

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,801 Member
    evenin ladies~
    wow a very long day.. we got some of the cleaning done that needs to be done before we leave.. and went to the pool...we were there 3 hrs and it was just lovely.. our friends we have made down here were there so we floated around and chatted for awhile..
    Tomorrow is a ME day.. I am driving down to Sanibel Island,,, it is my favorite place to go...
    we went when my DB was here but we were sort of in a rush.. so I am leaving early and spending the day.. it is about an hour and 15 away from here.. but they have sooooo much to do.. and see.my number 1 priority is the Ding Darling wildlife refuge.. will do a little shopping, hit the beach.. I am packing myself a little lunch, but might splurge on a small ice cream while I am there.. I plan to take alot of pictures...
  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Greetings to all. I hope everything works out with whatever is going on in your lives.

    I had a real hard time doing my exercising this morning, but I got it in. I have to keep it up, not as much to burn calories as to keep from being a total "flab" and my weight goes down. I'm so impressed with the exercising you ladies do. You are such an inspiration.

    Keep up the good work.

    Janet in Myrtle Beach, SC
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,706 Member
    Stats for the day, took yogi out for a little run, he will need more practice to run good.
    Jog- 27.38min 6.5-7.3sp 8.54ap 5k
    Jump- 17min fast- single, double, back
    Jog outsides/yogi- 22.14min, 9.32ap, 2.3mi
  • trisH_7183
    trisH_7183 Posts: 1,486 Member
    edited December 2014
    Good eve.....We've had a nice,do nothing day.....just what the Dr ordered.Made breakfast for dinner,kind of a lazy way to cook. All I did was stir the scrambled eggs. DH took care of making toast . The pre cooked turkey sausage heated in micro,very tasty.
    Gave up on reading all the posts. For some reason,more than a couple pages makes my mind whirl.
    *Sylvia,my heart aches for the problems you have. You do it with grace.your son is surely more at peace having his parents there for him & the Grandkids. Pat in Ohio

  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Writing here from an exhausted household. I said yesterday that the lower level was wet from something wrong with the sewer and stuff came up from the commode. We got that all cleaned up and i was hoping I would have enough energy to get up and take a shower to get ready to go to church. Charlie told me to wake him up when I got ready to take a shower and he would watch the laundry room like a hawk. With my MS, I take a quick but effective shower, start out with washing my hair. Had the shampoo on and hear JOYCE SHUT IT OFF. Go into the kitchen and use the hose in the sink to rinse my hair and go downstairs and almost cried, Another huge mess coming out of the washing machine drain pipe. We couldn't even wash the wet towels we had been using to sop up and dry the floor with. Even if we used the spin cycle it came flowing out of the pipe. We get it cleaned up yet again, ate some lunch and off to the laundramat with 9 loads of laundry. Part of this was our regular laundry that we couldn't do. When we do out laundry we immediately hang it up in the laundry room and and I carry it upstairs. So we don't need laundry baskets. I have a rolling 3 bag laundry cart where I just throw my clothes into 1 of 3 bags to sort it out and then just carry the bag down. So we took my 3 bags, one laundry basket and then trash bgs of towels sopping wet to the laundramat. We want to hand them up so we left them partially dry at the laundramat to take them home, finished dry them and fold or hang up. We are past tired. I had a 3 egg omelet for lunch and want a large pizza for supper! I did find my fit bit wrist band though! It was hidden somewhere that got in my laundry. Love you all but to tired to respond

    Joyce, Indiana
  • Lestan48
    Lestan48 Posts: 489 Member
    Monday and have done my 3.3 mile road walk for 434 cals and 10,000 steps. soon to do JJ's Circut A for 180 cals.
    On new program I have LOST the pound I gained over Christmas and 0.75 ins lost overall this week. Prineted all my shhets and today's meal amd exercise.
    Today's cals a little high at 1834 cals, sports nutritionist said 1700 cals for day. Will even out.
    I am washing all clothes in basket, dog's doona covers and our doona cover and sheets and cleaning bedroom. NOT allowed to count those wah!
    Lesley in Tasmania
  • hoff2002
    hoff2002 Posts: 64 Member

    Heather, my DSIL’s mother is Scottish. In fact, although my DSIL is a US Citizen, but he was born in Scotland and spent the majority of his youth there. His mother is from the Gordon clan. He loves his heritage so much that when he and my DD#1 got married, he wore a kilt representing his mother’s lineage. It was a Scottish/Cajun wedding! One of a kind! LOL! It is his father who just died. I love them so much. Such great people.
    Sylvia, I hope we are not bombarding you with advice or information you don’t need. I come from a large family; I’m the ninth of eleven children. My father had already passed so my mother made my brother who lived with her have the durable power of attorney and I had the medical power of attorney. It worked very well. At the time, she was relatively healthy, but aging. Later, when she had a stroke, it was really difficult to have to make the decisions, but as an RN, I was the best qualified. I’m glad she took the legal steps necessary to put it into place. I hope that if the mother is currently not in the picture and has a long list of legal issues/arrests that the court would not just give the children to her. You have been the one who has helped to raise them. Now the question would have to be if you feel you are able to care for them on a full time basis. As we age, sometimes we simply can’t take on the added responsibility. I pray and think of you and your son often. I remember having a patient many years ago that had the same disease process as you son. He did go on to get a lung transplant, but I don’t know how he fared since that time. It must be so difficult for you. You are a very strong and wonderful women. Your son is very lucky to have you and so are your grandchildren. I feel certain that God will bless you for all you do.
    Toni, It’s always so hard when our children don’t get along very well. It happens even when they all have the same parents! Hugs to you. I know it’s stressful, but you are right. You can only control yourself!
    Alison, I’m so glad you are having such a great time! Enjoy and have a safe return!
    Thank you everyone for all your well wishes with the injection. I know it’s a very easy procedure, but I’m a little nervous anyway. You know what they say, “Sometimes a little medical knowledge is a dangerous thing!” LOL! I’ve spoken with my DD#1. She said her DFIL’s funeral won’t be until Friday. They are waiting for out of state family to be able to make it to Colorado. I told her that I would come, but she said she thought that I shouldn’t because it would only upset her DMIL to know that we had spent money to come that weekend and then to return at the end of January. I guess she’s right, plus I don’t want to give them the trouble of trying to put us up when there are so many other relatives who will need a place to stay. I hadn’t thought of that before. I did tell her that I’d like to send a tree or flowers that they could plan in his memory. She seemed to think that her DMIL would like that. Maybe I’ll send two; one for her DMIL and one for her and her hubby.
    A buddy of mine from work recommended that I get a FitBit Flex. DH and I bought each other one for Christmas. I sent the following message to my buddy today, “ FitBit Flex … so far I love it. I have been sitting in my rocker setting it up. I have logged 7671 steps and burned 1589 calories and I haven’t gotten out of the chair. Wow! At this rate, I’ll be skinny in no time! LOL!” I’m just not sure if I’m going to return that thing or what! It’s seriously hilarious, but I’m beginning to worry that I won’t be able to trust the results. Ugh! So much for technology!  I did call the Support Center about it, plus the computer and my phone had different numbers and they were both within 6” of the FitBit. We managed to get that straightened out and I zeroed out the calories burned that came across to mfp, but I can’t count each step that I make during the day and check to see if it’s accurate. I did see where you can define what how long your stride is. I guess I can try that. Anyone have any experience in this issue? I would really appreciate the help!
    Sending hugs, prayers, and best wishes to all! You are all such a wonderful and inspiring group! Thank you for your friendship!
    Barb from South Louisiana

  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good evening beautiful ladies :flowerforyou:

    Heather from Northampton :) Sometimes I take my decorations down the day after Christmas, sometimes I take them down on Jan.2nd, and sometimes on Jan.6th, just depends on my mood. I`m loving all the sparkly this year and will probably take them down on Jan.6th. I`m sorry you didn`t hear from your brother and sister!

    Sylvia :) Your grandchildren’s other grandparents sound absolutely crazy and scary!!! I would try to do anything to keep them away from that family! Glad your fur babies are playing nicely now!

    Cynthia :) What a beautiful urn!!! I like the idea of leaving new shoes and new money on the porch, I may try that this year!

    Rori :) What a lovely picture of you and Katla!!! I also love your profile pic with Mars in the snow!

    Jane Martin :) Sure hope you get to feeling better soon :flowerforyou:!!!

    Lesley :) Congrats on that pound being gone!!!

    Michele :) I`m glad you got to talk to Bryan on Christmas! I`ve never heard of livermush either, and I`ve lived in NC all my life, it sounds gross :sick:! I didn`t even know what a persimmon was until last year and they had some at The Fresh Market, I didn`t care for them. I`m so sorry to hear about Denise not liking to travel... driving or flying. Has anything happened, has she been in a bad car wreck?

    Joyce :) Oh my, I hope you find out what’s causing the flooding! What an ordeal!

    Barb :) So sorry to hear about your son in laws family. Will keep them in my thoughts and prayers! I sure hope the injection helps with your pain!

    Linda C :) It is so good to see you back!!! Hope you get some rest later!

    Terri :) My sister in law took Ambien once and called me and invited me to go to the beach with her, the next day she remembered none of it, and was not even planning a trip to the coast! Sleep eating is very scary! My Dr. gives me Xannax when I can`t sleep, which is very rare these days, I feel blessed, I sleep like a log most of the time!

    Margaret :) My hubby and I both had wills, I found out when he died, you should really write your will as if you might die tomorrow, and update it as needed. I`m glad you brought this up, it`s time for me to update mine! You are so right about having your estate in order, my hubby worked for a large corporation and he had several local businesses as well, I can tell you those were a headache! We had written our wills as if we were going to live forever. I learned a very valuable lesson when he died.

    Heather :) So glad your son got in!!! I hope you enjoy every moment with him <3 !!!

    Toni :) I left my snow people up one year until March…..

    Alison :) I`m so glad you`re having a good time! Enjoy your wonderful day tomorrow!

    I must get off this computer now, my behind is starting to feel numb :blushing:!

    Have a wonderful evening ladies!

    DeeDee in cloudy NC
  • hoff2002
    hoff2002 Posts: 64 Member
    When I finished typing, I felt this buzz buzz on my arm. Scared the heck out of me. It was the FitBit. I told my DH that I must have done something and it was notifying me. He said, "Yeah like you won the president's fitness award!" LOL! I'm married to a comedian! :smiley:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,979 Member
    :D A word or two about wills. I remember when I was a child, my parents updated their wills regularly and had a fight every time about which of their mothers would raise my sister and me if they both mom and dad died together. My maternal grandparents never traveled together by plane lest the plane go down and they die together. My grandmother mailed her will to my mother (her daughter) every time she flew to visit us. Jake and I wrote our wills many years ago, updated them when we moved from California to Washington, and now review them every year at the time of our anniversary (makes it easy to remember). The most important thing we review is who will care for our pets if we both go at the same time. I think there are two things to remember when you write your will----it might be needed tomorrow and you won't be here to witness the effects.

    :D We watched our team win their football game today and get themselves well placed in the playoffs. I rode the exercise bike and knitted during a lot of the game.

    :mrgreen: I am very grateful that my sleeping problems have needed only time and a good book as a solution.....those drugs some of you take sound scary.

    253149qtzkf0ld22.gifBarbie from NW Washington smiley-happy020.gif smiley-happy093.gif

    The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT.

    My word for 2014 is “mindful”
  • LinCharpentier
    LinCharpentier Posts: 1,122 Member
    Well for a first day back with it I think I done well. there's still lots of Christmas junk around but never touched any of it. Tried to get sleep a couple times today but all I did was toss and turn must be the time of the month I get insomnia a couple days then I'm fine. But go around tired a lot.
    Joyce what a mess I had problem with water in my basement a few times when the sump pump didn't kick in. So there's no more rugs downstairs.
    Well I'm tired but going to fight until at least nine.
    See you all lighter.
    Linda from Northern Ontario.
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,389 Member
    Did an hour of training games on the Wii this morning, then went to church. Left early as I wanted to be home when Jess left.

    Tomorrow's plan is to do a little of this one DVD (I don't even remember which one it is), hold my plank, and then take the extremepump class

    Joyce - having pork on New Year's isn't so much a "tradition" as something that we just do. Normally, I was the one who was after Vince to get the Christmas decorations down asap, but maybe it won't be that way since I let him put the tree up earlier this year

    Barb - so sorry about D's FIL.

    Lin - Looks like you're in good company. I gained too much for my own liking, too. I know some of it is water weight as I can feel my ankles being swollen. Hope I'm like Barb and see an 8 lb loss in one day!

    Jess and Kris left. Poor Kris has to work tonight

    Sylvia - even if the courts give the kids back to their bio mom, perhaps you can get "visitation" rights?

    Lin - looking forward to seeing more of you

    toni - I'm a transplant to the South, too. I've never had ham hocks (at least not that I know of) or black eyed peas. I would probably like the peas, except it would be just me who would eat them. thanks for your sympathies about my daughter. Honestly, the happiest she's been was when we were at the airport to get her flight. We usually had a big christmas Eve dinner. Now I'm thinking that perhaps next year it should be christmas Day, since Kris will probably work Christmas Eve like he did this year. That's not a problem and I totally understand why -- he got A LOT more money. It's a real shame that Denise and Bryan can't see the advantage of an education and not having any student loans. Maybe it would have been good for Bryan to have a student loan, who knows. Well, what's done is done and can't be undone

    It's supposed to be rainy tomorrow and I think also Tuesday, so we probably won't start taking the decorations down until Wednesday.

    Alison - have a great time at Sanibel Island. You deserve it

    Janet - I'm with you, for the past 4 or so days I haven't been exercising so much to burn calories as to keep from falling into bad habits.

    Joyce - what a day you had!

    Barb - I know of someone who planted an evergreen tree in memory of a person who had died. the idea being that the tree never dies, and their love for that person will never die, either

    DeeDee - Denise has been in accidents, but nothing real bad. It just seems to me that she's basically handed everything (by Pete's family) and so hasn't needed to do things on her own. To me, this may sound harsh, it would be helpful if they were relocated, somewhere away from there. It sounds like Pete really likes his new job, and if they had to relocate they wouldn't have someone to depend on all the time to "fix" things. Then she'd HAVE to get out on her own. But who am I? I just worry what things are going to be like in 10 or 20 years.

    Michele in NC
  • bjkidfun
    bjkidfun Posts: 377 Member
    Well Friday evening we were able to get a new water heater put in, luckily we had vinyl flooring
    so damage was minimal. Also my microwave died on tues so I had to replace it. Hubby and it's
    decided not to exchange gifts this yr because of funeral expenses, getting other daughter and grandson home for the funeral and my surgery. I hope next year is better financially and health
    Brenda from Md
  • hoff2002
    hoff2002 Posts: 64 Member
    Michele - I like the idea of an evergreen tree! Thanks!

    Brenda - So sorry for you loss!
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Sylvia: I’m keeping your son and his children in my prayers, along with you. :heart:

    MNMargaret: Your comments on the value of a trust speak to our situation. We need to make it happen. We started the process last summer and then DH’s back went to pieces and he ended up having surgery. My attention was not on estate planning and neither was his. Time to get things done. Past time! :flowerforyou:

    Heather: I’ve heard the term Hogmany but had no idea what it was about. DH’s mother was born in Scotland and they’ve been proud of their Scottish heritage but I’m not sure how much they actually know about it. :flowerforyou:

    Lin C: It is great to have you among us again. :flowerforyou:

    Joyce: So sorry to hear about your plumbing problems. I hope you are able to get it solved quickly. Thank goodness for Laundromats when you need them! :flowerforyou:

    Sylvia: I’m sending good thoughts and prayers for your son and grandchildren. Barb from south Louisiana has some thoughtful ideas and comments. Hugs! :flowerforyou:

    Barbie: I appreciate your sensible suggestions about making wills and keeping them up to date. I have found my New Years resolution! I’d better work on this instead of giving it lip service. :flowerforyou:

    Michele: You are a loving mom. We all worry about our kids, and it is harder in many ways when they’re adults and can do as they please. :flowerforyou:

    Meeting Rori was one of the best things that happened to me during my visit to CO. Later that day I lost my jacket in the Denver airport and will shop for a new one when we get home. We’re currently trying to find a good weather window to drive through the mountains to get home. Right now we’re going to look at our options one day at a time. I hope to leave tomorrow, but we may be obliged to stay longer just to be safe. DSIL is being a terrific hostess.


    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Tradition is not to preserve the ashes but to pass on the flame.”

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    December Goals:
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
    5. Eliminate alcohol.
    6. Monitor sleep.


  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,091 Member
    edited December 2014
    Good evening,

    I am going to have some friends over for a holiday tea on Jan. 2nd,so I will be leaving my inside decorations up until then. I will ask them to find the pickle on our tree, a handmade card with the word peace on it, something I made when I was in 5th grade (an angel who is now missing her wings), something my son made in 5th grade (a white tissue wreathe), the oldest ornament on our tree (a glass Santa my mom gave me), Jacob's Hope ribbon I have put on our tree every year since since he went missing over 20 years ago, a Holly hobby ornament made by my friend Doris over 30 years ago. When they find these treasures I have a small prize for them.

    Because we are further north I like to leave our outside lights on until the end of January. Many homes up here do the same thing for the same reason. It does make the darkness here more bearable. I know it is even worse in Alaska and Sweden.

    My mom had a friend I told you about who would leave her Christmas tree (artificial) up until Easter. Her name was Hester. She would also make sure you knew there was three verses to the Star Spangle Banner. I was one of the few people she asked who knew this. We used to teach the Star Spangle Banner in our War of 1812 unit.

    We have a trust instead of a will and so does my mom because if your estate goes into probate more of your estate will go to lawyer and court fees. A Will does not keep it out of probate. You manage the trust until you pass on, so you always have access to your money. You do have to hire a lawyer to set it up. It does cost more than a Will. Once we met with our lawyer we had to go to our accounts and fill out POD (Pay on Death) forms so the assets would go into the trust. I still need to go through and make sure that step is complete. As I said if you own a business, property in more that one state, or a large estate a trust will save your estate thousands and your loved ones will thank you for keeping a very difficult time more manageable. At the same time we set up power of attorney and what our wishes are in terms of medical interventions. Without that power of attorney in order for your loved ones to make legal decisions for you if you are incapacitated it has to go through the courts. It is already a difficult time for you family without having to go through the court system. As long as a person is alive and in sound mind these things can be set up.

  • LinCharpentier
    LinCharpentier Posts: 1,122 Member
    Good morning this place. I read all the way but find to respond to all is to time consuming as I never did learn to split the page. So until then I'll read other wise I'm here for hours. Got on the wii this morning and it gave me a 1.8 loss on my first day. Wowser if you work at it. It works. So on to another good day.

    Maybe if you have a good host and being catered to you should stay longer. But don't want to overstay your welcome. Might never be invited again. LOL.

    Thanks for all the info on will and power of attorney. We need to see to all that. And soon.

    Linda in the snow in Northern Ontario.
    See you all lighter.
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,353 Member
    Hi everyone and Hi to Linda - nice to see you back! :flowerforyou:

    Lost that pesky pound this morning, thank goodness. I am sooooo grateful for exercise keeping me on the right track. Didn't overeat last night at the pub, had two starters, but had a few glasses of wine, which has become a habit of late. :embarassed: Had a teeny tiny bourbon when we got back - delicious! :laugh:

    DB and DSIL were talking a lot about their young (teenage) family members who are drinking too much. They also see such a lot of it because they are both Street Pastors in Southampton once a month. Our emergency services are very overburdened at the moment and this doesn't help.

    DS#1 has gone off on the train to Portsmouth to see the Mary Rose. (Henry VIII 's flagship) We only saw it a few weeks ago, so he has gone on his own. He likes time alone anyway. I offered to go with him and hang around, but he didn't want that. DH is driving around looking for milk and tomatoes. On Boxing Day our huge local supermarket had completely sold out of tomatoes! ! ! ! ! It is very frosty here, but beautifully sunny and the birds are singing away. :happy:

    Love to all. Heather in sunny Hampshire UK

  • trisH_7183
    trisH_7183 Posts: 1,486 Member
    edited December 2014
    Tried to add a pic of our only Great Grandchild. He is 9 mos.....near 10 mos old.
    It finally worked!

  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,091 Member
    What a doll.

    Linda I liken getting the trust done like a doctor visit. It was not my most favorite thing to do but needed to be done.

    Still working to get these seven pounds off. If I can just not gain any more this week I will be happy. Overall I am still down but I know I need to stop the weight creep now. This week will be the end to the holiday parties. The weight gain started when our oldest son moved back home. Hopefully things have settled down and I can get back to being more restful sleep and monitored diet.

    :heart: MNMargaret
