Looking for people who are trying out Contrave? Thoughts? Is it working?



  • Shawna1908
    Shawna1908 Posts: 2 Member
    williskh0 wrote: »
    I just started the pill last week. After week 1 I'm down 6.7 lbs. I only exercised 1 day this past week and actually ate out quite a bit but watched my portions and stayed within my calories. No side effects to report. I didn't sign up for the scale I've just been using my own. I thought weighing in daily would be too much. How do you guys feel about weighing daily?

    Weighing daily as much as I didn't do it before holds you accountable. If I am up two pounds, I adjust and know exactly what happened the day before. I know that I can't do what I did. The scale is great to have. You receive daily text messages that motiovate you or tell you that your weight is up and gives you suggestions on how to get the weight gain off.
  • shuribum
    shuribum Posts: 1 Member
    Speaking from personal experience of only 3 days on Contrave...NOT worth the side effects. It gave me the WORST nausea, HORRIBLE headaches and I just wanted to sleep. The nausea was so bad that I had to nibble on something constantly to keep it at bay. Kinda defeats the purpose in my eyes since I seemed to be eating more. Insurance paid some and with a coupon ended up costing me $70...total waste of money. They say that the side effects would get better the longer you are on it but I have been off for 2 days now and still feel like crap. Can't imagine eventually upping the dose...I would have been bed ridden. Definately not worth it.
  • niquitac
    niquitac Posts: 3 Member
    Started Contrave a week ago. I'm 4ft 11in tall and I weigh 285, so I'm very heavy and it's very hard to move around. The only real side effect I've had of the Contrave is that it makes me tired. I have to get up and walk around at work, otherwise I'll fall asleep at my desk. But I have to say, it definitely gives me an energy boost later in the day. Yesterday, my husband and I took our two boys (3 and 4) to the park, and I spent at least 20 minutes just moving around or running in place. Then I played on the gym equipment with my boys. I usually only sit and watch them! And then, right before bed, I got it in my head to go jogging! I couldn't go very far, but I was just happy that I wanted to. Even if this pill does nothing else for me, I'll be happy to continue to take it for the energy boost. I've lost 2lbs in 6 days, and that plus all the energy has been really encouraging for me. I find myself wanting to take advantage of the energy boost and eat better and exercise more. And thank goodness for being able to keep up with my sons for once!
  • adrie2784
    adrie2784 Posts: 1 Member
    I am on day two of the second week and I feel like crap. The first week of taking 1 pill a day, I had about 3 or 4 days of mild nausea, but it went away. Yesterday, when I started my second week where I take 1 pill in the morning and 1 at night, I have felt awful both days. Extreme fatigue, haziness, lightheaded, inability to focus because I feel so bad, and the worst is the nausea. After reading through all of these posts and reviews on other sites, I hear that the negative side effects have subsided for most. I am hoping that is the case because it is going to be difficult to get through 4 weeks of feeling like this. Oh, and forget working out! I usually work out 2-4 times a week and play RollerDerby 2 days a week, but I have ZERO energy to do anything right now. I feel so weak that it is hard to get out of bed. Luckily, I work from home so I can bring my laptop in bed with me. The hard part is staying awake to actually get my work done.

    As far as positives go, I'm not nearly as hungry as I usually am and I can't eat nearly as much as I usually do. Some of that is because I feel so nauseas that nothing sounds appetizing. In fact, the thought of eating anything right now is extremely nauseating. Yuck! I have placed a call with my Dr. to find out if I should continue or if there is anything I can do to minimize the side effects. I will update once I hear back.
  • XOXOBecks
    XOXOBecks Posts: 2 Member
    I just started Contrave on Monday.. the headaches are the worse. I get a lingering headache that makes me feel blah. I have to eat small throughout the day to make it go away. I'm not sure what I'm feeling, but I do get hungry and do have cravings, but exactly what Adrie said the headaches/nausea take the fun out of eatting.
  • Jlynn06251985
    Jlynn06251985 Posts: 4 Member
    Started taking Contrave 14 days ago - currently down 5.4 pounds. 1st week was amazing on the 1 pill in the AM - no side effects but lots of energy! I tried taking the 1 pill in AM and 1 pill in PM but had to scale it back because I had pretty significant anxiety. I was on Cymbalta (anti-depressant) and Chantix (to quit smoking) so the fact that I get both effects in one pill versus having to take 2 was nice. I'm going to stick with the 1 per day until I can safely move up.
  • Cindyluvsdmb
    Cindyluvsdmb Posts: 1 Member
    I have been on Contrav since December 28, 2015. I have lost 45 lbs. I used to be hungry all the time. Contrav got rid of that "all the time" hunger and I am only hungry when I should be. I went from 205lbs to 160lbs in about 6 months and have been maintaining around 160. The only side effects I had was a little bit of trouble sleeping when I went from 3 to 4 pills a day (But that went away n a few weeks) and then some constipation started around month 4. Doctor told me to take Miralax every few days and it helps with the constipation, I do eat healthy, limiting processed food and I exercise 1/2 hr daily. My only concern is how long I can stay on this. And will my "constant" hunger return when I get off of it.
  • tinamae_vols
    tinamae_vols Posts: 42 Member
    Tomorrow is 1 week on Contrave. I don't really get hungry and seem to have to make myself eat which is great because I am normally a constant snacker, and eat multiple helpings at meal time. I just LOVE food, if I'm bored, stressed, happy, whatever the occasion I find food to be my go to drug. Lol. So far since starting Contrave I have only been eating when I know I should. I will weigh in tomorrow and am excited to see how things are progressing.
  • lucky_889
    lucky_889 Posts: 1 Member
    I've been on contrave for two weeks now. I started the 1 am and 1 pm pills and noticed severe stomach cramps. I've had constipation as well. Yesterday I had a panic attack and today the stomach pain became unbearable. I'm going to call the doctor and see if I can just take one pill a day, since I had no side effects with that, or if I should continue taking it. I really want to continue as I've already lost 7lbs in two weeks.
  • wandysmom
    wandysmom Posts: 3 Member
    Its best to take it with protein. Make sure youre drinking plenty of water too. Really avoid the fatty foods, fast fried foods. It will give you problems
  • islagirl304
    islagirl304 Posts: 4 Member
    I haven't experienced any appetite suppression being on Contrave, but it was a longshot because I don't have cravings. It hasn't helped much with feelings of hunger either. It gave me awful headaches and nausea during the first four weeks, but the only other negative SE since then has been a slightly elevated heart rate (based on my Fitbit Charge HR). I do like the mood elevation - I feel more patient with our hectic schedule. I had the same experience with Belviq - no effect at all, but that is also designed to deal with cravings.

    I've had trouble with the ScaleDown program. Out of nowhere, the scale stopped sending my daily weight, and I got about three days of reminders that I hadn't stepped on the scale and then it all stopped. I can't log into the site, either - it says there is no account on either of my email addresses. It's a head scratcher.
  • ALPlasek
    ALPlasek Posts: 1 Member
    I started taking Contrave 2 weeks ago. I am currently taking 1 pill in the morning and 1 at night. Since I have started the 2nd pill, I have been having severe headaches and very loud, constant ringing in my ears. I have also experienced some trouble sleeping, I wake up a lot and look at the clock. I am supposed to start my week 3 (2 in the morning, 1 at night) tomorrow but I'm afraid I won't be able to stand the headaches or the ringing. Has anyone experienced this and how did you handle it?
  • pgmorgan
    pgmorgan Posts: 8 Member
    Looking for new friends to add and share conversations with. 55 yrs old trying to get my life on track. Starting Contrave On Monday. what has been your expericences ? I've been reading up and watching Youtube videos seems like it might be pretty good.
  • lross595
    lross595 Posts: 1 Member
    I just started contrave last Saturday (10/17). Tomorrow will be a week. I need to lose 30 lbs... A little background on my weight loss journey, not only have I started the medicine but I am also working out with a personal trainer 3x a week and cut out pastas, breads, rice, sweets etc. from my diet. The trainer and diet I've been doing since mid September but the results have been kind of slow so I asked the doctor.. I have an under active thyroid and my medication hasn't been regulated in quite some time and I'm also taking a low dose of an antidepressant which makes me crave food 24/7 on top of poor diet and stress, I had a lot of factors working against me. I asked the doctor if there is something to assist with losing weight and she mentioned contrave. I like it because it has Wellbutrin in it, an antidepressant so I've been subbing my other antidepressant with the contrave so I won't need the other medication anymore. My appetite is definitely curbed. I used to eat something every 2-3 hours, my personal trainer said that was normal but for me, I wasn't used to it. Now I'm back to three healthy meals a day and have absolutely no desire to snack. I had one day of nausea/dizziness but it passed the next day. The one side effect I am currently working through is I realize I'm a little more short circuited than usual.. Little nuisances that people would normally just blow off really grinds my gears lol there's been a lot of mumbling under my breath and horn honking this week lol. But the good news is in less than a week I've already lost nearly 3lbs! I can't wait to see my progress with it! My only concern, I'm just hoping there's not a plateau stage and I can still achieve my goals sooner than later!! Hope this helps!
  • MrsSpitser
    MrsSpitser Posts: 35 Member
    I started taking Contrave yesterday. One pill each morning so far. I also began a low carb lifestyle as I am diabetic and eat far too many starchy foods. Today I've noticed terrible diahrrea. Not sure if it's the low carb thing or Contrave. Either way, I'm struggling. I also take Metformin each day for the diabetes as well as several other meds. Anyone else have this side effect??
  • stretchbigguy
    stretchbigguy Posts: 2 Member
    I started contrave on October 1--32 days ago. I followed the directions, beginning with one pill for the first week, two pills the second, three pills the third and then didn't feel the need to go to the four pills. Luckily I have experienced no side effects. So far I have lost approximately 14 lbs and have about 50 more to go.

    I find it very difficult to explain the way it has changed my attitude towards food other than to say, i'm just not hungry in the ways that I used to be.

    I have been very careful in limiting my food intake but don't find it difficult at all unlike previous attempts without it. I was very skeptical going in and still can't quite believe that its working as well as it is.
  • enne665
    enne665 Posts: 10 Member
    Stretchbigguy - I too started on 10/1, and have lost 14 lb and also have 50 more to go! I also agree with your assessment of how it has changed they way you think about food. Along with Contrave my MD has me meeting with a dietician who has been helpful regarding food choices etc.. Essentially I just eat healthy, and exercise. I am very much an emotional eater, and going through a very difficult time, something happened this am that ordinarily would have turned me to food, and I had no interest. Feels good! I am currently taking two pills in the morning and two pills at night.

    Good luck to you!
  • paulabsc
    paulabsc Posts: 43 Member
    Ive just started taking it a few days ago.
    I know its not a magic pill, but something has to help with the emotional aspect of over eating. Some people think it's so easy to diet/excersize/eat right... all that.. but some don't realize how hard it is to stop bingeing. I'm hopeing the antidepressants along with the anti addiction drugs will help me until I learn portion control, eating healthy.. got to try something..
    Thank you for your response, however I'm only actually looking for people who can answer the question. You've not taken this prescription. I'm looking for people who have.

  • nicholelks1988
    nicholelks1988 Posts: 6 Member
    I have looked through so many threads about Contrave, looking for opinions and to see how people are doing because I am considering it myself, and I have noticed that so many people attack those who want to go on "diet pills." For me, its so much more than that. I have been depressed and I have no doubt that I have a sugar addiction. I will become mean and will eat spoonfuls of sugar just to stop the cravings. Its been this way for YEARS and I am now 60 pounds overweight. I am on Wellbutrin right now for the depression and it has helped me with my sugar addiction, but I think Contrave will allow me to overcome it and be able to focus on making healthy habits. Its so difficult to diet and exercise when you have zero willpower to even shower. The struggle is real. Im not against eating clean and working out; Ive always loved working out. But no matter how much you work out, you wont see results if you arent eating right. I look forward to seeing everyones progress and if anyone on Contrave could add me so that perhaps we could buddy up and talk, that would be great!
  • who922
    who922 Posts: 26 Member
    edited November 2015
    I think you are missing the point. I'm relatively sure no one WANTS to take a pill, but sometimes it becomes necessary. I started it yesterday. In my profile picture, I was at 254 and had just run my first triathlon. A surgery that kept me from doing anything for over 3 months spelled my doom. I have tried and tried to get back on track and failed. I am now at 319. Not the 350 I was before, but going in the wrong direction. Also lots of new health concerns so the doctor decided we needed to do something to help. I'll be the first to say I will be off of these and all the other SIX stupid meds I am having to take because of my weight as soon as possible, but for now I need help.

    I'm never mean, so not worried about that. :)

    As far as side effects...none yet and I am not even remotely interested in eating.
    SLLRunner wrote: »
    Reading these two stories is disconcerting.
    Ratfancy wrote: »
    mccordbeth wrote: »
    I used Contrave for 4 weeks and lost 10lbs. I didn't really think it was helping much until I had been off it for 4 days. I realized today how much more I was eating and that I need to stop! It did give me a wicked headache each time the dosage increased. My husband said it made me mean - he just didn't realize he was ticking me off about other things - haha. I go back to the doctor on Monday. I'm hoping he refill it for me.

    I'm in about 6 weeks - I feel "mean", too! But husband is hanging in there because I explain. And today I woke up with a headache, which is very abnormal for me. I've lost 7 lbs. in 5 weeks, and I'll keep going. I think I obsess less, but this is not a magic bullet. Still have to count my calories and get in some exercise.

    Just curious as to why you are taking a pill that makes you feel this way? Trust me, that 7 pounds you lost is because you ate less calories than your burned, therefore you have created a calorie deficit. I bet you can do this just by cutting back on the calories yourself without a pill that makes you feel so horrible. Pills are 100% not necessary to weight loss and just take your money.
    I am on contrave too. I started two weeks ago but increased the dose to max (4pills) in about one week bc i had no side effects. I have lost 7 pounds thus far but I still don't know if it's bc of the pill or bc i am watching every single thing I eat. it gets so frustrating bc i am hungry all the time it seems, but I usually won't eat.

    I can answer this for you. :) You lost weight because you ate less calories than you burned.

    You guys, I have 100% faith in you that you can lose your weight without taking those pills. Can I talk you both into chucking the pills, setting your goals up in MFP, logging all your food so you become aware of your intake and learn what portions look like, and eating in a way that fuels your body while you lose your weight?

    You can both do this. I know you can.