Give up the sugar!



  • awesomejdad
    awesomejdad Posts: 493 Member
    I struggle with moderating my "sweets" quite a bit. I don't cut anything out of my diet but sweets are definitely something I have to actively avoid from time to time to keep myself in check. They are my Kryptonite. I would love to have some friends on my list to help me fell held accountable. Please add me. Thanks.
  • meryl135
    meryl135 Posts: 321 Member
    Metabolically, sugar in the form of simple carbohydrates, is just another fuel for the body's myriad processes. For some of the body's functions (those of the red blood cells, or neurons for instance), sugar is in fact, the preferred choice of fuel.

    Psychologically, sugar in the form of sugary treats (cookies, donuts, cakes, candy, etc.) is typically associated with most people's memories of pleasant times (birthday parties, Halloween trick-or-treating, getting a "treat" from your parents for good behaviour). I think it's this positive association that can lead people to think of sugar as having so-called addictive properties; in reality, it's the brain's pleasure-reward centre being activated.

    Impulse-control issues, depression, psychological stress, anxiety, learned dysfunctional coping mechanisms and many other factors can all lead people to seek out the pleasure inherent in binging, maybe even binging excessively, on foods with high levels of added sugar. These become trigger foods. If you've identified something as a trigger for you, then for the purposes of losing weight, it's likely a good idea to have those foods only in moderation, so you're on the right track for you :smile:

    I have struggled in the past few months with eliminating most refined sugars from my diet and I do feel much better now. Interestingly, when I crave sugary treats now, it's typically a healthier version that I crave, like dates or bananas. And I can't imagine drinking tea with sugar and milk the way I used to (I think I worked it out and a cup of tea used to be something like 80 Calories for me, which isn't that bad, except that I would regularly have 4 cups per day! lol).
  • MadamMina
    MadamMina Posts: 82 Member
    edited November 2014
    It took me a while. I remember with the first attempt I was digging in the fridge in the middle of the night on day 3, because I just NEED something sweet right there and then! That was several years ago, now I don't like sweet anymore. A milk chocolate bar makes me feels like my cheeks are pulled together and I get nauseous. I love it how food really tastes. So yeah, don't see it as a failure when you don't succeed the first time! Just keep on trying! ;)
  • diaowl
    diaowl Posts: 33
    diaowl wrote: »
    Sugar is dangerous.

    According to who?

    According to my body. Diabetes runs in the family and last time I was at a nutritionist, I was quite close to the limit towards diabetes. I am overweight by 3 pounds for my height, which I am working on shedding. I've never been overweight for more than 8 pounds in my life, so I am trying my best to have a healthy weight. The problem is that if I eat a lot of sugar but don't gain weight, I will get other symptoms like sugar cravings, acne and other stuff. And, as I said, I just want to eat more naturally and less processed food. This is a personal decision. If you can eat lots of sugar, have enough will-power to stop after 2 cookies and don't get any health or weight problems, good for you! I'm incredibly jealous of you, but also happy for you that you're a very healthy person!

    The thing is that we aren't all the same. Think about it - we're 7 billion+ people so it's kind of impossible to fit everyone in the same category.
    It's important to find whatever works best for you. :smile:
  • SonicDeathMonkey80
    SonicDeathMonkey80 Posts: 4,489 Member
    Lilymay2 wrote: »
    I have a bit of info here...
    To the person who has cut out sugar because it bothers arthritis... you are so right!!

    It takes 9 months of NO sugar to clean the sugar from your body.. been there done that..

    My Naturopath Dr. said I could have fruits that end in "berry" and apples - they are low in sugar. They do not bother my arthritis.

    Same Naturopath Dr. also said - if you must bake use coconut sugar.

    Good luck to all who wish to cut back or cut out sugar.... On December 27th I will be two years "clean"
    diaowl wrote: »
    diaowl wrote: »
    Sugar is dangerous.

    According to who?

    According to my body. Diabetes runs in the family and last time I was at a nutritionist, I was quite close to the limit towards diabetes. I am overweight by 3 pounds for my height, which I am working on shedding. I've never been overweight for more than 8 pounds in my life, so I am trying my best to have a healthy weight. The problem is that if I eat a lot of sugar but don't gain weight, I will get other symptoms like sugar cravings, acne and other stuff. And, as I said, I just want to eat more naturally and less processed food. This is a personal decision. If you can eat lots of sugar, have enough will-power to stop after 2 cookies and don't get any health or weight problems, good for you! I'm incredibly jealous of you, but also happy for you that you're a very healthy person!

    The thing is that we aren't all the same. Think about it - we're 7 billion+ people so it's kind of impossible to fit everyone in the same category.
    It's important to find whatever works best for you. :smile:

    7 billion little snowflakes
  • diaowl
    diaowl Posts: 33
    Run_Fit wrote: »
    Why do people go to extremes and cut out sugar from their diets? Moderation is okay, people who restrict food groups tend to be the least successful in reaching their goals. Unless you have a medical issue and must cut sugar, you should not cut sugar.

    I'm not cutting out sugar completely. Sugar is in everything! It's in fruit, veggies... I'm not sure about meat, though. Limiting the processed/added sugar is my goal.
  • MadamMina
    MadamMina Posts: 82 Member
    diaowl wrote: »
    Run_Fit wrote: »
    Why do people go to extremes and cut out sugar from their diets? Moderation is okay, people who restrict food groups tend to be the least successful in reaching their goals. Unless you have a medical issue and must cut sugar, you should not cut sugar.

    I'm not cutting out sugar completely. Sugar is in everything! It's in fruit, veggies... I'm not sure about meat, though. Limiting the processed/added sugar is my goal.

    Why are there so many people who just can't respect others for their choices? If she wants to ditch the sugar that is up to her to decide! Why the yeah but, no buts? And yes in most processed foods is sugar added, even in meat!

  • diaowl
    diaowl Posts: 33
    MadamMina wrote: »
    diaowl wrote: »
    Run_Fit wrote: »
    Why do people go to extremes and cut out sugar from their diets? Moderation is okay, people who restrict food groups tend to be the least successful in reaching their goals. Unless you have a medical issue and must cut sugar, you should not cut sugar.

    I'm not cutting out sugar completely. Sugar is in everything! It's in fruit, veggies... I'm not sure about meat, though. Limiting the processed/added sugar is my goal.

    Why are there so many people who just can't respect others for their choices? If she wants to ditch the sugar that is up to her to decide! Why the yeah but, no buts? And yes in most processed foods is sugar added, even in meat!

    I guess everyone has their wisdom and they want to make a point? The thing is that you can't just tell a person to do this and do that and then.. BOOM! You're all good and able to eat whatever you like.

    I've been documenting myself a lot for the past 2 years from all points of view. They're all plausible and applicable. Whether it's emotional eating, industrial food, marketing or your body craving certain minerals it's up to you to come up with the best decision for yourself once you have done your research. In my case everything is applicable for my sugar problem from childhood trauma to the pretty package, the change of chemistry in my brain and flavorful food. Moderation is great, but I found out that for ME, MYSELF AND I the best way I can go with moderation is by limiting sugar, so not giving up on it.

    For example:

    One Friday a month, we have a bar at college where we are served wine, mokai, glogg, beer, tequila and other alcohol beverages. That's when I indulge in alcohol. Around 4 time a year I go home for a week or two to see my parents and family and naturally I will drink a glass of wine with my mother in the evening to celebrate my return, or drink a small glass of beer with my father and our family friends, or even go out with my friends to clubs! During that time, my grandparents will most likely make tasty sweet beverages like coffees or chocolate drinks, or make delicious pastries filled with lots of sugar.
    There's also birthdays and other holidays and festive events that I attend. That's a lot of alcohol, sugar and carbs in a year! That's why I prefer to limit my sugar intake when they're not happening.
  • SonicDeathMonkey80
    SonicDeathMonkey80 Posts: 4,489 Member
    MadamMina wrote: »
    diaowl wrote: »
    Run_Fit wrote: »
    Why do people go to extremes and cut out sugar from their diets? Moderation is okay, people who restrict food groups tend to be the least successful in reaching their goals. Unless you have a medical issue and must cut sugar, you should not cut sugar.

    I'm not cutting out sugar completely. Sugar is in everything! It's in fruit, veggies... I'm not sure about meat, though. Limiting the processed/added sugar is my goal.

    Why are there so many people who just can't respect others for their choices? If she wants to ditch the sugar that is up to her to decide! Why the yeah but, no buts? And yes in most processed foods is sugar added, even in meat!

    The problem is when people try to pass off stupid, unproven claims about "sugar toxins" and all the other excuses about why they can't lose weight. This site is about calorie counting and fitness, not Pinterest lore.
  • MadamMina
    MadamMina Posts: 82 Member
    diaowl wrote: »
    MadamMina wrote: »
    diaowl wrote: »
    Run_Fit wrote: »
    Why do people go to extremes and cut out sugar from their diets? Moderation is okay, people who restrict food groups tend to be the least successful in reaching their goals. Unless you have a medical issue and must cut sugar, you should not cut sugar.

    I'm not cutting out sugar completely. Sugar is in everything! It's in fruit, veggies... I'm not sure about meat, though. Limiting the processed/added sugar is my goal.

    Why are there so many people who just can't respect others for their choices? If she wants to ditch the sugar that is up to her to decide! Why the yeah but, no buts? And yes in most processed foods is sugar added, even in meat!

    I guess everyone has their wisdom and they want to make a point? The thing is that you can't just tell a person to do this and do that and then.. BOOM! You're all good and able to eat whatever you like.

    I've been documenting myself a lot for the past 2 years from all points of view. They're all plausible and applicable. Whether it's emotional eating, industrial food, marketing or your body craving certain minerals it's up to you to come up with the best decision for yourself once you have done your research. In my case everything is applicable for my sugar problem from childhood trauma to the pretty package, the change of chemistry in my brain and flavorful food. Moderation is great, but I found out that for ME, MYSELF AND I the best way I can go with moderation is by limiting sugar, so not giving up on it.

    Probably, but just know there is no 'one solution fits all' diet. What works fantastic for someone else, may not work for you at all. If you have been documenting yourself for that long, then most likely you know very well what is best for you. Your body is the best adviser you got!

  • tennisdude2004
    tennisdude2004 Posts: 5,609 Member
    edited November 2014
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    Run_Fit wrote: »
    Why do people go to extremes and cut out sugar from their diets? Moderation is okay, people who restrict food groups tend to be the least successful in reaching their goals. Unless you have a medical issue and must cut sugar, you should not cut sugar.

    because people need a boogeyman to scare them into restricting enough foods to get into a calorie deficit..and (2) no one wants to believe it is that easy as eating all the foods that you want, just less of them ...

    If it was that easy why are so many people over weight - simple question?

    You maybe confusing the word Easy with Simple?

    Of course sugar (or candy in general) is scary, it makes sense, why else would it be the one thing that's given out at Halloween? Coincidence? - I think not!

  • SonicDeathMonkey80
    SonicDeathMonkey80 Posts: 4,489 Member
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    Run_Fit wrote: »
    Why do people go to extremes and cut out sugar from their diets? Moderation is okay, people who restrict food groups tend to be the least successful in reaching their goals. Unless you have a medical issue and must cut sugar, you should not cut sugar.

    because people need a boogeyman to scare them into restricting enough foods to get into a calorie deficit..and (2) no one wants to believe it is that easy as eating all the foods that you want, just less of them ...

    If it was that easy why are so many people over weight - simple question?

    You maybe confusing the word Easy with Simple?

    It's easier to shift accountability for your actions to irrational things like sugar and boxed toxins rather than take responsibility for over eating.
  • tennisdude2004
    tennisdude2004 Posts: 5,609 Member
    edited November 2014
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    Run_Fit wrote: »
    Why do people go to extremes and cut out sugar from their diets? Moderation is okay, people who restrict food groups tend to be the least successful in reaching their goals. Unless you have a medical issue and must cut sugar, you should not cut sugar.

    because people need a boogeyman to scare them into restricting enough foods to get into a calorie deficit..and (2) no one wants to believe it is that easy as eating all the foods that you want, just less of them ...

    If it was that easy why are so many people over weight - simple question?

    You maybe confusing the word Easy with Simple?

    It's easier to shift accountability for your actions to irrational things like sugar and boxed toxins rather than take responsibility for over eating.

    Agreed that shifting accountability is easy! In fact the majority of the population are experts at it!

  • SonicDeathMonkey80
    SonicDeathMonkey80 Posts: 4,489 Member
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    Run_Fit wrote: »
    Why do people go to extremes and cut out sugar from their diets? Moderation is okay, people who restrict food groups tend to be the least successful in reaching their goals. Unless you have a medical issue and must cut sugar, you should not cut sugar.

    because people need a boogeyman to scare them into restricting enough foods to get into a calorie deficit..and (2) no one wants to believe it is that easy as eating all the foods that you want, just less of them ...

    If it was that easy why are so many people over weight - simple question?

    You maybe confusing the word Easy with Simple?

    It's easier to shift accountability for your actions to irrational things like sugar and boxed toxins rather than take responsibility for over eating.

    Agreed that shifting accountability is easy! In fact the majority of the population are experts at it!

    You should check out the Fed Up thread.
  • WatchJoshLift
    WatchJoshLift Posts: 520 Member
    I find that most of the time, when I crave sugar, I'm really just thirsty. If I drink a glass of water and I still want some sugar, I will eat something sweet. Maybe those who struggle with binging could try reaching for a glass of water instead of the cake first and see how that helps?
  • diaowl
    diaowl Posts: 33
    Run_Fit wrote: »
    I find that most of the time, when I crave sugar, I'm really just thirsty. If I drink a glass of water and I still want some sugar, I will eat something sweet. Maybe those who struggle with binging could try reaching for a glass of water instead of the cake first and see how that helps?

    Good advice.
    Been there. Done that. Still doing that.
    What works for you, may not work for someone else. It sometimes works for me, but not all the time.
    If I need cake, I'll reach for carrots. They are great! Both sweet and crunchy.
  • WatchJoshLift
    WatchJoshLift Posts: 520 Member
    diaowl wrote: »
    Run_Fit wrote: »
    I find that most of the time, when I crave sugar, I'm really just thirsty. If I drink a glass of water and I still want some sugar, I will eat something sweet. Maybe those who struggle with binging could try reaching for a glass of water instead of the cake first and see how that helps?

    Good advice.
    Been there. Done that. Still doing that.
    What works for you, may not work for someone else. It sometimes works for me, but not all the time.
    If I need cake, I'll reach for carrots. They are great! Both sweet and crunchy.

    The key is finding what works for you and not making excuses, which is what you're doing by reaching for the carrots and not the sweets. :smile:
  • rita4453
    rita4453 Posts: 14 Member
    I can totally relate to this. I determined a few months ago that I am a "sugar addict". I did not eat any sugary food for a month then for some reason I ate a granola bar. Then it was another, a pop tart, chips, etc. I have had a few bad weeks but I get up determined everyday. Please don't tell me to not buy sugary stuff. My husband loves the sugar and his weight, blood sugar, and blood pressure are perfect! Oh, did I mention that I am a "new" type 1 diabetic (since March). I will join you on this mission. Hopefully you will be be a good support for me!
  • scottacular
    scottacular Posts: 597 Member
    diaowl wrote: »
    Hi, everyone!
    I've been wanting for some time to limit my sugar intake in all of my food and I thought I'd write a topic for this and monitor my progress, and also to motivate me to go on forward. This is a diary kind of topic, but please feel free to post replies and also post your own tips, tricks, advice and progress.
    Please note that this is a personal decision and I am not encouraging anyone to follow in my steps, unless you're aiming for the same goal. I am doing this for my own health and also to form a new habit.

    Now, the reason why I want to limit my sugar intake in all foods is because I am quite sugar sensitive. If I have a small bite of something sugary (sweet or not), I will start an awful binge session!
    No junk food, sweets or alcohol unless it is a festive day, or a party (and that's usually pretty seldom). They make me quite sick to my stomach, too, but if it's just once or twice a month, I will be fine. Sometimes, even I need to let go and be a little wild.
    No candies and pastries, unless it is very dark chocolate. I'd much rather make my own sweet things since I know I make the best choices for my appetite.

    Join me, if you want! Or give me advices. Please don't tell me that it's okay to eat sugar, because it is not for me. Sugar is dangerous, but I don't want to avoid it forever. I also hope I won't bore you with my daily stories and food diaries. :)
    It's just something I need to stay on track.

    Sugar is not dangerous, it just happens to be your kryptonite. Maybe you just need to increase your fibre in take. All the best.
  • _Terrapin_
    _Terrapin_ Posts: 4,301 Member
    OP--your diary entry for coffee leaves me questioning your entries. No calories for carbs or protein but you have milk listed with coffee. You have 12 grams of sugar but nothing for carbohydrates. Maybe some time reviewing your diary entries and their accuracy can lend assistance to your goals. Best of luck.