

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,353 Member
    Pat - fabulous photo! He looks a very determined young fellow! How wonderful to have a GREAT grandson. :flowerforyou:

    Heather, UK, who has just finished mashing potatoes for the menfolk, with lots of butter, and is in the middle of making granary rolls. :happy:
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Good morning all,

    Pat..........Adorable little boy!!! How sweet and happy he looks!

    Truly miserable day here........pelting rain and mid-40's......thought I'd be an icicle before I got the bird feeders filled as I just ran out w/o a coat. Then managed to soak myself with air freshner. Our tree doesn't smell much so I bought some "spruce spray" and, this am, still half asleep, pointed it toward myself and pushed the button. I do not advise this scent as a personal fragrance..........need another shower.

    Margaret..........As you were describing your planned ornament hunt, I glanced up at our tree. I have several that are special but my most treasured is a cross stitch one made as a 5yr. reunion favor by a very good friend from school. We were small, only 24 girls. I moved away but kept in touch. She was the first of our class to die in her early 40's. This is the first one I seek out each year and the last one I wrap and put away.

    Katla........Safe trip the rest of the way.

    Linda........Congrats on the loss!

    Hello to everyone else

  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    Hi everyone just checking in.

    Lovely photo of your great grandson Pat.

    It's very cold here today - this morning was frosty, we've been lucky though, as in other parts of the UK it has been snowing. We are not good with snow - a bit of bad weather and the whole country grinds to a halt.

    Just about to go for the afternoon dog walk so I'll need to get wrapped up! We'd better get a move on or we'll be walking in the dark.

    Sorry I've not read all the posts, hope everyone is keeping fit and well.

    Viv UK, who is trying to think of a good idea not to go back out into the cold, but DD is insisting I go (think of all the calories you'll lose - she gets me everytime with that one)

  • DianaLovesCoffee
    DianaLovesCoffee Posts: 398 Member
    edited December 2014
    Happy Monday to all. I'm getting used to my new Fitbit and absolutely love it so far. It is very motivating to get moving so I earn my badges and see if I can improve over yesterday's numbers. It also automatically adjusts my allotted calories. So if my steps are low, I need to eat low. If my steps are high, I can eat more. The other day I was low on steps so I went out for a walk in order to be able to eat what I had planned for dinner. I really love it!

    4 more days with Army son before he goes back to Texas. Making the most of it while he is home. Board games planned tonight, Movie tomorrow night, Hockey game Wednesday.

    Pic of my husbands family on Christmas day. I'm in the bright green sweater. Diana in NE Indiana

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    edited December 2014
    Margaret: Thank you for the wonderful and timely advice about setting up trusts. We initiated the process with our attorney last spring and then DH’s health went into a tailspin to the land of back pain and we didn’t finish. :noway:

    Heather: I find it totally amazing that the Mary Rose has survived and can be seen. In the unlikely event I ever get to Britain, I’d put it on my list of things to see. I’m a reader and would want to see Amazons and Swallows locations as well as horse racing sites, henges, Culloden, canals, Cornwall... :flowerforyou:

    Viv: Glad to hear from you! :flowerforyou:

    We are currently trapped at DSIL’s house by road conditions. We wanted to leave for home today, but won’t be able to leave until at least tomorrow. The roads between here and home are closed by snow, ice & wind. :noway: :grumble:


    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Tradition is not to preserve the ashes but to pass on the flame.”

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    December Goals:
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
    5. Eliminate alcohol.
    6. Monitor sleep.


  • LinCharpentier
    LinCharpentier Posts: 1,122 Member
    It's me it'sme
    Thanks for the welcome Jane. Looking for tomatoes on boxing day could be a chore.

    What a sweetie. I'm happy being a grandma I don't think I'll make it to be a great son started to late. My oldest granddaughter is only 8 and I'm 67. Who knows might live to be 90. Holidays are almost over we will get back with it.

    Yannie Jannie
    You trying to get a cheap body spray. LOL.

    See you all lighter
    Linda from the great white North and -30 today.

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,706 Member
    it was brrr and windy riding to the gym today... when I finished spin class, I found they closed the pool due to thunderstorms., I didn't hear anything coming in. :0/ I usually pack the night before but when I got out of the shower at the gym, I found I didn't pack a spare sports bra so ewwwww... had to wear the sweaty one that I wore to class...greeaaatttttt...
    stats will come after I ride home, have a good one all.
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Today's joke of the day:


    One day, a cowboy rode into a Wild, Wild West town. The people in the town love to play jokes on visitors. After tying his horse to the pole outside a bar, the cowboy went in. "A cup of milk please." he said to the bartender. After drinking, he went out, only to find his horse missing. Knowing that the villagers did it, he went back into the bar and said to everybody," I am going to have another drink and when I finish it, I want to see my horse outside! Or else, I will have to do what I did in Texas - HERE!" The people were very frightened. When he finished his drink, he went outside and saw his horse. The villagers had put it back. Curious, the bartender asked the cowboy,” What did you do in Texas?"

    The Cowboy replied," Well, I had to walk home."


  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    Happy Monday Morning! Thanks to everyone for your concern about the ambien. It is rare that I take it, and will be rarer now that I had that crazy night.

    Sylvia & Brenda - I pray that you find strength, peace, and comfort in these terribly difficult times. And that you can find the support and answers you need.

    DS had a rough weekend. He has flu symptoms, but insisted on going to bowling anyway. Friday was just practice (and the symptoms were just getting started during practice), so most of it went ok. Sunday was Travel Team, and he had a major fall - got his shoe stuck in his pant leg on the approach, fell face first, and the ball went flying into the gutter of the next lane. He somehow came back with a strike in the next frame, and finished with a 175 that game. He makes me both shudder in fear, and laugh at least once a day (sometimes from the same event).

    It is now a new week, and I need to get back to only healthy eating, no exceptions. DH and I will go out for either steak or Mexican on New Year's Eve, but I can plan for that in advance. We don't have traditions, except the struggle to stay up past 9:00pm, then set our alarm for midnight, kiss, and go right back to sleep.

    I was able to get to work a few minutes early today, so I rode the bike for 10 minutes. I think I will try to go 20 during lunch, so I can get home and make a healthy supper for the sick DS, who is staying home alone today, and probably watching TV and eating peanut butter sandwiches.

    Hugs to Everyone ! ! !

    Terri in Super-Cold Milwaukee
  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Good morning, All. I have typed a response to many of you, twice, only to lose it somehow. So I will just say how nice it is to wake up and see all the posts and pics every morning. It's not such a good back day today so I'm not going to retype all my responses again.
    I hope you all have a great day and eat healthy.

    Janet in Myrtle Beach, SC
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,946 Member
    edited December 2014
    Thought I'd share a photo from our morning walk. I'm on track to finish my goal of 750 miles this year. Woohoo! ize0mr9ivrhm.jpg
  • peachstategal
    peachstategal Posts: 398 Member
    Love the picture of your great grandson! I am 66 and my grandchildren are 3 and 4. I just pray I live long enough to see them through school.

    The deer are lovely! It looks so calm.

    I want to let everyone who needs a new vacuum cleaner that the Shark Rocket (the orange stick looking thing) is wonderful. I have very thick carpet and dreaded vacuuming as it wore me out. With this it is easy as can be and seems to do a good job.

  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Hi all! It's major moving day today. I took delivery of my new mattress and springs, dining room table and chairs, and new end tables this morning. The movers should be here any minute to move the furniture from the old place to the new one. My new sofa and loveseat is to be delivered late this afternoon. Once furniture is in place, decisions and unpacking will be easier.

    I hear a truck coming, but before I go, livermush is awesome when sliced very thinly and fried crisp then eatenbin a sandwich with mustard!!

    Carol in NC
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    I am woman, hear me roar!!!! I managed something this morning that neither my husband or son could do! I lit the pilot light for the furnace in the gallery! It was so cold in there I could see my breath! So, I looked online and found instructions and did it my own darned self! HeeHeeHee! Instructions! Who would have thunk it?! B)

    Hubby is pretty much down for the count this morning with the flu. He is just sure it's just a cold, but he's got exactly the same thing I had, and that was undoubtedly the flu. So, I hope he kicks it quicker than I did. He usually does.

    I did not get to go bowling with the kids yesterday. Apparently they had committed some kind of mortal sin and were being punished by not getting to go bowling. Something about playing with their tablets when they were supposed to be cleaning their room. Anyway, we did go to McDonalds for supper and then to Wal-Mart for a little grocery shopping. So I got to see them a little bit, anyway.

    Thanks everybody for the discussion about wills and power or attorney. I had a talk with hubby and son about it and we are going to a lawyer after the kids get back in school to get it done. I told my son to plan out exactly what he wants from me in case of something bad happening. Also, hubby and I wrote our wills several years ago, when my son and his exwife were being horribly mean to us, and we need to update our wills, and do power of attorneys for ourselves too.

    I was awake for hours this morning, thinking of something I want to do with clay today. I love it when I have ideas that just won't go away. They usually turn out well because they are planned for so long. Going over and over it in my head before I ever touch the clay. Fun stuff! Update: I just finished the piece I was thinking about and LOVE it so far. Of course, it hasn't been fired yet. It could be butt ugly when it's fired. But till then it's chock full or potential.

    Well, I have to get t work. Have a great day everyone!


  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,706 Member
    I am woman, hear me roar!!!! I managed something this morning that neither my husband or son could do! I lit the pilot light for the furnace in the gallery! It was so cold in there I could see my breath! So, I looked online and found instructions and did it my own darned self! HeeHeeHee! Instructions! Who would have thunk it?! B)

    YOU GO GURL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,816 Member
    Happy snowy morning! Snowy pretty hard this morning and roads are slick. Glad I am inside for the day. Going to be another mixed up week with the holiday on Thursday. That is the only day I am off till the weekend. We don't go out New Year's eve so be a nice evening at home. Yesterday after church went shopping and got stuff for the New Year's baby basket. I have been making the basket the last several years as I feel it needs to be celebrated. I can tell alot of people are not happy with the hospital this year as the responds were not good, but I did what I could and I do think it will be a nice basket. Then we took down the Christmas tree and it made such a mess. I love having a real tree, I kept it full of water, but it fell apart pretty good. So got that all cleaned up. DH decided to make meatloaf for supper and he made a large one so could use it for several meals and even freeze some. Well it ran over the oven and filled the house with smoke. Had to open windows and doors and run the fans. Our puppy Oscar went outside and would not come back in until we got the smoke out. So then we had to clean the oven. What a mess. I have a self cleaning oven, but I knew it would not take care of the mess, so DH figured out how to take it apart and we cleaned it. It's cleaner then it has been in several years. Good thing was reminded us to put new batteries in the smoke alarm.

    Heather--Hope DS got there safe and that the visit is going well.

    Rori & Katla--so glad you had a nice visit. Thanks for sharing the picture. Sure enjoy having a face to go with the name.

    While at Walgreens on Friday I bought a dog toy for our puppies and yesterday when we came home from church it was ALL over the living room. Seems we can not get something Oscar doesn't destory and this was less than 3 days. Thinking next stop PetCo. He does not like the plastic ones.

    Barb--Said a prayer for DD#2 and family. What a preicous memory of the christmas.

    Lin--Welcome back. Missed you.

    Been thinking about Meg lately. Has anyone heard from her?

    Toni--I understand the family drama. My DS and DH"S DD will not be the same room and so if one comes to something the other one will not. Growing up we had them all do things as a family. But once they grew up that stopped. I can not blame DS as she has made alot of trouble. So we just go with it as can't change it.

    Joyce--Sorry to hear about your plumbing problems. Hope you can get them fixed soon.

    Brenda--Hugs and prayers for a better 2015. I know I am also praying for that for us.

    With all the talk about wills and power of Attoney. We have started parts of it, so need to get on the ball and get them done. We blended children it would be a mess if we don't have it spelled out. I have one DSS that is always telling us what he wants and what his plans for our house and things are and I keep telling him I am not done using them yet and I may just use them all up. Thanks for reminders on why this needs to be done.

    Deana--Nice picture. Thanks for sharing.

    Katla--Sorry the weather is keeping you trapped. Sit back and enjoy. I realize easier said then done. Find the beauty in the snow and nature.

    Katiebug--love the deer picture. Thanks for sharing.

    Sylvia--Good for you liteing the furnance. I bet your new piece is beautiful.

    Just heard on the radio that Grand Island is in snow emergery until tomorrow so cars left on street will be towed. It has been snowing alday and looks so pretty coming down. I did get down and ride the new step for both my breaks for 10 minutes. Can tell it this second time. Well ladies stay warm and safe.
    Blessings, Vicki GI NE
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,979 Member
    One more comment about writing a will......we have an assortment of grandchildren from some very confusing blended families, so we had our attorney clearly spell out who the grandchildren were (and allowing for the inclusion of any who might appear before the next rewrite) , making it clear that blood ties were not what defined "grandchild".

    <3 Barbie
  • Lestan48
    Lestan48 Posts: 489 Member
    Tuesday morning and woke to heavy rain, so walk will have to wait.
    Scales GOOD and another 1.32 lbs GONE since yesterday yahoo! Brian's plan is working,
    Training today: 1 hour walk, Circuit B (back/Bis/thighs) = 497 cals
    Food good at 1652 cals
    Extras = wash sheets and towels. iron clothes and bedding, shopping.
    Plus go see Brian at chemists to jump on his Omron scales and get Lipidil he owes me
    Lesley in Tasmania
  • Cyndith27
    I'm a returnee. I was sidelined for three months for a reaction to high blood pressure medication which caused severe respiratory distress. I realize that it is more important than ever to lose my excess weight and manage my blood pressure and cholesterol naturally. My first resolution was to return to fitness pal.

    In January, my resolutions are:
    logging every bite and exercise activity everyday
    walking 3 miles 5 days a week
    strength training 3 times a week
    finding an active hobby

    My nephew is having a beautiful wedding in San Antonio, Texas in July. It would be wonderful if I could fit into something lovely for dancing under the Texas stars and smaller jeans for walking along the Riverwalk.

    Cyndie in Corpus Christi, Texas
  • LinCharpentier
    LinCharpentier Posts: 1,122 Member
    Love the picture of the deers you were quit close.

    I'm going to go look for a recipe for livermush sounds good and I love liver.

    thanks for the welcome.
    I'm so thankful hubby is retired and does pretty much all the driving.

    So far I'm having a great day. Fit bit says I burned more calories than I ate so that must be ok.
    See you all lighter
    Linda in Northern Ontario. -22 right now.