

  • tngram2seven
    tngram2seven Posts: 465 Member
    Hubby had his first day off in over a month and we had a nice afternoon running errands and going out to eat. Very nice day.

    Michele - so glad that your daughter got to hold Lance in his final moments. I'm sure he was telling you goodbye when you saw him last. Animals are wise.

    Katla - hope your travel plans gel soon and the storm is not a hindrance. My nephew is flying home to Kansas from Hong Kong on Christmas Eve. He is going through Chicago and we are all praying the weather doesn't detain him. His mom (my sister) has Stage 4 metastatic breast cancer and I would hate it if her visit was cut short. She has lived with it for more than 4 years, but holidays are hard....worrying it may be the last, and all.....

    Carol - congrats on your closing

    Heather - Your cake looks darling and I bet it will be yummy. The bedroom COULD be featured in a magazine. Beautiful!

    Rori - good for you testing out younger than your chronological age!

    Barbie - I have my word for 2015 and a "slogan". Looking forward to the new year.

    Goodnight, all.....
  • sungoddess337
    sungoddess337 Posts: 62 Member
    Hi all! Sungoddess from Tennessee. I know what to do and like healthy choices but I will be d_____d if I don't sabotage myself over and over. Portion control is a MAJOR area for me to tackle..any time saving suggestions for learning proper portions and staying on top of it. Have lost 93 lbs,gained 35 which put me at 58 lbs lost overall. I have now begun over again, have lost 8 lbs so am now at 66 lbs lost. Took three years to get ; too little too long. I have to get this weight off and I need to be consistent, and make changes now. . Well so much for a sort intro...Thanks to everyone for the support.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,710 Member
    Light Saturday workout for a change but I will b biking to the gym and going to some places on the bike, better than driving in the Christmas traffic. It's cold and rainy but I have the riding gear so no biggie.
    Jog- 18.12min 9.04ap 6.4-8.5sp 2mi
    Jump, single, double legs fast- 16min
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,710 Member

    Floyd kicking back
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Good evening! Hubby offered to forgo his weekly night at the lake in order to take me Christmas shopping. Trust me, that was a supreme sacrifice on his part. We bought a smart tv for my son and his family, and we found a great little zebra striped chair for DGD#2. It's so cute. And a pretty sweet pink sweater for DGD#1. I still have a lot more shopping to do, but at least it's a start.

    Here's a picture of our "new" piano, once hubby put it back together.

    Good night!


  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    Good Morning
    Just a quick post. I've read the last few pages and it seems that everyone is having their ups and downs. Sending prayers to those whose relatives are ill.

    We'll be having a quiet Christmas this year, I wasn't going to bother sending presents, but as I had already bought some online earlier in the year I thought I'd get a few more - it was quite a distraction too and I enjoyed buying/wrapping them in a "sad" sort of way. DH always loved this time of year and it will be hard for us to be without him.

    Heather your bedroom looks amazing, you made me smile you saying it won't look so tidy for long. I must admit to being a hoarder, and I have been trying to declutter the house with DDs help. She's very good at it, as I tend to move the clutter from one place to another without throwing anything away. Some of the things I have "found" I haven't needed or looked at for years, but I can't seem to get rid of them. I am getting better at it though and will eventually have a decluttered house (maybe?)

    Not sure if I'll get back before the new year, I'll try as I don't want to lose the link. For now, I'll say peace and good wishes to you all and thanks for being here.

    Love from Viv (York UK) <3<3

  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    edited December 2014
    Good morning everyone; just a quick note. A bit of work today (the last biggish thing before Christmas vacation) and then some straightening up in the house and reading. Trying to cut down my tv time. I tend to watch NCIS, CSI, Bones etc. in a kind of stupor, one after the other. ;)
    Hope everyone has a good day! :flowerforyou:
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,355 Member
    edited December 2014
    Hi Viv! - lovely to hear from you! :love: We will be thinking of you over Christmas and I will spend a moment thinking of all those who are missing loved ones at this time of year. <3
    - I expect you read about my books meltdown! All is calm now, just have to rearrange wine boxes now so DGD has a space to sleep. DH also uses the annexe as a "cellar". He has ordered yet another wine rack. He loves buying wine, but we rarely drink it unless we have company. Often the company bring wine with them as a gift so the amount just grows. Got to wash the dust off the floor so she can crawl around and not ruin her lovely dresses! ! ! :laugh:

    Having my usual trouble sleeping. Part of it is a terrible cold that comes on every night and just streams. I'm OK in the day. I went into thecspare room to spare DH my snoring, but was awake from 4 am. Of course my brain won't stop, but I did read Barbie's post and spent some happy time looking up Gratitude and Trust quotes. I'm not really anxious, just preoccupied with things to do, but I will NOT LET THE PERFECT BE THE ENEMY OF THE GOOD ! ! ! ! ! ! ! :laugh: :laugh:

    Katla - I hope you get to spend Christmas where you want to. <3 (*)

    Sylvia - great piano! I bet you will have some fun with it! :flowerforyou:

    Just seen on Facebook thst DH'S niece is also coming on New Years Day! ! ! ! ! First I knew of it! :laugh: I'm delighted as I love her (she was the one who went to the Philippines with her brother and in that photo) , but I think someone should have told me! I expect she will stay the night and have no idea for how long ! Will have to ring DSIL as it's getting complicated with visitors around then. :ohwell:

    Mainly cleaning todsy and trying to make a silver table centre. Also something to support twinkly lights on the front door to amuse DGS.

    Lots of love to all. Heather in gloomy Hampshire UK
  • jr4fl
    jr4fl Posts: 10 Member
    I started this journey in November with a program figuring out why I over eat. This many years into it I have some really irritating comfort reactions to stress both good and bad. I recently (2 weeks) started a new job and I am going to several parties AND I lose weight - I see my habits and work to alter them = awareness.
    - I am going to set up my January goals now as I think that is a good thing -
    - January:
    - walk at least 1500 steps on my days off
    Eat homemade food at least 5 days a week.
    Go to Monday evening meetings at least twice
    Gratitudes posted 3 times per week
    401K paperwork completed for exit monies

  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    Good Sunday Morning ! ! !

    Michele - Yes, I believe Lance was trying to comfort you in his last moments. What a sweet soul.

    Lesley - Take care of YOU, and let the crabby lady be crabby and lazy. Chances are she has an issue that she will not disclose, and will continue in her patterns.

    We had an amazing "pay it forward" weekend. At league, Payne won a 15 pound Storm bowling ball, that just happened to fit his hand. So at High School bowling, we donated one of his 12 pound balls to a team from an Inner-city school who all their bowlers use house balls (they will also take his 10 pound ball, as soon as that is found). The gift certificate to re-drill the ball he won was donated to a boy on Payne's team that has a new ball still waiting to be drilled. And Payne's coach said there is another boy on his team that could use one of his 13 pound balls (he's keeping the Jet for his low-performance).

    Then we stopped at Big Lots for his muscle milk and my water enhancer, only to find out they are going out of business (just this location, so I will need to drive a little farther in the future). At more than 20% off, we bought a full cart of low-cal low fat snacks, bandages, propel zero + calcium packs, etc (everything we regularly consume and has a long shelf life).

    DH is home from work, so time to make "breakfast", color my roots, start my day. DH offered to take me to IHOP, so I better check what I can eat.

    Hugs to Everyone ! ! !

    Terri in Milwaukee
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,391 Member
    Did an hour of the "90 Day Challenge" DVD. Only did 2 of the 10 DVD's, but it equaled an hour. The plan for tomorrow is to do a DVD called "AM and PM walking"

    Well, we wrapped today. It seems to work out if I get the gifts in a box then Vince wraps. Sometimes I'll help wrap if I have extra time.

    Sylvia - that last bullet in the joke...I can totally see Vince doing something like that.

    barbie - I'm sure your class is really fun, those students of yours are so lucky. How nice of that woman to make ornaments for everyone instead of baking cookies. I love homemade ornaments. I'm sure the results of your mammo will be good

    Thank you everyone for your sympathy about Lance. I truly believe he "knew" and that's why he chose Jess' lap to have his seizure and die. It'll be a blue Christmas for her, that's for sure. We're giving her a TV for Christmas, so hopefully that'll help cheer her up a little bit.

    Heather - not only do you have a talent for cooking, but you also have one for decorating

    DeeDee - hope you continue to not be sore. Years and years ago I took a cake decorating class. That was a real killer. Fortunately, it was back when I could burn off the calories much easier. Now I avoid icing cakes if I can. I like to make a cake, I'm just not keen on icing it.

    I just made some of the 7 layer bars for Christmas. The problem I've found in the past and even now is that even if you chill the bars, the graham cracker crumbs still cumble. In looking at the reviews, people have suggested putting 1/2 of the can of sweetened condensed milk on the bottom. Wonder if that'll help? Has anyone else made them and what did you do not to have the problem of the crumbs falling apart? I've made them where you put the butter on the bottom then the crumbs, but even then they still were crumbly. This time I mixed the butter and the crumbs, but it was still crumbly.

    Jane - (((BIG HUG))))

    Lesley - your toxic neighbor sounds a lot like my FIL. His feeling was that there was no reason to be in any pain since there are pain pills. Before he passed, his daily routine was get up, have breakfast, go to dialysis, come home, take a pain pill, lay in bed, get up for lunch, take a pain pill, lay in bed, get up for dinner, take a pain pill, go to bed. I told him that he should be walking, even if it was just around the living room. I was told in no uncertain terms "I don't want to talk to you about exercise". Then, a month later his MD told him to be walking. He suddenly started walking around his block, but his muscles had atrophied by this point. She's the one in pain, not you. That's what happens when you don't exercise

    pipcd - thanks for the pics. I've never seen a machine like this. I googled it and it looks very interesting. Does that machine get used a lot? I'm surprised that they have a machine that needs batteries. It looks like the batteries are used for the display, so they would probably last a while. Wish our Y would get something like this, but I'm sure they wouldn't. They're focused on getting members and "children's fund". I don't have a problem with the children's fund, I just get sick and tired of hearing about it ALL the time.

    It's Sunday. Looks like I forgot to post last night.

    Did an hour of Am & PM walking DVD (really, it was more like 50 minutes). Tomorrow's plan is to do some yoga, hold my plank, then take the extremepump class.

    A friend is coming over here to watch the final 4 episodes of Downtown Abbey.

    Joyce - I would think the assisted living place would welcome leftovers

    pipcd - we were just talking about an upside down Christmas tree the other day.....lol

    Viv - ((((BIG BIG HUG)))))

    terri - how great that you your son's old bowling balls can be used! How thoughtful of you to donate them. I like to get Vince his rye bread at Big Lots. I buy it then put it in the freezer until I need it

    Well, before I forget again, think I'll post this now.

    Michele in NC
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    edited December 2014
    Sungoddess from TN: Portion control is best achieved with food scales and measuring cups or dishers. They’re a good investment. I got my food scale from Amazon and chose based on customer reviews. It is a champion. I went to a restaurant supply store for dishers that are expensive, but worth it. :flowerforyou:

    Pipcd: Floyd is a cutie. :flowerforyou:

    Sylvia: Lovely piano! :flowerforyou:

    Viv: I’m so glad you stopped by. Peace and good wishes to you, too. :flowerforyou:

    Terri: It was wonderful and generous of your son to donate his old bowling balls to those who can use them. :flowerforyou:

    Michele: Happy baking. I admire your ability to bake wonderful goodies and not pig out on them. I don’t have that kind of self-control. Some things have to be unavailable at home, or I eat too many of them. :ohwell: :flowerforyou:

    The travel plans are now set. DH and I are driving to his sister’s house in Eastern Oregon. They’ll put me on a plane in Boise and I’ll fly to Denver. DD will pick me up at he airport and I’ll be there for a few days then she’ll take me back to the airport and I’ll return to Boise, spend a few days with DSIL, and we’ll drive home. I can live with this and so can DH.


    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Tradition is not to preserve the ashes but to pass on the flame.”

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    December Goals:
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
    5. Eliminate alcohol.
    6. Monitor sleep.


  • heathermach
    heathermach Posts: 11 Member
    Hello everyone I hope you are all ok. Today I did my first christmas food shop and was pleasantly surprised that with the vouchers it came to less than a weeks shop so more money for me yippee. I have increased my daily walk to an hour now and my legs are hurting but as they say no pain no gain.

    I brought my daughter a build your own gingerbread house and she was so excited that she didnt bother to read the instructions and it looked great for a few minutes then collapsed. According to my son though it tastes good. none for me though.

    I have broken up from school and the kids were amazing on Friday - gone are the days when we play dvds or games and we do lessons until lunchtime and then an assembly and the kids were awesome. A sign that kids do want to learn.

    Thought i would be getting a lay in tomorrow only to be told that I have to be up at six to take the daughter to work oh well roll on boxing day as I also have to take her to work christmas day - bless her though she works in a care home so will brighten up the day of many residents with her big smile and cheery personality.

    Happy Sunday everyone

    Heather in Northampton :)
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,355 Member
    Katla - so glad you have been able to work out a compromise for your holiday plan. :flowerforyou:

    Heather in Northampton - what a great daughter you have! And what a great mum she has! :flowerforyou: My DS had one of those gingerbread house kits and DDIL sent me a great pic of him making it with DGS. Aaaahhhhh!

    I managed to create a cobbled together wreath for the front door with an old wire coat hanger and some ivy. I fixed the battery pack inside the door and wound the lights round. It twinkles! :drinker: As long as it doesn't blow down before DGS arrives on Tuesday! I also heaped some small silver balls etc round a pillar candle for the table centre. Voila! :laugh: It will do. Nobody remotely cares except me. DH thinks I'm crazy! :laugh: It's only a meal for Tuesdsy night.

    May you all have comfort and joy. (I would have more joy if DH would phone his sister - Grrrrr)

    Heather in Hampshire UK
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member

    First day of Winter, Happy Solstice! :smile: And Happy Holidays! :heart:

    Life's been keeping me verrry busy, but I wanted to pop in to wish you all well! Glory hallelujah, the days will be getting longer now Yeah!!

    Mariah's doing pretty well, but she went for another round of chemo this week which always causes her to feel terrible. :cry: As far as I know the treatments will continue into May. Whew.

    Me, well, I'm on a mission to lose weight. Nothing new there, haha. :stuck_out_tongue:

    Love to all, enjoy! B)

    jb in rainy Portland

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,803 Member
    morning ladies~
    sorry I have been MIA , yesterday was a very busy day and my DB and family left early this morning... we went to Sanibel Island yesterday which is one of my favorite places to go.. but felt rushed as we had to be back to the house at a certain time...
    and traveling with an elderly incontinent person is not the easiest of things.. Faith really enjoyed herself though and that I am thankful for, although it is tough work for both Sean and Jean...
    we went to a beautiful restaurant last night that is right on the gulf of mexico beautiful sunset and lovely meal..
    have done 2 loads of laundry, ran some errands and got both beds made again and now to take the dogs for a walk and then to the pool :D
    today is DFIL 87th birthday and we are not there to celebrate.. but his brother 2 sisters and sister in law will visit this afternoon with a birthday cake.. called the nursing home to make sure they keep him awake after lunch as that is when they are coming... they put him down for a nap afterwards forget about waking him up ...
    alright off to walk the dogs, and I am getting in alot more exercise down here than up home thats for sure.. I LOVE IT down here ......
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    jb_2011 wrote: »

    First day of Winter, Happy Solstice! :smile: And Happy Holidays! :heart:

    Life's been keeping me verrry busy, but I wanted to pop in to wish you all well! Glory hallelujah, the days will be getting longer now Yeah!!

    Mariah's doing pretty well, but she went for another round of chemo this week which always causes her to feel terrible. :cry: As far as I know the treatments will continue into May. Whew.

    Me, well, I'm on a mission to lose weight. Nothing new there, haha. :stuck_out_tongue:

    Love to all, enjoy! B)

    jb in rainy Portland

    Yay for longer days!!!!! I look forward to more natural light. Since I'll be going to CO for Christmas I will naturally get a jump start on longer days. Their days are never as long as ours in summer, though. Have a great holiday!
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Hello everyone! I'm hiding. Hubby is on a cleaning and organizing bender at home (just one large bookcase) and I had to come up to the studio to do something important. I'm glad he's doing it, but he drives me crazy. Every item he picks up, he calls out to me to come see it and tell him where it goes. Everything he can't find a home for ends up on my desk. (Later he will complain that my desk is so messy.) Meanwhile I can't get anything else done. That particular bookcase is the one where the grandkids stuff wound up, so there were plastic tubs for each of the kids' toys, plus and arts and crafts tub and a whole bunch of blank paper as well as papers they had drawn on. Now the tubs have been moved somewhere else that they are less visible. It's a miracle they aren't on my desk too.

    I'm picking up the kids at 3:00 for a visit to our house to decorate the tree and make cookies. Waffles for dinner. So, I'm going to the store to stock up on groceries and stopped at the studio to pick up some decorations that somehow wound up here instead of at home. It's very peaceful here. I had a cup of tea and am already feeling less stressed. AAAAHHHHH!

    I do have one drafting job I have to work out before I go to the store, so I'd better get to it. Have a great afternoon!

  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member

    If it turns out, here is a picture of the lavender baby hat and thumb-less mittens for the daughter my niece is having next month. I plan to send them this week, since I'm not convinced I will complete the blanket on time.

    Terri in Milwaukee
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,092 Member
    Good Afternoon Friends,
    welcome.gif Newcomers. Glad to see others are finding us. We missed you.


    Terri love the hat and mittens.
    Getting ready to go to a Church service for those of us that had a challenging year. After that going to a neighborhood party. Plan on making fruit kabobs. I am planning on allowing myself three choices and taking small portions. If there is salad or veggies those are unlimited. I can also have one small desert. I find when it a buffet I need to go in with a plan. I will also carry a bottle of water with me in case they do not offer them.

    I got a no calorie stroke today. A choir member past me and said after seeing you standing there smiling I changed my negative thought to something positive. Yes Virginia there is a Santa Claus. Turn that frown upside down.

    smiley-bounce017.gif for all the friends reaching their health goals.

    2014 word:contentment



    Thinking of the word calm as my goal word for 2015. Need to try it for awhile and see if it fits. My slogan for 2015 is " Just because I see the hook does not mean I need to bite" and as darling Aiden pointed out I do not want to become mayonnaise.