doses?
  • just1joanna
    just1joanna Posts: 2 Member
    I started Contrave on Feb. 12th so today was my first day of 2 pills in the morning and 1 at night. I am amazed at how well this medication works. The first week I felt no side effects and didn't really notice a difference in my appetite. Week 2, also no side effects but I did notice halfway through my salad at lunch that I was getting full. Today starts week 3. There is fish and chips at my work on Fridays and I only ate 1 1/2 pieces of fish and half the chips. Tonight we celebrated my daughter's 17th birthday and there is a bunch of chocolate cupcakes in the kitchen that I have no interest in. I do notice today I have a slight headache and was feeling a little dizzy earlier in the day but nothing I can't deal with. I have lost 5 lbs. This week was the first week I really monitored my calorie intake. I'm sticking to a 1200 cal diet with no problem. I am, for once, hopeful!
  • newmansk
    newmansk Posts: 6 Member
    I have been taking contrave for 3weeks. It definitely helps the cravings but I have bad nausea and achy head, I hate to stop but not worth feeling this bad . Any suggestions?
  • enne665
    enne665 Posts: 10 Member
    I did not experience any side effects, recommend you talk to your MD.
  • ashleyann4000
    ashleyann4000 Posts: 2 Member
    I started Contrave 3 weeks ago. I am up to 2 pills in the morning and 1 at night. I did have minor dizziness and stomach upset. It did go away. The one thing I do have is bad constipation. I take the little pink pill but I hate to do that too often. I did feel like it was starting to work today. I do not feel like binge eating at all. I did start excerising more and do try to eat better. I always wanted to binge eat at night. Tonight not so bad. I have my fingers crossed it helps.
  • ashleyann4000
    ashleyann4000 Posts: 2 Member
    newmansk wrote: »
    I have been taking contrave for 3weeks. It definitely helps the cravings but I have bad nausea and achy head, I hate to stop but not worth feeling this bad . Any suggestions?

    Did you start taking the Contrave gradually? I had those symptoms but they went away after a day or so.
  • KB2184
    KB2184 Posts: 5 Member
    I have been reading everyones posts this afternoon. I start Contrave tomorrow. I was very curious to see what everyone has had to say. I'm hopeful that I will not have bad side effects and even more hopeful that this will work for me. I will post my my results once I get into it. Wish me luck!
  • Wenderella515
    Wenderella515 Posts: 2 Member
    Hey there,

    I have been on Contrave for a month now and it is working for me. I've lost 8 lbs - about 2 lbs per week. I needed help curbing my appetite due to my hormones being out of whack.

    The goal is to "train" yourself to eat smaller and appropriate portions plus incorporate exercise. Anyone who is obese knows that working out is difficult when you have so much weight on your joints.

    This pill curbs hunger to a degree, you still have to make good choices. It is simply a tool, like for instance protein shakes, waist trainers, supplements (creatine), etc.

    The weight loss leads to working out which leads to hopefully better habits. You can't take it forever, once you reach a healthy BMI your doctor will no longer prescribe it - so learning a new lifestyle is essential :)

    Hope this helps and message me privately if you want more info on my experience with this. I'd really rather not have to read through all the other posts - you didn't ask for random opinions, you asked about a specific medication.

    Good luck!
  • Wenderella515
    Wenderella515 Posts: 2 Member
    Me again!

    I did have slight headaches and kind of a foggy feeling the first few weeks, but those went away. I still have constipation and weird dreams but that is it! LOVE my Contrave!

    PS - With my previous post, I had only read the like the first couple of pages and just got annoyed with all the "diet pill" haters. Luckily, I checked the last two pages and saw all the support and info :)
  • KB2184
    KB2184 Posts: 5 Member
    Just curious.. Any certain time that people take their afternoon pills? 4-5pm? 7?...etc.
    Also, has anyone NOT done the gradual start up or done a modified start up?

    I started mine this morning and I did notice a little lightheadedness and a dull headache, maybe even a little emotional at moments. (work stressers seemed to push those emotions). Then it is as if I felt it wear off around 1pm.
  • KB2184
    KB2184 Posts: 5 Member
    Day # 2 - no side effects and no appetite suppression. I have been more thirsty but that's it.
  • amyinspiredsc
    amyinspiredsc Posts: 1 Member
    I've been taking Contrave 10 weeks and had no ill effects. Worked slowly from 1 in AM, to twice a day, and finally 4 per day. I went more slowly ramping up since I didn't feel I needed so much at first and the holidays had me all off routine. I've been taking 4/day for a # of weeks and I can tell a difference if I skip. Usually I'll forget the evening pills (take then at 7am and 7pm). I'd lost 5 before starting Contrave, then lost 20 more so far. I'm sticking with them 'til another 20 is gone. My goal is to loose 45 lbs at 1-2 lbs a week.

    Also did the scaledown program. I'm a daily weigher so it wasn't a huge impact for me. I thought the texts were repeatative and basic info, nothing enlightening. I didn't login to watch the videos (just not convenient) and thought it would be better if that was emailed or texted too. I'm not renewing it when it expires, but I do like the scale and plan to keep using it.

    Hope that helps and feel free to reach out with any questions. I'm on MFP 3 times a day at least (mobile version) to tracek every bite & exercise. Want to keep this as a way of life, not just a temporary plan.
  • KB2184
    KB2184 Posts: 5 Member
    Curious what time everyone takes their afternoon pill(s)? After work? During work? Before bed?