

  • SueTN2
    SueTN2 Posts: 79 Member
    Good Morning, I've been slacking for a few weeks.
    Sue from Tennessee
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,353 Member
    Welcome back Gail! :flowerforyou: And a big hello to the newcomers. :flowerforyou:

    Viv - pleased to see you again. Yes, a hard time of year, for certain.

    Joyce - oh my! What a business! I hope it all works out OK, but it's the last thing you need when you have so much entertaining planned. :sad:

    Love the photos, Diana and Katie. :love:

    DS#1 left this morning on the train. I think he enjoyed his time with us. We certainly tried not to crowd him and he had time alone to decompress. He loved the Mary Rose and as he has a year's ticket for the Dockyard he may be persuaded to come again. I made him a sandwich and wrapped up a piece of Christmas cake for the train, just like a good mother. :bigsmile:

    Katla - the Mary Rose tipped over in the harbour as Henry VIII was watching and hundreds of men were drowned. It sank into the mud sideways so one half of the ship and all its possessions were perfectly preserved along with many skeletons. The museum cost £27, 000, 000. I remember watching the ship being raised in 1982 with this same son.

    Today I decided to make some more "No knead bread" - everyone's favourite bread and some crumpets for guests' breakfasts. My DSIL loves crumpets and we often have them at her house, but bought from a shop in a packet. I have made them once before, but not for ages. I do like a challenge though. I don't know anyone else who makes them from scratch. :laugh: Do you have crumpets in the US? They are like your pancakes, but cooked in a ring and more rubbery. I like mine with a mad British invention called Marmite, which is a sort of salty, dark brown, condensed yeast. Most people eat them toasted, with butter oozing through the holes and jam. At breakfast it could be marmelade.
    Tonight I feel the need for a veggie meal, so it will be mushroom risotto. One small Pernod only. We don't drink a lot when we are on our own, but we feel we have to lubricate guests. :laugh: I am still pondering over our posturing in front of our children. All is happy now. DH is doing his online tax return.
    I have done all my exercises every day this holiday, but I think Friday is going to be a washout. I have to get up and sort out breakfast for five, clear that away and get the table laid and a three course lunch organised for six. I think I am just going to write that one off. In the evening most people will have left so it's just us and DSIL going to our local pub to eat. If it's dry out I hope to walk there and back, about an hour. Torches will be needed! :laugh:

    Love to all. I'm enjoying having the place to myself again for a short while. :bigsmile:
    Heather in cold and sunny Hampshire UK
  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    Viv - I don't pretend to understand how you feel, but I hope you can properly take care of yourself, find the joy you deserve, and let the grief happen without controlling you.

    DH took over for a change yesterday, and made chicken and vegetables for sick DS, who suddenly claims to be better. Personally, I think he is sneaking some tylenol for his fever, so he can go to basketball today. It must be tough to be a 14 year old athlete who is sick during winter break.

    I had a rough time with willpower last night, but I prevailed. I woke up twice with hot flashes, and just slowly paced the house with my bottle of water, and avoided the urge to eat food. It was worth it when I stepped on the scale today. I also left the house early again this morning to get 15 minutes on the bike in Fitness. If I can do another 15 during lunch, I can head straight to the bowling alley to watch DS and DH practice (both have tournaments in different parts of the state this weekend).

    Joyce - DS and his bowling amazes me almost every time, too. My high score in life is 101. He's been better than me since he was 6. But DH and the rest of that family have been wonderful support and role-models.

    Hugs to Everyone ! ! !

    Terri in Milwaukee
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,801 Member
    morning ladies,
    a quick hello, had a nice time at Sanibel yesterday and got a few pictures, came home and went to Sonnys for dinner.. started packing :'( to go back up to Ct. we leave around 3 am thursday
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Good mornng! Off to a good start.........didn't spray myself in face with the "spruce spray" this am...oh, how low the bar for a good start has become! LOL. Gray sky, icy drizzle, temp just below 40 and supposed to dive lower, flurries north of us.

    Heather........I've been thinking about how you described your row with your hubby. I thnk my daughter and I have done close to what you talked about in front of friends a couple tmes......like you just can't let the other have the upper hand. Hmmmm..... Nothing serious, just embarrassing later on to remember. No drinks involved so I don't have that as an explanation.

    Linda........Been there with the crazy stupid sleep patterns; right now going pretty good for me.

    Viv........If your finances allow, maybe three days a week would be a good transition step to retirement; if it doesn't feel right after you try it, could you go back up to full time? That one year/no major changes is pretty standard advice but I've seen people do well who didn't follow it; it all depends on the individual. In any event, I hope all your decisions work out well for you.

    Have the house all to myself until 6pm. Have thrown out ALL candy boxes, bags, etc. and other treats this am that were not eaten yet. Called two cousins for short chats already so the rest of the day is open. I think a shower would be a good idea.

    Hi to everyone!
    and remember (for those of us who need a push):
    "The new year will be like the old one if you keep on doing the same old things."
    Jean-Paul Malfatti


  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,706 Member
    dstirratt wrote: »
    Wahoo! I hit 10,000 steps for the first time today!

    get it gurl!!
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,091 Member
    Good morning,

    Viv I second yanniejannie in making decisions that feel right for you. I know when I make big decisions I try to give myself a three days to a week to feel out what is right for me.

    For me working part-time is a good balance. Working full time longer would have helped my pension and health insurance is more costly for me. Still working part-time is better for my health.
    I also find I am a much more careful shopper than I was. I was much more impulsive when I was working full-time.

    Continue to be kind to yourself.

    :heart: MNMargaret
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,706 Member
    exermom - going without underwear if I forgot them? no big, I can do that. but no bra? no, the girls are too big to be floppin freely (d cup). used to be triple d but at least i'm down to the single letters lololol
  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Heather in UK, congrats on loosing that last pound. Unfortunately, when I stepped on the scale yesterday I found it! :\ I ate lite yesterday and did a little extra exercising so today it was gone again. Thank goodness.

    My back has not been real happy lately but I have pushed through with increased exercise over the past four days. Mine is so "nothing" compared to you ladies, but I figure a little exercise is better than none.

    I can't believe that the year is about over. It is almost exciting to look back at what I have accomplished in the past two months and know I have a new year ahead to make it to more great things ahead. I have to say that I do keep worrying about not being able to log my intake while on my cruise in February. I don't plan to eat and drink at my 1200 calories a day, but if I could log my intake, it might influence some of my choices a little better. I guess I'll just enjoy and worry about it when I get home. Now I'm just concerned about what I'll wear as many of my clothes will be just too big. (Not sad about that) And I don't want to buy a lot of mid size clothes that will hopefully be too big in a few more months. Ahhhh, such problems. :D

    I called our attorney today and made an appointment to go talk about a Trust. Thanks for the discussion and getting me going on that.

    What I wish for all of us is a very Healthy and Happy New Year. You ladies are so fantastic and doing a wonderful job with this journey. Thank you for being such an inspiration and keep up the good work.

    See you on the lighter side,

    Janet in Myrtle Beach, SC

  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Ok, will someone tell me what "Bump" means or does? I keep seeing it in different groups.
    Feel like a dummy so finally decided to ask.
    Janet in Myrtle Beach
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,706 Member
    then i'll b dumb with you... I don't know either
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,706 Member
    i have an idea, but don't know
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Good morning everyone! Brrrr! It's cold outside and when I got to work I realized I had forgotten my coat! Senior moment maybe? I went from the warm house to the warm garage (yes, it's heated) and didn't think about it at all till I got close to the studio. The heater in the van doesn't work and it was slowly getting colder in there, then I saw a few flakes of snow starting to fall. That's when I thought about my coat. So, Hubby said he will throw it in his car and bring it to me at lunchtime. He's feeling a little better today so he's going to work. The chemistry department is pretty deserted now, since it's between semesters, so he thinks he can get some work done.

    I'm going to be taking down the other people's work in the gallery and getting all that boxed up to return to them. It's a little sad, as I liked the look of the gallery all stuffed with pretty things. So I'll have to get to work and fill it back up again.

    We bought a new thermostat (yes, a programmable one) for the gallery and hubby said he will install it for me today at lunchtime. I think he was a little miffed that I managed to light the furnace so he has to make up for it by doing something manly.

    My weight is back to pre-Christmas numbers, which makes me happy. I knew I had a little salt to deal with, so it must be gone now. I found my fitbit and the charger, charged it up and am wearing it for the first time in weeks. Last night it said I slept for 5 hours and spent 3 hours restless. That sounds about right. I'm going to clip it onto my apron here and see how many steps I get walking around the studio. It should be a lot. I noticed that fitbit said I have 33.2 pounds to go till I reach my goal. That sort of stunned me. When I started this I had about 160 to go, so 33.32 seems like such a small number. I think I really CAN do this!

    Well, nothing else to report this morning. I hope you all have a great day!


  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Bump used to be the way people could find their place within a thread. We thought of it as "Bring Up My Post". But now the new system remembers where you last were, whether you posted or just read, and takes you right to that place. So, it's not really needed anymore.

  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Today's joke of the day:


    A guy found a penguin and showed him to a policeman.

    The policeman said, "Take that penguin to the zoo, now."

    Next day the policeman sees the man with the penguin again.

    The policeman stops the guy and says, I told you yesterday to take the penguin to the Zoo, what on earth are you doing with the penguin in your truck again?"

    The guy says, "What else is there to do? Yesterday I took him to the zoo and today I'm taking him to the movies."

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,979 Member
    "I do not try to dance better than anyone else. I only try to dance better than myself." - Mikhail Baryshnikov
    This is an important thought for me to remember......if I try to compete with someone else, I will always be disappointed, but when I challenge myself to do better than I did yesterday or last week or last month, I will likely succeed.

    <3 Barbie from freezing and sunny NW Washington

  • Winnick
    Winnick Posts: 11 Member
    This is definitely a work in progress. I had surgery on my foot late March and coundnt walk for a few months. Now ive gained way too much weight and unhappy. Im tracken my food and ready to get serious. Im on my path to my correct weight!!!! Thanks for all the support!!!!
    Sharon in Okieville USA
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Anybody talked to Kim recently?
  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member

    My weight is back to pre-Christmas numbers, which makes me happy. I knew I had a little salt to deal with, so it must be gone now. I found my fitbit and the charger, charged it up and am wearing it for the first time in weeks. Last night it said I slept for 5 hours and spent 3 hours restless. That sounds about right. I'm going to clip it onto my apron here and see how many steps I get walking around the studio. It should be a lot. I noticed that fitbit said I have 33.2 pounds to go till I reach my goal. That sort of stunned me. When I started this I had about 160 to go, so 33.32 seems like such a small number. I think I really CAN do this!

    Well, nothing else to report this morning. I hope you all have a great day!



    Sylvia, that is fantastic! It really gives encouragement to those of us that have recently started our journey. (*) (*) (*)

    Janet in Myrtle Beach
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,353 Member
    Cynthia - I've been thinking about her as well. :ohwell: Hope she is OK. <3