

  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Ladies, I love reading about your Christmases and your lives. We all have our trials and tribulations with family, work, etc., but it is somehow inspiring to hear about other's and how they handle things.

    We had a very quiet and relaxed Christmas with only the two of us for the first time in 42 years. I loved not having to cook a holiday meal. Even when it's just for 3 people it's a lot of work. I bought a tomato pie from a farmer's market, where my BFF gets them and talks about them all the time. OMG it was so good that I could eat the whole thing in one sitting, but I had a very small slice. It was a nice addition to my pork roast dinner.

    I got in my exercise yesterday and now that I'm doing it daily, I finally find it is getting a bit easier. The best Christmas gift for me is that I stepped on the scale this morning and rather than going up, it was down 1/2 pound. Woo Hoo!

    I have to return or exchange most of what I got DH so I am going to hit the crowds and do it today. Don't want to miss the sales on the exchanges.

    I was thinking about the new year and my only resolution is to keep doing what I'm doing, with maybe a few improvements. (like adding some exercises) I just know that this journey is so much easier with MFP and all of you. So I thank you, ladies.

    Janet in Myrtle Beach, SC
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,721 Member
    found out the Y wasn't open today :0/ oh well, when I got to town, I took a joy ride for 4.5mi, cold and quiet. all you could see were my lights and hear my music on my speaker. stats will be posted after I ride home.
  • DianaLovesCoffee
    DianaLovesCoffee Posts: 398 Member
    We had such a nice Christmas. Wednesday night we had a short church service and heard from an old shepherd who told us about that first Christmas night long ago. (My father in law did a wonderful job). Then we went to hubs family for dinner. All 4 of the brothers and families were there plus a few extras so we had 21 in all. We stayed until about 10:30.

    Once home we opened our own small family gifts and finally crawled into beds about 1am. Up at 7:00 on Christmas day for some breakfast and Santa stockings. Then back to the big family for more gifts and food.

    I received a new pair of running shoes (well for me walking for now). My old pair was 8 years old and always give me big blisters. I also got a Fitbit so I'm learning how to use that and sync with MFP.

    Working today but it is quiet in the office as many people have the day off.

    Diana in northeast Indiana
  • DianaLovesCoffee
    DianaLovesCoffee Posts: 398 Member
    Funny story about my 2 sons. Got them both a pair of Hollister jeans and a Hollister shirt. Younger son was thrilled with the "fancy" brand and modern fit. Older son says "Mom, please don't be offended, but can I just exchange those for some plain old Wranglers and a pack of black T shirts?" LOL. How can they be so different? Love them both!

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Michele: Congratulations on hearing from Bryan! Yay!!! :flowerforyou:

    I’m happy that I’ve had the chance to spend Christmas with DD, but I’m starting to get homesick for DH, the dog, and home, too. This is my last full day here. Tomorrow I fly out for Boise, assuming the airport will be open. I hope that it will be. I also hope that I’ll have a chance to meet Rori. There is white stuff on the ground. The last time we had Christmas snow was several years ago when DS was stationed in Colorado Springs. We flew in, rented a four-wheel drive vehicle, and drove to DS’s house. We had snow and enjoyed it. By the time we needed to fly home, the airport was open but there were long lines of people who had been delayed. We made it to our flight in the nick of time. I’d like less excitement this time if possible.


    Katla, temporarily in beautiful and snowy Colorado

    “Tradition is not to preserve the ashes but to pass on the flame.”

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    December Goals:
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
    5. Eliminate alcohol.
    6. Monitor sleep.


  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,984 Member
    :D The nice women in the office at the Elk's Club agreed to open the building for us this morning so we'll have line dance class as usual. I know that a lot of people won't be there because of trips and family so I won't teach anything new, just a nice combination of old favorites some easier, some more difficult.

    :D Diana, your fitness gifts are awesome.

    :mrgreen: Michele, congrats on your phone call from your son...the best gift of them all

    :smiley: Katla, what fun to be where there's snow for a short time.

    194904olsgis3xqe.gif Barbie
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,947 Member
    Back to the program today! Although I wanted Christmas cookies for breakfast, I had high protein cereal, coffee, and orange juice. The orange juice was a treat. I never drink it anymore, but I had leftover from the cake since Kroger didn't have the small can of concentrate. I've walked 5.4 miles and balanced the checkbook and budget. I left the cake at Mama's, along with most of the cookies and fudge.

    Michelle, I'm so glad you heard from Bryan.

    I've been thinking of all of you for whom the holiday season was not what you had hoped for. My own family is quite dysfunctional, but I try to focus on the positive and not share the dysfunction. Believe me when I say it is there, though. If I let it, it could really get me down.

    I'll do an official weigh-in on January 1. I'm doing pretty good on my December goals. Water is the main one I am not achieving. I'm averaging 11 to 12 thousand steps with the fitbit and hitting my fiber goal most days.
  • tngram2seven
    tngram2seven Posts: 465 Member
    It's good to hear about everyone's holiday.

    I have to share about the "gift" I received at the Christmas Eve dinner. I had wanted to have someone read the Christmas Story from Luke while we were all together. Since we didn't host dinner I decided that it might be awkward to ask so I didn't. Well - when we gathered for the blessing, Steve, the host, said he wanted us to hear something. It was a recording of the Christmas Story told by Linus to Charlie Brown! So sweet and touching for everyone. Prayer answered!

    Have a great day everyone.
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,362 Member
    Such wonderful touching stories. Love you all. :flowerforyou: X

    Heather UK <3
  • Poerava14
    Poerava14 Posts: 1,069 Member
    Hi All,
    Great to hear about the loving family get-togethers as well as the peaceful smaller celebrations. DH and I fall in the latter category. I made lean pork chops in the oven, a spinach souffle and cooked apples. My calories were one wine glass short of being under goal. B)

    Now I'm stalling from doing some work that I absolutely dread. Have to get my office organized, but I intensely hate filing. I do have 2 drawers cleaned out, but find myself wandering over to my favorite online shopping sites to scope out the after-Christmas sales. :o:o:o

    Lots of snow came down last night and we'll get about another 2 inches before the storm fully passes to the east. The sun is starting to peek through and Mars the cat is eager to get outside and play in powder. He's amazing.

    Katla: No worries. I'm sure the airport will be open, and I fully expect to have no issues meeting you at DIA. Please reconfirm the time.

    Mars is getting insistent now. Gotta go.

    stay well.

    Rori in the Colorado Foothills

  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Good afternoon everyone! I hope you are all recovered from yesterday's feasts and frolic!

    My weight was only up one pound this morning, probably from salt, so I'm OK with that. I'm still in the 170's, so everything is good. I spent most of the day at my son's place trying to help him clean house. He is in such bad shape physically that he just can't keep up. While I was there he had such a bad coughing fit that I thought I would have to call an ambulance. It sounded like whooping cough! He said that is pretty much normal for him. It breaks my heart to see him like that. I went to Home Depot and got a coat rack than hangs on the wall to get the kids coats and back packs off the floor, which is going to help a lot. That apartment is so darned tiny that he can't even have real furniture in the living room. He has one recliner, a card table and four chairs, and a bean bag chair for one of the kids. It's really sad. We bought the kids bunk beds when they moved into the apartment and brought a double bed from the lake for him to sleep in. That's all the furniture they have. Nothing else would fit.

    Tonight the kids are spending the night because my son is going to the hospital for a sleep study. So it's camping out at Grandma's house tonight. I'm at the studio now but have to rush home to help hubby walk the dogs (in the rain) and then eat some left-overs and then go pick up the kids. Should be fun.

    I hope you are all having a great evening.


  • Lestan48
    Lestan48 Posts: 489 Member
    Monday and increased my morning walk to 3.3 miles from 2 mile. That gave me 450 cals and 10011 steps/ That is my base line and brian wants me to improve times each week.
    JJ's Circuit B today (back, Bis and thighs using 4 Kg wt for 15 reps as told bu Brian)
    My food cals today are 1774 incl;uding Christmas cake with lunch and supper (be glad when gone)
    My weight this morning was 98.3 kgs or 216.26 pounds and 46.8% body fat
    Brian wants me to eat no more than 1700 food calories, Walk 3.3 miles every morning and do Jeannette's Circuits. He says i will see changes every week with this program.
    I am NOT allowed to count: grooming, cooking, cleaning, ironing or gardening calories - those are incidental wah!
    Monday is my weigh/tape/BF% day and will tell how i go
    I so wish I had seen Brian a Sports Nutritionist 12 months ago. I see doctor on 02 January and hope fore a loss to report. Brian want me to ask for FULL fasting cholesterol including VLDL, fasting blood sugar and hormone level.
    Lesley in Tasmania
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy fri.Had a nice Christmas.Just exhausted and fighting some bug.
    hugs to u all
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,096 Member
    Good evening friends,

    welcome.gif Newcomers. Glad to see others are finding us. We missed you.


    Heather yum!

    Finished helping younger son with his space. Fours bags to the recycle, one bag of rags, two boxes to donate, one lamp out, one beat up computer chair, and one bag of trash is what it took. Glad it is done. Now hopefully it will inspire me to work on my spaces throughout our house. I also look at it as practice for helping clear my mom's house.

    2014 word:contentment


  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Sylvia, are you listed as a person who can talk to your son's doctor? If so what does he say his progress or lack of progress is? Is he still on his infusions. It would be so wonderful if some organization was able to get him into a first floor larger apartment. Surely there are funds through some charity. He seems like a great guy though. Where is Mom in this picture? Pray for you and your family.

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,721 Member
    Gym not open today I found out when I rode there. I managed to squeeze out 500 calories, that makes me happy
    Stats for the day
    ride hm 2 gym then dome (found out Y not open- 20.02min, 13.4amph, 4.5mi ride outside Puyallup down pioneer rd & back- 19.17min, 13.6amph, 4.4mi ride dome 2 hm- 17.20 min 9 amph 2.7mi
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Good evenng........We ended up eating about 6pm yesterday. Made a tri tip roast. DH back to work today. DD worked 7a to 7p.; both barns. I definitely needed a change of scene today after all the Christmas upset. Went alone to see "Wild" this am; cried and cried there (only three of us in the whole theater) and think it was just the release I needed. Good movie.

    Katla.........Safe flight home.

    Beth........Sounds like you had a perfect holiday.

    Michele........Thrilled for you that Bryan called!

    jane.......Hope you are feeling better.

    Janet........I'm a tomato pie fan too! There's a place here that makes fantastic ones which I enjoy occ.

    pip........Impressive medal display!!! Congratulations on each and every one of them!

    Lesley...........I'm finding your nutritionists' info and advice very interesting; best of results! Thanks for sharing.

    Brenda..........Hope your plumbing issues are solved by now. Big hugs to your daughter; this has got to be incredibly difficult for you all.

    Teri.........Great pic of your family! Wonderful gift to your MIL!

    Sylvia..........I have to agree with Joyce that your son should qualify for better housing; at the very least, first floor accommodations due to his disability.

    Cynthia.........The oatmeal recipe came from a mystery book: Tough Cookie by Diane Mott Davidson

    1 C. rolled oats........had to buy these; I usually use steel cut, these are like flakes
    1 t. finely chopped orange zest
    1/2 t. cinnamon
    2 T. dried tart cherries
    2 C skim milk

    The night before, in a glass bowl (I don't know why glass, but this is what it says), combine ingred. then add milk and stir it in, cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate overnight.
    The next morning, place in saucepan, bring to a simmer. Lower heat, cook, stirring frequently, about 4 to 6 min. until oats are tender and mixture is thick.
    May serve with brown sugar, cream,butter or milk.

    Off to bed and a little reading.
    G'nite all!
    mid-Atlantic......had a sunny day, about 50 degrees.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,984 Member
    I love the books by Diane Mott Davidson.....I've never made any of the recipes but the books are great :D
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Joyce, yes, he is still on his infusions, although they changed from one med to another because Medicare stopped paying for the first one. To me, it seems like the new med doesn't help very much, but my son thinks it's just going to take more time to get it in his system. I'm not ok'd to talk to his doctor. He seems to get pneumonia a LOT. He is on the waiting list for an apartment on the first floor. He's been approved for a three bedroom, but none are available. All three kids are crammed into one tiny bedroom. And there's no yard or park anywhere nearby. It breaks my heart. The building he's in is the only low income one in town. It's a small town. There aren't a lot of options. I wish we could afford to buy a place for them, but we can't. When I try to sleep at night I daydream about getting them a bigger place. It's nice when they are at our house because they have space to spread out and play. He's not willing to ask for help from a charity. He feels embarrassed to be a 38 year old man who can't take care of his family.

    I was really sad when he showed me something on Christmas Day. It was an ad for a way to put your ashes into container that grows a tree when you die, and that's what he wants to happen when he dies. And he showed me where there are two copies of his living will. He doesn't think he will last much longer. I sure hope he's wrong.

    Gotta go make up the kids beds. Good night everyone.

  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,779 Member
    edited December 2014
    {{{Sylvia}}} ... I'll pray you're wrong ....