

  • monicabroadbentswearingen
    Hey Diana, small world right. Just read your information. I think you would be great for me on this journey. I have found that this is so much more than a weight loss journey, it has been a spiritual journey for me also. I have managed to find some inner peace while on this journey of mine. I can't even explain it. In the last couple of years I have lost my mother and another lady that has been like my mother since I was 6. Now an old friend that I new when I was a teenager is passing away in a hospital as I speak. I have prayed for him as his sister has kept me up to date on him. He is all alone right now because she had to go back home. He has been in the hospital for a month. My heart goes out to him and his family. I hate it when people have to die alone. So I pray that he knows he is not alone cause he has God by his side waiting to take him home. All these passing has made me have a closer connection with God. I also work in a Nursing Home. Have been their 22 yrs now. I love my job and the residents that live their. Well enough said before I start crying LOL Merry Christmas
  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Hi all! I have no idea when I posted last or even read. Whirlwind of activity in getting the closing done and working at getting everything packed and moved on top of the usual year-end horrors of working at a church is in full force. I hope everyone is well. I will try to catch up reading at some point.

    Carol in rainy NC
  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    I see the name of this group is WOMEN AGES 50+ FOR DECEMBER 2014. This is a great group, so where will I find you when January 2015 arrives? I like to plan ahead. lol I wish you all a very Merry Christmas (or holiday of your choice) and a very Happy, Healthy and trim New Year. <3
    Janet in Myrtle Beach, SC
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,723 Member
    DamitJanit wrote: »
    I see the name of this group is WOMEN AGES 50+ FOR DECEMBER 2014. This is a great group, so where will I find you when January 2015 arrives? I like to plan ahead. lol I wish you all a very Merry Christmas (or holiday of your choice) and a very Happy, Healthy and trim New Year. <3
    Janet in Myrtle Beach, SC

    FIRSTLY: I love your name, "damitjanit" lololol.. there's a lady that will create new room for jan/2015. and I also LOVE the addition (or the holiday of your choice), I don't know you but you crack me up already....

    there was someone that commented on my rowing stats. our machine does have a variable setting (1-10) but I always keep it on the hardest, 10.

    and to the person who commented on my son Floyd, actually, my alarm clock is my husband, I just caught Floyd doing that one day to me, (had to be my day off) lololol...

    have a good day all

  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Good morning! I went to see the salon manager at JCP first thing this morning, and she did what she could to fix the haircut, although she had to go MUCH shorter to do it. I now have almost a mans haircut, but it still looks better than it did last night. There were a couple of places she couldn't fix, but she tried to blend the hair around them to camouflage them a little. So, overall it's better, but I still wish I had never gone there in the first place. But, as some of you have said, it will grow out.

    We are supposed to get a little snow tomorrow. But it'll be too warm to have a white Christmas.

    I have a big drafting job waiting, so I'd better get busy. Have a great day!

  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Sylvia: glad you're feeling better about your hair. I hope they did the "fixing" for free!
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Jan, hubby doesn't know anything about Stevia or Truvia, at least not from a chemical standpoint. He's just skeptical by nature I think. The artificial sweeteners he know more about, and won't use them, but the natural ones are newer and he hasn't really seen any research on them.
  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    "It's the Day before the Night before Christmas - and I'm busy, busy, busy being good." Or at least trying, but even though every lady who works in my Clinic is in the same weight loss contest, they all brought cookies. I only had 1, my favorite, now I'm done. I brought lots of veggies to eat today.

    Vicki - your DSD and everyone in the family is in my prayers (this loss could bother people you wouldn't expect). In fact, everyone who experienced any loss is in my prayers.

    Rori - I am so curious about monk fruit. Where might I find it, in what form, etc. Most artificial sweeteners bother my intestines and give me headaches, and honey is expensive around here.

    Sylvia - I hope you get a nice haircut soon, and that the one you have now grows out quickly for you.

    My Dad decided that my Christmas Eve and Day are not going to be as quiet as I had hoped, but bless him for caring about me. My Sister is coming around 2:00pm tomorrow with her significant other (live-in boyfriend for almost 20 years, so I usually just call him her husband). They are bringing meat and cheese tray, and my Dad is making desserts. I will make a vegetable tray. Then on Christmas Day, my Dad is making Prime Rib and brussel sprouts for noon, then we are going to a movie at 1:30pm (I absolutely can not sit through a movie without popcorn, but luckily I am still satisfied if I avoid the butter).

    Hugs for everyone ! ! !

    Terri in Milwaukee
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,890 Member
    Hello all and happy holidays. It is cloudy and drizzly here but may get some snow tonight. Just hope we do not get freezing rain in between, I hate ice. Doing well maintaining my weight through this time and have kept up my exercising. the poodle got groomed yesterday and came home with bows in her ears and a Christmas bandana. She looks very festive. We are home this year for Christmas, I am singing on Christmas eve at church. Should be a quiet time. DH scheduled a procedure for himself at the hospital tomorrow afternoon. Just what I wanted to do, sit in a hospital waiting room on Christmas Eve. Also he has to be on a soft diet for 48 hours afterward. Guess that means we are having soup and chocolate pudding for Christmas! Can you say no common sense?

    Beth - WTG, who knew reading directions could make a difference?
    Monica - Hello to a fellow South Dakotan. I live in Sioux Falls and just retired from McKennan Hospital in May of this year.

    Heather - Enjoy those grandkids!

    Traveling mercies to all those who are traveling at this time.

    Allison - So glad you are enjoying your time in Florida.

    Healing angels to all who need them and congratulations to those with victories. Sue in SD
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,779 Member
    Jan ... I think I too would walk by a dog ... no matter how cute ... that was tagged "eats walls!" Hope you feel better soon.

    Diana ... I was moved to tears that a stranger honored your son with a monetary gift. There are still patriotic people who appreciate what your son and others do for this country. Count me as one of them.

    Sylvia... I just got a haircut I don't like ... it will grow!

    I don't like Stevia either ... aftertaste ... but I read that means you're either using too much or have a poor quality product. I don't know which brand is considered quality.

    Cynthia ... beautiful window! I like the drapes very much.

    Taking a quick breather and then finishing up some paperwork and trying to decide what to make for dinner.. DH and younger son true to their word have done the laundry, straightened up and vacuumed!

    I was down in the dumps earlier ...trying very hard to snap out of it ... I don't want my bad mood to ruin my family's day.Eating right today should help.


  • Poerava14
    Poerava14 Posts: 1,069 Member
    Re monk fruit: brand names are Nectresse or Monk Fruit in the Raw. Look for the bright orange box in your grocery store wherever you find truvia, stevia and other sugar alternatives. To me, it looks and tastes just like stevia but it doesn’t give me gas or any aftertaste. Here’s more information: http://mnn.com/food/healthy-eating/stories/what-is-monk-fruit

    I had strength training today with Rose. She took measurements so I could use the metrics as a baseline for setting goals for 2015. I didn’t reduce much in the 6 months since last measurement, but I’ll take any reduction in inches.

    Stay strong. Stay well. We can do this.

    Rori in the Colorado Foothills where a White Christmas is expected
    Word for 2014 = Release
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Today's joke of the day was a re-run, so I surfed for a couple of new ones:


    A weeping woman bursts into her hypnotherapist’s office and declares, “Doctor, I have been faithful to my husband for 15 years, but yesterday 
I broke that trust and had an affair! The guilt is killing me. I just want to forget that it ever happened!”

    The hypnotherapist shakes his head. “Not again …”


    When I stepped on the scale at 
my doctor’s office, I was surprised 
to see that I weighed 144 pounds.

    “Why don’t you just take off 
that last four?” I joked to the nurse’s 
aide as she made a notation on 
my chart.

    A few moments later, my doctor came in and flipped through the chart.

    “I see you’ve lost weight,” he said. “You’re down to 14 pounds.”


    Lenny tells the psychiatrist, “Every time I get into bed, I think there’s somebody under it.”

    “Come to me three times a week for two years, and I’ll cure your fears,” says the shrink. “And I’ll charge you only $200 a visit.”

    Lenny says he’ll think about it. Six months later, he runs into the doctor, who asks why he never came back. “For $200 a visit?” says Lenny. “A bartender cured me for $10.”

    “Is that so! How?”

    “He told me to cut the legs off the bed.”


    My husband went to the cardiologist after experiencing symptoms of a heart attack. "I had taken our cat to the vet," he told the nurse, "and while I was there, my chest got tight, and I had trouble breathing. Later, my left arm began aching."

    The nurse was clearly concerned. "So," she asked, "how was the cat?"

  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    OK, just one more:


    A great way to lose weight is to eat while you are naked and standing in front of a mirror. Restaurants will always throw you out before you can eat too much.

  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Oh, Sylvia........You've outdone yourself!!!! 14 pounds??? Spit my tea out........ Glad you were able to get your hair fixed.

    Janet........damitjanit---yeah, I love it!!!! Lived in Charleston for 3 and a half yrs. and would have happily stayed there forever.

    Teri.........Yum!! Prime rib; lucky!

    Rori............Congrats on your loss of inches!!

    Beth ........Yay for the help you are getting from family!

    Had a 2hr. nap; my voice is coming and going now but feel passable......out for some errands to see how that goes.

  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Janet (I also love your screen name) when January rolls around, Barbie will post a new thread in the Motivation and Support section of the Community tab. She always puts a link to the new thread at the bottom of the old one, so you ca find it that way.
  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Ron, I've only been at this for 2 months and have lost 24 pounds and maybe gained 1/2 to 1 1/2 inches?? The funny thing is, my pants are loser and I can wear clothes I couldn't wear before. I guess I'll stick to the scale or find someone else to take my measurements. :s

    I took a friend to lunch for her birthday, which is tomorrow. I went wayyyy overboard on what I ordered but have to say it was so good. Only salad for me tonight. I'll also try to double up on my exercise tomorrow. Sometimes it's just nice to have a real treat and mine won't be wasted on sweets. DamitJanit<
    Meat and potatoes kind of gal.
    Merry, Merry from Janet at Myrtle Beach, SC
  • Lestan48
    Lestan48 Posts: 489 Member
    Wednesday and appointment with Brian at 11am. Full consult fr $50 not bad. Sports Medicine and taking my journals, Jeannettes' recipes, my work outs. Happy happy
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Beth: thanks! I'm getting used to them. Very "busy" when they're closed... :o

  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    busy day.Finished baking and wrapping.going to son`s to help get ready for Christmas eve
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,395 Member
    Did an hour of HIIT today. The plan for tomorrow is to just swim some laps at the pool

    Lesley - I don't understand what part the pharmacist plays in all this. Maybe the pharmacist over there has different duties than the pharmacists over here. Can you explain, please?

    Cynthia - I like the thin courtains. Great going!

    terri - I just bought a jar of honey from the guy down the street from me. You can see the beehives in his backyard. Can't get too much more local than that!

    Jessica's bf is going to take the train here Christmas day, he won't get in until around 6. So change dinner plans. We'll have a big Christmas dinner on Friday. Fortunately, the food stores will be open because I don't have room in my refrigerator for the roast for Thursday and then a ham for Friday.

    Denise was concerned (to me overly, I think she was looking for a way not to bring Melanie) that Melanie just got her distemper shot and was too letharic so if she gave her the sedative to get on the plane, denise was afraid something would happen to Melanie. so Jess offered to drive to PA, get Melanie, then drive down here. I was going to have her help prepare the food for tomorrow during the day tomorrow, but after that great act of hers I couldn't ask her to cook tomorrow too so I did as much prep as I could. I peeled the potatoes, got the catfish ready to bake, made the seafood chowder, the salmon, the cod, the whiting, made a shrimp orzo salad, made flounder, made more of the 7 layer bars (Denise BETTER eat them! She told me she likes them). I know that there's no way I can log accurately because I had to taste this and that to be sure there was enough spice, etc.

    Going to leave around 7 to pick Denise up from the airport.

    Michele in NC