

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,363 Member
    Good morning all!

    Welcome newcomers! :flowerforyou:

    Busy dsy today - got to get exercised and showered, coiffured :laugh: , table laid and meal prepared for DH'S daughter.

    See you later! Bon Voyage Katla!

    Heather in gloomy Hampshire UK
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Spot! We love you even more now!
  • elsabe3
    elsabe3 Posts: 21 Member
    Hi, I am from Atlanta, Georgia. I lost 10 pounds counting calories and being on myfitnesspal. I was put on medication and gained the 10 pounds back as the medicine makes me so hungry! I started working out yesterday again, and counting calories today. Would love some motivation tips and new friends.
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,812 Member
    Good morning ladies~
    Sylvia ~all your furbabies are just precious.....
    I am sitting out here in the Florida room and it is 72 degree's :D im not happy about that or anything..
    I have to find something that gets smoke smell out,, even though my DB and DSIL smoke outside it still is on there clothes and it sort of smells in here.. I think natures miracle will take care of it, just have to find it..
    I am going to try and post a picture of my DFIL and his brother and sisters,if I can get it off of facebook...yesterday was his 87 birthday and they brought him a cake and visited for a couple of hours.. I so do miss him... but with him being as foggy as he is he did ask them if they had seen the maid lol so at least he remembers me..
    we have been here a week and it is just so beautiful down here and I am having a wonderful time..I was exsausted yesterday..but it is only because 1 im getting over being sick, 2,having company is great but that is very tiring.. God Bless my SIL she cooked 2 very good meals while they were down.. we had steak one night and she made a roast chicken and my DH LOVED it, I dont think I have ever seen him eat that much.. so will have to get the recipe... she did stuff it with fresh lemon from our lemon tree.. and those crazy kids got us a cocktail tree.. now we had never heard of it either, it is a hybrid.. they graft different fruit trees together and it gives you between4-6 different fruits.., when I went to look at it, it has 3 different types of orange,lime, and red grapefruit.. that is a gist that keeps on giving,, but the darn tree was 160.00. they are crazy .... but we will enjoy it..
    as my husbands aunt said this is truly Gods waiting room down here.. and believe you me , it is one waiting room I dont mind hanging out in..
    Tom has been doing very well he goes out for a 2 mile walk every morning, he rides his bike..., I also walk and bike ride.. and walk in the pool...
    yesterday I over indulged and paid the price didnt feel to hot last night, this morning I had toast and tea..
    I use truvia and stevia... truvia I use 1/2 packet in my tea ,the stevia i use the liquid when I am out and buy unsweetened tea, you only need a little tiny squirt because it is very sweet.. but at least it is plant based..
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,779 Member
    edited December 2014
    Good morning!

    A weekend of overindulgence... younger son's 17th birthday on Saturday. Boy, could I feel a difference in how I felt! Back on track today, for certain.

    Feeling quite proud of myself. Purchased recording equipment for son's birthday ... interfaces, mics, cords, computer software .... ok, I had no idea what we purchased. Just nodded my head while the salesman talked and then paid the bill. After watching my husband and son fail, after 24 hours, to get it all operational I asked to take a crack at it. They scoffed. Yes, yes, you've guessed right ... I am the one who figured it all out! How might you ask? I READ THE DIRECTIONS!!!! (And took the time to watch the manufacturer's online tutorials.) Silly boys .... I am now their queen .. :D

    Shopping completed. Wrapping is done. I refuse to do any more baking. Fudge is made. We are ready! So the next few days will be spent visiting friends and distributing gifts. Husband has offered to clean (because I am now the queen)... of course I said go for it!

    Have a great day ladies!
    Beth in Western New York
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,096 Member
    edited December 2014
    Good Morning,

    For some reason I could not see the last few pictures on our chrome book. I did go back to see if other pictures were affected. I got to see Heather's darling Holiday Cake again. It made me smile.

    Sylvia I do not like Stevia either. I was given a free sample of a drink recently and it tasted off. I was told it contained Stevia. For me it has a bitter taste. I like my coffee and tea unsweetened. A dash of honey might help.

    Beth amazing what happens when you read directions. Love it your the hero.

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,812 Member
    well went for my walk, let me see if I can post the picture ot9s3ywwj4sr.jpg
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,812 Member
    ok my dear FIL Otto in the middle... to his left his brother Bill,to his right is his sister Mary and behind him his sister Margaret,each and everyone of the siblings has heart issues, my DFIL ,not one... just the dementia...Arlene , Bills wife is taking the picture...
  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    I LOVE the question mark on the cake :D How wonderful to get them all together. I'm glad he remembers and misses you. That is special ! ! ! Enjoy the weather.
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,096 Member
    edited December 2014

    I tried to post a picture to see why I am not getting the new pictures. The picture did not post for me. I do not see it. It is a picture of a water lily I took last fall in St. Louis.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,723 Member
    [img]http://cd8ba0b44a15c10065fd-24461f391e20b7336331d5789078af53.r23.cf1.rackcdn.com/mfp- en.vanillaforums.com/editor/5h/6953vok1af8l.jpg[/img]

    kicking back w/my son Floyd, have a good one
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Good morning everyone. It's cold and raining here this morning. Oh joy. Today's my day off from the shop, so it's my last day to do Christmas shopping, but now I have to go get the kids so my son can try to find a dentist. He broke a tooth on Saturday and it's pretty painful. Hopefully I will still get some time later to shop.

    Barbie, I normally only drink water. Only tea when I'm sick but I only like it sweet, so I was looking for something to make it sweet without sugar. Now that I'm feeling a lot better I won't drink tea till next time I get sick. Hopefully never. Even when I do drink tea it's decaffinated. Don't care for honey either.

    I told hubby about the Stevia. I told him it was "natural" and he said, yeah, strychnine is natural, too.

    Beth, great job on reading the directions. My husband and son refuse to read directions too.

    Bye for now.



  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Hi all, As yesterday was the Winter Solstice it was a time for me to focus on the new beginning and the new cycle that is under way. I will start fresh and face the coming times with optimism and strength. I will continue on my journey to rid my house of things I no longer need or want. I hope you all had a bright solstice and a blessed Yule.

    Today I get the house to myself for a few hours as DH didn't take vacation days like I did. This is a good thing. I can get so much more done.

    Take Care all,
    Robin Bodi and Ritter
    somewhere north of Seattle
  • edraper70
    edraper70 Posts: 211 Member
    Beth, Way to go!!

    Margaret, I see your beautiful picture...don't have a clue why you don't see it though.

    Got to get busy...not one gift wrapped yet and only a few cards written and sent. Good thing school is on vacation.

    Eileen near San Diego
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,723 Member

    wake up
  • Rosie5151
    Rosie5151 Posts: 57 Member
    Good Morning! Thanks for all the kind words and encouragements! I love seeing all the pics of the pups here, too. I have a mini dash, her name is Shoshonee, 10 lbs and thinks she is all that. I will have to get a pic up of her soon.
    Started the morning off right with a heafty breakfast. And today will be no taking that bite of a holiday cookie!

    Rosie in Western Mass
  • DianaLovesCoffee
    DianaLovesCoffee Posts: 398 Member
    Army son got in fine on Friday. He's off catching up with old friends today and doing some shopping. A stranger slipped a $100 bill in his hand at the airport while he was in uniform. He was so humbled. o:)

    Out of town family is starting to roll into our various homes. My older son asked if he could stay at our house for several days. He just lives a few blocks away in his own apartment but wants to be part of the crowd. So I'm off to buy a roll away bed for our home office so he can sleep there. I'm happy he wants to be part of the chaos. <3

    Today is "Berry Merry Monday" in our work healthy eating challenge so I added some raspberries to my lunch yogurt.

    Diana in Northeast Indiana (possibly a white Christmas/possibly rain)
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    I am unable to see any pictures posted today. The last one I have been able to see is Sylvias dogs. Diana, sounds like you have raised some good kids. Is so sweet you son who already lives there in town with you wants to be with the crowd. Before my daughter divorced the cad she was married to, he said that he never knew what to say when he was in his military uniform and some one would approach him and say kind of things. But yet he would go out of his way to wear it if we go out to eat or shop.

    Can anyone tell me the story or what it means of the winter soltice and yule? I have, have, have to get the rest of my shopping today! Also some bills to pay

    Joyce, Indiana
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,363 Member
    edited December 2014
    Beth - WTG! ! ! ! ! ! It's just the same in our house. :ohwell:

    Alison - great to see that photo and put a face to a name. Great cake! :drinker:

    Margaret - I can see your photo fine.

    Picd - you posted that you had rowed over 7 kms in 30 mins! Wow! This morning I rowed for nearly 30 mins and managed 4.8 kms. 265 cals. My machine doesn't have variable resistance.

    DH'S daughter caught an early train back as she was tired from too much partying! She is 42 and still lives like a 21 yr old. Seems happy enough though. The food went down well. I did a sort of Middle Eastern mezze. She never eats dessert so we weren't tempted. :smile:

    Then we washed up and made the bed for DGS and dragged out the high chair and booster seat for tomorrow. I made a tandoori marinade for the salmon and toasted some cashew nuts for the pulao tomorrow. All prepared. I just have to consult my list before we go to bed and get stuff out of the freezers.

    Then we had a phone call to say the supermarket delivery van was lost in the dark. Eventually he found his way here and we unpacked masses of bags. Masses! I think I went a bit beserk on the cheese! We will be eating it well into February! ! ! ! :laugh: DH is getting my horrible cold which still streams every evening and night so he wasn't really in the mood for unpacking and checking through the list, but we did it and all is safely stowed away, even if a bit inelegantly. :laugh: Tonight I am on strike over cooking and we are having a focaccia sandwich. :drinker:

    I will feel more settled once the grandchildren are here and we are underway tomorrow. Then I relax. Right now I'm still a little preoccupied with my preparations. I do so love having people here though, especially the grandchildren. :love:

    Love to all. Got to set the slarm for tomorrow so I can get my exercise done - if I can even sleep tonight! :bigsmile:

    Heather in Hampshire UK
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,096 Member
    Joyce you and I must have had the same problem. I now see all the photos. Don't know what the glitch was. The water lily reminds me what a wonderful day I spent with my mom.