

  • heathermach
    heathermach Posts: 11 Member
    Oh wow thanks for the welcome and it feels great to have support and i hope i can support you guys too. I started my journey with two friends who have now given up so am doing this alone. but not anymore thanks to finding this site. I hope you are all ready for a glorious christmas, I finish work on Friday as I teach so feel very lucky to get two weeks off, although will be marking and planning for some of it.

    I will be checking this daily as the posts I have read are very inspirational so thank you again.
  • tngram2seven
    tngram2seven Posts: 465 Member
    Hi everyone!
    Did 70 minutes in the water this am. Jogging 25 and aerobics/bicycling/ab work for 45. Then it was on to errands- driving downtown to get blood work done (took 30 minutes to find a parking space in the garage - glad they weren't checking my blood pressure!); then to the mall for a return on a purchase (left my favorite store quickly so I wouldn't spend even MORE); then to the post office to wait in line to mail packages to Kansas and Florida. I got home at 1:00, put on my jammies, fixed eggs and salsa for lunch and now I have a cozy kitty in my lap. The afternoon should be quiet until hubby gets home at 7:00. He is working days for about 2-3 weeks. I hate it! His commute home is awful. He has to get from the office in Clarksville all the way through Nashville to our home in the southern part of the county. Then we eat so late! I prefer the 2-9 shift when we can eat our big meal at noon and he doesn't fight traffic going and coming. I am so thankful that he enjoys this new work so much. It has brightened his retirement and helped our pocket book, too.

    I'm nursing a bad lower back right now and took a pain pill for the first time in more than a year. I hope I can join my cat in a nap.

    I enjoy all your posts so much. I'll try to respond to some this evening.

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,675 Member
    Hi everyone!
    Did 70 minutes in the water this am. Jogging 25 and aerobics/bicycling/ab work for 45. Then it was on to errands- driving downtown to get blood work done (took 30 minutes to find a parking space in the garage - glad they weren't checking my blood pressure!); then to the mall for a return on a purchase (left my favorite store quickly so I wouldn't spend even MORE); then to the post office to wait in line to mail packages to Kansas and Florida. I got home at 1:00, put on my jammies, fixed eggs and salsa for lunch and now I have a cozy kitty in my lap. The afternoon should be quiet until hubby gets home at 7:00. He is working days for about 2-3 weeks. I hate it! His commute home is awful. He has to get from the office in Clarksville all the way through Nashville to our home in the southern part of the county. Then we eat so late! I prefer the 2-9 shift when we can eat our big meal at noon and he doesn't fight traffic going and coming. I am so thankful that he enjoys this new work so much. It has brightened his retirement and helped our pocket book, too.

    I'm nursing a bad lower back right now and took a pain pill for the first time in more than a year. I hope I can join my cat in a nap.

    I enjoy all your posts so much. I'll try to respond to some this evening.


    go gurl!!
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,786 Member
    afternoon ladies,
    DB ,DSIL, and mom got here safely and Sean and Jean out doing a little shopping, Tom and I momma sitting..
    16.000 steps so far today.. and had pool time and now i am beat.. will check in later... ta ta for now
  • Lestan48
    Lestan48 Posts: 489 Member
    Thursday here and JJ wants Circuit B weights (later) and 1 hour walk = 497 cals.
    We are lucky in being pensioners that our health care is all free now. We used to have private cover when we worked, was worth it.
    Poached eggs on toast for breakfast, chicken salad for lunch. logged all food at 1981, all good.
    Woke to nice day but rain on its way. Had a nice walk in garden after breakfast, LOVE my garden
    Our Prime Minister and NSW State leader are DISGUSTED that judiciary allowed bail for this maniac. Glad he is dead but did he have to take 2 innocents with him, one the mother of 3 small children ?!? I am more calm now
    Lesley in Tasmania
  • meyllisa
    meyllisa Posts: 284 Member
    Hi everyone, lovely snowy day here today, getting me in the holiday mood, shopping done, wrapping almost. Few cookies for dgk to make and we are all set.
    going to ds house tomorrow to spend time with him and new girlfiend so they an spend time with her family atChristmas. So many plans to make and juggle for one day but we are super women andget it done.
    best to all, prayers for those in need, hope all the flus are gone soon

  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Terri, This has been bothering me all afternoon. What a dirty low down rotten thing to do!!! And I mean what he did, not what you did. Sure, you might have been wrong, but that's debatable. What he did was certainly wrong. It sounds like he didn't fail to pay it because of lack of money, but even IF that was the problem, he could have made arrangements so it wouldn't have gone to collections. Or he could have told you so you could have made the arrangements. It sounds like sabotage to me. What is his ultimate goal? Hmmm. Maybe he's trying to keep you from getting more tests in the future, but what would that serve? Is he trying to kill you or wreck your credit?

    This just reminds me how lucky I am to be married to my hubby. He is the cheapest man in the world - he will make a bottle of shampoo last six months and he eats generic cereal so he doesn't have to pay a dollar more for the name brand - but when it comes to the important stuff, he's willing to spare no expense. When I was having all that heart surgery and tests he never blinked an eye and never even told me how much the bills were. And he doesn't think I spend ENOUGH on the grandkids.

    We have separate accounts too, but he's the one who does the online banking and when my account gets low he adds money. (he makes three times what I make) I'm very spoiled.

    I hope he comes to his senses and apologizes.

  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    edited December 2014
    By the way, did you all know that at Walgreens you can link your fitbit so you get reward points for walking? My son showed me yesterday. I love their reward points. With all my prescriptions they add up fast. The other day I got a big package of batteries for $2 by using some of my points.

    Another incentive to get back to walking.

    (Sorry that sounded like an ad for Walgreens.)
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    I did not know about that with Walgreens. Interesting. So tired of staying this same weight. I would say that it could almost make a person give up but I won't allow myself to do that. Charlie had his lab work yesterday to go along with the next appointment with the cardiologist that deals with his heart rythem. His other one deals with the heart attack and stents. Sure wish it could be the same doctor. Why oh why??? Anyway, got the report last night on line with 'View my chart online'. They were all normal! What! The way he eats, I wish I could do that. When he was in the hospital his magnesium was pretty low and he had to have several IV infusions of Magnesium. That was what caused the uncontrolled Atrial fibrillation. Att least that was a contributing factor in his.

    Couldn't sleep last night so got the computer box out and opened it and set up as much as I could. Then it asked me for my microsoft password. I wasn't sure I had one so I shut the lid and finished it this morning. So I finally got the virus proctecter put on and started looking at some of the apps already installed. There is a lot I don't understand yet so I think I will leave it form here on until Michelle can help me. I felt like a big girl to do all I did! Time to get bundled up to go to choir praactice

    Joyce, Indiana
  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    Sylvia - Thanks. He does have traumatic brain injury, so often he is unable to see the consequences before making (or not making) the decisions. It is not for lack of money, or lack of love. He is just unwilling to make the calls needed to make the arrangements. He knew his plans, and just didn't care to tell anyone. I am not going to travel for Christmas. And sometimes, by "tattling" to his Mom, she either gives me the words to use, or she is able to talk some sense into him (this time she just told me she understands). Tonight when I got home, I told him that he has no right to take my life in his hands like that, and that my breasts and my life are more important than travelling with him for Christmas, and he said "okay". Plus, my supervisor at work told me that the Hospital where I get my mammo and surgery is public, so they can not send me away next month when I need my 6 month follow-up, so that is the BEST news. And thank you for letting me rant like I did. Like I said, I know my actions were immature, and I truly appreciate the support for the rest of the story.

    And your excitement about fitbit and Walgreen's did not sound like a commercial. It sounds like great information that makes you passionate, and that is exciting.

    I am in a much better mood now. I have carpool arrangements for DS tomorrow for bowling, since he and DH have to be at different locations again, and I work until the time they are finished. DS did well at practice today. And I went grocery shopping alone again. 69 cents for packages of frozen broccoli, which is a favorite of DS, so I know he will eat it whenever I make it. And it is the steam-in-bag, so he can even make it himself, which makes me even happier ! ! !

    Now, the arthritis in my hands is less today, so I best get going on my niece's baby's blanket.

    Terri in Milwaukee
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,383 Member

    Did 1 hr of Kari Anderson Step DVD for beginners. Tomorrow's plan is to do Jillian Michael's Hard Body DVD

    Had the Newcomer board meeting today. I volunteered to chair the nominating committee, I hope I haven't bitten off more than I can chew.

    pipcd - tell me more about this machine. What muscle does it work?

    barbie and all my other Jewish friends - happy Hanukkah. Knowing you, I know you'll do just fine on the calories

    katla - safe journeys

    Cynthia - I'm on facebook, but to be honest, I don't post very much at all. Vince took videos of the outside decorations last night, now he has to do something to them (please don't ask me to explain because I have no idea), something about how they're in HD and he has to make it so that the files aren't as large. Don't ask me.

    Heather - welcome! Good weight loss

    Alison - sounds like you're enjoying yourself. Good for you! You deserve it

    Sylvia - glad to hear that flu thing is going away. Just don't send it to NC, that's all! My grandmother used to make potato pancakes, too. I could sit and eat and eat and eat. Since she's been gone I haven't made them, which is probably for the best. I've used bean in a pie dish, but that was when I had to bake the bottom crust and you didn't want it to puff up. Never heard of the small glass dish, certainly can't hurt to try. Does the crust puff up or do the apples compress down?

    Heather - I piled the apples high in the center, but it seems when the apples compress down, the crust doesn't shrink. Wish I knew why. The only thing I can think to do (and I may experiment after the holidays) is to bake the apples and THEN put them into the pie since by baking them, they'll probably have already compressed. At least I would think that they would. Good for you getting your tree up

    Rita - glad those meds are helping your dh

    Sally - I looked for videos from Americas Test Kitchen and didn't see about microwaving the apples. Makes a lot of sense. This time I used gala apples, that was one of the ones ATK recommended. Thanks for the hint of making the filling the night before. I seem to think that's what I did with a strawberry filling I made once for a cake, so it makes sense that it might help with a pie.

    Toni - hope your back is better real soon

    Lesley - my stomach turns every time I think about what happened

    terri - good for you standing up for yourself. You get that mammo

    Michele in NC

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,675 Member
    Stats for the day
    no tracking or hrm, :0( Ride hm 2 gym- 15min, 13.5amph, 3mi
    no hrm :0( spin- 45min, 88ar, 117aw, 11-14ag, 19.4mi
    no tracking or hrm :0( ride gym 2 dome- 7min 13.2amph 1.4mi
    Ride dome 2 hm- 17.29min 8.8amph 2.7mi
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,675 Member
    Exermom- a lot of upper body and back muscles, I will take a pic of it or maybe a video even
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,776 Member
    Barbie ... Happy Hanukkah!

    Michele ... I don't have that problem ... make a crumb topping instead!

    Got more holiday preparations done ... still have some shopping to do but almost done.

    Its snowing again ... looks pretty with the lights.

    Younger son has been asked to play his guitar for Christmas Eve. He is to finger pick two hymns while one vocalist leads the congregation. Its to be a more reflective moment during the service. He has been practicing today ... beautiful.

    Made more fudge ... its been given away. Now on to DH's favorite cookies ... a cream cheese dough and nut filling thing his mother used to make. I have yet to master it. Will try her recipe one more time. If they're a bust, I've got a recipe from the internet I want to try.

    Making it an early night. Tired.
    Beth in wintry Western New York

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    I'm grateful to be at home for a day or two. We're getting the wash done from our trip to see DS and DDIL, and then we're packing for our trip to CO. Wish us good luck for safe driving conditions. Tomorrow is my last Yoga class with this teacher. She's moving on to a new phase of life. I'm very grateful to her for the patient instruction that has helped me become stronger and more flexible. I chose a lovely orchid for her, rather than the Rosemary I thought about earlier. It seems just right. I hope I'll be able to find a good class when I get back from travels.

    Katla in beautiful and rainy NW Oregon
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,972 Member
    edited December 2014
    smiley-cool05.gif I just got back from a party. A friend invited a group of women to her house for a holiday gathering. I ate before I went and admired her beautiful decorations and the beautiful food all with a Scandinavian theme and then drank water and talked to a lot of people. Social gatherings are something I don't do well so I stayed focused on listening to what people were saying and avoiding my natural inclination to eat to cover my social awkwardness. It was a successful event. My lighted necklace was a big hit.

    :heart: Barbie from beautiful NW Washingtonsmiley-sleep018.gif

    21,000 steps today thanks to dog walking and line dance class.smiley-chores002.gif
  • hoff2002
    hoff2002 Posts: 64 Member
    Hi everyone!

    I hope that you are all having a wonderful week. I've been really busy at work and home. I'm trying to clean and get my house ready for this weekend. My DS and DDIL were supposed to come and celebrate Christmas with us, but this week my DS learned that he has to attend a class this year and the last one is being held this weekend! Bummer! My DDIL is still planning to visit with their two children. I'm really looking forward to seeing them all. DD#3, DSIL#3, and their children live locally and will be here as well. The other two daughters live in Colorado and won't be able to make it, but we will see them in January when DD#1 has her second child. That airplane ride is getting closer and I really need to buckle up and stay focused. I really don't want to feel squished in the plane seat!

    I'm finally finished reading through page 18...will finish reading later.

    Joyce – I’m so sorry that your DH doesn’t enjoy Christmas. That’s a real bummer.

    I’m so proud of all of you who sent out Christmas cards. I think I did that when DH and I were first married, but haven’t kept up the tradition. At first it was just the expense; we couldn’t afford it and now, I just don’t do it. I still find it expensive, but I really should make more of an effort. Anyway, I’m proud of those who do. It’s a really nice tradition.

    Yanniejannie – Thanks for the magic wand wave! Thanks for the info about 23andme! That’s really interesting. I didn’t realize that was a possibility!

    DeeDee – Thank you! Good luck with your hand surgery! I hope that all goes well. Will be remembering you in prayer. Thanks, too, for reminding us. It isn’t just in summer that we need to use sunscreen!

    MNMargaret – Thank you. I didn’t realize that the squash seeds were good to eat! I’ve heard of the pumpkin seeds, but not the squash ones! I’ll have to try that!

    Carol – OMG, I can so relate with grown children! LOL! Especially the mess part and then they bring spouses and children! The joys of motherhood! Truth be told, I wouldn’t trade them for anything, but sometimes, I could do with a little peace and quiet! Ha! Ha! Seriously, sending hugs your way and prayers, too. It has to be hard to be closing on a house and have all the other stuff to attend to. I thought my DD#3 and her hubby were going to lose their minds over closing on their house recently. I was about to lose my mind because they and their three children were staying with us!

    Sylvia - You have done so well. You are such an inspiration to me and to so many of us on this site. I really hope you start to feel better soon! So sweet of your hubby to bring tea bags even if it will last you a lifetime!

    Heidi - I like that phase "Eat Mindfully". You are so right there are times when I just eat and don't pay attention to what I'm eating. Those are the times that get me in trouble. Oh, and I'm not from Florida, I'm from Louisiana, but 55 degrees is cold to me, too! Ha! Ha!

    Rita - Glad you are working out at the gym. Exercise helps depression. I've got a problem with it as well, but thankfully the Cymbalta I'm taking helps. It hasn't been bad in years. I hope the Christmas season is a good one for you. Sometimes it makes depression rear it's ugly head! Good luck!

    Robin - Good luck with the bathroom! Glad you are able to have the time off to work on it.

    Heather - Now, I know you look terrific now, but you really didn't look bad in that picture 50+ pounds ago! Girl, I'd love to look like that now! Congratulations on the weight loss though and on being able to maintain. You are an inspiration! I'm laughing to myself about the technology issues. I'm an RN, but I work in IT at the hospital. One day my son asked me a question about the computer and I said I really wasn't sure. He said, "But you work in IT." My response was, "Yes, but I'm a nurse!" LOL! Software, I can handle; hardware, well, that's a whole other animal!

    Cynthia - I've had issues with the app vs the website. There are times that even though I've logged my foods in my diary, they don't show up on the website even after I've refreshed. I have to log them again. I'm not sure why.

    Vicki - Isn't it weird how sometimes when we go to church services or listen to a song on the radio that it's just what we needed to hear! I like to think that God is sending us a message.

    Lesley - I'm so sorry about the news there. My heart goes out to all. So tragic.

    Beth - Sending hugs and prayers your way. It has to be so difficult to see your sons suffering that way. I pray that the doctors can find the right treatment for both and that you can get some relief and be able to find joy in the season.

    Terri - Looking forward to seeing the pics of your work!

    Rori - Welcome back!

    Judy - Welcome to the group! I think you will find that this group is very helpful and understanding. Most of us have been where you are and are still struggling. I have a ton of weight to lose and all I can tell you is to write everything down that you eat...the good, the bad, and the ugly. No one will judge you. Logging really helps me to see how good or bad I am doing. When I totally blow it one day, I generally want to see what my caloric intake averages over the week so that I have a good idea of how I'm behaving over the long haul. It just helps me get back on track sooner. Congratulations on your retirement. Sounds like you have definitely earned a rest.

    Well, I really have to run. It's late and I need to do my physical therapy exercises and go to bed. Tomorrow is a new day and a new chance ... Hugs and prayers for all.

    Barb from South Louisiana


  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    edited December 2014
    Good morning everyone!

    Had a lovely day yesterday with my guy. He's moving out of his house today and wanted to spend some "quality time" together there one more time. :blush: So sweet.

    Have to go to a meeting today. There's still zero info on the continuation of my job, but they already invited the private company the work will be transferred to, to the meeting to get acquainted with the group. I don't complain often, but I just did not feel comfortable sitting there taking notes when I have gotten no job info. So I dug my heels in and will be joining the meeting afterwards. The nerve.

    Hope everyone has a good day.
    Cynthia :flowerforyou:

  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,084 Member
    edited December 2014
    Good Morning friends,

    Cynthia sorry about the job stress.

    Beth what a gift with your younger son. It gets me in the Christmas spirit just thinking about it.

    Barbie Happy Hanukkah. When I had my class we would sing this beautiful song.
    In the window where you can see the glow
    Of my Menorah on freshly fallen snow
    I would light me one little candle on this first night of Hanukkah.

    We would sing it through til the last night of Hanukkah. So we sang it through eight times.
  • tracij625
    tracij625 Posts: 18 Member
    Hello ladies - I would like to be part of this group but not sure how to bookmark it so any help would be appreciated. What a wonderful, active, healthy group!!