

  • Anamika703
    Anamika703 Posts: 202 Member
    Merry Christmas to all you wonderful ladies here and best wishes to those celebrating Hannukkah too
    Hope to be regular here from now on
    Anamika from Mumbai
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,947 Member
    edited December 2014
    The dogs in their Christmas finery are fantastic!
  • kayak_kutie
    kayak_kutie Posts: 381 Member

    Wishing all of you the best. Dealing with a bad cold the last couple of days. Presents are wrapped, tomorrow's dinner is prepared and taking it easy by the fire while it is raining and foggy outside. Tomorrow will be just my DH and I and we will skype with his DD and DGDs in Kansas. I don't have to go back to work until Monday so hope to rest up and kick this cold to the curb.

    My pups are getting jealous looking at all of the other cute pictures so will have to find a couple to share. :smile:
  • Poerava14
    Poerava14 Posts: 1,069 Member
    pipcd34 and Dee Dee: Your pups make me smile. Thanks for sharing the pix.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,989 Member
    love the dogs in the Christmas outfits
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,729 Member
    Thanks all, they r the bomb I must say
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    edited December 2014
    Enjoyed my Christmas eve service at my church tonight. Wish we had sung more carols but it was a very meaningful service ending with communion. As usual my sister went with me. My church has a lot of elderly people and they put in an elevator several years ago since the sanctuary is about 1/2 floor above ground level. So my sister was able to comfortably able to be with me. At her church she usually sits down for the singing but she stood up tonight. She is good friends with a couple there so she was warmly welcomed.

    I'm not really sure why we have always done it but we have always given our gifts to each other with our big family. But we are the only ones in the family who do it that way so our grand kids really get a lot of presents. But my sister asked me why we did it that way and I really didn't have an answer. So I talked to them tonight and we will open them up next Friday evening and then the family will be in on Saturday. Maybe another new tradition??? Plus it will give more room under the tree. Our family room isn't real big but it's a good size room. We have to push all our furniture back against the walls and make room for 5 good size tables for our dinner. Last year the Christmas tree was really in the way!! But I gave the grand kids both new suitcases which took up a lot of room. I just wrapped them up in the boxes from Amazon.com and they were big.

    Loving the pictures of all the dogs. They all look so happy. It is clear that we all substitute our kids with pets now as the kids grow up and leave the house. Of course I can't remember ever not having a pet.

    Merry Christmas, Happy Hanaka, blessings to all of you.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Enjoyed my Christmas eve service at my church tonight. Wish we had sung more carols but it was a very meaningful service ending with communion. As usual my sister went with me. My church has a lot of elderly people and they put in an elevator several years ago since the sanctuary is about 1/2 floor above ground level. So my sister was able to comfortably able to be with me. At her church she usually sits down for the singing but she stood up tonight. She is good friends with a couple there so she was warmly welcomed.

    I'm not really sure why we have always done it but we have always given our gifts to each other with our big family. But we are the only ones in the family who do it that way so our grand kids really get a lot of presents. But my sister asked me why we did it that way and I really didn't have an answer. So I talked to them tonight and we will open them up next Friday evening and then the family will be in on Saturday. Maybe another new tradition??? Plus it will give more room under the tree. Our family room isn't real big but it's a good size room. We have to push all our furniture back against the walls and make room for 5 good size tables for our dinner. Last year the Christmas tree was really in the way!! But I gave the grand kids both new suitcases which took up a lot of room. I just wrapped them up in the boxes from Amazon.com and they were big.

    Loving the pictures of all the dogs. They all look so happy. It is clear that we all substitute our kids with pets now as the kids grow up and leave the house. Of course I can't remember ever not having a pet.

    Merry Christmas, Happy Hanaka, blessings to all of you.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    Well, I did get in an hour of exercise today. Went to the Y and just swam laps. Got home around 8:30. Jess called around 9 saying that she just got up. Looks like she won't be here at 9! Tomorrow's plan is to do a band workout DVD

    When I went to the Y I was surprised at how chilly it was outside. When we were coming home from the airport yesterday, the temp kept going up. but today its cold and rainy.

    pipcd - you have a great way of looking at things (an opportunity to burn more calories). Know that your late husband and sister are with you

    Jan - maybe Christmas isn't a real big thing for your daughter because she missed so many for various reasons. I understand how you feel.

    Denise came here last night. Now we have one bedroom downstairs. Previously, she always used that one and we very rarely saw her except to have dinner and open her presents. Except for last year when she had to be in one of the bedrooms upstairs. I've (and even Vince commented on it) never seen her more happy. Unfortunately, she's downstairs again. Which means that she'll be uncommunicative as usual. I was hoping she'd be upstairs. When Jess picked Melanie up, Denise had already left for the airport and Jess said that Melanie hissed at her. Well, that stands to reason. Here a stranger picks her up and takes her away. Really, if Denise needs us for any reason, Melanie should at least know that we're not going to hurt her. But I know what's going to happen, Denise is going to stay downstairs and so is Melanie.

    One of Jess' friends from Tennessee sent us some BBQ ribs. That was very sweet of them. I wish there was some way I could send them some of the pierogi that I make, but the closest place that sells dry ice is in Charlotte. The UPS store here will ship it in dry ice, but I need to provide the dry ice.

    Heather - thanks for sharing your past and present Christmases with us. Everything sounds so wonderful!

    DeeDee - yes, Denise flew into Greensboro. Kris will be at the train station, gotta go pick him up tomorrow in Greensboro. Then we go back there on Saturday to take Denise back to the airport. Glad I got 30 cents off a gallon of gas, we'll use it that's for sure.

    We had our dinner tonight. I totally forgot to put out the salad and the shrimp, but I'll put them out when Kris is here Friday and we have our christmas dinner.

    After dinner we opened two presents each, then went to midnight mass, oh and before that I watched (as I do every year) christmas Eve on Sesame Street. Reminds me of when the kids were little, we always watched that. This is the first year that when I saw Ernie, my heart broke. See, Bryan had this "thing" and he had lots of Ernie's, always carried this Ernie doll around with him. Well, I just need to keep in my heart the wonderful person he used to be.

    I'm going to make a pork roast tomorrow, mainly because I got this roast and I need to use it or freeze it by Saturday. So I'll make it, but we need to leave probably sometime around 5 so there won't be a "formal" dinner.

    I suggested at dinner tonight that perhaps we'd like to open presents Friday so Kris doesn't feel like he's the only one opening a present and I was really surprised at Denise's reaction. She said "not to be mean or anything, but he isn't a member of this family (not yet, I can't help wondering why he is taking the train down here and going to church tonight Jessica asked if both people needed to be Catholic to get married in a church. Why would she ask something like that? maybe I'm reading more into this than there is)

    While I was watching Christmas Eve on Sesame Street and while we were in church tonight, I got so very hot I was wishing I could take off my shirt. I hate this feeling. At least I wasn't sweating buckets.

    Denise gave me Paul Katemi's ASAP Band Fitness DVD, so I'll probably do that tomorrow.

    Michele in NC
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    edited December 2014
    Special hugs to Yanniejannie and Michele.
    I slept badly and hope to feel better as the day goes on. It's also my guy's birthday!

    Hope everyone has a good day, whether or not you're celebrating a holiday. I so appreciate you all.

    Cynthia :flowerforyou:
  • heathermach
    heathermach Posts: 11 Member
    Merry Christmas to you all. whereever you are have a relaxing day xx
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,369 Member
    Happy Christmas, Holiday, Hanukkah, Work Day or whatever!
    We have opened the Father Christmas presents we give each other first thing and we both had bought each other a bottle of bourbon (memories of our time in New York! )
    We only have a couple of presents to open from family today as a lot of presents are for next week. We will have a Kir Royale to open them with (champagne with cassis liqueur) except it is not real champagne. :laugh:
    Lunch is blinis with creme fraiche and imitation caviar. A bit of jamon iberico. (Spanish cured raw ham from black pigs fed on acorns) . Dinner is Dover Sole with brown shrimp. All our favourite things and not at all Christmassy! ! ! ! :bigsmile:
    We have done our exercising - 600 calories, so I might come in under TDEE today. It's usually the alcohol that takes me over target. I think DH and I might need an afternoon nap. :blushing: :bigsmile:

    Love to all. Will probably talk later. <3 Heather in sunny Hampshire UK
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    edited December 2014
    Up before 6a; made orange muffins, bacon, and a special oatmeal with orange zest, dried sour cherries, and cinnamon....started that last night by letting it soak all night in the fridge. DD ate and left for barn. Sent a loaf of the banana, walnut, sour cream bread to my friend who owns the barn. Will probably have the big dinner late. Nothing wrapped yet; just couldn't be bothered last night. Food.....at least making it....is my thing when I'm upset.

    Love all the doggy pics.

    Heather........Your DDIL and GC pic is wonderful......those children just make me want to reach out to them every time I see them. Hope your cold is getting better.

    Dee Dee and Katla........Hope you are both enjoying your mornings with your daughters and their children.

    Sylvia.........Your anticipation and excitement made me smile.

    Cynthia..........Happy birthday to your guy!

    Michele.......Let me assure you; DD never missed a Christmas; sometimes it was on the wrong day (by one day, when she was too young to know better), sometimes it was just the two of us, but she NEVER missed a Christmas. Confused as to where you got the idea that "she missed so many"..............

    May we all have a day we can simply get through w/o too much drama.
    Merry Christmas, my friends.....and thank you all again.

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,818 Member
    Merry Christmas to my lovely friends, at least to those who celebrate, and all the other Christan Holidays ..
    Waiting to Skype with youngest grandaughter, my DD is taking pictures and then we will skype, the DH is already out washing windows lol
    he did break down and get me a card and a 50 gift card to Walmart, and I got him a card from me, and one from the boys with a 50 gc for Lowes...
    we have a Christmas Buffet up at the rec hall tonight at 5 pm, but will try and get to the pool today.
    Poor DSIL has a nasty cold an sinus infection ,feel so bad for her..DB is doing well they were up early and called early.. hoping my DFIL has a good time today ,feel bad that we are not up there with him
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,097 Member
    edited December 2014
    Merry Christmas to all who celebrate.

    Joining the chorus of loving the dog pictures. I am also enjoying all the family pictures too! Sang at our 9:00 service last night. I only bake treats when I have company coming over, my mom would have dozens of cookies around. She would end up stressed out or sick at Christmas. I decided years ago not to go that route. Christmas for me is singing about the great light, thanking those friends (including all of you) who have helped in my times of trouble and who have shared in my joys, and staying calm when I drop a box of baseball cards on my foot as I helped my son declutter his space.

    May you have a blessed holiday with love and joy.

    rose.gif MNMargaret
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,369 Member

    Our Christmas lunch! ! ! !
    Happy Christmas! X
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,989 Member
    Heather, as I read your Christmas menu, I thought that it sounded like something that could be featured in a high class magazine and now that I see the photo, I am certain of that. You have such a talent for planning and design and what a blessing that you can be creative with food and still keep your weight in a healthy place.

    <3 Barbiesmiley-greet008.gif
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,729 Member

    finally got our medals in one spot.. i may find more, i dunno. hope everyone is having a good day.
  • Flowerbaby2
    Flowerbaby2 Posts: 77 Member
    evening folks~
    Im so mad at myself, we went to the pool this afternoon and I took my fit bit off, and put it on the beach bag, and just NOW remembered to put it back on OY...
    we had a dinner party tonight, I am exsausted,did all the cooking, setting up, serving.. and did the dishes DH dried, but I am about to collapse.. supposed to be rainy here tomorrow so will just relax, maybe run out and get a few things at Hobby Lobby.. but will see..

  • Flowerbaby2
    Flowerbaby2 Posts: 77 Member
    Merry Christmas to all.Trying not to gain wt over holiday.Logging all my food has helped me to stay on track,exercised yesterday and will today too.Next year will have a grand baby at Christmas as my youngest is very pregnant right now .Im looking forward to baby Elias. Arrival. May you have a blessed day as we celebrate the arrival of Christ birth