Looking for people who are trying out Contrave? Thoughts? Is it working?



  • ashcrash8520
    ashcrash8520 Posts: 1 Member
    28lbs in 2 months here! works well for me.

    slight headaches once in a great while, and if I dont watch my diet, constipation.
  • simonetodd35
    simonetodd35 Posts: 1 Member
    I started today and did not like the initial feeling of rapid heart beat and a bit of a fog/woozy feeling. I hope this is just the first day jitters and maybe just my anxiety. Only 1 pill 80 mg today and for the next 6 days so I will see how this works.
  • sarakwam
    sarakwam Posts: 1 Member
    Started today. I had to leave work I felt horrible. The nausea was to much. How long does it usually last?
  • lam5150
    lam5150 Posts: 3 Member
    I have been on it for 3 weeks, so far not lost much. I am switching to the 2 separate pills due to lower cost. Hoping this starts working soon. I have been making healthier choices & working out 2-3x per week. I've noticed the sweating also. :/ I have also noticed some dizziness.
  • miafairly
    miafairly Posts: 2 Member
    My first month I lost 12 pounds. I have been off and on, but cannot remain consistent. I hate taking pills. Then I realize I still wanted to eat, when I was not hungry. So in my mind, I am asking is it worth still taking the pills. The daily weigh-ins are making me upset, but I believe, it was because I was not keeping a food diary. So know, I am working on keeping a food diary and will weigh-in, once I see my nutritionist once a month. I also noticed, I was sweating alot.
  • kcdee1088
    kcdee1088 Posts: 1 Member
    Today is my first day on contrave! I have been really nervous about the side effects.. And gave put off starting it till now. At first it made me real jittery.. And now im kind of foggy headed like alot of other people have said. No nausea or head ache so far. Im starting this at 342 pounds.. Im also doing low carb.. Hoping with combo i will get the results i want...
  • mohini1615
    mohini1615 Posts: 4 Member
    For those that are feeling nauseated......I take it exactly 30 minutes after eating and have no nausea at all and all I have for breakfast is a boiled egg and a banana or some type of fruit. Taking it on an empty stomach is what can cause the nausea and vomiting. Try not to get discouraged, my best friends mother lost 85lbs in one year on contrave with the medicine, reducing her portions, and light exercise (usually walking). Hope this helps!
  • mrsbusby1019
    mrsbusby1019 Posts: 4 Member
    I started the contrave during the first week of March and I am down 5.4lbs. My question is: has this med made anyone have jittery hands? Or any other twitching?
    Also, does anyone else take this medication along with another antidepressant? Any issues?
  • mrsbusby1019
    mrsbusby1019 Posts: 4 Member
    I started Contrave 3 weeks ago. I am up to 2 pills in the morning and 1 at night. I did have minor dizziness and stomach upset. It did go away. The one thing I do have is bad constipation. I take the little pink pill but I hate to do that too often. I did feel like it was starting to work today. I do not feel like binge eating at all. I did start excerising more and do try to eat better. I always wanted to binge eat at night. Tonight not so bad. I have my fingers crossed it helps.

    I'm having a bit of the constipation issue too. Has it for better for you? I'm up to the 2pills 2x a day and I can really feel a difference.
  • mohini1615
    mohini1615 Posts: 4 Member
    I am on my second week of contrave......no headache, no nausea, no vomiting! However, this week I am experiencing way more sleepiness ....any suggestions on ways to get over this??? Does this eventually go away or ease up???
  • Cshawmccoy
    Cshawmccoy Posts: 1 Member
    edited April 2016
    Wow that's great. I took only one pill and it took me a week to recover it made me so sick I had to leave work and get in bed. Now I'm afraid to take it again.

  • mohini1615
    mohini1615 Posts: 4 Member
    Dont be afraid to take it again. Try taking it approximately 30 minutes after you eat, it is what was recommended to me and I haven't ever felt sick.
  • mohini1615
    mohini1615 Posts: 4 Member
    I just started my third weeks and have some pretty extreme daytime sleepiness and fatigue. Does anyone know if this fades or goes away? Or any suggestions on how to push through the sleepiness? Thanks
  • kelstu42
    kelstu42 Posts: 1 Member
    allouzion wrote: »
    I was on Belviq last year (which worked wonders for me!) but my doctor decided to switch me to Contrave... it was awful for me!! I had terrible side effects! Instead of surpressing my appetite, it made me SOOOO hungry. I could not get enough food in me. At the same time, I knew I was full because my stomach would be so tight from eating but I was still hungry. I actually sat at my kitchen table crying from how full my stomach felt because it hurt, but being sooo hungry at the same time. I ate MORE while on Contrave than when I didn't take it. It also had me in some massive mood swings... I would be sooo mad and start laughing then immediately burst into tears...

    Needless to say, that backfired on me real good! I just started taking the Belviq again today, hopefully it works for me like it did the first time! My 2 aunts and I lost ~30 lbs each on it.. but I gained half back while on the Contrave :neutral:

    Goodluck with what you all try!

    OMG, you are the first poster who I relate to! I just started my 4th week and the side affects are killing me! I have not lost a single pound, and I'm hungry all the time. The first week of nausea made me eat nothing but bread to settle my stomach. And the constipation (no one seems to talk about this) is truly the worst. I thought Belviq sounded better, but my doctor said Contrave has more success. Some people have said on this board to wait a month, and it works wonders, but I'm really doubtful. Are you back on Belviq? How does it work? Same side effects?
  • Sheenamom2008
    Sheenamom2008 Posts: 1 Member
    I have been on Contrave now for 2 weeks, just started week 3. The only symptom I seem to have is that for a few days after upping my dose I seem to daze out or zone out a lot. This has made it hard for me to concentrate on things and I have to work extra hard to focus, but it evens out after a day or two. I have currently lost 15lbs, but have kept myself on a strict calorie intake of 1200 to 1300 calories. I have also increased the amount of water I drink a day to between 120oz and 130oz. I plan on starting an exercise regimen soon as well in order to reach my goal. Add me if anyone wants support or just someone to talk to!!!!
  • kkaren23
    kkaren23 Posts: 1 Member
    Just started on May 12. I'm quite fatigued today and feel a bit unsteady walking but that's more a sensation than it is a reality - more like I don't trust myself to take the stairs. I'm ambulating just fine. Thirst increased a lot today. My caloric intake is down due to disinterest in food. I haven't gotten my scale yet so I haven't weighed (it's too depressing). Hopeful that my energy will pick back up and I'll at least go walking.
  • mirandag57
    mirandag57 Posts: 37 Member
    I'm starting 2:2 today add me :)
  • tineetiger
    tineetiger Posts: 8 Member
    newmansk wrote: »
    I have been taking contrave for 3weeks. It definitely helps the cravings but I have bad nausea and achy head, I hate to stop but not worth feeling this bad . Any suggestions?

    I felt sick for the first 2 weeks and my doctor only has me on 2 pills. Thw first week I took one the next I took 2 and by the end of each of the 7 days I did not feel sick anymore I count calories and take contrave and im down loke 34 pounds sense Feb 5 2016
  • Jocelyn3671
    Jocelyn3671 Posts: 1 Member
    I had very similar issues at first plus dry mouth and weird dreams. I have been on it 165 days and have no side effects at all! I have lost 35 lbs but honestly could have lost much more I'm not putting in any real effort ( trying to work on that!!)
    Stick with it, the side effects will stop you just need to get your body regulated to it
  • Kddw02
    Kddw02 Posts: 2 Member
    How do you get a doctor to prescribe it? My doctor will not?